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MinimalistInteriorDesignStyle 1.0
Interior decorating involves anything thathasto do with the interiors of a house and its furnishings. Ifyouplan to revamp the decor of your house, you need to keep inmindseveral attributes that contributes to the design, like thelayout,furniture arrangement, color and the theme.Interior Decoration Styles"It's a good thing that when God created the rainbow hedidn'tconsult a decorator or he would still be picking colors." -SamLevensonWhile a professional interior decorator will manage to giveyourhouse the much-needed pizazz, he will also manage to burn anotvery needed hole in your wallet. Different styles ofinteriordecoration can be understood by just anyone. All you needto do isuse that locked up imagination and infuse your personalflavor.There are several interior designing ideas that you coulduse.Interior decoration can be studied and learned but if you haveaslight knack for the creatives then it is a talent that canbenurtured to create a space in your house that you truly love.Thefollowing interior decoration styles would probably give youthemuch-needed push to dive headlong into the colorful worldofinterior decoration.Take the big idea of minimalist design HereMinimalist Interior Design Style
Hijab wedding dress 1.0
Marriage is a sacred moment which isexpectedto occur once a person's lifetime. Until, usually you willbewilling to spend lots of money and grooming maximum in ordertoappear attractive on the wedding day. Supposing, you will bekingand queen one day.However, appear attractive in the wedding day not only betheunveiling and use beautiful wedding gowns were open anyway.Bebeautiful like a queen while wearing a headscarf was notimpossiblereally. Because of this beautiful wedding dress couldbeevidence.You want to look beautiful on the wedding day without havingtoremove the veil? Dress models pure white trumpet with twolayerscould be an option. For the inside, you can use a satin orteffeta.Then coat the outside with organza fabric. Then createmultiplestuds or embroidery of flowers at the edge of the fabric.Wear aveil with just simple manner and embed additional cover.Sureincreasingly radiated beauty.The wedding day is expected to occur once in a lifetime. Sonoharm you look different and charming when weddings. If you donotwant to take simplicity, choose your favorite style weddingdressEurope. Organdy fabric patterned cloth covering the chestandbeaded can make a more unique appearance. Long scarf hangingdownand attached to the fingers make you worthy to be the queen oftheparty. Guaranteed, people will definitely be amazedGorgeous wedding day was required as a form of happiness.Inaddition to using makeup that is not tacky, you also needtoprepare a special outfit that aesthetically more attractive.Forexample, by wearing a dress style modified A line made ofchiffonor organza layered. Then add a brocade decorate. To be moresyari,sematkanlah fabric transversely in the chest. In addition,theextra headgear makes beauty more complete. You ready to waltzdownthe aisle.
Evening Dress Design 1.0
Having a perfect hourglass figure is notalwayspossible for every woman, especially after delivery.Biologically, awoman's body undergoes physical changes throughouther life, butwhat probably remains constant is her desire to lookbeautifulforever. Outfits are one of the ways to enhance one'sappearance. Atformal occasions, an evening dress carried off withthe rightattitude attracts admiration. This article shares someinsights onplus size dresses, that can help you choose the rightevening dress.Points to Remember While ShoppingAge-appropriate Designs: It is important to dress as per yourage.Sometimes, women wearing clothes that are made for youngergirlscertainly look odd, as it does not suit their age and persona.So,choose the right outfit to complement your personality. Therearemany brands that offer evening dresses for women over 40,or50.Dark Hues: You must remember that dark colors can make youappearslimmer. They hide the flab effectively, creating an illusionofthinner body type. So, dark colors such as black, navyblue,maroon, etc., can certainly suffice for this purpose.Textures and Patterns: You must choose designs that suit yourbodytype. Opt for those clothing patterns which highlight yourassets,and cover the problem areas. Apart from this, also choosethetextures that make you appear slimmer. For example, smalldesignsinstead of big prints can make you look delicate. Also, anoutfitmade from thin, flaring fabrics instead of that made fromthick,stiff material can help.Consult Your Stylist: Before you stitch or buy an evening dress,itis advisable to consult your stylist who can give you betterideasregarding trendy plus size clothing.Halter Neck Dresses: Halter necks have always been an integralpartof plus size fashion. Women with toned arms can go for halterneckdresses. This allows you to flaunt your arms and back,whilecovering the lower body. Such evening dresses take awaytheattention from the hips, making you look fit.Ball Gowns: Ball gowns are also ideal for women with heavy hipsandtoned arms. The rounded lower half of these gowns helps hidetheflab on the hips and thighs, and highlights the perfect upperbody.You can also opt for prom dresses of the same size to serveasimilar purpose.Evening Dresses With Sleeves: If you have fat arms, it is idealtogo for sleeved dresses, as they cover the bulk. You canexperimentwith a variety of sleeve lengths such as mini sleeves,three-fourthsleeves, or full sleeves.Mini Cocktail Dresses: If you have toned legs, you may goforknee-length cocktail dresses. Make sure that the dress isflaredfrom the waist, so it covers the fat on the hips, buttocks,andthighs.Similarly, you can go for dresses that highlight the positivepartsof your body, and effectively cover the not-so-perfect parts.Forthis purpose, you must first identify the best features ofyourpersonality and body, and try to enhance them accordingly.Rememberthis while shopping for evening dresses, and you willcertainlymake heads turn at any party.Get Prom Dress Design Ideas Here!Evening Dress Design
Brithday Cake Design Ideas 1.0
These birthday cake design and decoratingideaswill help you whip up a beautiful and delicious cake in notime.Learn how you can transform simple ingredients into amagnificentfinished cake.A birthday cake is an essential part of any birthdaycelebrationand there are numerous ways in which you can make thecakeextra-special. Birthday cakes can be made much more excitingandfun with some easy tricks and ideas.Cake Design and Decorating IdeasHomemade birthday cakes always score high on taste but mightnotnecessarily look as pretty as the ones at the baker'sdisplaywindow. Think of any color in the sky or think of the mostweirdflavor on the planet and you can get a birthday cake which hasjustthe right hues and flavor you want. Gone are the days whenthebirthday cake shapes were either circle or square and theflavorslimited to chocolate and strawberry. The advancement inculinarytechniques, advent of decoration tools, and availabilityofspecialized molds has revolutionized the cake decorationslikenever before.Picking a ThemeA themed birthday cake can make the birthday a truly specialaffair.Picking a theme is essential before you start decoratingthe cake.Imagine the look on your daughter's face when she looksat her cake,which is based on the theme of her favorite movie, oryour musiclover friend's expression on seeing a cake shaped like amusicalnote and topped with decorations that resembleinstruments.Depending on the age, hobbies, and interests of theperson, therecan be endless number of themes for birthday cakes.You can havethemes based on cartoons, movies, sports, colors,animals, music,computers, pirates, horror, etc.Shapes and SizesIf you thought a birthday cake could be either a square or acircle,then you obviously haven't gone around and checked for thevariousshapes that cakes can come in. Don't be surprised to walkinto abirthday party, where you see a kid standing with a knifewaiting tochop off the head of a green colored dinosaur. Yesbirthday cakesnow come in all shapes and sizes. Dinosaurs, houses,flowers,cartoon characters, buildings, or may be a globe.Innovative DecorationsThere is absolutely no limit when it comes to decorating abirthdaycake. Edible miniature sculptures, icing sugar decorativeflowersand trees, edible glitter, or even your very own photographprintedon the birthday cake - you name it they have it! Edibledecorativeelements are not only available as ready-made ensemblesbut therealso exist DIY kits for cake decorations which areextremely easyto use and ensure that your cake decorations lookexactly the sameor even better than the professional ones kept forsale. Decoratinga birthday cake is simpler than you everimagined.A home-baked birthday cake is a much more heartfelt endeavorputinto an action, where you can always experiment withfoodaesthetics when it comes to decorating your cake.Get the Big Idea Design Birthday is Here!Brithday Cake Design Ideas
