EvoBooks Приложения

3D Human Body (anatomy) 2.0
EvoBooks develops enriched curriculum content, offeringeducationalmaterials and interactive 3D models for computers,tablets,smartphones and digital boards. Our proposal is tofacilitate theteaching and learning processes, taking into theclassrooms anevolution of the printed textbook.- Human Anatomy and Physiology app, featuring the key systemsofhuman body with amazing tools to guide you through lessonspreparedby experienced teachers. Detailed organs and animated 3Dgraphicswith full interactivity resources:12 featured systems:- Digestive- Circulatory- Muscular- Respiratory- Lymphatic- Skeletal- Nervous- Genital- Excretory- Sensory- Endocrine- Integumentary------------Features and tools------------o The latest generation of 3D Graphics- Browse freely through highly detailed and enriched objects- Display many animated objectso Guided lesson system with complementary content- High quality text to explain the content- Single touch system that moves through the lessono Standard version- For PRO versions, please contact contato@evobooks.com.br© 2013 EvoBooks Editora Digital S.A.
Ciência da luz 1.6
Understand the concept of light and how it impacts our lives on aday-to-day!
Universo Inspira: Aula Digital 2.0
O Universo Inspira é utilizado por professorese alunos em sala de aula para facilitar a incorporação do digitaldentro do ambiente escolar. A plataforma reúne e integra osmateriais digitais e impressos desenvolvidos pela EvoBooks junto auma equipe pedagógica com ampla experiência em sala de aula.Com essa plataforma:- tenha uma visão centralizada e integrada dos seus títulosdigitais e das atividades conectadas a eles- use filtros para selecionar sequências didáticas adequadas paracada classe e disciplina- visualize diversas maneiras de ordenar essas atividades: deacordo com o material digital usado, com a disciplina ou a série,por exemplo- acesse diretamente o conteúdo digital usado em uma determinadasequência didáticaPara maiores esclarecimento e outras ferramentas para sua escola,visite o nosso site: http://www.evobooks.com.br e avalie nossassoluções.© 2016 EvoBooks Editora Digital S.A.The Universe inspires isused by teachers and students in the classroom to facilitate theincorporation of digital within the school environment. Theplatform brings together and integrates the digital and printedmaterials developed by EvoBooks beside a teaching staff withextensive experience in the classroom.With this platform:- Have a centralized and integrated view of their digital titlesand activities connected to them- Use filters to select appropriate didactic sequences for eachclass and discipline- Visualize different ways of ordering these activities: accordingto the used digital material, with discipline or series, forexample- Directly access the digital content used in a particular teachingsequenceFor further clarification and other tools for your school, pleasevisit our website: http://www.evobooks.com.br and evaluate oursolutions.© 2016 EvoBooks Publisher Digital SA
Geografia mundial 1.11
World Geography - 3D spatial models and interactive maps!
Electromagnetism 1.0
EvoBooks develops enriched curriculumcontent,offering educational materials and interactive 3D modelsforcomputers, tablets, smartphones and digital boards. Our proposalisto facilitate the teaching and learning processes, taking intotheclassrooms an evolution of the printed textbook.- Electromagnetic laboratory, features over 10experimentsincluding three-dimensional models and animations of theprocessesinvolved!Content:- Permanent Magnets- Electric resistance and resistivity- Electric and magnetic fields- Electric charges and current- Electromagnetism- Electrolysis- Simple electrical circuits- Primitive motor------------Features and tools------------o The latest generation of 3D Graphics- Browse freely through highly detailed and enriched objects- Display many animated objectso Guided lesson system with complementary content- High quality text to explain the content- Single touch system that moves through the lesson© 2013 EvoBooks Editora Digital S.A.EvoBooks developsenrichedcurriculum content, offering educational materials andinteractive3D models for computers, tablets, smartphones anddigital boards.Our proposal is to Facilitate the teaching andlearning processes,taking into the classrooms an evolution of theprinted textbook.- Electromagnetic laboratory, features over 10experimentsincluding three-dimensional models and animations of theprocessesInvolved!Content:- Permanent Magnets- Electric resistance and resistivity- Electric and magnetic fields- Electric charges and current- Electromagnetism- Electrolysis- Simple electrical circuits- Primitive engine------------ ------------ Features and toolsThe latest generation of the 3D Graphics- Browse freely through highly detailed objects and enriched- Display many animated objectsGuided the lesson system with complementary content- High quality text to explain the content- Single touch que system moves through the lesson© 2013 Digital Publisher EvoBooks SA
Eletricidade e magnetismo 1.8
3D Electromagnetics Laboratory: more than 10 experiments view!
