David Chiu Приложения

尚永眼鏡報價平台 0.1
David Chiu
各類護目眼鏡報價平台Various types ofgogglesoffer platform
大房豆干 0.1
David Chiu
聞名全世界的台灣大溪豆干,為台灣大房豆干祖先 黃屋所創,傳承先祖黃屋(大目仔)於西元1923年傳承至今已歷四代有近百年的歷史,時代不斷的改變但大房豆干唯一不變的是堅持好品質Taiwan Dasi world famoustofu, tofu Taiwan ward created by the ancestors of the yellowhouse, pass 承先祖 yellow house (bigeye Aberdeen) tradition in AD 1923calendar has been four generations of nearly 100 years of history,the era of constantly But change is the only constant ward Douganinsist good quality
松稜糖燻滷味 0.1
David Chiu
1. 運用新鮮上等原物料 ─ 決不妥協。2. 堅持一貫傳統手法製作 ─ 程序確實。3. 絕不添加色素及防腐劑 ─ 天然無負擔。4. 充氮保鮮包裝 ─ 新鮮可見。1. The use of the finestraw materials ─ fresh and never compromise.2. production practices adhere to tradition ─ program does.3. no added colors and no preservatives ─ natural burden.4. Nitrogen Atmosphere Packaging ─ fresh visible.
吃飯喝茶外帶外送 1
David Chiu
提供手機直接訂餐與購物,無論隨時想要吃飯或叫飲料,外送、外帶均可透過本服務來訂購,輕易找尋店家,方便也幫您節省時間。/* 商家強力募集中! 現在加入免費上架曝光 */~ 詳請電洽 06-2261519
南臺灣隨車購 0.1
David Chiu