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Ain Arabic Kid Alif ba ta free 1.0
Ain Arabic is a first of its kind programthatcontains Detailed Description of characters or letters for kidsortoddlers or preschoolers in Urdu Language. The introductionofdifferent voices, sounds and audio increases kid'sinterestespecially animal audio sounds and voices. It is a real funforkids or toddlers or preschoolers to enjoy their first bookorArabic kitab (Arabic Qaida such as Ain Arabic)Ain Arabic comprises following features:-> Ain Arabic includes more than one word attached toeachalphabet or letters along with various audio sounds andvoicesalong with images and pictures while tapping each elementplaysrespective audio sounds and voices.-> Free Version of Ain Arabic has limited alphabetsthough.-> In addition ‘Ain Arabic’ provides ‘Examination’ module totestwhat your kids or toddlers or preschoolers grasped by learning'AlifBa Ta with attractive images or pictures (especially animals)andtheir respective audio sounds and voices.-> Moreover, each time taking the test shows randomcombinationof words or lafz (haroof), which is the unique featurethisapplication has. No more concept of cramming thankfully, AinArabicprovides significant help to kids or toddlers or preschoolerstoclear their concepts of Arabic Qaida such as Alif Ba Ta asearlieras possible.-> It is a real fun to complete the test where funny audiosoundsand voices are played to point the mistake :)-> Lastly, you can save the test result to monitor theprogressof kids or toddlers or preschoolers easily from time totime.If you come up with any issue(s) please let us is the Classical Arabic language of the 6thcentury.Arabic is spoken in a wide arc stretching across WesternAsia,North Africa, and the Horn of Africa. Arabic belongs to theSemiticbranch of the Afroasiatic family. Around 300 millions arethenative Arabic speakersHave your kids learn Arabic using this Free Ain ArabicQaeda(Alif Ba Ta) Android application. Have them learn the Alif BaTa inan interactive and fun way. Excellent Arabic Educational AppforKids.Please visit our website or for our servicesCheers n Enjoy!!!!:)Ain Arabic is a firstofits kind program that contains Detailed Description ofcharactersor letters for kids or toddlers or preschoolers in UrduLanguage.The introduction of different voices, sounds and audioincreaseskid's interest especially animal audio sounds and voices.It is areal fun for kids or toddlers or preschoolers to enjoy theirfirstbook or Arabic kitab (Arabic Qaida such as Ain Arabic)Ain Arabic comprises following features:-> Ain Arabic includes more than one word attached toeachalphabet or letters along with various audio sounds andvoicesalong with images and pictures while tapping each elementplaysrespective audio sounds and voices.-> Free Version of Ain Arabic has limited alphabetsthough.-> In addition 'Ain Arabic' provides' Examination 'module totestwhat your kids or toddlers or preschoolers grasped bylearning' AlifBa Ta with attractive images or pictures (especiallyanimals) andtheir respective audio sounds and voices.-> Moreover, each time taking the test shows randomcombinationof words or lafz (haroof), which is the unique featurethisapplication has. No more concept of cramming thankfully, AinArabicprovides significant help to kids or toddlers or preschoolerstoclear their concepts of Arabic Qaida such as Alif Ba Ta asearlieras possible.-> It is a real fun to complete the test where funny audiosoundsand voices are played to point the mistake :)-> Lastly, you can save the test result to monitor theprogressof kids or toddlers or preschoolers easily from time totime.If you come up with any issue (s) please let us is the Classical Arabic language of the 6thcentury.Arabic is spoken in a wide arc stretching across WesternAsia,North Africa, and the Horn of Africa. Arabic belongs to theSemiticbranch of the Afroasiatic family. Around 300 millions arethenative Arabic speakersHave your kids learn Arabic using this Free Ain ArabicQaeda(Alif Ba Ta) Android application. Have them learn the Alif BaTa inan interactive and fun way. Excellent Arabic Educational AppforKids.Please visit our website or for our servicesCheers n Enjoy !!!!:)
Alif Urdu Kids Qaida Bay Pay $ 1.0
