BlueBlack Studio Приложения

Guitar Chord譜 簡譜易 1.9
BlueBlack Studio
公告:由於電腦故障加我既白痴,所以心血付之一炬。整個app要重新寫過...應該要去到年尾先有機會更新。不便之處,敬請原諒。sigh此APPS主要功能 :1. 離線查閱CHORD譜,包括各男女歌手及組合2. 提供錄音功能3. 提供主要和弦列表,方便查閱4. 設有Bookmark功能,飲歌快速查閱--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------因為懶,嫌麻煩,所以整左個OFFLINE都可以用既APPS,如果你有歌想加,話聲我知,我盡量加。不定時更新,簡譜都係小弟在網絡上搜羅,在此多謝多位編譜的人。announcement:Due to a computer malfunction add me as an idiot, so theeffortburned. To re-written ... the whole app should Yaoqu end oftheyear prior to the opportunity to update.Sorry for any inconveniences caused. sighThis APPS main functions:1. Check off CHORD spectrum, including the male and femalesingersand composition2. provide recording capabilities3. Provide a list of major chords, easy access4. features Bookmark function, quick access to drinking song--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Because I was lazy, troublesome, so the whole left a OFFLINEcanbe used both APPS,If you want to add songs, Huasheng I know, I try to add.Updated regularly, they are all younger collecting notation onthenetwork would like to thank a number of peopleknittingspectrum.