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Enterprise LEADER: Sample 1.5
Enterprise Leaders Worldwide
Are you a manager or executive in businesslooking to become a stronger leader?As a leader, are you looking for fresh new ways to get the bestfrom the people and teams you lead?Are you looking for guaranteed ways to get the edge in businessand deliver superior results?If so, Enterprise LEADER is for you.Enterprise LEADER is a proven ‘leadership and team developmentprogram’, used by companies around the world to transform teams andindividuals into high performing business people.Built from the ground up with the help of successfulentrepreneurs, Enterprise LEADER instills a newentrepreneurial/enterprising way of thinking into those whoexperience the program.The course can be experienced individually by employees,managers and executives who want to develop their own leadershipcapability. It can also be used collectively by an entire team toraise their performance.Organisations who use Enterprise LEADER to develop their teamstypically see the following types of results:- Goal Focused Team- Greater Team Collaboration and Cooperation- Improved Communication- Team Members Who Understand Each Other- Improved Motivation- Improved Confidence- Improved Accountability- Improved Team Spirit- Improved Creativity- Improved Customer Focus- More Relevant Products and Services- A new language and commercial and entrepreneurial way ofthinking- Improved Business Results (more sales, profits, value).Built on the foundations of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming),Enterprise LEADER introduces a new language of business, and overthe course of 20 sessions, focuses on three core themes ofCustomers, Teams and Personal Leadership. It is these three areasthat all successful entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial companiesexcel in.In this app, you have access to five free sessions of EnterpriseLEADER. This forms the entire ‘Customer’ segment of the program andoffers a complete experience.The five free sessions are:Session 1: Growth Through Innovation, Creativity andChangeSession 2: Gaining New Customers Through 'Word of MouthMarketing'Session 3: How To Maximise The Life-Time Value of YourCustomersSession 4: Why Everybody In Your Company Must Be ASalespersonSession 5: The Six Fundamentals of Business That You MustMasterFor best results, we recommend you experience the programtogether with your manager and colleagues (who should also downloadthis app) and follow our proven three step methodology:1. Listen: Listen to the Introduction, followed by one sessionof Enterprise LEADER a day for the next five days at time and placewhich works best for you.2. Read/Write: Each day, read the associated summaries in theworkbook and complete the relevant exercises.3. Discuss: After you have completed all five sessions, meettogether with your manager and colleagues to discuss your ideasfrom the program.In the app, you’ll find a link to the Facilitator’s Guide whichwill show you how to use Enterprise LEADER as a team developmentprogram.Enterprise LEADER in 25 words:Change / Performance / Results / Collaboration / Communication /Teamwork / Engagement / Alignment / Motivation / Goals / Focus /Creativity / Entrepreneurship / Self-Belief / Leadership / Morale /Cooperation / Ownership / Accountability / Commercial-Awareness /Sales / Vision / Customers / Competitiveness / Growth
Enterprise LEADER: eGuide 1
Enterprise Leaders Worldwide
A Step-by-Step Guide For CEOs, VPs, Directors,Executives and HR Professionals To Develop High PerformanceBusiness Teams Using Enterprise LEADERTools and Methodology to Build High Performance Business Teamsin Just 4 x ½ Day Sessions**********************If you're a manager or executive in business looking to driveCHANGE and improve the PERFORMANCE and RESULTS of your team (and/oroverall company), then Enterprise LEADER is for you... and theFacilitator's Guide is the place to start.Enterprise LEADER is a team development program which CEOs, VPs,Director and Executives (including HR Professionals and externalcoaches/consultants) use to build and strengthen their own teams inthe workplace, at a time and pace which suits them.In this Facilitator's Guide, you'll discover exactly whatEnterprise LEADER is, how and why it works, as well as getting afull step-by-step roadmap to using the program in your own company,department or team.In this short Facilitator's Guide, you'll discover how you cantake your team on a unforgettable journey, unlocking the potentialof each team member, and instilling in them new thinking, attitudesand behaviours.Enterprise LEADER in 25 words:Change / Performance / Results / Collaboration / Communication /Teamwork / Engagement / Alignment / Motivation / Goals / Focus /Creativity / Entrepreneurship / Self-Belief / Leadership / Morale /Cooperation / Ownership / Accountability / Commercial-Awareness /Sales / Vision / Customers / Competitiveness / Growth
Millionaire Upgrade: AudioBook 1.4
Enterprise Leaders Worldwide
Get Millionaire Upgrade on your Android device... for FREE! Haveyou ever wondered what it would be like to sit next to a self-mademillionaire, and take notes as they share with you their innersecrets of business success. Well now you can... with thebest-selling business book: Millionaire Upgrade. Inspired by a truestory with Sir Richard Branson, and based on interviews with over50 self-made millionaire entrepreneurs, Millionaire Upgrade is amaster class in entrepreneurial thinking, and is your fast-trackticket to business success. Now the spoken-word audio-version ofMillionaire Upgrade is available on your Android device for FREE!In the audio book you'll be introduced to the entrepreneurialsuccess principles of IBELIEVE, and in the 'quick read' summaries,you can learn exactly how to use IBELIEVE to achieve extraordinaryresults in your own company. Join tens of thousands of otherentrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs around the world who havealready experienced Millionaire Upgrade. Download the app right nowand enjoy your journey...
