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Call-Timer can make your phone automaticallyhang up when your call reaches a configurable predefinedtime.Why it is needed? Many network carriers or telecom services offerfree calls for first 5, 10, 20, xx minutes. If you don’t want tomonitoring the elapsed time and manually hang-up the call whiletalking, then you can have this application do it for you.NOTICESAMSUNG GALAXY, HUAWEI, LENOVO... phones in POWERSAVING MODE: Some phones have power saving feature andthis feature may interfere with Call-Timer. If that is your case,please try to reconfigure power saving feature or completelydisable power saving mode.OPPO phones: You need to click Settings--> Application Management and click on symbol lock on the rightof Call Timer .DUAL SIM phones: In order to keepCall-Timer working well on dual SIM phones, you need to configuredefault SIM card for voice calls AND make calls from that defaultSIM card. That can be configured via system app Settings (...SIMcard).LG PHONEs: LGs may not hang up, in thiscase, please try to enable Setting->Accessibility->Powerbutton ends calls (Ajustes -> Accesibilidad->Colgar orAjustes -> Accesibilidad->"El boton de activadofinalizar").FEATURES:1/ Auto hang up: user sets time limit once and the application willbe in standby mode; whenever there is an outgoing call or incomingcall (optionally), the application will be activated and begin totime the call.2/ Periodic notifications: This is useful for people who arecharged per minute.3/ Specific numbers: Allow you to specify individual phone numbersto apply limit of talk time to. You can add phone number tospecific number list either by picking up contact from contactslist or by adding phone number prefixes, which are common beginningdigits of the phone numbers that you want to add to the specificnumber list. Please note that when you choose to use “Specificnumbers” feature, call-timer will not be activated (no auto hang upnor notifications) for phone numbers which do not belong to thosenumbers that have been added to specific number list.4/ Multi-call support. Please read more athttp://call-timer.blogspot.com/2013/01/multi-call-feature.html5/ Timer can start either when call is answered or dialed. There isan option for you to change when timer starts. Please note thatsome phones and Android builds (especially, Android 4.1.2 andabove) don't support timer start on answer. In that case, you needto change the option to "Timer start on DIAL" to keep theapplication working.6/ Auto redial.7/ To be notified before hang-up8/ Temporarily disable call timer for current call9/ Exclude contacts from timer: If you don't want call timer tohave effect on certain contacts or prefixes (for example, toll freenumbers), you could do that though "Exclude numbers".10/ Widget for fast enable/disable and for dialing most contactedcontacts.11/ CallerID feature- Identify unknown numbers. This feature will show Call informationduring/after calls and you can fully adjust it to your preferences.Enable/disable or configure the CallerID at any time in thesettings menu.- Make relevant contact suggestions based on time and place - soyou never have to leave the service to find the rightcontact.NOTE on USAGE:- OPEN THE APP AT LEAST ONCE AFTER INSTALL, otherwise force closeerror will occur due to first time data is not initialized.Please send suggestions or report bugs tocall-timer@ctsoftsolutions.com.Thank you!CREDITS:- Many thanks to Fernando Salazar Peris for Spanishtranslation!- Many thanks to Mikhail Kitaev for Russian translation!- Many thanks to Yvette Wang for translation into Chinese
Call Timer for Oppo 2.0.44
Call Timer for Oppo can make your phone automatically hang upwhenyour call reaches a configurable predefined time. Why it isneeded?Many network carriers or telecom services offer free callsforfirst 5, 10, 20, xx minutes. If you don’t want to monitoringtheelapsed time and manually hang-up the call while talking, thenyoucan have this application do it for you. NOTICE OPPO phones:ForColor OS 3.0, 3.1 phones such as Oppo F3, F3 plus, F1s: + GotoSecurity Center → Privacy permissions → Startup Manager. Thenturnon Call Timer to allow it startup in background. + Go to Batery→Batery optimization → Call Timer. Then choose "Do not optimize".+Go to Batery → Energy Saver → Call Timer. Then disable "Freewhenin background" and Automatically optimize when an Abnormallyisdetected". For Oppo phones with Color OS 2.1: + Go to Home→Settings → Application Management → Running apps. Lock the app.+Find item Data Saving (either in Security center or inSettings):If enable then add Call Timer to list of background app.+ Finditem Cleanup (either in Security center or in Settings). addCallTimer to Clean Whitelist. SAMSUNG phones: in some Samsungphonemodels such as J7, J5, J3, J2, S7, S7 edge...phone systemneeds tobe initialized (make at least one call) before you cantestCall-Timer. If you buy a new phone or you reboot your phone,pleasemake at least one call before installing Call-Timer SAMSUNGGALAXY,HUAWEI, LENOVO... phones in POWER SAVING MODE: Some phoneshavepower saving feature and this feature may interferewithCall-Timer. If that is your case, please try to reconfigurepowersaving feature or completely disable power saving mode. DUALSIMphones: In order to keep Call-Timer working well on dualSIMphones, you need to configure default SIM card for voice callsANDmake calls from that default SIM card. That can be configuredviasystem app Settings (...SIM card). FEATURES: + Auto hang up:usersets time limit once and the application will be in standbymode;whenever there is an outgoing call or incoming call(optionally),the application will be activated and begin to timethe call. +Periodic notifications: This is useful for people whoare chargedper minute. + Multi-call support. Please read moreathttp://call-timer.blogspot.com/2013/01/multi-call-feature.html+Auto redial. + To be notified before hang-up + Temporarilydisablecall timer for current call + Widget for fast enable/disableandfor dialing most contacted contacts. NOTE on USAGE: - OPEN THEAPPAT LEAST ONCE AFTER INSTALL, otherwise force close error willoccurdue to first time data is not initialized. Please sendsuggestionsor report bugs to call-timer@ctsoftsolutions.com. Thankyou!