Simple Hijab Tutorial 1.0
Hijab is a scarf that is used to cover thehairand the neck, but the face. It is a square or rectangularpiece ofcloth which is folded, put over the head and tied underthe chin asa headscarf. After attaining puberty, Muslim women wearthe Hijabwhen in the presence of adult males or adult non-Muslimfemales whoare not from their family. A hijab is available invarious colorsand shapes, and often matched with a woman's outfit.It is mostcommonly worn by Muslim women all over the world.NiqabNiqab is a scarf or a combination of head veil and scarfthatcovers the head, ears and neck, but the eyes. Another type iswhereboth the forehead and the eyes are shown. A niqab oftenextendstill the middle of the back and the chest area. It can beworn witha burqa or other clothes. It is commonly worn in theArabiccountries like Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar,Omanand the UAE, and some parts of Southeast Asia, NorthernAfricanIslamic countries and India.BurqaBurqa is an outer garment that covers the whole body from thetopof the head to the feet. The entire face is covered includingtheeyes with a mesh screen to see through. It is worn as a usualdailyclothing by Muslim women in some Islamic cultures when goingout inpublic and removed after returning home. It is the mostconcealingof all Muslim veils. Burqas are commonly associated withthe Afghanchadris. They come in many different colors.ChadorChador or chadar is an outer garment or open cloak worn byMuslimwomen in public places in some parts of the Middle East,especiallyIran and Saudi Arabia. It is a full-length semicircularfabric withno hand openings, and is held together by hands at thefront. It istossed over the head and let to flow down over theclothingunderneath. A chador is worn with the hijab to showmodesty which isvital according to Islam. Chadors are mostly blackin color, but areavailable in other colors too.AbayaPopular in the Gulf countries, abaya is a cloak worn byMuslimwomen when in public. It is a long and loosely fitted garmentwhichis worn over other clothing. It is usually worn with a hijabor aniqab. An abaya usually has sleeves and is closed at the frontwithzips or buttons. It is worn from the head to the toes or overtheshoulders. It is usually made of synthetic fiber.KhimarTudung or tudong is a Malay word, which means cover or veil.Itis a one-piece scarf worn as a veil by women in Malaysia,Singaporeand Brunei. It covers the hair, ears and neck, but theface. Italso consists of a circular panel at the front which isadornedwith various designs. It is worn as a dress code foroffice,schools and formal occasions.Doa GaunDoa gaun is a clothing that is worn over any dress. It comes intwopieces, the gown and the headscarf. It is commonly worninIndonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. When going to a placeforpraying, Muslim women slip this over the clothing they arewearingand take it off after returning from worship.DupattaDupatta is a rectangular piece of clothing used by women inIndia,Pakistan, Bangladesh and other Asian countries. It comes in awiderange of colors and designs.BatulaJilbabJilbab is a long and loose-fitting coat or outer garment wornbysome Muslim women. The entire body is covered except for thehands,face and head. It is worn with a headscarf like a hijab orkhimarto cover the head and neck, or with a niqab to cover thehands andface.
New T shirt Design 1.0
Common Ideas for Designing a T-shirtThere are various categories that ideas can generallybeclassified into. To present an entire collection that can befoundacross the globe would be a task of gargantuan proportions,but themost elementary of these categories can be named here.Political: The most commonly expressed messages on t-shirts areofpolitical nature. The political scenario in the countrywillprovoke major reactions from the masses and what better waytoexpress your approval or disapproval. Be controversial andincludeimages as well to get your point across.Religious: Another way to make your statement is to talk aboutareligious issue. Don't be overly critical, as offendingsomeone'sreligious sentiments is far worse than anything else.Amuseyourself and others but try not to relate religiontoobscenity.Literature: You can even choose to quote a famous author ofyourchoice. A famous line, or a funny anecdote will definitely helpyouget some attention.Environmental: Another popular idea that can be commonlyseentoday is an environmental message. Something about globalwarmingor preservation of different species of animals can be agoodoption.Famous People: Printing the face of a famous person onyourt-shirt is also a good idea. The personality could beanyoneranging from your favorite celebrity, musician, your rolemodel, oreven a member of your family. One of the most famouspersonalitiesfound on t-shirts across the world is Che Guevara.Sports: For individuals who are inclined towards sports, itwouldbe appropriate to get a design relevant to your favoritesport ormaybe refer in some manner to your favorite sports star.You may optfor basketball, soccer, or any other sport thatinterests you.New T shirt Design
Wooden Sofa Design Ideas 1.0
A couch is perhaps the one piece offurniturefound in every home, from a dorm room, to the shrink'soffice, andeverything in between.Couches and sofas are different, you know?Numerous people these days use 'sofa' and 'couch'interchangeably,but there exist some fundamental differencesbetween them. In theolden days, for starters, couches were used tolie down upon,whereas sofas were only meant to seat people. Eventoday, couchesare designed without armrests and seat fewer people,as againstsofas which have armrests and are bigger.The humble sofa remains an unassuming part of your existence,seeingas there isn't a more useful and versatile piece offurniture evercreated. Its uses are numerous―you can have aglamorous piece thatinstantly transforms your living room, you canhave a cozy love seatwhich can also double up as a reading nook,or you can even have itlarge enough for your impromptu guest tocrash on during weekends,if you don't have a spare bed.Didn't we tell you? Once piece of furniture, and so many uses. Soifyou're about to go sofa shopping in the near future, take a lookatthese different designs and pick one which suits yourneeds.13 Types of Sofas and CouchesSECTIONAL SOFAA sectional or a modular sofa is named for itsversatilequality―it's made up of several 'sections', which can bearrangedand rearranged at your will. The best part about thesectional sofais that it can be as big, or as small as you want itto be, usuallydepending upon the size of your living room. You canmove thepieces any time you wish to change the look of the room.Thesesofas are usually L-shaped or U-shaped.CAMELBACK SOFAThe camelback's name is rightly inspired by its design―thissofacomes with the characteristic hump-shaped curved backrest. Thesofais completely upholstered, with a stiff back and exposedlegs,although its modern version may come with much shorter legsaswell.CHESTERFIELD SOFAThe Chesterfield comes with a quilted or tufted design,usuallyfashioned out of leather. The arms tend to extend from theback,and are generally of the same height. As this particular piecewasa constant in men's clubs of yore, the design was speciallycraftedfor the men to be seated comfortably with their arms restedhigh―soas to no wrinkle their suit.ENGLISH SOFAAnother classic "club piece", the English rolled arm sofa wasmorecasual as compared to the Chesterfield. It had a softerappearance,which only enhanced its comfort level. The otherdifference wasthat the arms were set lower, and the entire pieceused to betightly upholstered in fabric.LAWSON SOFAThe Lawson is a highly favored American design, ranking highincomfort. The Lawson's back pillows and seats are separate fromtheframe. The arms are set low and the feet are short andmostlycovered.EMPIRE SOFAEmpire sofas are grand, with a distinguished air about them.Theyare wood-framed; but it's not any wood frame, this. An empiresofacomes with an intricately carved frame with exposed woodenlegsthat are as ornate as the rest of the sofa. The arms arecurved,lending it an OTT look. More often than not, it isupholstered invelvet.LOVE SEATThe name reveals it all, doesn't it? The love seat is essentiallyatwo-seater sofa, just wide enough for two people toperchcomfortably. Don't go by its cheesy name, though, as this isaperfect piece for smaller areas, or a classy addition tolargespaces.MODERN ECLECTIC SOFAEclectic is a rather accommodating word in the world of design.It'sa perfect word to describe anything which amalgamatesdifferentstyles and ideas to create what is a very unique-lookingproduct.Eclectic designs are not mass-manufactured, which makesthemexpensive, yet classy for those who have an eye to pick therightpiece.
