Droidsail Приложения

DS DataSync 1.8
This app is used to sync users' data from app"Droidsail Privacy Safebox" to selected web driver. User of"Droidsail Privacy Safebox" can backup data to web drive or restoreapp data from web drive. Or if user have more than one mobiledevices, he can use this to sync app data for all his device withweb drive.Data is kept encrypted when transfer between device and webdriver (So it is safe to backup your data on selected web drive assame as on your device). The speed of sync is depends on data sizeyou have (e.g. pictures takes much more time to sync than textnotes).Now we support:1. Dropbox;2. GoogleDrive;3. Microsoft SkyDrive;Functions:1. Sync data from local device to web driver:When first time launch the app, or user has deleted data on webdrive, the app will prompt user to sync data from local toserver.2. Sync data from web drive to local device:When there is no dat in local device and valid data on web drive,the app will prompt user to sync data from server to local.(If user want to discard local data and get full backup data fromweb drive, he/she can launch "Privacy Safebox" and destroy data in"Settings->Data Options", and then launch "Data Sync" to getbackup data.)3. Bidirection sync:Normally, it will sync data between device and web drive inbidirection. New data on local device will be update to web driveand new data on web drive will be update to local device. This isvery useful for user has multi device and want keep sync betweenthem.ATTENTION:1. If user has deleted data on web drive manually, and want syncfresh data on device to web drive again. Please DISCONNECTconnection by selecting it in menu, since some web drive (e.g.Dropbox) required relogin web drive in such case.(Since sync function requires more permission, so we implement itas single app, if user does not want to sync data, his/she can useonly "Droidsail Privacy Safebox" for "clean"(no internet access)and slim, in KB size.)
DS Super App2SD Lite 7.5
(A paid version "Droidsail Super App2SD Pro"is released, whichremoved ads and add one key "Move System Update App" to SD card(save even more space), and more batch operations. :)Move more apps to SD card!!! New version support Link2SDnow!!!This is a super APP2SD tool for ROOTed user (Android 2.2 andabove), which could force move/link more apps (even those appsmarked with internal only :) to SD card (or move/link back phone)and save more space than normal App2SD apps.You can also perform batch move apps, set default installlocation of apps, clear cache with this app.And this app have full functions (no limitation) with ads.Simple is the best! :)System Requirement:1. A ROOTed phone;2. USB debugging enabled (Go to SystemSettings->Application->Developemnt->USB debugging);3. Link2SD function requires external SD card supported ondevice;ATTENTION:(App2SD)Some app which has widget/alarm/wallpaper/InputMethod inusing is not recommanded to be moved to SD card, which may causeproblem.(Link2SD)"Link2SD" feature requires your device supportsexternal SD card, and create dedicated partition for it. And werecommend to use EXT2, EXT3 format. In addition, once "Link2SD" isused, do not remove the SD card at run time, or reboot device afterpull out the SD card, and, do not modify or delete"/dsapps/dslink2sd" folder on that partition, which may causeunexpect problem.Link2SD Initialization:(Please create the additional partition on SD card and format itto EXT2 or EXT3 by self, e.g. on a PC.)User need to initialize the "Link2SD" feature. Launch the app,click target app to be linked in list and select "Link to SD". Ifnot initialized, the app will automatically guide the user toinitialize.The first step is to choose the SD card partition. The app willlist all available SD cards and partitions, for example, the secondpartition on the first external SD card will be called SD card 1,Partition 2. Please select additional partition, do not select thedefault FAT32 partition.The second step is to select the partition format. (We alsoprovide an "AUTO" option, user can try AUTO if other specifiedformat does not work.)The third step is to apply settings, and the app will prompt theuser to reboot to take effect. After reboot, if the initializationis successful, click target app and select "Link to SD" again, youwill see linking dialog. But if failed, the app will showinitialization dialog again, please check the partition and formatand try above steps again.Features:1. List all movable apps;2. Move apps to SD card (even marked with internal only);3. Move apps back phone;4. Link apps to SD card;5. Unlink apps from SD card;6. Batch move apps (silent mode, user free);7. Set default install location of apps(Auto/Internal/SDCard);8. Show total/used/left space of phone or SD card;9. 1 tap to clear all app cache;10. Sort apps by name, size, install date;11. Run installed apps;12. Uninstall apps;13. View app on market;
