Calmatics Приложения

Space Crash Race 3D 1.0
A thrilling space race simulator whereyoucontrol a spacecraft to go through holes in various spaceobjectsat breathtaking speed avoiding crashes, . It reallychallenges yourreaction ability, and your skill to make quickmaneuvers.Features- You control the spacecraft either with your fingers on thescreenor by tilting your phone/tablet so that you use it as asteeringwheel, utilizing the built in accelerometer orgyroscope- You have the option of firing balls against some of theobjectsmaking holes to go through, stretching the limits of yourabilityto aim quickly- A nice, exciting race simulator, stimulating and improvingyourmaneuverability
Magnifier & Contrast Enhancer 2.3
This Magnifier app solves the problem if you are tired of tryingreading labels with too small text. You do not need to carry amagnifying glass, just use your smartphone. You will be able toread the text clearly. You easily control the magnification and theexposure. You can quickly freeze the image so that you can check itout, and save or share it. The magnification can be high enough (ifyour device supports it) to use it as a microscope or macro camera.This magnifying glass app has two extra features, a loupe and acolor (contrast) expander. The loupe magnifies a small portion ofthe picture while the rest is not magnified. This may give a betteroverall orientation for example in a text. There is also thepossibility to have the loupe surrounded by gradually changingmagnification, so that details are not hidden below it. The color(contrast) expander enhances the differences between the colors,which may help to reveal hidden structures, such as the symbols andtext on bleached laundry care labels, watermarks, or whatever paleor bleached structures. The picture should have low contrast and beuniform in all parts in order for this feature to work, it cannothandle pictures with large color differences. Key features: ✓Magnifier. - High magnification. This extraordinary magnifier canalso be used as a microscope or macro camera, for example to watchstructures on insect wings. - The magnification is easily modifiedby pinching or using a slide bar. - The magnification can be ashigh as the resolution of your device allows. - Magnification,exposure, and focus controls. - Replaces your magnifying glass, anddoes more. ✓ Freeze, save and share images. - The same imageprocessing functions as for the magnifier are available. This meansthat you can watch the picture more stably and investigate it bythe image processing functions. - Possible to freeze the image whenit has reached focus. - Easily share images with others, processedsuch that they see what you see with the magnifier. - Save rawpictures on the disc, and watch them later. - Easily navigate andmagnify within an image using your fingers. ✓ Loupe mode. - Used toget high magnification in a smaller area without loosing theoverview of the whole picture. - Also available for the frozen andsaved images, and when using it as a microscope or macro camera. ✓You can show the negative of the image, for the real time magnifierand for frozen and saved images. You can also show the image inblack and white. ✓ Color expander (contrast enhancer). - Used toreveal hidden or pale structures, for example bleached laundrylabels. - Also available for the frozen and saved images, and whenusing it as a microscope or macro camera. ✓ LED flashlight. Easy toturn on/off. ✓ Possible to hide the buttons on the screen. If youthink the buttons disturb the image, you easily hide them. ✓ Easyto use Disclaimer: The functionality and quality of this app isdirectly related to the hardware capabilities of your device. Forexample some devices don't have flash or auto focus.Support/feedback:
Handy Ruler 1.1
Use your smartphone screen as a ruler, and measure the length/sizeof small objects. You always have this smart tool with you when youcarry your smartphone. You easily measure the length or size of theobject by placing it at the screen and adjusting the measuring areatightly. The phone is calibrated already at the factory, but youcan also do a calibration yourself by using another ruler, or asuitable object of known size. This app does not show ads. Keyfeatures: ✓ Handy ruler ✓ Measures in cm, or inches (decimal orfraction) ✓ Just measure anything that fits into the screen ✓Measures just length, or length and width at the same time. ✓ Has ahigh precision caliper mode for accurate adjustment of themeasuring area. ✓ The measurements can be stored in a list. Alisted measurement can be retrieved back to the screen. ✓Calibrated already at the factory. If that is not good enough it ispossibe to calibrate by using another ruler or a suitable object ofknown size such as a credit card. ✓ Easy to use ✓ NO ADS !!!Disclaimer: Be careful to not scratching your screen when puttingobjects at it. Support/feedback:
Orienteering Compass & Map 2.7
Compass and map for classical orienteering
Rotating Sphere Inclinometer 1.11
This inclinometer measures roll and pitch, lateral and longitudinalinclination.
Multi Clinometer 1.15
Three clinometers in one