Daia Intelligent Solutions Приложения

I-WatchBroiler 2.0.5
Daia Intelligent Solutions
Commercial broiler production requirescontinuous health and welfare assessment as it is critical toassure good flock performance, profitability and meat quality. Inaddition, animal welfare plays an increasingly important rolegranting competitiveness and access to international markets assome countries or premium labeling programs require verification ofoptimal welfare. Commercial broilers are visually evaluated ondaily basis, but up to the present no method was available toquantify in a simple, reliable and standardized manner the healthand welfare status of the flocks. Due to the large number of birds,and the fast turnover of the production cycles in meat poultry,flock health and welfare assessment is particularly difficult.The i-WatchBroiler App developed by scientists at Ikerbasque andNeiker-Tecnalia (Spain) is a tool specifically developed forbroiler health and welfare assessment. The i-WatchBroiler allowsassessing critical health and welfare indicators in broiler flocksin a simple and standardized manner. It does not require changes inthe routine farm evaluation. The method of assessment is based onthe transect methodology (Marchewka et al., 2013, 2014). Thei-WatchBroiler App enables broiler producers to easily collect theincidence of the most relevant health and welfare indicators in asimple manner at the time of a regular health inspection. This appincludes the possibility of recording the frequency of birds withrelevant welfare and health deficiencies, such as the incidence ofimmobility, severe lameness, injuries, unwanted behaviors or otherserious health issues in the flocks without catching or disturbingthe birds. The App allows the user to customize the scoring toinclude additional parameters of interest or to score birds withmultiple problems. Data collection is done in a comfortable touch–screen mode, while the evaluator is slowly walking along the houseand observing birds, as is usually conducted in routine walksthrough the production house. The incidence of the health andwelfare issues collected is automatically standardized by thenumber of birds in the flock at the time of assessment and thenumber of transects conducted.i-WatchBroiler App allows entering relevant information, such asbirds strain, age, housing and management conditions, expandingsignificantly the applications of the app and potential for furtherdata analysis (for example to compare results in managementchanges, diets, lighting programs etc). Date, time, geographiclocation, and weather conditions at the time of inspection areautomatically collected if working in the on-line mode. The appgenerates a report and warning message if mean incidences of theindicator for such inspection is significantly above of thehistorical mean (calculated from previous flock evaluations). Theseoutputs are available immediately after finishing data collection.Full database consisting of all the collected over time informationis saved in CSV format (.XLS compatible) and can be furtheranalyzed. Continuous, easy access to reliable, historical andcurrent information on the health and welfare status of birds inrelation to management and environmental factors, , is an importantasset for decision-making process of the companies, helpingimproving birds´ health and welfare based on a methodological andstandardized data collection.
AgroNews Neiker 1.4
Daia Intelligent Solutions
AgroNews Neiker es una app que permitevisualizar las notificaciones de la Estación de Avisos agrícolas yforestales del País Vasco-EAAF del País Vasco, la cual ofreceavisos al agricultor y forestalista con los que optimizar susistema de producción. Además la app emite información general ytécnica a agricultores y técnicos sobre aquellas enfermedades a lasque van enfocados los avisos, y en general sobre aquellainformación relevante para la producción integrada de cultivosextensivos y forestales.Los avisos están relacionados con:- control de plagas y enfermedades: especial interés en Gipuzkoatiene la carpocapsa o agusanado de las manzanas es una plaga queafecta gravemente a la producción y a la calidad de la manzanaproducida.- adecuación de los programas de fertilización y riego- alertas de riesgo sanitario de los ecosistemas forestal yagrario.La información puede ser consultada atendiendo a: cercanía aestación meteorológica, cultivos, comarcas, enfermedades, plagas otipo de recomendaciones.AgroNews Neiker is an appthat lets you view notifications Notices Station agricultural andforest-EAAF Basque Basque, which provides warnings to the farmerand forestalista with which optimize their production system. Inaddition, the app emits general and technical information tofarmers and technicians on those diseases that are focusedannouncements, and more generally on the information relevant forthe integrated production of field crops and forestry.The ads are related to:- Control of pests and diseases: special interest in Gipuzkoacodling or Wormy apples is a plague that seriously affects theproduction and quality of apples produced.- Adequacy of fertilization and irrigation programs- Alerts health risk of forest and agricultural ecosystems.Information can be found serving: nearness to weather station,cultures, regions, diseases, pests or type of recommendations.