DS Privacy Safebox 3.8
(More functions will be added in future version. Please rate itkindly on market. Thanks!:)This is an app which can help you to keep privacy information.It has:Keep privacyNo AD, no third-party plugin, no root permission required, even nointernet access permission! It is IMPOSSIBLE to send any data outby this app! :)Security LoginUse password login or pattern login, no register required.First time user need create a new digital number password (byentering numbers of "0"~"9" and press "#" to confirm for twice).Password login uses 6~32 digital numbers with randomposition.After login, user can create login pattern in "Settings->LoginOption->Create Pattern". And pattern login uses 16 points or 9points pattern (support reuse point for pattern, e.g. points1->2->1->2->1->2 is a valid pattern).Full data encryption (AES strength)All data you enter will be encrypted before save! It is tough taskto decrypt the data even your data is exposed by some reason.Text NoteUser can save privacy note with this app, do not afraid of bewatched by "CLOUD", swpie to mark it as finished or not, set diffimportance level, sort note with diff ways, also can share toothers...ChecklistChecklist is a collection of note, can be easily used for checkcheck item of same job (e.g. travel requirement). All check item issame function as text note.Picture NotePick a picture from album or take photo from camera, the app willencrypt it and save. After that user can view/browse picturesinside the app without decrypt data to external file! Of course,user can send picture to others with share function. :)Secure DocumentsUser can encrypt any file selected from sd card, delete encryptedfile, or export & decrypt file to selected folder;Password BankNowadays, we have too many accounts/passwords to remember. Samepasswords are dangerous, diff passwords are difficult to remember,so you can save them in security password bank (SPB)! It alsosuuport add multi account to same site easily.Sync Encrypted DataUser can sync encrypted data with "Droidsail DataSync" betweenlocal device (phone/table) and selected web drive (Dropbox, GoogleDrive, , MS SkyDriver). Data are keep encrypted on web drive whichis safe for user data (no privacy risk even for sync)!:-)Optimized UI for padAuto detect screen size and fit it, especially for pad.Very small package sizeThe unit is KBytes! Most similar app takes x MBytes!
DS Super App2SD Pro 7.5
(This app is for rooted user only. Werecommand new user to try the LITE version firstly to make sureevery function works with you device before pay. Thanks!)This is enhanced version of "Droidsail Super App2SD Lite",compare to lite version, it:1. removed ads;2. add one click "Move System Update App" to SD card;3. add "link apps with one tap";4. add "uninstall apps with one tap";5. add "share apps" to others;6. low CPU cost;7. has slim app size;Move more apps to SD card!!! New version support Link2SDnow!!!This is a super APP2SD tool for ROOTed user (Android 2.2 andabove), which could force move/link more apps (even those appsmarked with internal only :) to SD card (or move/link back phone)and save more space than normal App2SD apps.You can also perform batch move apps, set default installlocation of apps, clear cache with this app.And this app have full functions (no limitation) with ads.Simple is the best! :)System Requirement:1. A ROOTed phone;2. USB debugging enabled (Go to SystemSettings->Application->Developemnt->USB debugging);3. Link2SD function requires external SD card supported ondevice;ATTENTION:(App2SD)Some app which has widget/alarm/wallpaper/InputMethod inusing is not recommanded to be moved to SD card, which may causeproblem.