Simple Makeup Tutorial 1.0
MakeupWhen done correctly, makeup can accentuate one's looks and canevenhide blemishes and wrinkles. However, there are simple goldenrulesof makeup which if not followed, can result into disasters.This iswhy we've presented this comprehensive guide with thenecessaryinformation about the basics of makeup, makeup brushes andtheiruses, natural makeup tips, and much more. Make sure you takealook!Chiseled, high cheekbones are every woman's dream. ThisBuzzlearticle shows you how to get well-defined cheekbones withmakeup.Flaunt them, in style.TAGGED UNDER: MakeupAdvertisementQuick TipUse a blush to highlight your cheekbones. Cream blushes arethebest ones as they blend in very easily as compared to powder orgelblushes. And they give your face a natural look.High, well-defined cheekbones make a woman look gorgeous andsexy,and give the face a strong, defined look. So what if you don'thavethe cheekbones of Angelina Jolie or Keira Knightley? You canverywell get them with some simple makeup tricks.The trick is to use a highlighter and a bronzer. Usingahighlighter will make the cheekbones more prominent. A bronzerwillfurther highlight them and contour the face. Applying a blushwillhelp define the cheekbones; choose its color depending on yourskintone. Also, the use of a shimmer will serve the samepurpose.Here's your guide to enhance your cheekbones using makeupin fiveeasy steps. Don't forget to cleanse and moisturize your facebeforeputting it on.Get the hair right!Compliment your chola look with the right hairstyle. Perm yourhair,wear a sleek ponytail by applying lots of gel, or wear yourhairstraight, like really straight!Cholas are known to wear baggy or Dickies pants, tank orhaltertops, and athletic shoes. They wear lots of dark makeup thatischaracterized by dark eyes, penciled, arched eyebrows, and adarklipstick. Even when wearing lighter lipstick shades, they go infora dark lip liner. Although the Chola trend was first restrictedtoMexican gangs, today it is popular in other parts of the worldtoo.In fact, celebrities like Fergie and Gwen Stefani have takenthelook to a global level.Things You will Need► Foundation► Dark brow pencil► Eye primer► Black eyeliner► Silver and black eyeshadow► Mascara► Dark lip liner► LipstickHow to Do Chola Makeup► First apply foundation―lots of it. Blend in well using asponge.Apply two layers if required. Set it with some face powder.You mayapply blush to highlight your cheeks.Eyebrows► Chola eyebrows are very thin and penciled, with an unnaturalarch.You can get the effect in two ways, either you can shave offyoureyebrows, or conceal them with foundation.► If you are shaving the eyebrows, all you have to do is draw apairwith a dark brow pencil. Remember to make a very higharch.► If you don't want to shave off your eyebrows entirely, just useaconcealer or foundation to cover them. Then define thin onesinplace of the natural ones. You can use extra eyeshadow to createanarched effect.Eyes► First apply some eye primer, so that your makeup staysforlong.► Now, apply the eyeliner to the upper lash line and extend italittle to create a dramatic effect. Your eyeliner should beappliedin a thick stroke for an overdone look.► Then, apply silver eyeshadow to the eyelids.► Apply black eyeshadow to the crease of the eye, and slowlyblendin with the silver one. In the end, curl your lashes andapplymascara.Lips► Moisturize your lips with lip balm before applyinglipmakeup.► The first step is to define your lips using a lip liner.► Use a dark lip liner to line your lips. Choose from very darkred,burgundy, or brown.Now fill up your lips with a dark lipstick. The lipstick should beashade or two lighter than the lip liner.
DIY Wallpaper Ideas 1.0
Not so long ago, wallpaper lovers wererequiredto make peace with huge commitments to their designprojects. Oncethat harsh chemical glue was dry, starting againmeant scrapingremnants from the wall with a razor blade andpossibly repainting,depending on how badly the removal processdamaged the wall'ssurface. The only alternative was to cover theadhesive and tape thewallpaper sheets to the wall, then pray forrig invisibility and theright humidity levels from season toseason.Temporary wallpaper has done for the wallpaper lover whattheslider once did for the furniture fanatic - freed up loads ofextratime for redecorating, eliminated the certainty ofpost-projectheadaches, and created endless potential for anafternoon spentdesigning the perfect room.Decorating with temporary wallpaper doesn't have to be muchmoredifficult than applying and arranging removable wall stickers.Ifyou're wondering where to begin your room redesign project,startwith these five ways to decorate with temporary wallpaper:1. Create a focal wall. When painting a room simply isn'tenough,pick a wall, any wall. It could be the one with the window,the oneacross from the window, the largest one, or the one withthe leastamount of furniture nearby. Once you've selected theChosen Wall,dress it in patterned temporary wallpaper to highlightthe color youspent so much time picking. If you're using peel andstickwallpaper, start at one corner near the ceiling and smooth asyoustick. Put aside a little extra time for standing back toadmire thedifference an accent wall can make.2. Revamp a closet. Cumulatively speaking, you probably spendasignificant amount of time storing and organizing the piecesthatmake up your wardrobe and rooting around an overlooked nookforsomething to wear each day. Why not make your closet space anicerplace to spend what amounts to a couple of hours each month?Choosea stylish temporary wallpaper pattern and cover all threewalls tocreate a cuter closet that just might make you want to keepthedoor to your wardrobe wide open.3. Spruce up the blank wall space beneath kitchen cabinets.Anabundance of visible appliances and gadgets can call attentionawayfrom the gorgeous wall color you spent hours carefully applyingtoyour kitchen walls. Adding temporary wallpaper in acomplementarypattern to the backsplash between your cabinets andcountertops isone way to draw the casual eye away from all thatelectronic bulk.If the kitchen has long been your decorative whitewhale, payattention to the forgotten spaces in between - it's thefirst steptoward experiencing the elusive design nirvana.4. Cover bruises. My 4-year-old's enthusiastic transitionsfromthe basement into our kitchen eventually led to adoorknob-sizedhole in the wall slightly to the left of the doorway.Repairing thedamage included spackling the hole and heading to thehardwarestore to browse scores of paint samples in pursuit of onethatmatched our current wall color. Covering the damaged wallwithtemporary wallpaper (and scoring a new look in our hallway inthemeantime) would have been a much simpler solution than fillinginholes and repainting. If you've got kids, clumsy roommates,oroversized furniture you like to move around every fewmonths,consider keeping a roll of temporary wallpaper on hand foradecoratively satisfying way to hide bumps and bruises.Get design ideas wallpaper your house here!DIY Wallpaper Ideas
Headband Design Ideas 1.0
Headbands are every little girl's favoritehairaccessory.A headband goes with any type of attire, like formal,casual,semi-formal, dresses, pants, etc. You can either carry outado-it-yourself project or simply tie a ribbon around your hairtomake it look pretty. Anything that can hold your hair backfromyour forehead can prove as a headband, so women usually comeupwith many creative ways to do this. There are some which areevenwoven or made with crochet and an elastic for a better grip onthehead. Other type includes soft headbands which are made usuallyforbaby girls to make them look adorable, often matchingtheiroutfits.Do-it-YourselfAll you have to do is use a stretchy lace with a decorativetop,like a bow or a flower. These ribbons can be made intoartificialflowers as well as bows, which are easy to make and stuckorstitched, to the stretchy lace. These laces come in a varietyofcolors and designs so that you can co-ordinate the look ofyourheadband with the designs used on top of them. Differentwaysinvolve various material and cloth of your choice.Things You Will NeedLaceColored ready-made flowers or ribbon pearlsNeedleThreadHot GlueHeadband with RibbonsTo begin with, measure the lace around your head to find outthelength of the band.With colored threads, co-ordinate with flowers and pearls andstitchthem to the central portion.If you think stitching will be a problem, you can stick thesewiththe help of a hot glue.Once they are fixed, attach the two loose ends of the lace toclosethe headband. You can adjust it round the head first andthenstitch the two ends, making it sure that the band fits and isnottoo tight.Headband with Flowers and BowsYou can follow the same procedure to make these types ofheadbandsas well. You can follow some instructions to make ribbonflowers tomake these tiny roses.These flowers can be either attached to an elastic headband, aclothheadband or even a ribbon headband. You have to colorco-ordinatethese flowers with the bands you want to attach themon.Bows are more preferred to flower headbands and thus, making themiseasier.Also, bows can be made as a single piece, or a bunch of manybyusing different colored ribbons. Thus, this is another greatdesignto make these wonderful looking attractive hair accessorieswhichcan be used along with various clothes.Using the various types of knots which are present, you can comeupwith other designs. Simply tying a ribbon around the head,alsomakes the headband look very natural and attractive.You can surely come up with something more creative andbeautifulpatterns. They are a fun and hip way of styling your hair,so usethem whenever you can, and make the most out of thecurrenttrend!
