Chaba Source tech Приложения

QR & Barcodes details Scanner 4.0
Chaba Source tech
Best Barcode Scanner Android App With SaveDetails Option and Country AutodetectUse this application to scan any kind of barcode and know thecountry of origin of the product from the barcode scanned, also youcan save the barcodes with additional information such as ProductName, Price, Remarks, The expiration date, you can also sendscanned codes to your friends, and many other features that you'llfind after installing the application.- Scan any barcode.- Auto detect origin country of products.- Save scanned codes.- Share codes with friends.- Copy scanned codes to clipboard is too simple with oneclick.- Review saved codes, edit, delete, share or show them easly.Try this app it is useful.Chaba Source Tech.TAGS★best barcode scanner★best barcode scanner app★best android barcode scanner★Barcode scanner price★Barcode scan price of products★barcode scanner★barcode scan★barcode scanning app★barcode scan for android★From where★from where app★best barcode scan from where★origin country scan app★barcode details app★barcode price app
Bubble Shooter new 3.0
Chaba Source tech
BUBBLES SHOOTER***The most addictive famous and much loved bubble shooter game ingoogle play for free and with smallest size.***How to play:Make combinations of 3 or more bubbles to make them burst. Clearall the bubbles to level up..***Working on all devices with all screen resolution!***By Chaba Source Tech
Math Quiz True False 3.0
Chaba Source tech
Math Quiz True false- True False Questions.- Easy simple and fast.- Brain booster.- Answer as fast as possible easy math quiz.- Two players one device supported.This is a silmple fastest and easy to use game, that contains athousands of diverse questions of mathematic.You have a few seconds to answer. if the answer is right the nextquestion is shown else the game is over.All the children and adults will love this game, even those whodont like mathematics will like this easy game.Enjoy.Chaba SourceTech--------------------------------------keywords:----------------- Mathematic- Maths- Quizz- Game- App- True Flase- False true- Maths Quizz- Maths Game- True false game- True false math- Baby maths- Maths for kids- Kids Game- Quizz For Kids- Maths Challenge- Quizz Challenge- Boost Your Brain- Brain Booster
Voice Changer voice-wisselaar 3.0
Chaba Source tech
Voice Changer..Voice Changer voice-wisselaar is a free application that allows youto change your voice on your Android device with ease. VoiceChanger is a great app to have on your device if you are lookingfor an app that allows you to change your voice and prank some ofyour friends for fun. The app has a wide range of voice effectsthat can be applied and you can preview the effects before youapply them. The app is available for free and has a hell lot offunctionality packed into a compact size.Now you can change your voice!FEATURES:✓ Share (whatsapp, email, dropbox, etc ...).✓ Save recording.✓ Use as ringtone.✓ Set as notification sound..Chaba Source Tech...keywords:- change voice- changeur de voix- voice changer- voice effect- whatsapp voice changer- messenger voice changer- change your voice- sound effect- record sound- voice recorder
English Dictionary Offline 1.5
Chaba Source tech
English Dictionary 2.0------------------------------------- more than 176000 words.English Dictionary app for android devices is the best andgreatestoffline English Dictionary app try this english to englishofflinedictionary with over 176000 words with their typesanddefinitions.It's a very helpful app for English students, teachers andallenglish learners.-------------------------------Easy, fastest, and offline.-------------------------+ Other good dictionaries that you can download:- Dictionary - Merriam-Webster- English Dictionary - Offline- LEO dictionary- Oxford Dictionary- Collins English Dictionary+ Keywords:* English Dictionary* Diccionari Anglès* Fjalor Anglisht* Engleski rječnik* anglický slovník* Engels woordenboek* angla Vortaro* inglise sõnaraamat* Ingles Diksyunaryo* Englanti Sanakirja* Dictionnaire Anglais* dicionario de inglés* Englisch Wörterbuch* inglise sõnaraamat* Ingles Diksyunaryo* Englanti Sanakirja* Dictionnaire Anglais* Englisch Wörterbuch* angle Diksyonè* Angol Szótár* Dizionario Inglese* Kamus Inggris* anglicus Dictionary* angļu vārdnīca* anglų kalbos žodynas* Bahasa Inggeris Kamus* Dicionário de Inglês* engleză Dicționar* словарь английского языка* Anglický slovník* angleški slovar* Diccionario Inglés* kamusi ya Kiingereza- Improve your vocabulary by learning new words- Improve your vocabulary by learning new words- Improve your vocabulary by learning new words- Free English Dictionary - Offline- Free English Dictionary - Offline- Free English Dictionary - Offline- Learn English Grammar- Learn English Grammar- Learn English Grammar- Irregular Verbs- Irregular Verbs- Irregular Verbs- KET Examination- KET Examination- KET Examination- PET Examination- PET Examination- PET ExaminationBy Chaba Source Tech
