Beenoculus Приложения

Beenoculus Unreal Demo 1.2
Beenoculus demo powered by Unreal Engine4.The Unreal Engine SDK will soon be available.
Time Travel Roller Coaster VR 1.0
Having the feeling of being aboard a roller coaster is incredibleand with the Time Coaster this is possible! Embark on this rollercoaster ride, which in addition to much adrenaline and excitement,will provide you with a journey back in time, through a tunnel yougo from the future to the Jurassic era, accompanied by dinosaurs.Feel the thrill of being on an incredible roller coaster, wanderthrough vegetation, mountains, glaciers, jump in time and facedinosaurs on this unique journey. Do not waste time and experiencethis unique experience now! To start the trip is very simple, justlook at the cart and focus on the paravra "start". Good adventure!
Beenoculus Demo 1.1
In this app you can check out what our SDK's latest features.Stereoscopic 3D CameraHead-TrackingAuto-WalkMore information available at
Beenoculus Cartão de Visita 1.0
Aplicativo de realidade aumentada para ocartão de visita da Beenoculus.Você precisa apontar a câmera para o QR no verso do cartão paraativar a realidade aumentada.Reality applicationincreased to the business card Beenoculus.You need to point the camera at the QR in the back of the card toactivate the augmented reality.
Beenoculus Hive 1.1
Access all your Beenoculus applicationswithout taking off your goggles.
ABBA Musical Dance 360º 1.0
In November of 2015 the group Erudito presented in Curitiba theshow ABBA Symphonic Musical Dance, a presentation full of classicsof the band, with many choreographies and memories of the group'scareer. There were 3 performances at the Opera de Arame, a touristspot in the capital of Paraná. Beenoculus was present and recordedthis show in 360º, now you can be part of the audience and checkout this incredible show, anywhere. Just download the applicationand you're done. An incredible virtual reality experience with afantastic show. Get ready for an unforgettable show, check it out!
Beenoculus - Eruditu Tudo Geek 1.0
Concert by group Eruditu, featuringclassicalmusic from Games history.Filmed and developed by Eruditu.
Funciona em VR e 360º? 1.0
Este aplicativo desenvolvido pela Beenoculus é de ação simples, semnenhuma interface, ele apenas faz um diagnóstico em seu smartphone,verificando se ele possui os recursos necessários para executar asações de realidade virtual e 360º. Ao baixar e executar oaplicativo ele já apontará o diagnóstico sobre seu smartphone.
Game Mega Asteroids VR 1.0
If you are a fan of a classic game this is the opportunity for youto have an incredible experience in virtual reality. Beenoculuscreated a version of the classic Asteroids, from the well-knownvideo game Atari, in a viscous reality. You start the game beforeputting your smartphone in your virtual reality glasses, there is apause that allows this action. From this, you are the commander ofthis ship and your mission is to destroy the ateroids that arecoming towards you, before they destroy you. The three-dimensionalradar on the left side will help you to see which direction theasteroids come from, to find them and destroy them just turn yourhead in the direction indicated on the map. The more asteroids youdestroy, the greater the challenge becomes. You're advanced,level-to-level, and the amount and speed of asteroids isincreasing. Embark on this incredible challenge and enjoy thisvirtual reality game!
Curitiba Panoramic Tour 360º 1.2
Have you thought about getting to know Curitiba without leaving theplace? It is now possible! With the Curitiba Panoramic applicationdeveloped by Beenoculus, you can stroll through the main touristattractions of the capital of Paraná, know its details and admirethe view of each one of them. All this in a very simple and agileway. When opening the application you will have the top view of theTelephone Tower and you will see, in the panoramic view, severalLocation Pins spread around the city, to go visit them just focusthe look on the Pin. A white dot in the center of the screen willhelp you. To return to the Telephone Tower and continue the tourjust look down. It is not possible to go from one tourist point toanother directly, it is necessary to return to the tower tocontinue the tour. Come and see Curitiba in 360º! Start right now!
Bakerloo Movie in VR 1.0.1
Bakerloo is a virtual reality film, by Conor Ackhurst (JAM), inpartnership with Beenoculus. Know the story of Silas and go beyond,be on stage, experience the story in a completely new way, be partof each space. Understand and be in the perspective of thecharacter. Bakerloo tells the story of the young man named Silas,who goes to visit his grandmother, aware that his memory is growingweaker. On his journey back home, his mind begins to wander. Trainstations, restaurants, photographs, various scenarios he's been inbring you the memory of how those stories have made him who he is,and more importantly, who he will be if that memory starts to fail.Follow this drama in the short film format and discover a new wayof entertainment and insight into the cinema. Join now and check itout!
