Genius.Inc Приложения

Life Is Beautiful(Voltage Max) 1.1.8
◇◇This is an emotionally moving and tearinducing App drama with "Miracles" as the main theme.◇◇◇◇You are the heroine! You take on the role of the heroineexperiencing an emotionally driven story.◇◇◇◇Altogether, there are three stories for you to enjoy! This is thenewest work released by Genius!◇◇Three stories involving death make up this APP: "Death andResurrection", "Death and Hope", "Death and Memories".In all three, "Miracle" is the theme that paints the backdrop ofthis story about the unfortunate fate your childhood friend and youshall face.Your childhood friend, Ryohei Otonashi, and you have been raisedtogether like siblings.In time, the two of you gradually grew awareof the other as a member of the opposite sex. Then, one day duringyour high school years Ryohei confesses how he feels to you.However, directly after his confession, Ryohei gets involved in anunforeseen accident and never returns... Seventeen years havepassed since then, when Ryohei appears in front of you looking likehe did as a young boy!?You were from a town in the middle of nowhere. Your favoriteactivity at the time was to listen to your childhood friend SusumuMukai play the violin under the starry sky. After that, Susumusurpassed his father's opposition to pursue a future playing theviolin. You decided to follow Susumu down his path.A decade or so has passed since that time. Susumu was working as anapprentice repairing violins. You had a daughter together withSusumu, but no matter what you do, she cannot take pride in herfather's work...You were the baseball team's manager in high school. You weredating one of the baseball team members, Eito Gamori, and wereliving a very satisfied high school life. That is until the day youboth graduated and Eito was scouted for his baseball skills toattend a college far away. You continued to stay in contact withEito, but one day all contact with Eito stopped... You thought youwould never see him again, but you bump into Eito again in theplace you work. Not to mention, he remembers absolutely nothingabout you now…!?...What story will you choose to live?■How to Play■This game is very easy to play!1. Start up the game App and press “Prologue”.2. Read the prologue.3. Choose the character that appeals to you.4. As you proceed through the story, you can pick choices to bringyour characters closer.5. Each path has two different endings! Whether you reach a Good orHappy ending is dependent completely on your choices!※You can play until the end of the game for free by using thestory tickets given to you each day.※You can also purchase the story tickets so you can read throughthe story all at once.■ Recommended if you… ■“Life Is Beautiful” is recommended for you if…・You like movies, dramas, manga, anime, or novels that are aboutromance・You're interested in romance games but dislike how nerd-centricthey can be...・You like romance games, love games, girl games, or romance/dramaapps like Voltage or Arithmetic.・You like entertainment and fiction based on Miracle.・You like Japanese contentAside from what's on this list, there is a lot of content for allwomen to enjoy!!■■ About GENIUS, developers of this app ■■GENIUS is a company that designs, develops, and sells "App Dramas",story-based content that can be casually enjoyed on smartphones.Their mission is to produce App Dramas in various different genresand turn this new form of entertainment into another form of art inline with manga and anime.We will continue to distribute high quality content in English, andhope that you'll look forward to it.
