AriBrain Dev Приложения

ARiBraiN3T 2
AriBrain Dev
Visualization of complex neuroimaging datasuchas functional connectivity, tractography, functional imagingis achallenge. Many different visualization solutions havebeenproposed. Some authors, describe 2-D and 3-D advancedneuroimagingvisualization methods for tractography and functionalconnectivitydata. Others describe a stereoscopic-related method toviewneuroradiological 3-D images.An Augmented Reality (AR) system generates a composite viewforthe user that is the combination of a real scene viewed by theuserand a virtual scene generated by the computer that augments(orsupplements) the scene with additional information (e.g.sound,video, graphics, etc.). Here we describe an Android ARapplicationthat shows the Default Mode, Dorsal Attention, andVentralAttention Networks.Reference: G.M. Rojas, J.A Fuentes, M. Gálvez, D.S.Margulies."Augmented Reality and Intrinsic FunctionalConnectivityVisualization Application: ARiBraiN3T"., 4th BienniealConferenceon Resting State Brain Connectivity, Boston, USA,September 11-132014.You can download AR TAGS from ofcomplexfunctional neuroimaging: such as data connectivity,tractography,functional imaging is a challenge. Many differentvisualizationsolutions Have Been Proposed. Some authors describe2-D and 3-Dvisualization advanced neuroimaging methods fortractography andfunctional connectivity data. Others describedstereoscopic-relatedneuroradiological method to view 3-D images. An Augmented Reality (AR) system Generates a compositeviewfor the user That is the combination of real scene viewed bytheuser and a virtual scene generated by the computer Thataugments (orsupplements) the scene with additional information (egsound, video, graphics, etc.). Here we describe an Android ARapplication Thatshows the Default Mode, Attention Dorsal, andVentral AttentionNetworks.Reference: G.M. Rojas, J. A Fuentes, M. Galvez, D. S.Margulies."Augmented Reality and Visualization ApplicationIntrinsicFunctional Connectivity: ARiBraiN3T" Biennieal 4thConference onResting State Brain Connectivity, Boston, USA, 11-13September2014..You can download AR TAGS from
VRiBraiN 1.1
AriBrain Dev
Visualization of the human brain using complex images(tractography, functional connectivity, and functional imaging) isa challenge. Different visualization solutions have been proposed.For example, Margulies et al. (2013), describe 2-D as well as 3-Dneuroimaging visualization methods for anatomical, tractography,and functional connectivity data. Rojas et al. (2014), described astereoscopic-related method to view neuroradiological 3-D images.Virtual reality (VR) is an environment of scenes or real-life likeobjects, generated by computer technology, which create the feelingof being immersed in it. The environment is viewed by the user viaa device usually known as glasses or virtual reality helmet. GoogleCardboard is a VR platform created by Google Inc. It is a low-costdevice built using a piece of cardboard, 45 mm focal length lenses,magnets, VelcroTM, and optionally a near field communication tag(NFC), that uses a smartphone to generate VR stereoscopic 3D sceneswith a broad field of view. Here we describe an Android basedmobile VR application that shows in 3D the seven standardfunctional connectivity networks with immersive characteristics.Reference: G.M. Rojas, J.A. Fuentes, M. Gálvez. "Virtual RealityIntrinsic Functional Connectivity Visualization Application:VRiBraiN", 22th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human BrainMapping, Geneva, Switzerland, June 2016.