Alif Urdu is a first of its kind programthatcontains Detailed Description of characters or letters for kidsortoddlers or preschoolers in Urdu Language. The introductionofdifferent voices, sounds and audio increas kid'sinterestespecially animal audio sounds and voices. It is a real funforkids or toddlers or preschoolers to enjoy their first book orUrdukitab (Urdu Qaida such as Alif Urdu)Alif Urdu comprises following features:-> Alif Urdu includes more than one word attached toeachalphabet or letters along with various audio sounds andvoicesalong with images and pictures while tapping each elementplaysrespective audio sounds and voices.-> Free Version of Alif Urdu has limited number of lettersoralphabets in Urdu Qaida (from ‘ا’ to ‘ژ’ or from 'Alif Bay Pay'to'Rey till Zhey') whereas paid version providescompleteaccess.-> In addition ‘Alif Urdu’ provides ‘Examination’ module totestwhat your kids or toddlers or preschoolers grasped bylearning'Alif Bay Pay' with attractive images or pictures(especiallyanimals) and their respective audio sounds andvoices.-> Moreover, each time taking the test shows randomcombinationof words or lafz (haroof), which is the unique featurethisapplication has. No more concept of cramming thankfully, AlifUrduprovides significant help to kids or toddlers or preschoolerstoclear their concepts of Urdu Qaida such as Alif Bay Pay asearlieras possible.-> It is a real fun to complete the test where funny audiosoundsand voices are played to point the mistake :)-> Lastly, you can save the test result to monitor theprogressof kids or toddlers or preschoolers easily from time totime.If you come up with any issue(s) please let us is the 19th most popular language in the world and it isnotonly native language of Pakistan, it has been spokenand/orunderstood by many other regions such as Jammu Kashmir,India,Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain,Nepel,Mauritius, Qatar, United Kingdom and United States. Asmanypakistanis live abroad, if you want your kids to learn UrduQaidathen download our Alif Urdu today.Have your kids learn Urdu using this Free Alif Urdu QaidaAndroidapplication. Have them learn the Alif Bay Pay in aninteractive andfun way. Excellent Urdu Educational App forKids.Please visit our website or for our servicesCheers n Enjoy!!!!:)
Ain Arabic Kids Alif Ba ta 1.0
Ain Arabic is a first of its kind program that containsDetailedDescription of characters or letters for kids or toddlersorpreschoolers in Urdu Language. The introduction ofdifferentvoices, sounds and audio increases kid's interestespecially animalaudio sounds and voices. It is a real fun for kidsor toddlers orpreschoolers to enjoy their first book or Arabickitab (ArabicQaida such as Ain Arabic) Ain Arabic comprisesfollowing features:-> Ain Arabic includes more than one wordattached to eachalphabet or letters along with various audio soundsand voicesalong with images and pictures while tapping each elementplaysrespective audio sounds and voices. -> Free Version ofAinArabic has limited alphabets though. -> In addition ‘AinArabic’provides ‘Examination’ module to test what your kids ortoddlers orpreschoolers grasped by learning 'Alif Ba Ta withattractive imagesor pictures (especially animals) and theirrespective audio soundsand voices. -> Moreover, each time takingthe test shows randomcombination of words or lafz (haroof), whichis the unique featurethis application has. No more concept ofcramming thankfully, AinArabic provides significant help to kids ortoddlers orpreschoolers to clear their concepts of Arabic Qaidasuch as AlifBa Ta as earlier as possible. -> It is a real fun tocompletethe test where funny audio sounds and voices are played topointthe mistake :) -> Lastly, you can save the test resulttomonitor the progress of kids or toddlers or preschoolerseasilyfrom time to time. If you come up with any issue(s) pleaselet usknow at Arabic is the ClassicalArabiclanguage of the 6th century. Arabic is spoken in a widearcstretching across Western Asia, North Africa, and the HornofAfrica. Arabic belongs to the Semitic branch of theAfroasiaticfamily. Around 300 millions are the native Arabicspeakers Haveyour kids learn Arabic using this Free Ain ArabicQaeda (Alif BaTa) Android application. Have them learn the Alif BaTa in aninteractive and fun way. Excellent Arabic Educational Appfor Kids.Please visit our website oremail for our services Cheers n Enjoy!!!!:)
Alif Urdu Kids Qaida Bay Pay
ALIF URDU is designed for Kids to learn URDU QAIDA with voices