エレメンタルプリンス(ボルテージ全開恋愛アップドラマ) 1.1.1
◇◇プロローグと各キャラ本編1話は無料で楽しめます!!◇◇◇◇精霊×恋愛アップドラマ「エレメンタルプリンス」、精霊の住む世界に迷い込んだアナタの感動のラブストーリー◇◇◇◇主人公はアナタ自身!自分が主人公となり、精霊たちとの恋愛を楽しむことができます!!◇◇■■あらすじ■■いつもと変わらない日々を過ごしていたアナタ。ある日放課後の教室で突然の大きな波に襲われることに。気付いた時には周囲の景色は一変・・・そこに現れたのは精霊たちだった。精霊の住む世界に迷い込んでしまったアナタは精霊たちの力を借り、人間世界への帰還を目指すことに。アナタの運命やいかに!?■■キャラクター■■◆【常に冷静沈着なサラマンダー一族の次期総長】ファン身長:182cm、年齢:19歳「決定だ。この女はしばらく生かすことにする。文句があるやつはいつでも言ってこい」若きサラマンダー一族の次期総長。冷静沈着で一見怖そうに見えるが実はかなり面倒見が良い。自身のテリトリーに入られることを極端に嫌い、たまに激情を見せることも。シーラとは火と水という関係からも仲が悪くしばしば喧嘩しているが、実はお互いを認めあっている。◆【ぶっきらぼうなツンデレウンディーネ】シーラ身長:182cm、年齢:19歳「さっさと手を出せ。お前を見てると危なっかしくて仕方ない」ウンディーヌ一族のはぐれ物。女性が生まれやすいウンディーヌ一族では数少ない男性。中性的な見た目から女性と間違われることもしばしば。湖に1人で住んでおり、普段はほとんど姿を見せない。女性の気持ちがあまり理解できず、たまにアナタを苛立たせてしまうことも?◆【自由奔放なシルフ】ハイリ身長:179cm、年齢:24歳「風を捕まえようなんて野暮なことは諦めるんだね」シルフ一族の若き青年。風の声を聞くことができ、非常に穏やかで優しい性格をしている。自由奔放であり、一箇所にずっととどまっていることはない。未知のものに対する興味や憧れが非常に強く、人間であるアナタに最初は興味本位で近づいてくる。◆【やんちゃで好奇心旺盛なノーム一族の青年】キダン身長:175cm、年齢:16歳「オレが守ってやるから安心しろ!」ノーム一族の若き青年。やんちゃな弟系であり、いつも元気な一族のムードメーカー。人間であるアナタにも物怖じせず、積極的に話しかけてくる。年が若い割にはしっかりしているが、何かに夢中になってしまうと我を忘れて行動してしまうこともしばしば。あなたの好みに応じて様々なキャラが選べる!・・・さあ、あなたは誰と恋に落ちる?■遊び方■ゲームの進め方はとても簡単です!1.アプリを起動して「プロローグ」を押す2. プロローグを読む3.お気に入りのキャラを選ぶ4.ストーリーを読み進めながら、選択肢を選んで、キャラとの距離を縮めていきます5.本編のエンディングは全部で2種類!ハッピーエンドを迎えられるかは、アナタの選択肢次第!※プロローグと各キャラ1話を無料でプレイできます。※本編は有料です。■■こんな人におすすめ■■「エレメンタルプリンス」は、こんなアナタにおすすめです。・恋愛(れんあい)がテーマの映画/ドラマ/マンガ/アニメ/小説が好き・恋愛ゲームには興味あるけど、オタクっぽいのは苦手・・・・恋愛ゲーム、恋ゲーム、乙女ゲームや恋愛ドラマアプリが好き・本格的なストーリーを楽しみたい・ファンタジーの世界が好き・ボルテージやサイバードのアプリが好きその他、全ての女性に楽しめる内容になっています!!■■アプリ提供会社ジーニアスについて■■ジーニアスは、スマートフォンで気軽に楽しむことができるストーリー型コンテンツ「アップドラマ」の企画・開発・販売をしている会社です。ジーニアスは、新しいタイプのエンターテイメントであるアップドラマを、マンガ・アニメと並ぶ芸術の一つとして確立させることをミッションとして、様々なジャンルの作品を制作しております。現在は、グリム童話の世界をモチーフとした恋愛ドラマ「グリム’sプリンセス~童話姫~」、ヴァンパイアをテーマとした恋愛ドラマ「トワイライトロマンス」、和風セレブをテーマとした恋愛ドラマ「恋の御伽草子は舞台から」などが大好評発売中です。今後も良質なコンテンツを続々と配信していきますので、どうぞご期待ください。■■アプリの質問、不具合報告■■ご質問・不具合のご報告等は、support@gen-ius.comまでご連絡下さい。作品に対するご意見もお待ちしております。皆様のご意見は今後の作品作りに欠かせませんので、是非忌憚なきご意見をお寄せ下さい。◇◇ prologue and eachcharacter main one story you can enjoy for free! ! ◇◇◇◇ spirits × romance up drama "Elemental Prince", a love story ofexcitement you who wandered in the world live in spirit ◇◇◇◇ hero yourself! It becomes a hero, and you can enjoy the romanceof the spirits! ! ◇◇■■ ■■ SynopsisYou who had spent every day that does not change from theusual.To be attacked by a big wave of sudden in one day after schoolclassroom.Was the spirits is the view of the surrounding appeared therecompletely changed ... when you notice.ANATA accidentally wandered into the world live in Spirit help ofspirits, in that it aims to return to the human world.Your destiny and how! ?■■ ■■ character◆ [always the next president of the calm of Salamander clan]fanHeight: 182cm, Age: 19 years old"determining it. This woman Come say any time guy there is.complaint you decide to take advantage of for a while."The next president of the young salamander family.It appears to look scary in a calm but actually quite caring isgood.I hate to extreme to be entered in its own territory, occasionallyalso to show the passion.But Sheila to have relationship from the relationship that Tues.with water is bad Shibashiba 喧嘩 actually is having recognized oneanother.