I-WatchBroilerES 1.2.0
Daia Intelligent Solutions
Commercial broiler productionrequirescontinuous health and welfare assessment as it is criticaltoassure good flock performance, profitability and meat quality.Inaddition, animal welfare plays an increasingly importantrolegranting competitiveness and access to international marketsassome countries or premium labeling programs require verificationofoptimal welfare. Commercial broilers are visually evaluatedondaily basis, but up to the present no method was availabletoquantify in a simple, reliable and standardized manner thehealthand welfare status of the flocks. Due to the large number ofbirds,and the fast turnover of the production cycles in meatpoultry,flock health and welfare assessment is particularlydifficult.The i-WatchBroiler App developed by scientists at IkerbasqueandNeiker-Tecnalia (Spain) is a tool specifically developedforbroiler health and welfare assessment. The i-WatchBroilerallowsassessing critical health and welfare indicators in broilerflocksin a simple and standardized manner. It does not requirechanges inthe routine farm evaluation. The method of assessment isbased onthe transect methodology (Marchewka et al., 2013, 2014).Thei-WatchBroiler App enables broiler producers to easily collecttheincidence of the most relevant health and welfare indicators inasimple manner at the time of a regular health inspection. Thisappincludes the possibility of recording the frequency of birdswithrelevant welfare and health deficiencies, such as the incidenceofimmobility, severe lameness, injuries, unwanted behaviors orotherserious health issues in the flocks without catching ordisturbingthe birds. The App allows the user to customize thescoring toinclude additional parameters of interest or to scorebirds withmultiple problems. Data collection is done in acomfortable touch–screen mode, while the evaluator is slowlywalking along the houseand observing birds, as is usually conductedin routine walksthrough the production house. The incidence of thehealth andwelfare issues collected is automatically standardized bythenumber of birds in the flock at the time of assessment andthenumber of transects conducted.i-WatchBroiler App allows entering relevant information, suchasbirds strain, age, housing and management conditions,expandingsignificantly the applications of the app and potentialfor furtherdata analysis (for example to compare results inmanagementchanges, diets, lighting programs etc). Date, time,geographiclocation, and weather conditions at the time ofinspection areautomatically collected if working in the on-linemode. The appgenerates a report and warning message if meanincidences of theindicator for such inspection is significantlyabove of thehistorical mean (calculated from previous flockevaluations). Theseoutputs are available immediately afterfinishing data collection.Full database consisting of all thecollected over time informationis saved in CSV format (.XLScompatible) and can be furtheranalyzed. Continuous, easy access toreliable, historical andcurrent information on the health andwelfare status of birds inrelation to management and environmentalfactors, , is an importantasset for decision-making process of thecompanies, helpingimproving birds´ health and welfare based on amethodological andstandardized data collection.Commercialbroilerproduction requires continuous health and welfare assessmentas itis critical to Assure good flock performance, profitabilityandmeat quality. In Addition, animal welfare plays anincreasinglyImportant role Granting Competitiveness and access tointernationalmarkets as some country clubs or premium labelingprograms requireverification of optimal welfare. Commercialbroilers are visuallyEVALUATED on daily basis, but up to thepresent no method wasavailable to quantify in a simple, reliableand standardized mannerthe health and welfare status of the flock.Due to the large numberof birds, and the fast turnover of theproduction cycles in meatpoultry, flock health and welfareassessment is Particularlydifficult.The i-WatchBroiler App developed by scientists at IkerbasqueandNeiker-Tecnalia (Spain) is a tool developed Specificallyforbroiler health and welfare assessment. The i-WatchBroilerAllowsAssessing critical health and welfare indicators in broilerflocksin a simple and standardized manner. It does not requirefarmChanges in the routine evaluation. The method of assessmentisbased on the transect methodology (Marchewka et al., 2013,2014).The i-WatchBroiler App Enables Easily Broiler Producers tocollectthe incidence of the MOST Relevant health and welfareindicators ina simpler manner at the time of regulating healthinspection. Thisapp includes the Possibility of recording thefrequency of birdswith Relevant welfare and health deficiencies,:such as theincidence of immobility, severe lameness, injuries,unwantedbehaviors or other serious health issues in the flockswithoutcatching or disturbing the birds. The App Allows the usertocustomize the scoring to include additional parameters ofinterestto birds or score with multiple problems. Data collectionis donein a comfortable touch -Screen mode, while the evaluator isslowlywalking along the house and observing birds, as isUsuallyConducted in routine walks through the production house.Theincidence of the health and welfare issues isAutomaticallyCollected standardized by the number of birds in theflock at thetime of assessment and the number of transectsConducted.i-WatchBroiler App Allows entering Relevant information, Suchasbirds strain, age, housing and management conditions,Significantlyexpanding the applications of the app and potentialfor furtherdata analysis (for example to compare results Changesinmanagement, diets, lighting programs etc) . Date, time,geographiclocation, and weather conditions at the time ofinspection areAutomatically Collected if working in the onlinemode. The appGenerates a warning message if report and meanincidences of theindicator for inspection Such is Significantlyabove of thehistorical mean (Calculated flock from previousevaluations). Theseoutputs are available Immediately afterfinishing data collection.Full database Consisting of The Collectedover time all informationis saved in CSV format (.XLS compatible)and can be furtherAnalyzed. Continuous, easy access to reliable,historical andcurrent information on the health and welfare statusof birds inrelation to management and environmental factors, is anasset forImportant decision-making process of the companies,helping birds'Improving health and welfare based on amethodological andstandardized data collection.
