Blesh Приложения

Blesh Physical Web 0.5
The Physical Web is a tool to manage throughthe complexity of the Internet of Things. It can connect anyphysical objects to the web and render them smart with the help ofportable devices that broadcast URL signals. Ultimately, it intendsto let us control, navigate and sort the wealth of smart objects inthe physical world surrounding us.
BleshCMS 1.0
Blesh CMS is your tool to custom design everydetail about your beacon interaction with your audience.As a multitasking platform, it deals with all aspects of yourcommunication display such as the content, the visuals, the timing,and the venues.Catch the right timeChoose the right place and the right people by matching yourbeacons with your apps.Design the visual experienceDesign every detail of your communication by creating and managingcampaigns.Analyze your reachKnow where and when your visitors most spend time.