Blitzing Ninja Приложения

Potion Guide for Minecraft 2.0
Blitzing Ninja
Ever wondered what ingredients you needed to make a SwiftnessPotion? Or even a Strength Potion? Well, you have come to the rightplace! Potion Guide for *Minecraft tells you ALL the recipes youneed for free.Now with Poison Potion.This amazing work (app) was developed by a young teenage boylooking for something to do on a weekend and has reached 8000downloads in 5 months.My comprehensive 'Furniture Guide for Minecraft' has just beenreleased... search it up!*This app is not created by Mojang, nor is it affiliated, orsupported by them in any way, shape or form.*(Mojang is the company who created Minecraft.)
Furniture Guide for Minecraft 1
Blitzing Ninja
Furniture Guide For *Minecraft!Ever thought why your house and garden look so empty in*Minecraft? Have you ever wondered how to make your house andgrounds more welcoming? Well, Blitzingninja's 'Furniture Guide for*Minecraft' could be your solution.In this FREE app, without any advertisements, you will discovernearly 50 different pieces of furniture, indoor and outdoor, whichyou can create in *Minecraft with instructions on how to buildthem!Some have tutorial videos. How good is that?Finally, the YouTube videos are best viewed in landscape modewith the screen maximised.*This app is not created by Mojang, nor is it affiliated, orsupported by them in any way, shape or form.* (Mojang is thecompany who created *Minecraft.)