Edudev Team Приложения

Kids Song Nursery Rhymes
Edudev Team
Offline Children's Songs, Baby Songs with lyrics and animations
Indonesian Kid Song Collection 1.0.4
Edudev Team
Applications that contains a collection ofchildren's songs favorites. Contains songs that are suitable foryour child. Can listen at any time without having to online. Onlyone time install and you do not need internet connection to listento the songs in it.There are 20 songs terfavorites children include:- Dua Mata Saya- Paman Datang- Naek kereta api- Burung kakatua- Pok Ame Ame- Ampar-ampar pisang- Libur telah tiba- Bintang kecil- Potong bebek angsa- Anak Ayam- Topi saya bundar- etcEverything in this application, download it now.
Lagu Anak Indonesia Populer
Edudev Team
Children song complete with text for preschoolers, early childhood,kindergarten, elementary school etc.
Games for kids 1.0.2
Edudev Team
Kids love playing alphabet games online! Alphabets games are agreat way for kids to learn about alphabetical order. Youngerchildren can work on letter recognition by playing a cool game.Older children can work on telling the difference between vowelsand consonants. Children of any age can struggle withalphabetizing, so this is a great place for them to practice.
Belajar Huruf ABC 1.0.2
Edudev Team
Aplikasi pendidikan yang membantu anak-anak dalam belajar mengenalhuruf a sampai huruf z. Aplikasi ini didesain khusus untukanak-anak usia 2 s/d 6 tahun. Ayo kita ajak anak-anak untuk belajarmengenal huruf sejak dini. Selesai belajar, mereka bisa memainkanbeberapa permainan edukasi yang menarik untuk menguji kemampuanmereka. Sejauh apakah kemampuan si buah hati..?? Aplikasi inimenggabungkan konsep belajar dan bermain menjadi satu sehinggamelahirkan cara belajar yang lebih menyenangkan. Selanjutnya,mereka bisa mengasah kemampuan melalui permainan edukasi yangdisediakan.
Learn to read and sing 1.0.2
Edudev Team
This application was made to introduce the beloved sons anddaughters in recognizing letters and how to read the accompanyingaudio and how to read it. Beginning with spelling, reading wordsand sentences is equipped with facilities and Sound On Sound OffHope it is useful
Doa Anak Muslim 1.0.3
Edudev Team
Do’a adalah inti dari ibadah, karena dengan berdo’a seseorangsecara tak langsung telah mengakui akan adanya Allah swt. Sebab,mustahil seseorang akan berdo’a atau meminta jika yang diserunyaitu tak ia yakini ada, Maha Mendengar dan Mengetahui , Maha Kayadan Memberi Kekayaan , Maha Memberi dan Mengabulkan Do’a . Do’amerupakan cara paling ampuh untuk menanamkan Tauhid kepada anak.Bagaimana dengan anak-anak kita? Sudahkah mereka pandai danterbiasa berdo’a ? Atau sudahkah kita mengajarkan mereka do’a-do’ayang bisa mereka ucapkan di sepanjang siang dan malam mereka?Karenanya, dengan mengajari anak berdo’a, artinya kita telahmenanamkan kepadanya keyakinan akan Allah swt. Yang Mencipta,Memiliki, dan Mengatur alam semesta ini.
Belajar Mengaji 1.0.0
Edudev Team
Aplikasi yang dibuat untukmemperkenalkankepada putra-putri kesayangan mengenai huruf hijaiyahdan belajarmengeja huruf yang bertanda Fattah, kasroh, dhomahApplications are madetointroduce the beloved sons and daughters of the hijaiyahlettersand learning to spell the letters marked Fattah,kasroh,dhomah
Kids Song 1.0.5
Edudev Team
Songs that indirectly teach our daughters get to know folk song inthe country and abroad where the songs can be played offline do notneed an internet connection.