Coran Français قرآن بالفرنسية 4.0
Chaba Source tech
Le Coran (traduction française).Nous vous présentons dans cette application une traductionrapprochée du sens des versets du saint coran complet enfrançais.Notez qu'il s'agit seulement d'une traduction "humaine".Le saint coran en tant que parole d'Allah est écrit en arabe.Si vous trouvez des difficultés de compréhension ou des fautes detraduction veuillez nous contacter, ou mieux, contactez un savantmusulman Français.Notez que toutes traduction du saint coran est toujoursincomplète.Notez aussi qu'il est strictement interdit de prier avec une autrelangue que l'arabe.« Notre Seigneur, ne nous châtie pas si nous oublions ou si noustombons dans l’erreur. Notre Seigneur, ne nous fais pas porter unfardeau comme celui que Tu as imposé à nos devanciers. NotreSeigneur, ne nous charge pas d’un fardeau qui dépasse nos forces;et absous-nous et pardonne-nous et aie pitié de nous. Tu es notreMaître ; accorde-nous donc la victoire sur le peuple mécréant. »(Le Saint Coran, Sourate 2, Al Bakara (la vache), verset 287)Chaba Source Tech.The Quran (Frenchtranslation).We present in this application a close translation of the meaningof the verses of the Holy Quran in full French.Note that this is only a translation of "human".The Holy Quran as word of Allah is written in Arabic.If you find difficulties understanding or translation errors pleasecontact us, or better, contact a French Muslim scholar.Note that all translated Quran is always incomplete.Please note that it is strictly forbidden to pray in a languageother than Arabic."Our Lord, do not punish us if we forget or we fall into error. OurLord, do not we carry a burden like that which You have imposed onour predecessors. Our Lord, lay not upon us a burden beyond ourstrength; and absolved us and forgive us and have mercy on us. Youare our Master; So grant us victory over the disbelieving people."(The Holy Quran, Surah 2, Al Bakara (The Cow), verse 287)Chaba Source Tech.
Médicaments Maroc (ordonnance) 2.0
Chaba Source tech
Médicaments du Maroc Ordonnances.. La première application au Marocgénérant des ordonnances automatique, des ordonnancesélectroniques, en incluant les prix des médicaments selon les prixdes médicaments au Maroc, si vous cherchez une application médicaleà tout faire, Médicament du Maroc est la meilleure solution. Facileet simple, recherchez le nom du médicament ou scannez le code barredu médicament pour afficher les informations relatives. Vous pouvezainsi ajouter ce médicament dans la liste des médicamentsfavorites, ou dans la liste des médicaments d'ordonnance. vouspouvez à tout moment - à l'aide de la touche menu - voir un aperçude l'ordonnance médicale. voir le prix total et le montant qui voussera remboursé auprès de votre mutuelle. Médicament du Maroc estune application pratique que tous les marocains doivent avoir.cette application contient tous les médicaments enregistrés auMaroc (comprimés, sirop, suppositoires, ampoules, ...) Mots clés:Medicaments du maroc santé médical ordonnance notice medicamentsordonnance medicale medicament docteur infermier hopital
نكت مضحكة 2017 4.0
Chaba Source tech
تطبيق نكت مغربية بالدارجة Blagues marocainesfamilialeيضم التطبيق مئات النكت المغربية منتقاة متجددة بين فترة وأخرىتلقائيا.تطبيق مناسب لكل العائلة بذلنا مجهودا في قراءة النكت وترتيبهاوتنقيحها من أي كلام نابي.فهو تطبيق النكت العائلي الأفضل لضحك ومتعة لكل العائلة.نتمنى أن يلاقي إعجابكم.Programmation: Chaba Source TechThe application ofMoroccan jokes stock is Blagues marocaines familialeThe application includes hundreds of Moroccan jokes selectedrenewed from time to time automatically.The application is suitable for all the family we have made aneffort to read the jokes and arranged and revision of any words toNabi. It is the application of family jokes best to laughter andfun for the whole family.We hope you like it and find.Programmation: Chaba Source Tech
Lustige Rätsel auf deutsch 2.0
Chaba Source tech
1000 rätsel auf deutsch.Beste Rätsel in deutscher Sprache, völlig kostenlos, keineMünzen,keine Premium-Konten,Eigenschaften:- Start vom letzten Rätsel- völlig kostenlos.- HilfetasteSehen Sie Rätsel, ist Sie wissen, was ist, klicken Sie aufdiealphabetische Tasten, um die Antwort zu bauen,Wenn Sie Hilfe helfen müssen, helfen Sie Taste,Wenn Sie den zuletzt hinzugefügten Buchstaben löschenmöchten,klicken Sie auf die Abbrechen-Taste oder die Reset-Taste,wenn Siedie Antwort erneut verschlüsseln möchten.Stichworte:- Rätsel- 1000 Rätsel- riddles auf deutsch- 500 Rätsel- lustige Rätsel- riddles german- 1000 riddles- riddle deutsch- raetsel- raetsel deutch- deutsch games- brain booster- Gehirn-Boosterdurch chaba source tech1000 puzzleinGerman.Best Brain in German, totally free, no coins, nopremiumaccounts,Characteristics:- Start from the last puzzle- Totally free.- Help buttonSee Mystery's you know what is, click on the alphabetic keystobuild the answer,If you need help help, help button,If you want to delete the last letter added, click the Cancelbuttonor the Reset button if you want to encrypt the responseagain.Tags:- Mystery- 1000 puzzle- Riddles in German- 500 puzzles- Funny riddles- Riddles German- 1000 riddles- German riddle- mystery- Raetsel deutch- German games- Brainbooster- Brain Boosterby chaba source tech
