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Krishna Pulse Polio 2017 1.1
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Pulse polio registration 2017 of krishnadistrict beneficiaries
Smart Pulse Survey-2016 1.5
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*Note: Usage of this application is strictlyfor Aadhaar registered enumerators of Government of Andhra Pradeshfor Smart Pulse Survey Project onlySmart Pulse Survey is a massive parallel survey of allhouseholds, aimed to capture therequired socio-economic data directly in digital form, withonline validations. The fieldsurveyors can enter the data by accessing the relevant portalthrough a connected tabletso that the data validations happen online and the scope formistakes is minimized andthe consolidation and analysis of data can be completed within 2weeks of thecompletion of field survey.The objectives of the proposed Smart Pulse Survey are summarizedbelow:a. Completing the seeding of Aadhaar in the databases ofidentified developmentaland Welfare departments;b. Ensuring the correctness of the data already seeded withAadhaar;c. Ensuring that the demographic data of any person is identicalin the SRDHdatabase and the departmental database;d. Eliminating duplicate records;e. Deleting the records of persons who have expired;f. Creating a self-consistent set of records in the form of APState Socio-EconomicDatabase (AP SEDB).The basic purpose of the Policy is to create the People Hub as aSingle Source of Truth. Thiscan’t be achieved unless all the relevant databases mentionedearlier are made to convergeand interoperate seamlessly, within a short period of time toensure synchronization of thevarious datasets. The Smart Pulse Survey precisely attempts todo this.Against the above background, the Smart Pulse Survey can bedefined as acoordinated and synchronized effort at creation, integration andconvergence of themultiple databases relating to socio-economic data of the peoplewith the SRDHdatabase
Krishna Pushkaram-2016 1.3
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The Krishna River is the fourth biggestriverin terms of water inflows and river basin area in India whichisapproximately 1300 kms. Krishna Pushkaralu happens duetothe time of entry of Jupiter into Virgo (Kanya rasi). Most oftheKrishna River is connected with Vijayawada. One of thespecialattractions of Vijayawada is that it has Kanaka Durga Templeis afamous hindu Temple of Goddess Durga located in Vijayawada,AndhraPradesh. The temple is located on the Indrakeeladri hill, onthebanks of Krishna RiverThe word Pushkara has a definite meaning in our HinduMythology.It means that nourishment of the one who performs it. Itcan alsobe called as Pushkaram, Pushkara or Pushkaralu. Krishna isalsocalled as Krishnaveni. Government of Andhra Pradesh has madesomespecial arrangements during thelast KrishnaPushkaralu which took place in the year 2004.As this is afestival which occurs for once in 12 years. Governmentof AndhraPradesh planning heavy preparations so as to reduce therush ofpilgrims. As this holy festival Krishna Pushkaralu occursonly oncein 12 years around 4-5 cores of people are expected tovisit thispushkaralu from all over the India. Everyone has a beliefthatwhoever visits the Krishna Pushkaram must take a holy dip intheriver Krishna which improves their Physical andmentalabilities
Chandranna Bheema 1.1
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SALIENT FEATURES OF THE SCHEMEAll unorganised workers in the State in the age group of 18 to70years are eligible to be registered as unorganised workersandenrolled as beneficiaries of the Chandranna Bima Scheme.All unorganised workers will be registered under theUnorganisedWorkers Social Security Act, 2008 and enrolled asbeneficiariesunder Chandranna Bima Scheme.SERP shall facilitate registration of unorganised workers andtheirenrollment in the Chandranna Bima Scheme, data entry,maintenanceof data base, hard copies of signed applications andotherconnected matters.Assistant Labour Officer of the Labour Department shall betheRegistering Authority.The registered unorganised workers will be enrolled as membersunderState Accident Death and Disability Scheme and under Aam AdmiBimaYojana (AABY) and will also be covered under the PradhanMantriSuraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY). The benefits under theChandranna BimaScheme are as follows:Chandranna Bima Scheme benefits:Rs. 5 lakh for Accident Death and Total Disability: Rs.2,25,000/-(Rupees two lakh twenty five thousand) from StateAccident Deathand Disability Scheme, Rs.75,000/- (Rupees seventyfive thousand)under Aam Admi Bima Yojana (AABY) and Rs.2,00,000/-(Rupees twolakh) from Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana(PMSBY).Up to Rs.3,62,500/- for Partial Disability: Up toRs.2,25,000/-(Rupees two lakh twenty five thousand) from StateAccident Deathand Disability Scheme, Rs.1,00,000/- (Rupees onelakh) from PMSBYand Rs.37,500 from AABY.Rs.30,000/- for Natural Death under Aam Admi BimaYojana(AABY).Rs.1200/- p.a. towards scholarship per child up to two childrenofthe beneficiary studying 9th, 10th, Intermediate or ITI.
RMC Mobile App 1.6
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Rajamahendravaram Municipal Corporationhastaken the initiative to develop RMC Mobile application in ordertobring its services closer to the people. It is our pleasuretoreach out to all of you through our RMC Mobile App. This newmobileapplication provides information and services offeredbyRajamahendravaram Municipal Corporation.Service categories available in RMC Mobile App are asfollows:1. R- FORUM services:Forum is a Chat interface for Users to post comments, imagesandpost quires to RMC it becomes a Citizen and RMC interactionforum2. I-RMC:IRMC is information services of RMC, Detailed informationofavailable Government Hospitals, Play grounds, Parks, GovtOffices,Temples, Schools in the RMC region are made availableforusers3. News & Events are updated on Daily Basis for latest oneventsin the City. Links to various news articles onRajamahendravaramCity are posted for readers.4. Tax Office services:Know Your Tax helps users to know the details of their taxesagainsttheir Assessment ID5. Services:Services consist of application forms to apply for variousservicesin RMC. Users can download the required application form toapplyfor various services in RMC6. Complaints:Consist of POST YOUR GRIEVANCE & VIEW COMPLAINTSTATUSservicesPost Your Grievance allows user to register his complaintswithminimal informationComplaint Status can be viewed by just selecting the Grievance IDinthe list to know the status if action is been taken or not.7. Alerts:Users are sent various alerts by the Commissioner,RMCadministration, Complaint Status, Emergency Alerts, Eventsalertsetc to citizens.8. Ads Space:It is a citizen service interface where users can registertheirads related to House for Rent, Shop for Rent, Looking forWork,Carpenter or Plumbers etc. And the details are available forusersto use this information for their needs9. Entertainment:Citizens of RMC can now know the movies playing in the cityandthe show details and the movie ratings are also made availableinthe App for the user information purpose.These are the RMC Mobile application services offered by theRMCMobile Application.
Arogya Raksha (People Hub) 1.3
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Being an authentic, golden record of peopledata. People Hub will be created through a Smart Pulse Survey andwill support a wide range of benefit and development schemesundertaken by the Government under the AP Policy on UniqueIdentification of Residents.currently available services-->NTR Vaidya Seva-->Aarogya Raksha
DMA-AP-PropertyAadhaar 1.0
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1. User will be validated by enteringphonenumber ans pass code will sent to user phone number to logintheapplication.2. Property Details will be shown to user by entering propertyidand it will be linked to respective aadhaar of user3. An SMS alert will sent to user about linking of aadhaar numbertohis property ID.
NWP Attendance 1.0
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This Application is mainly used totakeattendance at Accommodation check in and check out ofdelegates.Andwe can take attendance at venue for delegate andattendance atRepertoire Round table.We can update Bag kit issuedetails.
Health Sub Center Information 1.1
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Capturing data for Health Sub Center Information from PHC andCHCcenter