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Alphabetics Free 3.0.1
For Dyslexia
*** Try the first 3 letters for FREE.****** Teaches the sounds and shapes of letters with MULTISENSORYgames. ****** Developed in collaboration with experts in the field ofeducation and reading difficulties. ***Alphabetics will capture the attention of your child while sheor he plays games that teach the shapes and sounds of the alphabet.It is a wonderful app for phonemic awareness and shaperecognition!NOTE: In I Can Alphabtetics Free you will have access to all ofthe features and games of the full app, but it will be limited tojust 3 letters (b, f, m). To have the entire alphabet, look for thefull I Can Alphabetics app.Alphabetics was designed for children who are learning thealphabet. The app is based on a multisensory approach to learning--incorporating sight, listening, speaking and tactile features—toteach phonemic awareness.Phonemes are the smallest units of sound in language and are animportant step for learning how to read. Children will learn themost common phonemes represented by animal names with I CanAlphabetics.Alphabetics is the first app of the I Can Suite. It was designedfor children aged 3-6, but if your child is still struggling withbeginning reading skills, it can be used at any age. For Dyslexiahas done its best to assure the effectiveness of the app byconsulting scientific and educational experts in the field ofdyslexia. We are especially grateful to the mentorship provided byDr. Guinevere Eden, Immediate Past President of the InternationalDyslexia Association and Director of the Center for the Study ofLearning at Georgetown University.What is taught:• The shape and principal sound of each letter of the alphabet.How it is taught:• Through a series of simple exercises, children will hear, trace,pronounce and identify the letters. The letters are introduced in 6small sets. After they complete a series of multisensory exercises,they are quizzed on their understanding before they can move on tothe next set of letters.How parents and tutors can use it:• Through individualized Progress Reports parents and tutors canfollow what children have practiced and learned for each letter ofthe alphabet.This app is appropriate to use with children who have dyslexiabecause, asMargaret Byrd Rawson, former President of the InternationalDyslexia Association (IDA), put so well:“Dyslexic students need a different approach to learning languagefrom that employed in most classrooms. They need to be taught,slowly and thoroughly, the basic elements of their language—thesounds and the letters which represent them—and how to put thesetogether and take them apart. They have to have lots of practice inhaving their writing hands, eyes, ears, and voices working togetherfor conscious organization and retention of their learning.”We love getting feedback from our users. If you have anycomments or questions, please send them to suggestionbox@fordyslexia.comCopyright 2013 For Dyslexia, S.L.