Heiliger Koran Quran german 2.0
Chaba Source tech
Hieliger koran app. Beste Quran-Anwendung mit deutscherBedeutung,unterstützt Favoriten-Liste und Aktienoptionen. DerHeilige Koranist der zentrale religiöse Text des Islam. Muslimebetrachten denursprünglichen arabischen Text als die endgültigeOffenbarungAllahs (Gottes). Diese App versucht, Ihnen den gesamtenheiligenKoran in Ihren Händen zu bringen. Lesen Sie den Koran mitdeutscherBedeutung. Es bringt Sie zur Friedenswelt des Islam.Futures dieserApp: - Unterstützt Favoritenliste - Teilen Sie alleSoura mit IhrenFreunden leicht - Einfach und einfach zu bedienen. -Einfache undschnelle Sura-Indexliste. - Einfache Navigation. -Schöner Text desAl Quran mit deutscher Bedeutung. Stichworte: -Heiliger Koran -Quran german - kuran - koran - koran auf deutsch -quran aufdeutsch - coran auf deutsch - coran allemand - deutschlandislam -islam in deutschland - saint coran - holy quran - Heiligerquran -sourat yassine - curan warch - koran hafs - sourat kaf -souratbakara - mohamed bible - islam bible - islam united - islamicbook- islamisches buch durch Chaba Source Tech
500 Riddles Quiz Brain booster 2.0
Chaba Source tech
500+ Riddles Quizz More than 500 riddles and brain teasers.Boostyour brain and have fun with this chaba Source Tech newfreeproduct. This game you popose more than five handred riddleswritedin english, on general culture. Test your intelligence, Boostyourbrain boost your mind, with this new riddles quizz.. this newgameis totally free and we dont porpose you to buy any premiumlevels,or buy any coins. NO COINS NO BUY LEVELS ALL GAME IS FREE.thisgame work offiline and you dont need any internet connexionsnowifi no 3g/4g. Enjoy yourself with a wide range of riddlesandtheir answers. Learn and share with your friends as yougetentertained. the answer is scrambled you must rebuild itkeywords:_______ - Riddles - free riddles - 1000 riddles - 500riddles - 100riddles - brain booster - test memory - testintelligence -misteries - mistery - puzzle - quizz - wasla - waslamaghribya -enigme et solutions - enigmes Developped by Chaba SourceTech
Scramble Pictures Tile Puzzle 3.0
Chaba Source tech
Tile puzzle from pictures.. Simple and Easy to use Puzzle game.witha lot of futures. - Puzzle automatically saved after gameexit. -You can choose one of default pictures. - You can selectone fromyour device gallery. - You can take a picture with yourcamera.Scramble. And resolve it. have fun with this beautiful gamejust foryou. this game is totally free no coins no premium levels.with thisnew game you can scramble any picture you want to playwith it. youcan easely choose one of many suggested pictures. youcan also takepicture with your device s camera you can scramble apicture fromyour device s gallery all what you need all what youwant ispossible now with this game. scramble pic puzzle game forchildrenkids and adults. boy and girls. any person can use thisfunny game.By Shaba Source Tech Enjoy.. keywords : - puzzle -puzzle game -tile puzzle - any picture tile puzzle - picturescramble - scramblegame - scramble picture - play with pictures -tile picture - tilegame - pictures game - take photo scramble game- from galleryscramble puzzle game - العب بالصور - صور للعب - صورمبعثرة - بعثرةصورة
ABC Matching Memory Game Free 2.0
Chaba Source tech
ABC's Matching Memory Game Free. - Learn ABC's. - Testyourconcentration. - Improve your memory. - Boost your brain. -Enjoy.How To Play.. To find all the matching pairs of ABCs. Youwill beshown some cards with their faces down. Select two of theLettersby clicking in the box next to the Letter with your mouse.If bothLetters are the same, those Letters will be removed. Choosefrommenu for custom levels. The game is over when you have matchedallof the pairs. By Chaba Source Tech
Playing Cards Matching Memory 2.0
Chaba Source tech
Challenge your memory with this game. Objective of this game istoopen all the hidden cards by flipping it. Just tap on a cardtoshow the hidden object under it. Tap on another same card willkeepit open. Otherwise cards will be hided again. Open all cardsasfast as possible with less number of taps to set top score.Gamehas six levels Enjoy!!! By Chaba Source Tech