FirstQuard Приложения

Mumbai Local 1.0
Ever felt lost while traveling in Mumbai localtrains? Or frantically asked co-passengers what station is next orwhich is the current station while travelling in a Mumbai localtrain? Have you ever slept off in a train and missed yourdestination? Well, we have a perfect solution for these questions.Use the Mumbai Local application save you from these troubles. Saveyour train travel route in the Mumbai local app, and the app willnotify you about the approaching station or passed station based onyour GPS location. This app also comes with a built in featurewhere in it allows you to set an alarm for your final destinationwhile travelling in local train. With this you can simple relax andlet the app take care of the rest. The alarm will go off as soon asyour about to reach your destination.Make's your travel in MumbaiLocal trains easy doesn't it?