(Link2SD)"Link2SD" feature requires your device supportsexternal SD card, and create dedicated partition for it. And werecommend to use EXT2, EXT3 format. In addition, once "Link2SD" isused, do not remove the SD card at run time, or reboot device afterpull out the SD card, and, do not modify or delete"/dsapps/dslink2sd" folder on that partition, which may causeunexpect problem.Link2SD Initialization:(Please create the additional partition on SD card and format itto EXT2 or EXT3 by self, e.g. on a PC.)User need to initialize the "Link2SD" feature. Launch the app,click target app to be linked in list and select "Link to SD". Ifnot initialized, the app will automatically guide the user toinitialize.The first step is to choose the SD card partition. The app willlist all available SD cards and partitions, for example, the secondpartition on the first external SD card will be called SD card 1,Partition 2. Please select additional partition, do not select thedefault FAT32 partition.The second step is to select the partition format. (We alsoprovide an "AUTO" option, user can try AUTO if other specifiedformat does not work.)The third step is to apply settings, and the app will prompt theuser to reboot to take effect. After reboot, if the initializationis successful, click target app and select "Link to SD" again, youwill see linking dialog. But if failed, the app will showinitialization dialog again, please check the partition and formatand try above steps again.Features:1. List all movable apps;2. Move apps to SD card (even marked with internal only);3. Move apps back phone;4. Link apps to SD card;5. Unlink apps from SD card;6. Batch move apps (silent mode, user free);7. Set default install location of apps(Auto/Internal/SDCard);8. Show total/used/left space of phone or SD card;9. 1 tap to clear all app cache;10. Sort apps by name, size, install date;11. Run installed apps;12. Uninstall apps;13. View app on market;
DS Super AppKeeper Lite 5.2
(A paid version "Droidsail Super AppKeeper Pro" without ads isreleased now. :)A MUST have remover/backup/install tool for GEEKs!(ROOTed useronly!)It is simple, easy, but powerful app! It is MUCH MORE thannormal app installer/remover! It is:1. Advanced app remover/uninstaller: It can remove/backupuseless system apps easily! It will also show tips to user aboutthe importance of certain system app.2. Silent batch app uninstall/install: User do not need touninstall apps and confirm each of them one by one. We providesilent batch uninstaller for you.3. Multi version backup management: This app can manage multiversion backup for a single app. In many case, you may find the oldversion is better than new version for some apps, this can help youto manage all of them! :D4. Swap install function: It can one-key install user app backupfile as system app, or one-key install system app backup (which hasno odex file) as user app;5. Remove system version of system update app: Update version ofsystem app takes more space than normal app, since the systemversion is still exist on device after updated. This function canremove the system version and reinstall updated version with singleoperation and get more memory space.6. Auto backup, can backup new app automatically.(Attention: A REBOOT is required for removing system app to takeeffect completely!)Features:1. (Batch) remove user/system app;2. (Batch) install user/system app;3. Backup user/system app, including auto backup;4. Install system app as user app;5. Install user app as system app;6. View app details;7. View app n market;System Requirement:1. A ROOTed phone;2. USB debugging enabled (Go to SystemSettings->Application->Developemnt->USB debugging);
DS Super AppBlocker 2.2
A must have "App running control" (including AppOps) tool forGEEKs! (For ROOTed user only)This app has following "block" functions:1. Block permission (AppOps manager):Android (since v4.3) has provided a feature "AppOps" to limit appto access system functions (e.g. Notification, Camera, GPS, etc),but it is hidden API for now. This app allow user to use AppOpsfeature via ROOT access. Compare to other permission manager appwhich use "system process injection" method, AppOps is more safe,reliable, and easy to use.2. Block AutoStart (Autorun manager):Some apps can auto start in background without user's permission byusing "receiver" mechanism of system. This function expose allreceivers of each app to user, and user can config receiver statusto disable app auto start on certain case;3. Block Running (force stop, force kill):Block running app, especially force kill those annoying apps whichstay in RAM and refuse to be unloaded.4. Block App (App freezer):Fully block app, means user can not run the app (even can not seeit in system app list) until unblock it;System Requirement:1. A ROOTed phone;2. USB debugging enabled (Go to SystemSettings->Application->Developemnt->USB debugging);3. Permission manage (AppOps) function depends on Google'simplementation, which requires Android 4.3 and above;
