Elcobit Приложения

GeoFlick 3.0
With GeoFlick you can explore publicandhistoric Flickr photos around you and the whole world.On the intuitive usable map, you can see public orhistoricFlickr photos around your or the selected position, you canviewthe pictures full-screen, read details about them or savetheoriginal image (if allowed by owner) to your media galleryforfurther usage (like background image, sharing, and so on).More features coming with the next version (your own photos,moresettings).Please send us wishes, praises or suggestions via email or leaveacomment in the store.Completely free!Without ads.Without InApp purchases.Explanation of used rights:We use GoogleMaps in this app.The base requirements for GoogleMaps are Internet, Networkstatus,Location/GPS and ExternalStorage.The application itself uses the internet rights to get photosandinformation from the Flickr servers.Beside Flickr and Google, no other servers are used.
RUSK - The Dark Alliance 2.3
RUSK – The Dark AllianceOriginal retro port of the original game back from the gloriousdays of arcade gaming history! Features various missions from openworld space to Pac-Man style maze enemy stations, but packed into athrilling science fiction shooter!Explore the endless space around you and destroy everything on yourpath. Watch your radar to find enemy stations and shoot them up toproceed to next level!RUSK was first published in 2003 by QiOO International for mobilescreens as small as 128x128 pixels.This is an 1:1 port of the original game played by over 750.000fascinated players all around the world... Enjoy!Game play and graphics are exactly like on the original handhelds.Difficulty gets tougher when proceeding with the levels. If youever played and loved Scramble, Galaxian, Galaga, Space Invaders,Xevious, Bosconian, Defender, Asteroids and bitcoin games in thestyle of Atari, Konami or Activision or Nintendo then this gamewill thrill your 8-bit loving pixel heart. Now added with a crispand clean 8bit SiD-chip C64 style tune and GameBoy-styled pads. Nocoins needed! It's like watching Star Wars for the first time again... Please let us know if you experience any problems and anywishes for the future or any other game from the Golden Age ofGaming you would like to play again. Thanks!Watch out for more cool apps and games from Elcobit - the home ofingenious engineering!
Bloody Pixel Death Trap 1.1
The world's most hardest bloodypixel-squashinggame - now available on your Android device!Loads of cool 8bit noises and sweet pixel art - with asimplemission: Stay alive! ... and don't forget to feed the trap.Havefun \(^^)/!* Support for almost all android devices (only API8 orhigherneeded)* Completely free* No ads* No in-app purchase* No rights needed!More about the game: If you like retro games and the harshblockgraphics look of old Atari VCS and C64 games featuring weirdSIDchiptune noises then please try this game. It combinesthechallenging madness of blockbuster hits like Scramble, GalagaandSpace Invaders with the great pixel-styled look of Pac-ManandDonkey Kong. But you don't have to defend vampires orzombieghosts, rise like a phoenix to survive this madness orgy ofredgore blood and splatter and feed the death trap! Game play isaseasy to understand as an old Game & Watch Nintendo LCDgame,but yet offers more variety while preserving thenostalicfeeling.If you encounter any problems while mastering the game or foranyother questions you may have, please contact our friendlysupportor leave a comment in the PlayStore. We also would like tohearabout your feedback and what features you would like to have inthefuture.If you like Bloody Pixel Death Trap, also try our free game"Krill"from the PlayStore.Stay tuned - more original content and game play is comingfromElcobit soon!
Noise Maschine Premium 3.0
NOISE MASCHINE PREMIUM - a digitally controlled noise synthesizer(No Ads)
Noise Maschine 3.0
NOISE MASCHINE - a digitally controlled noise synthesizer