BrainKeys Приложения

iCLOO! - sports video analysis 2.12.95
Enjoy your video with jog control for slo-mo, reverse, andmulti-speed playback
iCLOO Golf Edition (Golf Swing Analyzer) 2.7.83
The most optimized features for golf swing analysis 1. Golf swinganalysis using the jog dial - The frame by frame playback using jogdial will help you to analyze your swing with precision. - Moveyour swing motion forward and backward without any frame drop. -Instant video stream analysis (no waiting for import) 2. Swingcomparison - It is possible to compare the swing of the pro with myswing, compare the front and side swing, and compare the best swingwith the current swing. - You can synchronize the two video bylocking and unlocking 3. Various drawing tools - It provides themost powerful drawing functions compared to other apps such aslines, squares, circles, triangles, protractors, and spline. - Itis the only app that can control not only the line thickness butalso the transparency. 4. Swing trace - You can only trace themovement of the club during the swing. - Swing trace results can besaved as a new video clip. 5. Make your lesson video using screenrecording - If you press the red button on the bottom-left, yourvoice and all the processes of playing the video, editing is savedas a new video. - You can press the record pause button, fix linesor text, and resume recording again, making it easy to createlesson videos.
KPGA Swing 2.12.95
KPGA Swing is a KPGA approved Golf Swing Analysis App.
iCLOO Dance Edition (App for D 2.5.78
Analyze and practice dance motion with jog control forframe-by-frame playback
iCLOO CCTV Edition(CCTV/Dash c 1.6.61
Play CCTV and dash cam video with jog control for frame-by-frameplayback.