◆ [blunt Tsundere Undine] SheilaHeight: 182cm, Age: 19 years old"Quickly and put out a hand. It is not the manner in AbunakkashikuWhen looking at you."Undinu family of rogue products.One of the few men in women is likely born Undinu clan.Often it is mistaken from the androgynous look and woman.Lake and lives by one person in, hardly show up is usually.Women's feelings can not be well understood, also wouldoccasionally annoying you?◆ [bohemian Sylph] HairiHeight: 179cm, Age: 24 years old"I'm giving up is something unrefined it is! Catch the wind."Young youth of Sylph clan.It is possible to hear the voice of the wind, have a friendlypersonality is very calm.It is a freewheeling, never has remained long in one place.Interests and longing for an unknown thing is very strong, first toyou, the human beings I approaching with curiosity.◆ [youth of curious Nome clan in naughty] EpitaphHeight: 175cm, Age: 16 years old"I is white peace of mind because I'll protect!"Young youth of Nome clan.It is a rambunctious younger brother system, always cheerful familyof mood maker.Is not scared to you also-human is, come talk aggressively.Although a year has been firmly in the young split, often also itwould act to forget me when become addicted to becomesomething.To choose a variety of characters, depending on yourtaste!... Come on, you fall in love with anyone?■ How to Play ■How to proceed in the game is very easy!1. Start the app and press the "prologue"2. read the prologue3. Choose a favorite character4. While promoting reading a story, select the option, it willshorten the distance between the characters5. All main of ending in two! Whether be greeted by a happy ending,you, choices soon as!※ you can play the first episode prologue and each character forfree.※ This volume is paid. ■■ Recommended for Travellers ■■"Elemental Prince" is recommended for such you.-Love (love) is like the theme of the movie / drama / Cartoon /Animation / novelBut in-love game interesting, geek-ish of the weak ...- Love the game, love the game, I like Otome games and romancedrama app· I want to enjoy a full-fledged storyFantasy of the likes the worldVoltage and I like CYBIRD app Other, it has become a content that can be enjoyed in all women!! ■■ For App company Genius and ■■Genius is a company that is in the planning, development and salesof story-based content "up drama" that can feel free to enjoy thesmartphone. Genius is an up-drama is a new type of entertainment,as the mission be established as one of the art, along with mangaand anime, has been creating works of various genres.Currently, motif and the romance drama "Grimm 's Princess ~Dowahime ~" the world of the Grimm fairy tale, love drama "TwilightRomance" on the theme of vampires, the romance drama "love with aJapanese-style celebrity-themed fairytale book the stage such asfrom "is in large on sale.Because we are one after another delivers the high-quality contentin the future, please please stay tuned. ■■ app questions, bug reports ■■Of your reports, etc. If you have any questions, problems, pleasecontact support @ also look forward to hearing your opinion on the work.Since the opinions of everyone is not essential to the future offilmmaking, please send us by all means frank defunct opinions.