DS Super AppBlocker Pro 2.2
This is a no AD version of "DS Super AppBlocker". More additionalfunction will be added in future version.A must have "app running config" (including AppOps) tool forGEEKs! (For ROOTed user only)This app has following "block" functions:1 Block permission (AppOps manager):Android (since v4.3) has provided a feature "AppOps" to limit appto access system functions (e.g. Notification, Camera, GPS, etc),but it is hidden API for now. This app allow user to use AppOpsfeature via ROOT access. Compare to other permission manager appwhich use "system process injection" method, AppOps is more safe,reliable, and easy to use.2. Block AutoStart (Autorun manager):Some apps can auto start in background without user's permission byusing "receiver" mechanism of system. This function expose allreceivers of each app to user, and user can config receiver statusto disable app auto start on certain case;3. Block Running (force stop, force kill):Block running app, especially force kill those annoying apps whichstay in RAM and refuse to be unloaded.4. Block App (App freezer):Fully block app, means user can not run the app (even can not seeit in system app list) until unblock it;System Requirement:1. A ROOTed phone;2. USB debugging enabled (Go to SystemSettings->Application->Developemnt->USB debugging);3. Permission manage (AppOps) function depends on Google'simplementation, which requires Android 4.3 and above;
DS Display Expert(Lite) 4.5
DroidSail Display Expert (Lite)(More functions are available in pro version, which addedPolarity inversion, Response time, Noise, Photo(copyrighted) test,ColorSpace Calc, and screen filter.)This is a professional display tester/screen tester for Androiddevices. It has:1. Multi touch: Test max touch points supported by device;2. Solid color: red, green, blue, magenta, cyan, white, black, andit supports scrolling to adjust color values;3. Gray level: 8 levels, 16 levels, 32 levels, 64 levels, 256levels, red, green, blue gradient (16 levels, 32 levels, 256levels), and it supports pattern scrolling and scaling;4. Contrast ratio: white cube, black cube, white/black(Left/Right,Top/Bottom), white/black bar (legacy), horizontal scrolling toadjust backlight for dynamic contrast ratio test;5. Colorbar: VGA full range colorbar, ITU.R BT.601 colorbar (100%,75%), ITU.R BT.709 color bar (100%, 75%), SMPTE colorbar, SMPTE HDcolorbar;6. Geometry: grid+cycles (white, red, green, blue), rect board,rect+cross, cross, cycle, Rect+cycle, rect+X, grid;7. Dot/Line: dot interlace, dot by space, line by space, color lineby space;8. ChessBoard: chess board test pattern (including 8x8, 16x16,32x32, 64x64, 128x128, custom size chess board);9. View angle: Test horizontal/vertical viewing angle ofdisplay;10. Gamma: Camma test pattern can be used to evaluate gamma valueof display, including white, red, green, blue gamma test;
DS Display Expert (Pro) 4.5
(This pro version added Polarity inversion,Response time, Noise, Photo(copyrighted), ColorSpace Caculator,Screen filter, compare to lite version.)This is a professional display tester/screen tester for Androiddevices. It has:1. Multi touch: Test max touch points supported by device;2. Solid color: red, green, blue, magenta, cyan, white, black, andit supports scrolling to adjust color values;3. Gray level: 8 levels, 16 levels, 32 levels, 64 levels, 256levels, red, green, blue gradient (16 levels, 32 levels, 256levels), and it supports pattern scrolling and scaling;4. Contrast ratio: white cube, black cube, white/black(Left/Right,Top/Bottom), white/black bar (legacy), horizontal scrolling toadjust backlight for dynamic contrast ratio test;5. Colorbar: VGA full range colorbar, ITU.R BT.601 colorbar (100%,75%), ITU.R BT.709 color bar (100%, 75%), SMPTE colorbar, SMPTE HDcolorbar;6. Geometry: grid+cycles (white, red, green, blue), rect board,rect+cross, cross, cycle, Rect+cycle, rect+X, grid;7. Dot/Line: dot interlace, dot by space, line by space, color lineby space;8. ChessBoard: chess board test pattern (including 8x8, 16x16,32x32, 64x64, 128x128, custom