Prayer - Song Muslim Children 1.0.5
Edudev Team
An application created as a method of early childhood learning tolearn as well memorized prayers such everyday prayer before meals,prayer after meals, prayers before studying, prayer after thestudy, the intention of fasting Ramadan, the intention of breakingthe fast, prayer out of the house, prayer entered the house and soforth, as well as introduce songs Muslim children which containsthe basic teachings of Islam such as Rukun Iman, Pillars of Islam,the most Beautiful, 25 Nabi, 10 Angels that must be known and soforth. Hopefully this app can provide benefits, especially for thechildren of your pet. ameen
Balloon Hit 1.0.2
Edudev Team
Get ready to pop those balloons withBalloonPop, the only balloon popping game of its kind. Balloonpopping hasnever been this fun, use your amo like contraption toshoot as manyballoons as you can.There is three level in this game- Easy- Medium- HardYour score will automatically be recordedHave a nice play
BTS Songs Offline 1.11
Edudev Team
BTS song's application comes with lyrics in each song andthisapplication can run OFFLINE (without the need for internet),isdisplayed interactively with clear images that make it easierforusers, presented for FREE and can be saved in EXTERNALMEMORY.Dislaimer : All of content in this application is notourtrademark. We only get the content from search engine andwebsite.The copyright of all content in this application is fullyowned bythe creators, musicians and music labels are concerned. Ifyou arethe copyright holder of the songs contained in thisapplication andare not pleasing your song displayed, please contactus via emaildeveloper and tell us about the status of yourownership on thesong.
Kids Song Offline Plus Lyrics 1.34
Edudev Team
Children's songs for children's education which contain 50(fifty)songs where this application was made with the aim ofteachingchildren with age-appropriate songs so that they areexpected toshape children's character in a better direction.POPULAR SONGS ★My balloon ★ Rickshaw Driver ★ I'm a Healthy Child ★Bring me theMoon Mom ★ Little Star ★ Morning Star ★ Finches ★Lizard Lizard onthe wall ★ My Two Eyes ★ Bracelet Sipaku Bracelet ★Look at MyGarden ★ Small Circle ★ Eat What ★ Nina Bobo ★ Take theTrain ★Ascend to the Top of the Mountain ★ Rainbow ★ Pok Ame Ame ★DearAll ★ Mother's love ★ My hat is round ★ etc. ENGLISH SONGS★Alphabet ★ Black Sheep ★ Butterfly ★ Do Re Mi ★ If You're Happy★Mary Had ★ etc The advantages in the application: - Nointernetconnection required - Song lyrics - Clear sound quality -Can playsongs randomly (shuffle) - The song is more complete
Muslim children songs sholawat 1.0.7
Edudev Team
Translate Muslim child educational song that contains thebasicintroduction to Islam and the Prophet Sholawat. Insha Allahcouldfacilitate our children to hum also memorize the songspresented.List of songs: - Yes Badrotim - Sholawat Badar -Beautiful Names -Tenets - Ya Nabi Salamun - Shalawat Narriyah -Pillars of Islam -Twenty-five prophets - Shalatuminallah - SholawatSa'adah -Mandatory nature for Allah - 10 Angels Allah - Sholawattunjina -Minal Burdah - Grateful - Heaven is under mother's feetHope it isuseful
lagu anak anak offline sholawat nabi 1.0.4
Edudev Team
Aplikasi Lagu Sholawat Anak Lengkap ini adalah trobosanedukasimenarik untuk anak anak yang dikemas dengan semenarikmungkin dantujuan dari pembuatan aplikasi edukasi ini bertujuanuntukmelestarikan lagu sholawat yang pada zaman ini sudah mulaidilupakan, hindarkan anak dengan lagu dewasa karena belumsepantasnyadihafalkan oleh anak , dengan aplikasi edukasi lagusholawat anakini bisa menjadi salah satu pendorong atau pengikatdaya tarik anakuntuk mau bernyanyi dan menghafalkan lagi lagu lagusholawat ini,didalam aplikasi lagu sholawat ini sudah cukup lumayanbanyak dandi dalam aplikasi ini pun juga di lengkapi dengan lirikjadi bisamendengarkan sambil latihan membaca dengan adanya liriktersebut ,lalu animasi yang menarik bisa menjadikan anak tidakmudah bosan,satu lagi audio yang merdu yang enak didengarkannya,nah tungguapalagi, download aplikasi edukasi anak ini, adapun lagusholawatlengkap yaitu lagu sholawat sambut ramadhan lagu sholawatartipuasa lagu sholawat sholawat Nabi lagu sholawat rukun imanlagusholawat rukun islam lagu sholawat Idul Fitri lagu sholawat AbiUmilagu sholawat Labaikallah lagu sholawat 10 Malaikat AllahlaguMinal Burdah dan masih ada banyak didalam aplikasi ini.