My Traditional Princes 1.4
◇◇ This is a sweet and heartrending "Love AppDrama" that depicts your love with Traditional Japanese ArtsCelebrities!◇◇◇◇You are the heroine! You take on the role of the heroine and getto experience a romantic drama with the sons of famous JapaneseTraditional Arts families.◇◇◇◇In this game you can enjoy romancing these celebrities from thepoint of view of a teacher who was just assigned to Saionji Academyor as a student who recently entered the school!◇◇■■Summary■■This story focuses on the celebrity school Saionji Academy,which is renowned as a famous Japanese traditional arts school.Saionji Academy is a school where the sons of families’ famed fortheir backgrounds in: the Way of the Tea Ceremony, FlowerArrangement, and Noh Plays gather. You end up entering thatcelebrity academy's general course as a teacher or astudent*.(*In this game, you can enjoy the story from either the perspectiveof a student or a teacher!)You are only a normal person in a completely different world forcelebrities.Even in a world of celebrities, there are some who stand out aboveall the rest.They are:The Genius of The Way of Tea, the narcissist, ShiryuSaionji.The Prince of the Flower Arrangement World, the gentleman, AkihitoNanjo.The God of Noh, the passionate and enthusiastic Ren Tojo.You will see the story unfold once you choose one of these threeappealing men.What will be the fate of your love story!?◆【Narcissist + Sadist】Shiryu Saionji【Tea Ceremony 】Height: 5 ft 10, Age:18, Blood type:B"I'm not bored enough to waste time with you."Shiryu is the oldest son of the Saionji Family,earning their livingthrough the Way of Tea, all things involved with the traditionalJapanese tea ceremony.The Saionji Familyis said to be the pillarthat supports the tea ceremony world.Shiryu is the only son of Shizuto Saionji, the headmaster ofSaionji Academy. He holds a unique view towards women and aone-track personality. He is easily provoked and hates to lose.◆【Gentleman + Casanova】Akihito Nanjo【Flower Arranger】Height: 6 ft 2, Age:26, Blood type:AB"I can't help but feel it's fate when I am able to be with you likethis."Akihito is the youngest son of the Nanjo Family who make theirliving as renowned flower arrangers. He is a natural born geniusand is overwhelmingly considered a genius at everything he does.Consequently, always being treated as a genius has caused him toharbor a sense of emptiness!◆【Passionate + Good-Humored】RenTojo【Noh Actor】Height: 5 ft 8, Age:35, Blood type:O"I will support you completely if you run into any problems!"Ren is the head of the Tojo Family, who earn their living in thefield of Noh plays. He has recently taken on the stage name"Ichisuke Tojo". He is in charge of the classes involving Noh andis very popular with his students. He usually has a passionate andgood-humored personality, but he appears to be a completelydifferent person on the Noh stage!■■ Recommended if you… ■■“My Traditional Princes” is recommended for you if…・You like movies, dramas, manga, anime, or novels that are aboutromance・You're interested in romance games but dislike how nerd-centricthey can be...・You like romance games, love games, girl games, or romance/dramaapps like Voltage.・You like Japanese traditional arts (Noh, Tea celemony, FlowerArrangement)・You like Japanese contentAside from what's on this list, there is a lot of content for allwomen to enjoy!!■■ About GENIUS, developers of this app ■■GENIUS is a company that designs, develops, and sells "App Dramas",story-based content that can be casually enjoyed on smartphones.Their mission is to produce App Dramas in various different genresand turn this new form of entertainment into another form of art inline with manga and anime.We will continue to distribute high quality content in English, andhope that you'll look forward to it.