Kebaya Modern Design Ideas 1.0
KEBAYA, serta sejarah, mengalir denganwaktu,beradaptasi dengan zaman yang semakin maju dan memilikiceritapanjang yang bisa ditelusuri kembali ke abad ke-15.Dalam hal sejarah, kebaya dibentuk bos busana yang pertamakalidikenakan wanita Indonesia, terutama perempuan Jawa, yangdigunakandengan kain. Tapi di akhir abad ke-19, Desain kebaya jugapopulersebagai fashion wanita Belanda yang membutuhkan pakaian yangsesuaidengan iklim tropis Indonesia. Selain itu, Kebaya Model jugatelahpopuler di kalangan wanita peranakan Tionghoa sehinggamunculsebutan kebaya encim. Seiring waktu, kebaya menjadisimbolfeminisme, busana khusus wanita yang telah menjadi modenasionaldan Model Kebaya Modern.The keturunan Eropa biasanya mengenakan Model Kebaya katunhalusdengan aksen renda di bagian tepi. Cina menggunakan DesainKebayadengan potongan-potongan yang lebih pendek dan sederhana,denganhiasan berwarna, lazim disebut kebaya encim.Seiring waktu, Desain Kebaya berubah dan kali terkikis.Selainitu, selama pendudukan Jepang, ketika kreativitas danproduktivitasbangsa ditekan hingga ke tingkat terendah. pendudukanJepang diIndonesia memotong peralatan perdagangantekstil danmendukung,banyak rumah produksi kebaya akhirnya tertutup dan batikhanyabeberapa perusahaan dapat bertahan.Sejak saat itu, jejak kebaya sedikit digosok. Parapejuangkemerdekaan perempuan yang masih menggunakan kebaya(kebanyakanjenis kebaya Kartini dan kebaya encim), kembalimemopulerkannya,kendati harus bersaing dengan busana barat dianggaplebih"memerdekakan" perempuan dari simbolisasi kebaya masa lalu,yangmembatasi perempuan dalam lilitan korset dan kain panjang(ModelKebaya modern).Sebut Amy Atmanto yang setiap tahun selalu membawa kreasibaruKebaya Modern, baik pola, siluet, cutting, dan material. DitanganAmy, kebaya bukan hanya sutra, katun, atau beludru, tapimerambahke jalur sifon, shantung, lace, atau segala jenis tekstillainnya,yang kemudian diselingi teknik bordir, renda, pilin, lipit,lapisanatas selimut untuk mewarnai kemegahan kebaya. Tidak lupajenis apppayet penuh ornamen shimmer, kristal, atau batu mulia,sehinggaKebaya modern tidak lagi mode, melainkan sebuah karya seni.Alasanitu juga yang membuat Amy menyebut setiap koleksi adalahsebuahmahakarya."Setiap bagian adalah sebuah karya, karena dirancangdengankekhasan tersendiri, khusus untuk setiap individu," katadesaineryang dipercaya menjadi duta dari SwarovskiDapatkan ide-ide besar desain kebaya modern di sini!Kebaya Design Ideas modern
Design Women Bags 1.0
Tote bags are basically preferred bythestylish working woman who needs a large bag to store allhernecessities. The good news remains to be that they arenowavailable in a variety of styles and shapes to match youroutfit.Besides, they fit in everything you need for a long workingday.These are also popular because they provide the conveniencewithoutcompromising on the style factor! So ladies, get ready tosplurgeon these, but before you do, check out some of the differenttypesavailable in the market.Leather Tote Bags:Tote bags crafted in exquisite leather are an instant successwiththe corporate woman. Leather adds a unique sophistication tothebag and is durable as well. Besides, different leathertreatmentsgive each bag a new look. These are the right choice forwomen whowish to retain a chic look that blends with theirentireprofessional attire.Canvas Tote Bags:These bags are very funky in their appearance, as comparedtoleather tote bags. They can be seen in a variety of colorsandstyles due to the flexibility of the material used. These areidealfor teens going on a casual outing or even mommies who needtocarry stuff not only for themselves, but for their kids aswell.These bags are available in eye-catching designs and motifs,fromthe creative to the bizarre!Personalized Tote Bags:These are a great option for women who love to have anexclusivepiece that is unique in every way. Many fashion-consciouswomenprefer personalized tote bags since they love to flauntsomethingthat is really exclusive in all respects. The personalizedthemeoffers you the freedom to design the bag as per yourpreference,including the shape, size, color, and material. You canpersonalizeit by adding your name or family photographs on theouter side ofthe bag.Get Idea Bags Women's Here!Design Women Ideas
Creative Bamboo Product Design 1.0
Bamboo forest, widely distributed in theworld,is known as the "world's second largest forest". Thebambooindustry, based on the development and utilization ofbambooresource, has universally been recognized as green industrywithenormous economic value, ecological and cultural values, whichhasbeen paid increasingly attention. The uneven development ofthegreen industry around the world encourages us to learn fromeachother, thereby to enhance the industry and establish a goodexamplein front of other industries.bamboo handbagChina has long history of cultivating bamboos for itsrichresources. East Asian civilization used to be called"bamboocivilization" and China is called "civilized country ofbamboo".For poor they're wood, for rich they're decorations, forartistthey're ally and for nature they're gift. This is avividdescription of ecological value, economic value and culturalvalueof bamboo, since it's regenerated resource. Now more andmorepeople choose to buy furniture made of bamboo. There aremanyiPhone covers, keyboards, mouses and cups out there made bythisenvironment friendly material, which is reasonable andpracticalfor its last longing. Well here's one thing I bet you'dneverthought of, which is made of Pubescens and rarely seen inmarket.It's bamboo handbag.Pubescens, growing in south of China, is very preciousandpopular due to its versatile economic values. Its strip,featuringsoft and flexible, is excellent choice for weaving varioussizesutensils and handicrafts. The bamboo bags, made ofpubescens,feature sturdy construction and chic appearances. Thespecialmaterial make them very trendy and eye-catching in crowds.They arehand weaved artifacts by Chinese skilled artisans who arebecomingless as time goes by. There are different colors and shapeswhichyou can choose to keep style close so you're not outdated orbemade fun of by your fashionable friends.With deterioration of global environment, nowadays morepeopleprefer to choose environment friendly products in dailylife.They're recyclable regenerate resources that are well thoughtof inproducing green products. The earth will become more andmorebeautiful when all of us stop doing anything harmfultoenvironment. Begin this from using this versatile bamboohandbagsin which way the green industry will be promoted andprosperouswhich is good to earth and to all of us.I'm sure the green industry would boom in the near futureandthere will be more and more consumers to choose greenenvironmentfriendly products. Bamboo handbags are excellentchoices.Creative Bamboo Product Design
Easy Bracelet Tutorials 1.0
Friendship bracelets are colorful bandswhichare tied by friends on the wrists of other friends to showtheirlove. These bracelets symbolize friendship between twofriends.These bracelets are generally durable as they depict thefriendshipbetween two people. There are many friendship braceletpatterns tochoose from.Friendship bracelets are easy and safe jewelry for kidsandteens. It is a kind of fashion accessory. It is believed thatthesebands should be worn till it falls off its own. Today,variousbracelets of different interesting and attractive patternsandcolors are available, which can be worn in different occasionsandwith different outfits.Friendship bracelets were invented by Indians of SouthandCentral America region.You can easily learn to make friendship bracelets.Thesebracelets are very economical to make and need very fewmaterials.You can very easily learn how to make these bands. It isvery easyto learn the basic patterns. Once you learn the basicpatterns, youcan move to more advanced and complicatedpatterns.Friendship bracelets are made using different types ofknots.Half-hitch knot is the basic knot used along with itsvariousforms. Other knots that are used in making these braceletsareforward knot, backward knot, forward backward knot,backwardforward knot. You can view online tutorials to learn how tomakesimple friendship bracelets.There are different types of friendship bracelets areavailable.You will find that you can get a normal bracelet, 1212bracelets,Alpha, Buckle etc. You can choose anyone you or yourfriends like.You can buy these bracelets from various online storesandretailers. Friendship bracelets are also available withlocalretailers and fancy stores.Get Easy Tutorial Make Friendship Bracelets Here!Easy Bracelet Tutorials
