DistribSoft Приложения

Ma Cave à vin F1.00At
Cette application permet de gérer vos vinsquipourront être stockés dans une ou plusieurs caves ouemplacements,de faire des mouvements d'un emplacement à un autrefacilement.Cette application est plutôt conçue pour les tablettes carsurles smartphones certains écrans seront soit illisible,soitdéborderont de l'écran.Pour commencer :1. créer vos emplacements ou lieux de stockage.2. créer votre catalogue de vin en saisissant le nom du vin,lapropriété ou négociant, sélectionner une appellationetsélectionner un type de vin. Vous pouvez naturellement gérerlesappellations et les types de vin mais par défaut touteslesappellations officielles des vins français sont livrées aveccetteapplication.3. maintenant saisissez vos entrées de vin en associant unvindans votre catalogue et un lieu de stockage, un prixunitaire(facultatif) et une quantité de bouteille.Ensuite vous pouvez sortir des bouteilles, en déplacer versvosautres stocks, suivre les mouvements, faire vos inventaires,avoirune synthèse sur différent critère du contenu de voscaves.Une version payante avec la possibilité de faire dessauvegardeset/ou de déployer vers un autre mobile est aussidisponible.This application letsyoumanage your wine that can be stored in one or more locationsorcellars, to make movements from one place to another easily.This application is designed for tablets rather becausecertainscreens on smartphones are either illegible or overflow ofthescreen.To begin :1. create your sites or storage places.2. create your wine catalog by typing the name of thewine,property or merchant, select a name and select a type of wine.Ofcourse you can manage the names and types of wine but bydefaultall the official names of French wine are included withthisapplication.3. Now enter your wine entries by combining a wine inyourcatalog and a storage place, a price (optional) and a quantityofbottle.Then you can get out of bottles, move your other stocks,trackmovement, do your inventories, have a synthesis ofdifferentcriterion for the content of your cellars.A paid version with the ability to make backups and / ordeployto another mobile is also available.
Navidroid 2 F1A01o
Navidroid is the Swiss Army knife ofmarineproposing some functionalized necessary for navigation or totheirpreparations. Naturally one can easily calculate or evendifferentfeatures but since you have an Android smartphone why notcheckyour calculations with Navidroid?Sometimes time navigation deteriorates and there is not alwaysaclear mind; Navidroid little help you not go wrong.Navidroid currently includes the following features:- Displays tide the French ports and neighboring countries(Germany,Belgium, Spain, United Kingdom, Netherlands, ...). Detailof a tide,water depth and the time curves hour thresholdcrossing.- Include one of these 3 parameters Distance / Speed ​​/ Timebyentering the other 2 with calculating the estimated time ofarrivalor departure.- Calculation Hours: difference between two dates / timesorduration between dates.- Calculation heading and distance between waypoints 2 among3formats (Degrees, Degrees / Minutes and Degree / Minutes/Seconds).- Speed ​​unit converter: knots, km / h, m / s and Beaufort (enteraparameter to display the other 3)- Coordinate converter between Degrees, Degrees / Minutes andDegree/ Minutes / Seconds.- Distance between transmitter and Km thousand nautical or FeetandMeters.- Calculating your ground speed in Knots, Km / h, m / s.In development :- Assistance in taking a mooring and a threshold crossing (basedonthe tides)* Calculation of the minimum water level not to fail at theWB,water level estimated at the PM to anticipate thechainlength).* Has this probe, calculating the water level at the WB andthePM.* Calculation of threshold crossing times- Management of GPS routes in GPX format, calculates lap timesondifferent waypoints for example.- Management support of large offshore wind blows: thatmanagementtake to be safer during a gale.This version replaces the version 1.2 Navidroid you canuninstallbecause it no longer evolved.
Ma Cave à vin Pro P1.00Bf
Cette application permet de gérer vos vinsquipourront être stockés dans une ou plusieurs caves ouemplacements,de faire des mouvements d'un emplacement à un autrefacilement.Cette application est plutôt conçue pour les tablettes carsurles smartphones certains écrans seront soit illisible,soitdéborderont de l'écran.Pour commencer :1. créer vos emplacements ou lieux de stockage.2. créer votre catalogue de vin en saisissant le nom du vin,lapropriété ou négociant, sélectionner une appellationetsélectionner un type de vin. Vous pouvez naturellement gérerlesappellations et les types de vin mais par défaut touteslesappellations officielles des vins français sont livrées aveccetteapplication.3. maintenant saisissez vos entrées de vin en associant unvindans votre catalogue et un lieu de stockage, un prixunitaire(facultatif) et une quantité de bouteille.Ensuite vous pouvez sortir des bouteilles, en déplacer versvosautres stocks, suivre les mouvements, faire vos inventaires,avoirune synthèse sur différent critère du contenu de voscaves.Cette version payante permet en plus de faire dessauvegardeset/ou de déployer vers un autre mobile est en coursdefinalisation. D'autres fonctionnalités seront ajoutées parlasuite.This application letsyoumanage your wine that can be stored in one or more locationsorcellars, to make movements from one place to another easily.This application is designed for tablets rather becausecertainscreens on smartphones are either illegible or overflow ofthescreen.To begin :1. create your sites or storage places.2. create your wine catalog by typing the name of thewine,property or merchant, select a name and select a type of wine.Ofcourse you can manage the names and types of wine but bydefaultall the official names of French wine are included withthisapplication.3. Now enter your wine entries by combining a wine inyourcatalog and a storage place, a price (optional) and a quantityofbottle.Then you can get out of bottles, move your other stocks,trackmovement, do your inventories, have a synthesis ofdifferentcriterion for the content of your cellars.This paid version also allows users to make backups and /ordeploy to another mobile is being finalized. Other features willbeadded later.
CirusDomoticz 01A59
Works only with the CirusSMS application (seeGoogle Play) and Domoticz home automation software.This application is not meant to replace the Mobile Domoticzapplication but only as a simplistic alternative in the event of abreak in the Internet connection of your Domotic Box.The objective is to transmit via SMS a few simple commands and whynot to cause a return message in the form of an SMS to know thestatus of your modules associated with Domoticz.Uen new function allows you to have a status of your installation:connection to Domoticz, to the internet network and to know thelevel of battery charge your CirusSMS gateway.Another feature proposed is to listen to the sounds where theCirusSMS gateway is located.The SMS sent are encrypted and secured.
CirusSMS 01D09
There is a lot of solution to implement thesending of SMS on domoticz but to my knowledge these solutions useall the internet network via your ADSL and thus it poses a bigproblem if your Internet network is cut: more communication withthe outside ! Naturally there is the solution of the USB key GSMand the installation of Gammu on your machine however this solutionis not perfect and according to the key used is not very stablewithout talking about the consumption of the key on the port USBand especially does not allow to realize certain features that wewill see below.With the use of an old Android mobile (version> 3.2) and afterinstalling this application your mobile will:1. Send SMS from Domoticz easily to your mobile phone via a simpleURL (SMS Gateway).2. Conversely, receive SMS to drive your Domoticz Box. I havedeveloped another very simple free application to do this(CirusDomoticz) in a secure and simple way.3. To redirect to other configurable phone numbers the other SMSreceived so as not to lose them (*).4. Automatically manage the load of the mobile via a plug-in module(for example) associated with Domoticz (*).5. Transmit via SMS any network malfunction: intranet, internet(under development) (*).6. To put your mobile into listening mode (command requested viaCirusDomoticz) (*).(This application works exclusively with Domoticz)(*) Premium versionFor more information see the doc (link below)