EvoBooks - Moderna Compartilha 1.2
Educational Program Learning Trails EvoBooks in Modern Shares
Funções matemáticas 1.6
Concepts and interactive graphs of linear functions, quadratic andmore!
Átomos, elementos e moléculas 1.9
Models Atomic and Periodic Table. 3D representation of substancesand atoms
Lab. de Reações 1.8
3D laboratory reactions: Reactions with microscopic visualizationof the particles!
Geometria plana e espacial 1.12
Geometry: Concepts and interactive 3D models of polygons, solids,and more!
Guardião do Jardim 1.0
Fotossíntese sem parar!!!!Um game incrível para usar seu conhecimento e reduzir oseuimpacto no meio ambiente de uma forma divertida einterativa!O jogo tem como principal objetivo garantir que o jardimcresça,atentando-se sempre ao nível de água e fótons das suasplantas. Ojogo contará com diversos tipos de sementes e solos, alémdediversos eventos da natureza, que podem ser bons ou ruins paraojardim, afetando diretamente na quantidade plantas existentesnojardim.Para passar de nível, o jogador deve fazer a escolha da sementeeposicioná-la no ecossistema mais indicado para o seu crescimento.Apartir daí, o jardim deve ser mantido por meio da coleta defótonsque serão liberados pela luz solar. Com os fótons coletadosedisponíveis, o jogador deve designá-los para suas plantas.Além disso, o jogador deve administrar o uso da água paracadaplanta. Conforme o jardim cresça,a matriz do jogo deveráaumentarconsequentemente. Ao Passar de nível o jogador irá ganharmais umasemente aleatória em seu inventario que deverá plantar emseujardim e cuidar da mesma forma.Você vence o jogo quando conseguir completar todos os espaçosdojardim com uma planta já em seu estado desenvolvido.Photosynthesisnonstop!!!!An amazing game to use their knowledge and reduce your impactonthe environment in a fun and interactive way!The game's main objective is to ensure that the gardengrow,keeping in mind always the water level and photons of yourplants.The game will feature different types of seeds and soils,andseveral nature of the events, which can be good or bad forthegarden, directly affecting the amount existing plants inthegarden.To pass each level, the player must make the seed of choiceandplace it in the most appropriate ecosystem for its growth.Fromthere, the garden should be kept by collecting photons thatwill bereleased by sunlight. With the collected and availablephotons, theplayer must assign them to your plants.In addition, the player must manage the use of water foreachplant. As the garden grows, the matrix of the game is expectedtoincrease accordingly. The level of Skip the player willgainanother random seed in your inventory that will grow in yourgardenand take care of the same way.You win the game when you can complete all garden spaces withaplan already in your state developed.
Sistemas do Corpo Humano 3D 2.92
Anatomy and physiology 3D: digestive and circulatory systems!
Nervoso e digestório-3D-Grátis 1.20
Explore the anatomy of the human body in interactive 3D - DownloadFree
Células 1.8
Biology 3D Mobile: cells with visualization of cytoplasmicorganelles!
Ciência dos movimentos 1.10
EvoBooks Physics - Kinematics: concepts and interactive 3Dsimulations
História mundial 1.9
3D World History: lines of interactive and geolocalizáveis ​​time!
Viagem ao Sistema Solar 1.9
Make a 3D trip to the Solar System, the Sun, stars, planets, moons,and more!
Lab. de misturas 1.9
Mixtures 3D Laboratory Separation: Methods 10 separating mixtures!
Animais invertebrados 1.12
3D Animal Kingdom: invertebrate animals including internal viewing!
Artes e literatura 1.8
3D Literature: Experience the literary movements
Clube Ciências 1.115
Learn science and other curiosities in a fun way, interactive and3D
Club Ciencias 1.45
gamificado playful and school support
Ilusões de Óptica 1.0
Exercise your mind and find out how to trick the brain of yourfriends!