Modern Bridal Mehndi 1.0
Bridal Henna DesignsHenna or Mehndi: Henna and Mehndi both is the same thing,usually in some countries it is known as Mehndi and in others asHenna. Mehndi or Henna is made by grinding the dry leaves of mehndiflower in to fine powder, its color also very depend upon theenvironment and era in which plant has to be produced. Its colorvaries from red to dark brown. Now in this age there is alsoavailable various types of Henna, just like Black, Blue, zardozi,sparkles and stones Mehndi or Henna.About Wedding:Wedding is an elaborate affair, which contains a large number ofrituals, Traditions and customs. One important ritual especially incontext of bride is Mehndi commonly known as Henna.For this powder of Henna leaves is mixed with water to form apest, some time oil or lemon juice is also used as well. This pasteis then applied on the hands, feet and at the desired place whichshe wants in the form of intricate patterns as well as designs.Henna then removed after the design dries completely and the bridedon't allow wash the applying areas for next 12 hours to make surethat the color comes out to be dark and rich.Significance of Bridal Henna:Bridal Henna is much importance, because it signifies thestrength of marriage and amount of love that she will receive inher husband's house. It is said that darker the color of the mehndistronger will be the marriage and longer it will last. At the sametime, the dark color of the Henna is also said to mean that, itwill receive a lot of love from her husband as well as her motherin-law.Due to this after application of Henna Designs, the brideundertakes a lot of efforts, like that application of oil and heatas well. The application of henna, on the bride's hands and feet,is also considered to be auspicious.Bridal Henna Designs & Patterns:Among the traditional Henna Designs, drowns usually on the handsand feet of the bride. Include the 'baraat and the 'doli' scene.Baraat is a term used to denote the groom and all his familymembers, relatives, friends and colleagues, before arrive of thewedding venue.Doli represents the end of the wedding ceremony from hermother's house, when the bride goes away with her husband.Common Bridal Henna Designs includes peacock, kalash, flowers,leaves, lotus flower and conch-shells. As well as writing thegroom's name on the bride's hand is compulsory.A heart and vine pattern on the lower back is considered thewedding couple chose together. It is also considered that the backhidden till the honeymoon, and wanted to find husband, and considerthat it will increase their love.Modern Henna Trends:With the change in time, the style of Bridal Mehndi has alsoundergone a vast change. Rather then traditional mehndi, brideshave started opting tattoos, chemical mehndi, stone mehndi andsparles mehndi which gives eye-catching patterns. Some Henna Designincludes zardozi mehndi, nail paint mehndi and poster mehndi.It also includes arms, forearms, umbilical, back, lower back andfeet designs. Mehndi Tattoos are very popular now a day.Mehndi Ceremony:Mehndi ceremony is used to comprise a small ceremony, in whichclose family relatives, family members, friends, and colleges areinvited. Now it is changed very much, in this ceremony people areinvited, have a drink an elaborate dinner and rocking DJ form theother aspects of the present-day mehendi ceremony.
Design Doll Hauses 1.0
If you think back to your childhood and allthetime you spent with your toys, chances are you remember playingwithdolls. And if you do, they may have stuffed with furniture,lamps,and other delightful miniatures to accompany them. While wemaythink of as modern toy doll house, they really had been theresinceat least the time of the Pharaoh!The earliest known "dollhouse miniature" example of domesticlifehave been recovered from Egyptian tombs. The scene depictedservantsand possessions such as food and cattle, most likely forreligiouspurposes. What is the first thing we would recognize as adoll'shouse began to develop in the 16th century and was firstcalled the"baby home." This wooden doll house first is a displaycase handmademiniature display the number of rooms with interiorfully built.Even then, a proper doll must have the latestminiature furnitureand wallpaper! A wooden doll houses becomecollectors items areprecious, and children kept away from thescreen.In the 18th century, the size of the doll begins to shrinkascraftsmen experimented with a variety of equipment andscaledollhouse, but no existing standard size. The industrialrevolutionalso expand production of miniature doll as the fruit canbe massproduced for the first time.World War I and II changed the manufacturing marketminiaturedolls significantly, bringing more American doll kit andaccessorymanufacturers to the market. Boost mass production meantthat thedolls can be produced on a scale never before seen, andthis is anera that can be considered to have popularized thedollhouse.However, many dollhouses are produced in this period weremade ofsheet metal and featured cheap plastic doll accessories.Woodendoll houses became scarce at the moment, although manydollhousekits from the time it was manufactured in wood.Today, leading manufacturers have moved from shades ofmassproduction in the late twentieth century to offer morebespokeselection. Companies like Reutter Porcelain produce finelydetaileddolls and miniatures which can be considered a truecollector'sitem '. Also, manufacturers like Bespaq producingbeautiful dollhouse furniture that can provide a comfortable dolllook. This isfar from miniature plants and chicken, and who knowswhat the nextstage of miniature dollhouse will bring us!Taking the idea of ​​the Dolls' House Of Design Here!Design Doll Hauses
Diy Gift Box With Lid 1.0
Paper mache boxes are a great alternativetoboring boxes that are used for storage or packaging giftitems.They are inexpensive, lightweight, beautiful, and easier tocarry,too. Such boxes are easily available in various shapes andsizes.Moreover, you can personalize them and turn a dull and plainpieceinto an attractive one with your creativity and art andcraftskills. Try to decorate one, see how you like it. You caneitherdevelop a hobby or start up a small business of your own.Painted BoxesYou will agree that painting these boxes is the best andthesimplest way to jazz them up in a lesser time. All you need, isaset of acrylic colors and a clear varnish. Start by paintingtheouter side of box and the lid with a base coat of any lightcolor.You can use colors like rose pink, lavender, or beige for thesame.Now, take darker shades and beautify the box with artisticstrokes.Paint abstract or floral designs, or simply addmulti-colored orsingle-colored slanting stripes. You can also makea check pattern,or opt for lovely polka dots. Using metallicacrylic colors is agreat idea to give it an even more decorativeand pricey look.Decoupage Postal StampFor this simple project, you need your collection of stamps.Cuteach stamp perfectly following its border using a craft knife.Thiswill give a nice finish to the stamp decoupage. Now apply acoat ofPVA glue on the outer side of the lid of the box. Take waterin abowl and a pair of tweezers as well. Lift a stamp usingthetweezers, dip it in water, and immediately place it on thegluecoated lid. Smooth it out in place with a brush. Now take thenextstamp and follow the same procedure. Let the stampsoverlapslightly. Once the outer side of the lid is done, work onthe boxin the similar way. Once dried, apply a coat of clearvarnish orPVA glue to give a finishing touch to this artwork. Youcan chooseto paint the box plain and have a decorative decoupagelid. Apartfrom the one mentioned here, you can come up with anumber ofdecoupage ideas for decorating the boxes.Grace with Fancy FabricYou can opt for this idea when you have to work on a numberofpieces, as the procedure is much simpler and helps youcreateextremely wonderful looking boxes. You can use fancy cotton,rawsilk, or cotton silk fabrics for this project. Take anicedecorative piece of fabric, either plain or printed. You canuseone with polka dots or other all-over prints. If you take aplainfabric, buy separate golden border or lace to further play upthebox. The size of the cloth will depend on the dimensions ofthebox. Remember that you need to wrap the fabric neatly over theboxand its lid as well. The sides, base, and at least 1-2 inchesofthe insides must be covered with the fabric. The best thing, istocover the lid from outside as well as the inside using fabric.Youcan use craft glue and staples to secure the fabric to thebox.Attractive lace borders can beautify the lids. Tie a satinormetallic ribbon bow on the box lid to give it a perfectfinishingtouch.If you look around, you will come across a lot of unusedboxesthat you can decorate and make them ready to be gifted, orused forstoring your items. Yes, these make extremely decorativeboxes tostore lightweight items in. These can also be used as artdecorpieces to beautify side tables and shelves. You can useaccessorieslike sequins, beads, crepe paper, laces, ribbons, andglitterpowder to decorate these boxes. Dual-colored boxes made byusingcontrasting colors for base and lid look extremelybeautiful.Explore various decorative ideas and get started withyour boxdecorating project.
