CEPSA Приложения

App Ética & Cumplimiento de Cepsa 1.1
La app Ética y Cumplimiento de Cepsa es una herramienta paratodoslos empleados que conecta directamente con el equipo de laOficinade Ética y Cumplimiento. Desde tu móvil podrás: • Aclararcualquierduda con los expertos en Ética y Cumplimiento y comunicarde formaconfidencial incidencias o denuncias. • Agilizar lassolicitudes deaprobaciones relacionadas con comidas con terceros,regalos,patrocinios locales, invitaciones a eventos, reportarconflictos deinterés o solicitar un análisis de integridad decontraparte. •Consultar la documentación referente al Código deÉtica y Conductay a las Políticas Corporativas y de CumplimientoNormativo. •Acceder de una manera fácil y rápida a materiales decomunicación,formación y multimedia. • Encontrar preguntasfrecuentes respectoal cumplimiento del código de ética y laspolíticas decumplimiento.
CEPSA Directo 3.2.1
With the Cepsa Directo you will find the solutions you need quicklyand easily:
CepsaPay 2.2.2
CEPSA have revolutionised the way to pay for fuel and purchasesatservice stations. You'll be able to control and manage theprocessof refuelling from your Smartphone, never having to leaveyourvehicle or having to go to the checkout. Select and open thepumpfrom the App, configure the type of fuel, amount and charge ittoany of the bank cards you have linked to the App, and evenreceivethe invoice automatically via e-mail. With CEPSA Pay you'llalso beable to pay for purchases made in CESPA shops with yourSmartphoneand get discounts and gifts just for using our App. Ouraim is toensure you have an innovative and optimum purchasingexperience atCEPSA service stations. FINE TUNING - Download theFREE App,complete the registration form*(1) and enter your bankcard -Create your PassCode, a 4 digit code which you'll be asked toenteronly when an operation is carried out with your chosen meansofpayment. If you have prepaid credit on the App this will notbenecessary. - Start paying for your fuel via your mobile phonewithyour selected card or means of payment. HOW DOES THE REFUELLINGAPPWORK - Park your vehicle adjacent to the pump you wish torefuelfrom. - Open the App and press the pump button. - Make sureyou'reat the service station displayed on the map. - Select thepumpnumber you're adjacent to. Confirm that the correct numberappearson sticker on the selected pump. - Choose the fuel type. -Enterthe amount and you're ready to go! - Unhook that fuel hose youhavepreviously selected in the App and refuel. - Replace the hoseandyou're free to leave, you'll automatically receive a receiptforyour purchase via e-mail. * Payment is automatically charged tothecard you have linked to the App or is deducted from theprepaidbalance on the App. * If you have discount vouchers you canalsouse them when making payment at the pump. HOW DOES THE APP WORKATSERVICE STATION CHECKOUTS - Select the till button on the App.-Once the attendant has informed you of the total amount ofyourpurchase, show them the QR code displayed on your screen andyou'redone! OTHER ADVANTAGES -Send prepaid top-ups automaticallytofriends, employees or family so that they can shop or refuel atourservice stations with the App without having to link theirbankcards to an account. -You won't need to have the Porque TuVuelvescard with you to accumulate points. Find out more aboutthesurprising CEPSA Pay App
StarRessa 1.11.20
An app for drivers. Pay for your refueling by showing a QR code!
Cepsa Gow 3.9.0
Discover Cepsa Gow, the new Cepsa app.