Business Upgrade: AudioBook 1.3
Enterprise Leaders Worldwide
Business Upgrade is the introductory audiobookwhich accompanies Enterprise LEADER -- a rich andentertainingmentoring programme for companies with 10 to 10,000+employees.Business Upgrade tells the story of Lucy Robinson who has 21daysto find out why Amroze Technology, the company she works for,isfailing.In just 3 short weeks, Lucy must deliver a report to her newCEOidentifying the problems with Amroze and suggest how to turnthingsaround.In this spoken-word audio book (which has been turned intoanapp) you'll discover Lucy's proven strategies to increase:: revenues: profits: customer service: employee engagement: morale and motivation: innovation: communication: team spiritFollow Lucy as she journeys through Amroze Technology andturnsan under-performing company into a market leader.
Profit Upgrade: AudioBook 1.2
Enterprise Leaders Worldwide
How to Turn Your Workforce intoYourSalesforce, and Add 1,000s, 100,000s or 1m+ to YourBottom-lineProfits (Each Year, and Even in Sluggish Times)
Millionaire MBA: FREE Sample 1.2
Enterprise Leaders Worldwide
You've just stumbled upon Millionaire MBA... it's likely you'renowasking, 'What is Millionaire MBA (Mentoring By Audio) and What'sinit for me?'. You may even be asking, 'Will Millionaire MBA makemesuccessful as an entrepreneur?', to which the answer is 'yes,no,maybe'. Here's the story... A few summers ago, 25 UKbasedself-made millionaires, entrepreneurs and business leaderswereinterviewed at their homes, offices and hotels. Theseentrepreneursincluded Duncan Bannatyne and Simon Woodroffe fromDragons' Den,Sir Tom Hunter, Lord Harris, Lord Billimoria and 20otherhigh-profile and ultra-successful business leaders, plus 4otherexperts in motivation, sales and marketing (these expertsareself-made millionaires too!). They each took an hour or two outoftheir busy schedules to answer a series of 25 identicalquestions.Each question probed deeply into what made themsuccessful, withthe goal to uncover exactly why these entrepreneurswere able toachieve the extraordinary business results they had.The type ofquestions each entrepreneur was asked were: : What isthemillionaire mindset? : What is the difference between youandothers who haven't achieved your level of success? : How didyouknow you'd be successful as an entrepreneur? : Tell us aboutyourappetite for risk? : What are the fundamentals of business? :Howdo you make a million? : And many more searching questions.Eachanswer was recorded using high quality digital recordingequipment,and their responses were chopped up, edited, and usingtheprinciples of NLP (Neuro Linguistic programming), analysed tofinda consistent thinking pattern which is common amongstself-mademillionaire entrepreneurs. The output of that work isMillionaireMBA Business Mentoring Programme - an audio-basedmentoringprogramme which teaches you to think like a self-mademillionaireentrepreneur. So, can Millionaire MBA help you becomesuccessful asan entrepreneur? Again, the answer is 'yes, no,maybe', it's verymuch up to you. The tools are here for you tolearn how successfulself-made millionaire entrepreneurs think, actand make decisions -and the programme has been designed to help youthink this way too.How you use the information, advice and guidancein MillionaireMBA, is up to you! NB: This is not an MBA, but itwill teach yousome of the things which are not taught ontraditional MBA courseswhich real-life entrepreneurs know!
EnterpriseLEADER: Full Program 9
Enterprise Leaders Worldwide
Enterprise LEADER - Leadership and Team Development Program.FullMP3 Program.