Unique Tank Design 1.0
The stores are full of fish tanks for kidstochoose from. From the fancy commercial tanks to the simpleones,all are available at pet stores. However, choosing one fishtankcan be quite confusing.Owning a fish tank with wonderful fishes swimming around, canbeone of the most thrilling experiences for a kid. They lovethefeeling of being responsible and taking care of a pet. What'sevenbetter is that certain studies have revealed that watchingfishswim has an exceptionally calming effect on the mind. Italsostated that children with aquariums are seen to have loweranxietylevels. Setting up a fish tank is a task of responsibilityandrequires quite a bit of research to be carried out. Rightfromchoosing the right tank to decorating it and buying the rightfish,all takes quite a bit of study.Fish Tanks for KidsSizeAquariums require greater amount of maintenance than the largeronesand are not suited for kids. Kids should be given smaller fishbowlsfor convenience sake. If you still want to opt for a fishtank, gofor the 20 gallon tank. However, if you feel a 20 gallontank isreally very big for your kid's bedroom, then go for a 10gallontank. However, don't go for a smaller one, although thereareplastic fish bowls available in pet stores. Most of thecommerciallyavailable fish tanks come in different sizes. Choosethe one whichis more than 10 gallons.Of the commercial ones, the best fish tanks for kids would betheBiorb fish tanks, which are designed in such a manner thatcombinesthe traditional fish bowl look with the performance of ahi-tech,built-in filtration aquarium. These fish bowls feature aneasy tochange filtration system, wherein the maintenance effortsareleast. It only requires regular water changing andexchangingfilter cartridges every 6 weeks. Moreover, these tankshave 360degree viewing surfaces, due to their unique sphericaldesigns.Then there are the other fish tank kits that require you toonlyadd water and fish to the tank to have the aquarium ready.MaterialThe combination of glass, water and electricity is not a verysafeoption for children, thus, getting warm aquariums are notoptimalsolutions. As far as safety is concerned, plastic fishbowlswithout heaters or any electrical devices is preferred. Theacrylicfish tanks are good because they not only weigh less thanglass anddo not chip or break, but also do not distort the view fortheonlooker. They can also withstand random bumps and are lesslikelyto break from unsuspected bumps. However, acrylic onesgetscratches very easily and are expensive as compared toglass.Little Michelle from the popular sitcom 'Full house', wasalsooverjoyed to receive her first pet fish. She enjoyed feedingandplaying with him by imitating his mouth movements. One day shegaveher fish bath in the bathtub, only to kill him. She wasdevastated.From this episode, we realize that we need to explainall theguidelines about fish care properly and clearly to kids.Innocentas kids are they may not realize when they end upharmingthemselves or their fish. So, do not stop at teaching yourchildhow to feed the fish, but also explain to them what arethedifferent things that can harm their pet fish.Selecting fish tanks for kids can be a truly interestingexperience.Buy books on fish care and spend time teaching yourkids about thenatural environment of a fish, their feeding habits,etc. Moreover,since kids often want colorful decorations andgravel in theirtanks, explain to them how comfortable a fish wouldbe in itsnatural environment.Tank Design Ideas Unique Download Here!Unique Tank Design
Modern Wood Furniture Ideas 1.0
The modern homeowner is actively involvedinthe monitoring of enhancing frills and the optimized useofversatile, modern material. Among all the base materialsavailabletoday, wood has carved a niche of its own. It has been,andcontinues to be considered first, when it comes to theappealing'warm and antique' decor appeal. The number of buildingmaterialsavailable in the dedicated market today has indeed made ita verydifficult task to decide which one is best suited toyourrequirement. However, wood molding ideas for home decorationofferthe special look you wish for.Arena of Wood MoldsChoices include the very versatile teak, bamboo, and rosewoodand picking any one, to accentuate the desired ambiance ofyourhome is a mammoth task. Exotic wood molding is a great waytoenhance the furniture with an exotic appeal. Wood molding ideasandwood corner molding choices you have are unique and addanincomparable charm to any room. In fact, you can take yourhomedecorating ideas a step further and gain recognition amongfriendsand family by choosing wood varieties that are differentfrom thenormal fare! Each variety has a different texture and colorthatadds to the existing style theme.Partner with wood molds to have your spaces molded withetherealelan. Ruffle through these ideas to grasp what I mean!...Staining Wood MoldsOne can experiment with painting or staining wood molds tohighlightthe different wood grain. You could also choose to designthe woodcorner molding by leaving it bare, to create a simplisticlook. Youcan also offset the grain of the wood by changing themolding cut orby integrating the theme in pieces to the walls andceiling.Tinting and Painting Ideas for Wood MoldsUse tinted wood stains for interior and exterior wood decor.Thebeauty and charm associated with wood molding accents, woodcornermolding, and exterior siding designs, are not only naturalinappeal. Molds painted pristine white for a delicate framework,forinstance of twisted ropes, when laced through vaulted ceilingandwalls is, simply put, a 'belle vue'!teriors.Modern Wood Furniture Ideas
DesignofWoodenHouses 1.0
If you want to divide an area in a waythatthere is created a luxurious feel all around, then usingbeadedcurtains is the best idea as these come in a variety offorms,shapes, colors and materials. Beaded curtains is notsomething newin interior designing, as earlier in Mughal era theirusage wascommon in the palaces of Royals. Although, these have beenreplacedby various other new dividers but still in many of themodernhouses in Lahore, you can see this type of curtains.Wooden Partition WallWith the height lower than that of the roof, a wooden-wallservesas the most functional divider as it has shelves, cabins anddrawerson both the sides to keep books, decorative items andvarious otherthings of important use. Functionality is not theonly quality ofthis wooden partition, instead it gives a stylishfeel to an area,which is the reason it is seen in most of theluxury homes inLahore. Like various other partitions these arealso available in avariety of forms, shapes and colors but youneed to pick the onethat best suits your area and budget.Place a RugArea rugs with different styles and colors, placed onseparatezones, serve as simplest dividers. You can even place rugswithdifferent designs and colors in a big area at differentcentralpoints to divide each zone.Carved Wood PartitionReviving the old traditions of Mughal era, carved-woodpartitiondivides an area providing sufficient privacy to each zone.Theseare no more being used frequently; however, in some of theoldhomes with traditional theme, you can find such separations withalittle bit of modern touch.Glass PanelsA single glass panel with various decorative frames canalsoserve as an ideal separation as it allows maximum light topassthrough form one area to another. To create a bitlargerseparation, you can use series of glass panels placedside-by-side.Use colored, opaque or simple mirror panels to dividean area.Folding PartitionsGlass panels can also come in the category of folding panelsifused in a series form. Folding partitions can be made up ofwoodenframes and around a cloth, a mirror or any other material.Theseare available in the market in unlimited materials anddesigns.Take advice from your interior designer and pick the onethat bestsuits your requirements.This is how, the use of partitions not only enhances the lookofyour house but also enriches the interior by making itlookbrighter and spacious.DesignofWoodenHousesGet ideas Great Design houses Wood is Here!
