Creative Bomb Co. Приложения

Boto the Pink Dolphin 1.5
Creative Bomb Co.
★ Pumping Creativity! Jumping Recognition!AProdigal Educational Game App: "Boto the Pink Dolphin!" Createdbyspecialists in child education ★■ What is Boto the Pink Dolphin?① Boto the Pink Dolphin is a game-playing education programtoenhance child's creativity and talents developed by childeducationexperts.This education app is designed to foster creativity and talentsofchildren through a game playing consisting of attractingcharactersand stories based on the curriculum developed by thetalented youtheducation center at the KIM Research Institute, anexpert agencyfor child creativity and a child education expert atthe Child andFamily Studies Department in the Seoul NationalUniversity.② This app allows for enhancing reading capacity andforeignlanguage competency with Eng-Kor subtitles andnarrations.Boto the Pink Dolphin includes a series of tales on theexcitingexpedition of Boto and friends with Boto as a maincharacterinspired by a mysterious and smart pink dolphin actuallyhabited inthe Amazon River. In addition, subtitles in an eBookformat andnarrations by a native speaker will not only helpchildren enhancetheir reading capacity and EQ, but also sharpen theforeignlanguage competency.③ Results of creativity assessment and children'sachievementswill be evaluated without charge by a creativityexpert.Boto the Pink Dolphin consists of total 6 stages. Each stageallowsfor developing different capability (intelligence andcreativity)through the game playing and also provides parentalguide to thisend. When every stages end, children's achievementsare provided.In particular, the last stage encourages children todo a creativedrawing to help develop creativity including fluency,flexibility,sensitivity, elaborateness, and originality.■ Main focus for each stage① Parts and the whole: seek friends hidden under the sea- Agility that can instantly respond to visual stimulus- Memory and integrative capacity that can retrieve the wholeobjectout of parts② Puzzle: put broken cookie pieces together- Spatial perception to identify shape and location ofanobject- Organization capability to assemble parts into a singleentity③ Pattern: complete the road by matching the colorofpebbles- Logical reasoning and mathematical reasoning by understandingarepetitive pattern of basic unit④ Memory: guess mysterious fruit right- Concentration to identify an instantly exposed object- Memory to retrieve past experience and informationintegrationcapacity⑤ Instant reaction, prediction: cross the colorful bridge asfastas possible- Visual attention, acuity, quickness- Situation understanding and planning⑥ Creative drawing: draw a creative picture diary of Boto- Improved creativity (fluency, flexibility,originality,elaborateness, sensitivity) through a creative drawingthatchildren restructure the story of Boto themselves and usevariouscolors and figures
Boto's Magic Piano 1.1
An educational piano game, jointly created bySoribotari, a music company for children and Creative Bomb, a smarteducation content company for chrildren.Children who have not learned to read can also learn how to playthe piano easily with ‘Boto the pink dolphin’s magic piano’Learn the scale keys that are in rainbow colors without any musicalpaper,simply by joining the adventure of Boto the pink dolphin andfriends.An magical educational piano game, created by a mom!Let’s go on an exciting piano adventure with Boto the pinkdolphin.The ‘Boto the pink dolphin’s magic piano’ book is also availableoff-line and there are already more than 5 thousand fans.★A magical educational piano game created by a professional musicteacher and an actual mom, Boto the pink dolphin★Boto the pink dophin available now!Boto and his friends live on the rainbow-colored piano keys.Each have a home in the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, navy andpurple rainbow keysBoto and friends get together to complete the beautiful rainbowkeys.Have fun playing piano with Boto and friends.■ What is Boto the pink dolphin?"Boto the pink dolphin“ is an educational game aimed at childrenfrom age 4 to 7 and it is created based on the curriculum used in amusic school for children.It is an instructive game for kids, created by an actual mom anddaughter based on the curriculum used at a children’s musicschool.Let’s go on an exciting and mystical piano adventure with Boto thepink dolphin and his underwater friends!"■ Boto the pink dolphin features1. A curriculum to improve artistic expression and cognitiveability developed by a music school2. Instructive contents based on the developmental stages ofchildren between 4 to 7.3. Learning guide for each stage designed for parents4. Subtitles and narration in multiple languages (English,Japanese, Chinese)which can help reading and languageabilities5. Boto the pink dolphin books and instruments are also availableoff-line.■ Edutainment contents of Boto the pink dolphin★Children will learn how to improve their musical expression whileenjoying the game.: Learn various expressions through music, identify the duration ofnotes andengage in dynamic playing.★Children will play music as they follow the story and play alongwith the characters.: Play the music by learning where Boto and friends live.★Children can play music in different tempo by listening to varioustunes.: Listen to tunes in various tempo and play.■ Educational contents in 'Boto the pink dolphin' (Maincurriculum)1. Learning the notes: Collect all the notes with Orca who lives inthe black key.2. Learning the duration: Touch the marble with Boto until the noteC ends.3. Learning the scale: Identify the C and D notes by playing theflag game with Boto and Ghost.4. Melodic dictation: Listen carefully to what Boto the pinkdolphin and friends are playing and find the right answer.5. Melodic dictation of the piano and traditional musicalinstruments: Ring the bell in the same order as the pianotune.6. Getting familiar with the musical paper: Remember the scale onthe music paper and find the right answer.7. Playing the piano: Learn the scale in each stage through funpiano playing.