size chess board);9. View angle: Test horizontal/vertical viewing angle ofdisplay;10. Gamma: Camma test pattern can be used to evaluate gamma valueof display, including white, red, green, blue gamma test;11. Polarity inversion, including point inversion, two-pointinversion (horizontal / vertical, odd / even), pixel inversion,dual pixel inversion (horizontal / vertical, odd / even), lineinversion, two-inversion (horizontal / vertical, odd / even);12. Response time, including the moving grating (60Hz/30Hz, a totalof 14 different light and dark level test pattern);13. Noise: Try to fix burn-in problem, with color noise, graynoise, white noise, red noise, green noise, blue noise;14. Photos: Test display with selected pictures, to see realperformance of device (All photos are copyrighted);15. ColorSpace Calc: To convert color value to different colorspace, it support:RGB<->HSL,RGB<->HSV,RGB<->HSI,RGB<->CMY,RGB<->CMYK,RGB<->YUV,RGB<->YIQ,RGB<->YCbCr(SD/HD,PC/Video),RGB<->XYZ,RGB<->Yxy,XYZ<->CIE-L*ab,XYZ<->CIE-L*uv,XYZ<->Hunter-L*ab,CIE-L*ab<->CIE-L*CH,CIE-L*uv<->CIE-L*CH.And RGB<->XYZ support several RGB spec (sRGB(D65), AdobeRGB(D65), SMPTE-C RGB(D65), and etc.);16. Screen filter: screen filter can be any color and any blendlevel on the screen, which is better than system brightness(backlight);
DS Super AppKeeper Pro 5.2
(This app is for rooted user only. Werecommand new user to try the LITE version firstly to make sureevery function works with you device before pay. Thanks!)This is enhanced version of "DS Super AppKeeper Lite", compare tolite version, it:1. removed ads;2. add "Backup app data" function for installed apps;3. add "Restore app data" function for backup app, which has backupapp data;4. add "one tap backup apps";5. add "share apps" to others;6. low CPU cost;7. has slim app size;A MUST have remover/backup/install tool for GEEKs!(ROOTed useronly!)It is simple, easy, but powerful app! It is MUCH MORE thannormal app installer/remover! It is:1. Advanced app remover/uninstaller: It can remove/backupuseless system apps easily! It will also show tips to user aboutthe importance of certain system app.2. Silent batch app uninstall/install: User do not need touninstall apps and confirm each of them one by one. We providesilent batch uninstaller for you.3. Multi version backup management: This app can manage multiversion backup for a single app. In many case, you may find the oldversion is better than new version for some apps, this can help youto manage all of them! :D4. Swap install function: It can one-key install user app backupfile as system app, or one-key install system app backup (which hasno odex file) as user app;5. Remove system version of system update app: Update version ofsystem app takes more space than normal app, since the systemversion is still exist on device after updated. This function canremove the system version and reinstall updated version with singleoperation and get more memory space.6. Auto backup, can backup new app automatically.(Attention: A REBOOT is required for removing system app to takeeffect completely!)Features:1. (Batch) remove user/system app;2. (Batch) install user/system app;3. Backup user/system app, including auto backup;4. Install system app as user app;5. Install user app as system app;6. View app details;7. View app n market;System Requirement:1. A ROOTed phone;2. USB debugging enabled (Go to SystemSettings->Application->Developemnt->USB debugging);
DS Screen Filter 1.3
Droidsail Screen Filter is a custom screen dimcontrol app.The default brightness control (in system setting) is usingbacklight only. But in this app, it can filter your whole screenwith a custom r/g/b color and blend level besides backlightcontrol, which could get more useful effect(e.g. morered/green/blue/dark. etc) for different purpose (for night,reading, match wallpaper, user style, etc).And this app is extremely easy to use, all control options arein one single float window. After first launch, a notification iconwill appear on your top bar and you can adjust filter at any time.Also, this app provide a desktop widget to launch the filtercontrol panel for convenience.Your can set/clear "Start on boot" to ask the app to run/stopafter device rebooted. And if you want the app to fully exit(including close filter and remove the notification icon), justcheck "Fully exit mode" and click the top-right exit button. It'seasy, right? :)