Home Garden Design Flower 1.0
Who doesn't go crazy for a luscious,greengarden? That small haven in front of the porch or any smallspacecan be turned into a beautiful garden. Starting a new gardenisfun, and it adds interest to the existing landscape design.Flowers are essential components of a garden. They areconsideredas the centerpiece of any garden. In fact, a yard with alawn,trees, and fountain, looks incomplete until oneincorporatesflowering plants to its borders and beds. While flowerslook greatin any kind of landscape design, proper planning enhancestheaesthetic value of the yard. So, instead of growing themrandomlylike flowers in the wild, why not plan the garden layoutfirst anddesign it neatly?How to Plan a Flower GardenLaying a flower garden requires some forethought, yourcreativity,and basic gardening skills. But, you don't need a degreeinlandscape designing to proceed with the same. While planningaflower garden layout, certain criteria should be consideredlikelocation, yard space, adding flower beds, finalizingfloweringplants, and design tips. And to make your project simpler,make arough sketch of the layout including the plant placement andcolorpattern.Decide on the LocationThe actual garden layout and the flower varieties to beplanteddepend on where the area is located. A sunny yard withfertile andwell-drained soil is excellent for maintaining a garden.While anypiece of land can be made into a beautiful flower gardenwith someeffort, it is better to grow flowers in a suitable area.Ifpossible, try to avoid a shady and damp location. For ashadedgarden, the flower options are limited. In fact, colorfulbloomslook more vibrant in a sunlit garden.Layout of a flower garden largely depends on how big is thearea.So, yard space and total area of the flower beds shouldbeconsidered first. Later, you can decide the plant types andtheirposition in the garden, based on their height, flowering time,andcolor.You can also add trellis, stone paths, and alike gardencomponents.What about including a garden pond with colorful fishand waterlilies? Depending upon your personal preferences, finalizethecolor scheme and flower cultivars.Designs for Flower BedsThe flower beds should be wide enough (about 5-7 feet) so thatyoucan have better planting options. Each bed can be demarcatedfromthe other by straight or curved lines (as per yourchoice).A formal garden looks elegant with straight lines. But, if youwantsomething out of the box, select five types of variedcoloredflowers that bloom at the same time. Plant them in afive-petaledflower shape, with each flower variety representing apetal.Believe me, this pattern looks awesome in a homegarden.Choose Flowering PlantsYou can consider growing all types, including annuals,biennials,perennials, and climbing vines. While selecting nativeflowerspecies, make sure you consider the amount of care for eachplanttype along with the desired traits of the blooms. Likeforinstance, exotic plants surely add a unique touch to the yard.But,most of the species call for special care and are not suitedfornovice gardeners.Home Garden Design Flower
Wonderful Wedding Cakes 1.0
On a wedding day, you want everything tobespecial and unique. This includes the wedding cake which makesawonderful centerpiece to the wedding. A wedding cake is one ofthemost essential accessories for a wedding ceremony. It needstoprepared and decorated with great care and passion. There aretonsof flavors which can be selected such as banana, chocolate,cherry,lemon, carrot, strawberry, and raspberry swirl. A fountaincake(image on the right) is typically arranged on two or moretieredplatforms and is beautifully decorated with icing.Different Varieties of Fountain Wedding CakeA wedding cake with fountain is unique and uncommon. It addsadramatic touch to the wedding ceremony. There are various typesoffountain wedding cakes. The cake itself is designed withsomespecifications, colors, details and flowers. It istypicallydesigned onto the tiered platforms, so that it canaccommodate amini three-tiered cascading fountain under a highlyplaced firstcake tier.We Have Many Ideas Shape Wedding Cake, See And Take!Wonderful Wedding Cakes
Wonderful Design Mehendi 1.0
Mehndi holds a lot of cultural significanceinIndian traditions. Be it weddings, Karva Chauth or otheroccasions,mehndi plays an important role in all the ceremonies andfestivalsof India. In today's era of modernization, the new stylesanddesigns of mehndi are coming up, adding glamour and funtoit.Weddings being the most important day in one's life, mehndihasbecome an ornament for the soon to be brides. There is, infact,one whole ceremony dedicated to its celebration popularlyknown as‘Mehndi Ceremony' or ‘Mehndi Ki Raat'. Besides this, thephrase‘Haath Peele Karna' as often heard from elders of the familyis arasam of mehndi directly synonymous to marriage. Thissignificancemaybe attributed to symbolic meaning of mehndii.e.fertility.Mehndi Ceremony is among the pre wedding rituals in Indianweddingsperformed a day prior to the marriage. Just as Haldiceremonysymbolizes cleanliness, mehndi signifiesbeautification.Mehndi-Ki-Raat is usually a private affair withclose relatives,friends and family members, celebrated amidst lotof dancing andfeasting. This ritual is often combined with Sangeetceremony andso is primarily a women's function. The atmosphere isimbued withdholak beats and singing of traditional songs whilemehndi isapplied on bride's hands and legs by mehndi experts. Thebride'smehndi interweaves the name of her would be husband and heisexpected to find his name in the pattern. The female relativesofthe family also apply mehndi on their palms to take part inthecelebrations. This ceremony is performed by families of boththeIndian bride and the Indian groom.Even the color of mehndi is given high importance in Indiancultureas the darkness of the color signifies the degree ofhusband's andmother-in-law's love. It depicts love and affectionbetween thecouple as it is believed that the longer it retains, themoreauspicious it is. The bride is traditionally not allowed towork inher husband's home until her mehndi's color fadesawaycompletely.Mehndi is applied on all the important occasions, festivalsandvrats(fasts) in Hindu culture. It is important in festivals suchasKarwa Chauth, Rakhi, Diwali etc. It is also considered as ashagunmostly denoted by the pattern of large dot in the centre ofthehand with four smaller dots at the sides.In order to make this conventional trend of henna applicationmoreexciting, fashionable and fun filled, there is a vast varietyofmehndi designs available today. Arabic Mehndi, RajasthaniMehndi,Crystal Mehndi, Tattoo Mehndi, etc along with thetraditionalIndian Mehndi are among the most popular styles ofmehndicurrently. Mehndi designs majorly consist of floralpatterns,religious symbols, etc. while adding beauty and uniquenessto eachdesign applied.Henna or Mehndi is also known worldwide for itsmedicinalproperties. It was, in fact, used as a cosmetic in earliertimesdue to its therapeutic features. Mehndi is widely adoptedaroundthe world as a conditioner and dye for hair by both men andwomen.It is a natural dye that renders a beautiful color on hairandcreates a lustrous look. Also, mehndi is popular for itscoolingeffects, thus, used in hot climates in India and othercountries.It can also help in lowering body temperature and sootheheadaches,fevers, burning feet and even hysteria or a violenttemper. It canincrease the luster of nails, is effective inmuscular rigidity andeven in Jaundice.
