EuropeSIP Comunicaciones S.L Приложения

Asterisk Connect OnlyTheGoodDieYoung
EuropeSIP Comunicaciones S.L
AsteriskConnect uses either ARI (Asterisk RestManager) or AMI ( Asterisk Manager Interface) to make calls throughthe corporate PBX (Asterisk, FreePBX, TriBox or Elastix)It allows you to make calls in a more cost-effective manner(average 40-80% cost savings), using your Asterisk PBX to do doCallback or Call-Trought (DISA) calls. Additionally, you can checkthe presence of your corporate extensiones (BLF). Security isenforced, allowing you to integrate it with firewalls usingport-knocking, dynamic ips (a no-ip client is included), or acombination of both.More information about features is avaiable at http://www.asteriskconnect.comAllowing VoIP over 3G – Important noteSome mobile network operators may prohibit or restrict VoIP (Voiceover Internet Protocol) over their data network or imposeadditional fees and/or charges when using VoIP over their network.This aplication uses Asterisk API to do the calls, so it does notneed specific VoIP-SIP Ports opened, and can be used withouth therestrictions impossed by the operators.NOTE: CONTACT US ABOUT BRANDING / CUSTOMIZATION OF THIS APP FORYOUR COMPANY!!
Foneapp 1.23
EuropeSIP Comunicaciones S.L
Foneapp es una aplicación de CallBack. Susencillo interfaz está orientado a requerir del usuario la mínimaconfiguración e intervención.Se trata de la nueva solución de fone, que fomenta que tantousuarios particulares como profesionales y empleados de empresasusen sus propios móviles como herramienta de trabajo. Con laaplicación de Fone call back puede tener incluso funcionalidades decentralita en los móviles de empresa (BYOD, Bring your owndevice).Fone call back no es una aplicación Voip, con lo que no dependes detu conexión wifi o 3g cuando hablas. No hay cortes ni ruidos.Calidad 100% Garantizada.Muy fácil de usar, desde la aplicación accede la agenda yllama.Date de alta en, solicita tu PIN, y empieza a hacerllamadas !!Foneapp is a CallBackapplication. Its simple interface is user-oriented require minimalconfiguration and intervention.This is the new fone solution that encourages both individual usersand business professionals and employees use their own phones as atool. By applying Fone call back may have even PBX functionality tomobile business (BYOD, Bring your own device). Fone call back is not a VoIP application, which does not depend onyour wifi or 3g when you speak. No cuts or noise. 100% QualityGuarantee.    Very easy to use, since the application accesses the agenda andcalls.Register in, request your PIN and start making calls!!
Elastix Connect ElastixConnect
EuropeSIP Comunicaciones S.L
This app allows you to interact with yourelastix configured extension, so you can enable / disable callforwarding on an easy way.Additionally, it allows you to use CallBack features on your PBX,giving access to cheap calls trought your PBX when your aretraveling (even if VoIP access is restricted on your celulardevice).IMPORTANT: This app requires to haveinstalled on your Elastix PBX an updated release of the module "myextension". If that module is not installed, your app would notwork. You may find that module as well as instructions forusage/installing at http://www.elastixconnect.comCLOUD TAGS: Elastix FreePBX Asterisk Digium PalosantoVoIP VozIP Dialer SIP IAX ElastixWorld VoIp2Day Astricom CallBackDISA HINTS BLF AMI EWS FMC BYOD PBX Central Centralita