Edward Winterhalder Приложения

Blockhead City 1.0
Edward Winterhalder
Everything you need to know about author, TVproducer, screenwriter and biker personality Edward Winterhalder isincluded in this one stop shop, which includes his bio, books,eBooks, YouTube channel, social media, blog, television shows,movies, apps, appearances, games, photos, co-authors, agents andnews blasts.Edward Winterhalder is the world’s leading authority on motorcycleclubs and the outlaw biker lifestyle; his ten books about theculture are sold internationally, and one, The Assimilation: RockMachine Become Bandidos, has been published in multiple languages.He was associated with motorcycle clubs and outlaw bikers foralmost thirty years, and has been seen on Fox News (the O'ReillyFactor with Bill O'Reilly & America's Newsroom), CNN, Bravo, AlJazeera, BBC, ABC Nightline, MSNBC News Nation, Good MorningAmerica, History Channel, Global, National Geographic, HistoryTelevision, AB Groupe, and CBC. In addition to his literaryendeavors, he is a consultant to the entertainment industry, andhas produced episodes of TV series such as Outlaw Bikers, GangWorld, Marked, Biker Chicz, Living On The Edge, and Gangland.Winterhalder's screenplays include "Bloodline Redemption", "TwinRoads To Revenge", "Vindication", "Das Portal" and "Biker Daddy",and his books include "Biker Chicz: The Attraction Of Women ToMotorcycles And Outlaw Bikers" (co-author Wil De Clercq - July2014); "The Ultimate Biker Anthology: An Introduction To BooksAbout Motorcycle Clubs And Outlaw Bikers" (co-editor Iain Parke -November 2013) "The Moon Upstairs: A Biker's Story" (co-author MarcTeatum - December 2012); "One Light Coming: A Biker's Story"(co-author Marc Teatum - October 2011); "Biker Chicz of NorthAmerica" (co-author Wil De Clercq - December 2010); "Die Ubernahme:Von Der Rock Machine Zu Den Bandidos - Der Bikerkrieg In Kanada"(co-author Wil De Clercq - March 2010); "The Mirror: A Biker'sStory" (co-author James Richard Larson - January 2010);"L'Assimilation: Rock Machine & Bandidos Contre Hells Angels"(co-author Wil De Clercq - June 2009); "Biker Chicks: The MagneticAttraction of Women to Bad Boys and Motorbikes" (co-author ArthurVeno with Wil De Clercq - May 2009); "All Roads Lead To Sturgis: ABiker's Story" (co-author James Richard Larson - February 2009);"The Assimilation: Rock Machine Become Bandidos - Bikers UnitedAgainst The Hells Angels" (co-author Wil De Clercq - June 2008);and "Out In Bad Standings: Inside The Bandidos Motorcycle Club -The Making Of A Worldwide Dynasty" (November 2005).
Outlaw Bikers 2.0
Edward Winterhalder
Revised version (Aug 15) - Designed fortheacademic community, you will find everything you need to knowinthis app to educate yourself about outlaw bikers, bikies,1%ers,the 1% Harley biker (bikie) lifestyle, and outlaw motorcycleclubssuch as the Bandidos, Hells Angels, Iron Horsemen,Mongols,Outlaws, Pagans, Rebels, Sons of Silence, Vagos, andWarlocks. Thisapp includes information about the history of outlawmotorcycleclubs, major biker rallies and events; websites foroutlawmotorcycle clubs; biker news from newspapers andmagazinesworldwide; Wikipedia links to international outlawmotorcycle clubsand important outlaw biker lifestyle figures; andbooks, games,blogs, TV shows, and VODs about the lifestyle.Designed by Edward Winterhalder, the world’s leading authorityonmotorcycle clubs and the outlaw biker lifestyle, this app isawonderful tool for students and professors that are involvedwithpopular culture, sociology, ethnography, socialanthropology,psychology, deviant behavior, criminal justice andcriminologycourses at colleges and universities worldwide. His tenbooks aboutthe culture are sold internationally, and one, TheAssimilation:Rock Machine Become Bandidos, has been published inmultiplelanguages. He was associated with motorcycle clubs andoutlawbikers for almost thirty years, and has been seen on Fox News(theO'Reilly Factor with Bill O'Reilly & America's Newsroom),CNN,Bravo, Al Jazeera, BBC, ABC Nightline, MSNBC News Nation,GoodMorning America, History Channel, Global, NationalGeographic,History Television, AB Groupe, and CBC. In addition tohis literaryendeavors, he is a consultant to the entertainmentindustry, andhas produced episodes of TV series such as OutlawBikers, GangWorld, Marked, Biker Chicz, Living On The Edge, andGangland.Winterhalder's screenplays include "Bloodline Redemption","TwinRoads To Revenge", "Vindication", "Das Portal" and "BikerDaddy",and his books include "Biker Chicz: The Attraction Of WomenToMotorcycles And Outlaw Bikers" (co-author Wil De Clercq -July2014); "The Ultimate Biker Anthology: An Introduction ToBooksAbout Motorcycle Clubs And Outlaw Bikers" (co-editor IainParke -November 2013) "The Moon Upstairs: A Biker's Story"(co-author MarcTeatum - December 2012); "One Light Coming: ABiker's Story"(co-author Marc Teatum - October 2011); "Biker Chiczof NorthAmerica" (co-author Wil De Clercq - December 2010); "DieUbernahme:Von Der Rock Machine Zu Den Bandidos - Der Bikerkrieg InKanada"(co-author Wil De Clercq - March 2010); "The Mirror: ABiker'sStory" (co-author James Richard Larson - January2010);"L'Assimilation: Rock Machine & Bandidos Contre HellsAngels"(co-author Wil De Clercq - June 2009); "Biker Chicks: TheMagneticAttraction of Women to Bad Boys and Motorbikes" (co-authorArthurVeno with Wil De Clercq - May 2009); "All Roads Lead ToSturgis: ABiker's Story" (co-author James Richard Larson - February2009);"The Assimilation: Rock Machine Become Bandidos - BikersUnitedAgainst The Hells Angels" (co-author Wil De Clercq - June2008);and "Out In Bad Standings: Inside The Bandidos MotorcycleClub -The Making Of A Worldwide Dynasty" (November 2005).