DroidPlanner Labs Приложения

Tower Tower-v4.0.0
DroidPlanner Labs
Tower is a powerful and intuitive flightcontrol program. It provides everything you need to plan, fly andtrack any ArduPilot powered drone. Tower delivers a simple butfeature-rich flight experience. It’s also an open-source app, whichmeans the code is available to anyone who wants to build newfeatures into Tower or customize existing ones.Tower features:* Create flights by drawing the paths on your tablet or droppingwaypoints.* Because we give you over 10 different waypoint types to choosefrom, you can create flights that suit your specific purpose:** Fly in smooth curves with spline waypoints.** Circle waypoints allow you to orbit an object and keep thecamera pointed at it.** Region of Interest (ROI) points allow you to keep the cameracentered on a subject regardless of the path you’re flying.** “Survey” will automatically generate the flight pattern you needto fully cover a region of the map.* 3PV™ Follow Me keeps the camera centered on you while the copterfollows you as you move. You can also adjust the copter’s positionwhile it’s following you.* Easily make 3D scans of large structures with our automatedbuilding mapper.* The one-button Dronie lets you quickly capture a one-of-a-kindselfie that reveals the scenery around you as the copter flies upand back.* Adjust parameters within your flight controller to get a customfeel.* Supports both copters and planes.WARNINGS: Only advanced users should change parameters in Tower.Adjusted parameters can impact stabilization and flight control.Fly safely and within your skill level. Changing parameters andusing advanced and experimental flight techniques may increase thechance of unintended landings or other flight incidents – read thesuggestions link before flying with Tower.http://3drobotics.com/kb/tower-best-practices/