LBM: AR 1.0
AriBrain Dev
Laboratorio de Biomodelamiento Médico Somos un laboratorio deinnovación compuesto por un equipo multidisciplinario deprofesionales relacionados con la medicina e ingeniería. Realizamosproyectos de investigación y desarrollo en imágenes médicas eimpresión 3D personalizada para realizar planificación quirúrgica yeducación. Además, desarrollamos técnicas de realizad virtual yrealidad aumentada para diferentes aplicaciones. Esta aplicación derealidad aumentada, se presentara durante el Congreso de laSociedad Chilena de Ortopedia y Traumatología( que se realizará el mes de Noviembre en laciudad de Viña del Mar, Chile. Los AR Tags será el folleto que seentregara a los asistentes junto a sus bolsos. El folleto muestracasos médicos reales donde utilizando esta aplicación se podráobservar modelos 3D de estos casos los cuales se podrán rotar einteractuar. Si no cuentan con el folleto este se puede descargardesde el siguiente enlace:
Skeletal Dysplasia View: Spine 2.1
AriBrain Dev
Congenital vertebral malformations representanimportant health problem because they can be associated withspinaldeformities, such as scoliosis and kyphosis. On the otherhand, thepresence of a vertebral malformation is an importantradiologic signfacing the clinical suspicion of a syndromicdisorder, due to which,detection and description helps in theorientation of a specificdisease. Early diagnosis of a spinaldeformities allows promptmanagement and complications prevention,because of that, knowledgeof different types of vertebralmalformations is useful forradiologists, orthopedic surgeons,physiatrists, neurologists, andphysical therapists.This interactive application shows in 3D the maincongenitalvertebral malformations, such as butterflayvertebra,platyspondyly, and fish vertebra
iBrainEEG2 1
AriBrain Dev
Visualization of complex neuroimaging data such as functionalconnectivity and his relation to EEG is a challenge. Many differentvisualization solutions to view complex image data have beenproposed. Some authors described 2-D and 3-D neuroimagingvisualization methods for tractography and functional connectivitydata. Others described an anaglyph method to view neuroradiological3-D images. EEG is the standard diagnostic method for epilepsy, andthe relation of EEG electrodes position and functional connectivitydata could be of interest. Here we could download an Android appthat shows the position of EEG 10-20 electrodes in relation to 7standard functional connectivity networks. iBraiNEEG (intrinsicBrain Networks and EEG electrodes) application: The user view a 3Dtransparent brain with 7 standard functional connectivity networksand EEG 10-20 electrodes as red spheres over the brain. The usercould rotate the brain using onscreen controls, and by tapping eachelectrode, the name of it appears on screen. By tapping the threepoints at the left side of the screen, the name of each functionalnetwork will appear. iBraiNEEG is an application tool that helps toanalyze EEG data in relation to functional connectivity networks.Ref: G.M Rojas, J.A. Fuentes, M. Gálvez. "Two Intrinsic FuntionalConnectivity Visualization Applications: iBraiN and iBraiNEEG", 4thBiennial Conference on Resting State Brain Connectivity, Boston,USA, September 11-13 2014.
Skeletal Dysplasia View: AR 1.0
AriBrain Dev
Congenital vertebral malformations representanimportant health problem because they can be associated withspinalmalformations, such as scoliosis and kyphosis. On the otherhand,the presence of vertebral malformations is an importantradiologicsign facing the clinical suspicion of a syndromicdisorder, due towhich, detection and description helps in theorientation of aspecific disease. Early diagnosis of spinaldeformities allows thepromptly management and prevention ofcomplications. Therefore, theknowledge of different types ofvertebral malformations is usefulfor radiologists, orthopedicsurgeons, physiatrists, neurologists,and physicaltherapists.This interactive application shows 3D models of the maincongenitalvertebral malformations, such as butterflayvertebra,platyspondyly, and fish vertebra.You can download AR TAGS from Represent an Important health problem can beBecauseThey Associated With spinal malformations, as scoliosisandkyphosis Such. On the Other Hand, the presence ofvertebralmalformations is an Important radiologic sign theclinicalsuspicion of facing a syndromic disorder, due to Which,detectionand description Helps in the orientation of a specificdisease.Early of spinal deformities Allows the management andprevention ofpromptly complications diagnosis. THEREFORE, theknowledge ofdifferent types of vertebral malformations is usefulforRadiologists, orthopedic surgeons, physiatrists, Neurologists,andphysical therapists.This application shows interactive 3D models of the maincongenitalvertebral malformations, Butterflay: such asvertebra,platyspondyly, and fish vertebra.You can download AR TAGS from