Documentario Rio de Lama VR 2.1
Em 05 de Novembro de 2015, a cidade histórica de Mariana, em MinasGerais, foi palco da maior tragédia ambiental que se tem registrono Brasil. Uma barreira de detritos de lama se rompeu, provocando ovazamento de 62 milhões de metro cúbicos de rejeitos de minério. Odesastre causou a morte de 19 pessoas, entre funcionários daempresa responsável pela barragem e moradores de Mariana. Adestruição do município e as consequências deste desastre você podeconferir neste documentário curta-metragem, em realidade virtual,com imersão 360º, passando por onde ficava a cidade e mostrandocomo tudo ficou após o rio de lama que cortou o município. Confira,por todos os angulos, detalhes das consequências e como ficou avida em Mariana. Watch in English:
Palmeiras RV360 1.1.7
Feel the thrill of being inside the stadium by watching the realgames!
Documentary Rio de Lama VR 1.0
On November 5, 2015, the historic city of Mariana, Minas Gerais,was the scene of the greatest environmental tragedy that has beenregistered in Brazil. A barrier of mud debris broke, causing theleakage of 62 million cubic meters of ore tailings. The disastercaused the deaths of 19 people, including employees of the companyresponsible for the dam and residents of Mariana. The destructionof the municipality and the consequences of this disaster you cancheck in this short documentary, virtual reality, with 360ºimmersion, passing through where the city was and showing howeverything was after the mud river that cut the municipality.Check, by all angles, details of the consequences and how life wasin Mariana. Veja em português:
Health + SESI 1.0
"SESI, in partnership with Beenoculus, has developed a virtualreality game about the importance of having good habits in ourdaily lives. The main goal of the game is to make the public awareof the importance of fitting healthy habits into our routine. Eventhough it is difficult because we have much of our time consumed bywork. The game starts with an instruction screen, how to performthe interaction and accomplish the goals. To get around, the playerneeds to walk without leaving the place, which extends the virtualreality experience and the message of the game, about having ahealthier life. When passing the instructions the player goes tothe first scenario, a hallway of a building, leaving home to starttheir daily routine with the options of following the stairs orelevator. From there you will be a sequence of choices that goaccording to the daily routine of most people: How to get out ofthe house. What means of transport. What's the power option.Medical consultation or self-medication. Leisure or inactivity.More work or rest. To make the choices is simple, simply walk theplayer towards the icons that represent each choice and collectthem along the way. At the top of the display the player displaystwo horizontal bars, one of longevity and one of health. These barsare directly linked with the choices that the player makes on hisjourney. The more you opt for not very healthy choices, thelongevity bar goes down, until the journey ends before the end. Thevision is getting darker, the character panting and the journeyends. Every time the player makes unhealthy choices, warningmessages about the importance of good habits on a day to day basisare displayed. If the player makes healthy choices, the longevitybar is being filled, the player's speed increases and he completesthe journey. Come check out this journey in virtual reality, aninnovative way to treat sapude and our day to day. Download it now!"
VR Flight Simulator 2.0
In the VR Flight Simulator application, developed by Beenoculus,itlives the experience of flying a plane in Virtual Reality. Youneeda joystick, which works via bluetooth, to coordinate likeairplanefunctions. They are simple commands to accelerate andcontrol adirection. Gain speed on the runway, enough to take off.Pull thestain toward you to take the plane off the ground andcontrol itsstability with the commands on the left. You give astability ofthe airplane without control panel and can admire avision duringthe flight, just turn a head to the sides. For abetter recommendedexperience play sitting in an armchair or swivelchair, just as youare safe and experience 360º. Enjoy andexperience this virtualreality experience!
Snake Virtual Reality Game 1.0
Beenoculus has prepared a special version of the classic Snakegame.Now you can have a new experience with a mobile gamingclassic,scroll through the maps for fruit, feed Snake and avoidobstacles.Remember, if you hit some obstacle, end the game. Arrowsabove yoursnake indicate where the next fruit to be eaten is, andto takeSnakke there you just have to turn your head to the rightor left.Come and enjoy this classic game and win all thechallenges!
Tuscany Mansion in VR 1.2
This application will provide you with a full virtual realityfeel.You will be transported to another environment, totallyimmersed,and you will experience the experience of touring atypical housein Tuscany, Italy. It is an application that, inaddition toshowing you, in a light and gentle way, as is thevirtual reality,provides a trip (without leaving the place) thereis one of themost beautiful places on the European continent. Withsimplecommands, to simulate walking, this application allows anyonewhohas not yet had a virtual reality experience to make theirfirstuse without major difficulties, avoiding symptoms that maybecommon on first use. Enjoy and get to know Tuscany in a totallynewway.
Beenoculus Games Classic 2.1 1.0
In Games Classic Show 2.1, lovers of music and games cometogetherto create a unique spectacle, joining games with classicalmusic.In this event, several musicians play the classic themes ofoldergames, even the most recent ones. To complement the show,gamescenes are displayed on the big screen as the orchestra playsitstheme in full synchronicity. Undoubtedly it is afantasticexperience that you can experience through the GamesClassic Show2.1 application. In it you will be in the position oftheconductor, watching closely all the evolution of thearrangementsand accompanying the animations and audience. Live the360º​​Classic Games Show! Enjoy!