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BlackRock Insights 4.0.2
BlackRock, Inc.
BlackRock Insights helps you stay informed of the financialmarketsand identify trends. Our clients can also access and monitortheirinvestment portfolios on the go. Key Features: - Accesstrustedinsights, community and education content in multimediaformatsfrom BlackRock experts, including strategists from theBlackRockInvestment Institute, portfolio managers, public policyexperts andmore. - Go beyond the daily chatter with perspectivessupported byin-depth analyses, interactive charts and stats. -Identify keythemes impacting the markets today, or dive intospecific assetclasses to discover stories relevant to yourinterests. - Exploreour tactical market views and strategicallocation perspectives, tohelp enable better-informed investingdecisions. - Dive deeper intoareas of interest by accessingextended publications on topics suchas geopolitical risk, portfoliodesign and our quarterly investmentoutlook. For InstitutionalInvestors, Professional Clients, andQualified Investors OnlyIMPORTANT NOTICE AND CONSENT This is fordistribution toProfessional Clients (as defined by the FinancialConduct Authorityor MiFID Rules) only and should not be reliedupon by any otherpersons. The BLKInsights app is available toInstitutional Investorsin the U.S., Canada, UK, Germany, France,Italy, Spain,Portugal,Switzerland, Netherlands, Norway, Denmark,Finland, Sweden,Iceland. Professional Investors in Belgium,Luxembourg, Spain, andHong Kong Investors. It is not available tothe general public inU.S., Canada, UK, Germany, France, Italy,Spain, Portugal,Switzerland, Netherlands, Norway, Denmark,Finland, Sweden, Iceland,Belgium and Luxembourg. By tapping "get",you consent to theinstallation of this app and any updates orupgrades that arereleased through the platform. You understand andagree that thisapp (incl. any updates or upgrades) may (i) causeyour device toautomatically communicate with BlackRock's serversto deliver thefunctionality described above and to record usagemetrics forperformance reporting purposes, (ii) affect app-relatedpreferencesor data stored on your device, and (iii) collectpersonalinformation to provide the features described above and asset outin our Privacy Policy (see links below). You can withdrawyourconsent at any time by removing or disabling this app. If yousignedup to receive push notifications when new content ispublished, youwill receive an alert when each piece of content ispublished.Privacy Policy: (U.S., HK, CA, UK, D, NL, FR, IT, ES,SE, CH, NO,DK, FI, BE, LU, IS,P) Kong, this material is issued by BlackRock AssetManagementNorth Asia Limited and has not been reviewed by theSecurities andFutures Commission of Hong Kong. This material is notintended tobe relied upon as a forecast, research or investmentadvice, and isnot a recommendation, offer or solicitation to buy orsell anysecurities or to adopt any investment strategy. Theopinionsexpressed are subject to change. References to specificsecurities,asset classes and financial markets are for illustrativepurposesonly and are not intended to be and should not beinterpreted asrecommendations. The information and opinionscontained in thismaterial are derived from proprietary andnonproprietary sourcesdeemed by BlackRock to be reliable, are notnecessarilyall-inclusive and are not guaranteed as to accuracy.Pastperformance is not a guide to future performance. There arerisksassociated with investing, including loss of principal. Thevalueof investments and the income from them can fall as well asriseand is not guaranteed. Changes in the rates of exchangebetweencurrencies may cause the value of investments to fluctuate.©2021BlackRock, Inc., All Rights Reserved. MKTGM1020U-1371156-10/10