I-WatchTurkey 1.4.0
Daia Intelligent Solutions
Commercial turkey production requires continuous health and welfareassessment as it is critical to assure good flock performance,profitability and meat quality. In addition, animal welfare playsan increasingly important role granting competitiveness and accessto international markets as some countries or premium labelingprograms require verification of optimal welfare. Commercialturkeys are visually evaluated on daily basis, but up to thepresent no method was available to quantify in a simple, reliableand standardized manner the health and welfare status of theflocks. Due to the large number of birds, and the fast turnover ofthe production cycles in meat poultry, flock health and welfareassessment is particularly difficult. The i-WatchTurkey Appdeveloped within the frame of the AWIN FP7 EU project(www.animal-welfare-indicators.net), by scientists at Ikerbasqueand Neiker-Tecnalia (Spain) and the University of Milan (Italy) isa tool specifically developed for turkey health and welfareassessment. The i-WatchTurkey allows assessing critical health andwelfare indicators in turkey flocks in a simple and standardizedmanner. It does not require changes in the routine farm evaluation.The method of assessment is based on the transect methodology(Marchewka et al., 2013, 2014). The i-WatchTurkey App enablesturkey producers to easily collect the incidence of the mostrelevant health and welfare indicators in a simple manner at thetime of a regular health inspection. This app includes thepossibility of recording the frequency of birds with relevantwelfare and health deficiencies, such as the incidence ofimmobility, severe lameness, injuries, unwanted behaviors or otherserious health issues in the flocks without catching or disturbingthe birds. The App allows the user to customize the scoring toinclude additional parameters of interest or to score birds withmultiple problems. Data collection is done in a comfortable touch–screen mode, while the evaluator is slowly walking along the houseand observing birds, as is usually conducted in routine walksthrough the production house. The incidence of the health andwelfare issues collected is automatically standardized by thenumber of birds in the flock at the time of assessment and thenumber of transects conducted. i-WatchTurkey App allows enteringrelevant information, such as birds strain, age, housing andmanagement conditions, expanding significantly the applications ofthe app and potential for further data analysis (for example tocompare results in management changes, diets, lighting programsetc). Date, time, geographic location, and weather conditions atthe time of inspection are automatically collected if working inthe on-line mode. The app generates a report and warning message ifmean incidences of the indicator for such inspection issignificantly above of the historical mean (calculated fromprevious flock evaluations). These outputs are availableimmediately after finishing data collection. Full databaseconsisting of all the collected over time information is saved inCSV format (.XLS compatible) and can be further analyzed.Continuous, easy access to reliable, historical and currentinformation on the health and welfare status of birds in relationto management and environmental factors, , is an important assetfor decision-making process of the companies, helping improvingbirds´ health and welfare based on a methodological andstandardized data collection. The i-WatchTurkey developed withfunding from EU VII Framework programme (FP7-KBBE-2010-4) grant #266213 For further information contact: Dr. Inma Estevez IkerbasqueResearch Professor at Neiker Tecnalia Marchewka, J., Watanabe,T.T.N., Ferrante, V., Estevez, I. (2013). Poultry Science,92:2588–2599. http://dx.doi.org/ 10.3382/ps.2013-03229 Marchewka,J., Estevez, I., Vezzoli, G., Ferrante, V., Makagon, M. (2014).Poultry Science, In Press.
AWINSheep 0.0.5
Daia Intelligent Solutions
The AWINSheep App is a useful tool developed with the aimofenabling farmers, veterinarians and technicians to collecttheindicators included in the first level of the AWINwelfareassessment protocol for sheeps. The first level welfareassessmentprovides a quick screening, consisting of a selection ofrobust andfeasible animal-based indicators, which can be readilyapplied andrequire no handling of animals. If is required a secondlevelwelfare assessment, animals must be chosen by the assessor,and ifit is impossible to inspect from all animals on the farm,theyshould be sampled from the area of the farm which wasconsidered tohave the worst scores from the first level welfareassessment Thiswelfare assessment protocol is intended for adultsheep (older than1 year), where the protocol has been tested.Please download thewhole protocol, by clicking thislink:http://dx.doi.org/10.13130%2FAWIN_goats_2015 No individualororganization can be considered capable of applying this method inarobust, repeatable, and valid way without appropriatetraining.Untrained assessors should not use this protocol becausethe dataobtained will not be valid.
I WatchTurkey 1.8.0
Daia Intelligent Solutions
Android App for on-farm Turkey health and welfare assessment: AWINFP7 EU Project