Cocktail Dress Ideas 1.0
Every young girl at some point of time,dressesup in her mother's high heels, wears her mother's makeup,and trotsaround the house, ready in her own eyes to accept anyparty invitethat comes her way. There starts every woman'sintrinsic love forclothes and more importantly, fashion. Andwhether our intellectualpart accepts our 'fashion consciousness'or not, it does not takeaway from the fact that it is that need tolook good that drives usto look out for new trends every season.What we wear in the winter,spring, and summer is determined by thenip in the air and the heatwave, but more so by what is in andwhat is out. So as thetemperature rises and we gulp down glassesof lemonade, what is theprediction for summer cocktail dresses?Here are our top picks as wemark out the best cocktail dresses forsummer.Tips for Cocktail Dresses for SummerIf you are looking out for a summer cocktail dress, then thefirstthing that you need to keep in mind is to let the dress besimpleand well cut. The embellishments on the dress and theaccessoriesyou wear need to be determined depending on the time ofthe daythat the party is being held. Given below are some tips thatwillhelp you pick out cocktail dresses for the summer.If it is a morning affair, and you are attending a summerwedding,then try and choose cocktail attire for women that will letyou becomfortable and let your skin breathe. Avoid complicatedstraps,sequins, shiny adornments, fabrics like satin, etc. Sticktodresses that are made of a fabric that is summer friendly andmoreimportantly, wrinkle free.For evening cocktails, bring out fabrics such as satin, silk,rayonand fine-gauge knits that work very well. A little bit ofblingworks for evening wear but if this is the case with yourdress,then ensure that you do not over-accessorize. Let the printsof thedress be reminiscent of the season that it is being wornin.Summer is the season of colors. Ditch the blacks and whites andmakenew additions to your color palette. Wear a bright summercolor likeyellow or pink. If colors make you slightly nervous, youcan try andexperiment with different prints on the dress.Focus on your accessories. While matching accessories in shadesofthe same color as your dress work well, try and experiment withtheadornments that you wear and make a statement, for example, ifyouare wearing a green dress, instead of wearing heels in thesamecolor or plain old black, spice it up with wedges in acanaryyellow. But make sure that you are comfortable in whateveryouwear.Cocktail Dress Ideas
New Korean Fashion Styles 1.0
Many women try to ape other women in ordertolook fashionable. It is necessary to dress right and ensurethatthe style is suitable. If you dress only because the clothingistrendy and everyone else is wearing the style, you may enduplooking ludicrous. Women dress should be smart and appropriateforthe occasion. They should pay attention to matching jewelryandother accessories which include earrings, bracelets, chainsandother trinkets. The other items that complement good dressingarehandbags, sunglasses, watches and shoes. Several onlinesitesdisplay Japanese Korean fashion wear which is now immenselypopularwith people all over the world.Women dress to look smart especially when they are workinginoffices. They change their outfits according to the season andwearappropriate styles that are in fashion. It is important toselectthe colors that emphasize the skin. Depending on their colorandtan, they can pick up colors that will highlight their figuresandpersonality. Many men and women prefer to wear black toformaloccasions especially as it helps to hide extra pounds. Theclothesthat one wears should be comfortable and not too fitting. Itisadvisable to wear desirable clothing that suits a personratherthan purchase very fashionable clothes that do not suitthewearer.It is not necessary to pick up clothes just because they arecheapand look trendy. It is more important to consider variousfactorsand ensure that the quality of the clothes are good and thattheinvestment you make is sound and will help you look and feelgood.It is necessary to avoid clutter and therefore get rid ofclothesthat do not fit anymore or that are ready to be discarded.Browseonline and spend time going through catalogues and photosofJapanese Korean fashion garments and accessories beforeorderingthem. Try to check out various online clothing stores thatarereliable and have a wide range for selection.When you finally decide on the store that sell the rightclothingand accessories that you would like to order, read theirterms andconditions and the reviews before placing your valuableorder.Clothes purchased in bulk may give you an advantage as somestoresoffer free delivery when you order over a stipulated amount.Checkout information such as discounts, sales etc and plan yourshoppingto get the best deals.Always keep your eyes peeled for good finds and great deals.Takeadvantage of volume pricing and select new outfits that you canmixand match to wear to work. You can take your pick offormalclothing and casual wear when you buy in bulk. Get ideasfrommagazines and try to follow the trend that suits yourpersonality.Plan your dressing to ensure that it is meticulous andcomplementyour clothes with matching or contrast jewelry. Wearclothes thatflatter your figure and enjoy browsing online to getthe best dealswith wholesale clothing.Take the idea of Korean Dress Style Here!
Small Front Garden Ideas 1.0
Container gardening is a boon for those whodonot have a sprawling landscape to fulfill their desireforgardening and greenery in their homes. You don't have to give uponyour green thumb simply because of the lack of space to pursueit.Growing plants in small containers gives you enough space tocreatea small garden in your patio, thereby giving you a little bitofboth worlds. What's more, with the variety of plants, alongwiththe different types of containers that can be used to growthem,have led to the emergence of unique and creative designsforgardens. Here, we give you some tips on container gardening,thatwill help you express your love for nature in yourpersonalstyle.TipsCreating a unique and interesting container garden designrequiresthe use of certain tips and tricks. If you want to createanattractive garden, the thumb rule is to break throughtraditionalbarriers and norms of design and get as creative aspossible. Alsoremember, the success and the beauty of the plants inyour gardenlargely depends on the kind of lighting that theyrequire and thatthey are exposed to. Keep in mind all these detailsbefore you setabout designing a beautiful garden yourself.ContainersThe type of container you use makes a whole lot of a differencetoyour garden. Not every pot has to be the regular round,terracottapot. Go for different colors and get creative. You canalso opt fora variety of different materials including ceramic andstainlesssteel pots. Finally, go for pots of different heights tocreateinteresting level differences that add to the aestheticappeal ofyour garden. You could also hang your pots, which adds awhole newdimension to the visual appeal of the garden.Take the Big Idea Design Gardens Home Your Home Here!Small Front Garden Ideas