Love and Conspiracy 1.1.6
◇◇You can enjoy the story until the end forfree!◇◇◇◇ “Love and Conspiracy” is a completely original story! Whatsecrets lurk in the peaceful Kingdom of Seridia?!◇◇◇◇You are the heroine! You take on the role of the heroine andexperience a romantic drama with the princes and knights ofSeridia!◇◇■■Synopsis■■You are the former princess of the Kingdom of Elbert.The Path to Azul Incident seven years ago was the cause of yourkingdom’s destruction.You were chased out of your own country and eventually decided tolive the rest of your life as a mercenary.One day, a suspicious man hidden in the shadows of the night calledout to you while you walked through a town in the Kingdom ofSeridia.“Don’t you want to know the truth behind the Path to AzulIncident?” he asked you.Determined to learn the truth, you head for Seridia’s castle, wherethe king and people responsible for the destruction of your kingdomlive…What is the shocking truth you will learn about the incident fromseven years ago?!■■Characters■■◆【A Free Spirit and Platoon Leader】LucaHeight: 179cm (5’9”) Age: 27“I don’t want to babysit some princess.”He is the commanding officer of the castle guard’s FirstPlatoon.He has a free spirited and uncontrollable personality, but hisskills with the sword are extraordinarily.He remains neutral when it comes to the castle’s faction split overwho supports Prince Ren and who supports Prince Juriy.He has been searching for the truth behind the Azul Incident forsome time and ends up searching with you…◆【A Blond Hair, Blue Eyed Ideal Prince】RenHeight: 178 cm (5’8”) Age: 26“Even if this castle has no need for you, I need you.”Ren is one of Seridia’s princes.On top of being a nice guy, he has blond hair and blue eyes. He istruly the living definition of an ideal prince, but the truthis—He is under constant attack, so you are assigned as his privatebodyguard.◆【Cool and Mysterious Prince】JuriyHeight: 175 cm (5’7”) Age: 21“It doesn’t matter what anyone says. I want you by my side.”Juriy is Seridia’s other prince who is on opposing sides withRen.He has silver hair and blue eyes and is very mysterious.He never shows interest in anything, but what is it that brings anoccasional look of sorrow to his face?He is called the puppet of the current King, Carlo.◆【Strongest Soldier in the Kingdom】GilbertoHeight: 185 cm (6’1”) Age: 32“Don’t worry. I will protect you no matter what happens.”Gilberto is the Lieutenant Commander of Seridia’s castle guard andis their strongest fighter.His subordinates’ deep trust in him is evidence of his skill asLieutenant Commander. He is also Ren’s friend and confidant.You end up looking into the Azul Incident at his suggestion.You can choose various characters based on yourpreferences!...Who will you fall in love with?■■ Recommended if you… ■■“Love and Conspiracy” is recommended for you if…・You like movies, dramas, manga, anime, or novels that are aboutromance・You're interested in romance games but dislike how nerd-centricthey can be...・You like romance games, love games, girl games, or romance/dramaapps.・You like entertainment and fiction.・You like Japanese contentAside from what's on this list, there is a lot of content for allwomen to enjoy!!■■ About GENIUS, developers of this app ■■GENIUS is a company that designs, develops, and sells "App Dramas",story-based content that can be casually enjoyed on smartphones.Their mission is to produce App Dramas in various different genresand turn this new form of entertainment into another form of art inline with manga and anime.We will continue to distribute high quality content in English, andhope that you'll look forward to it.◇◇ You can enjoy thestory until the end for free! ◇◇◇◇ "Love and Conspiracy" is a completely original story! Whatsecrets lurk in the peaceful Kingdom of Seridia?! ◇◇◇◇ You are the heroine! You take on the role of the heroine andexperience a romantic drama with the princes and knights ofSeridia! ◇◇■■ Synopsis ■■You are the former princess of the Kingdom of Elbert.The Path to Azul Incident seven years ago was the cause of yourkingdom's destruction.You were chased out of your own country and eventually decided tolive the rest of your life as a mercenary.One day, a suspicious man hidden in the shadows of the night calledout to you while you walked through a town in the Kingdom ofSeridia."Do not you want to know the truth behind the Path to AzulIncident?" He asked you.Determined to learn the truth, you head for Seridia's castle, wherethe king and people responsible for the destruction of your kingdomlive ...What is the shocking truth you will learn about the incident fromseven years ago ?!■■ Characters ■■◆ [A Free Spirit and Platoon Leader] LucaHeight: 179cm (5'9 ") Age: 27"I do not want to babysit some princess."He is the commanding officer of the castle guard's FirstPlatoon.He has a free spirited and uncontrollable personality, but hisskills with the sword are extraordinarily.He remains neutral when it comes to the castle's faction split overwho supports Prince Ren and who supports Prince Juriy.He has been searching for the truth behind the Azul Incident forsome time and ends up searching with you ...◆ [A Blond Hair, Blue Eyed Ideal Prince] RenHeight: 178 cm (5'8 ") Age: 26"Even if this castle has no need for you, I need you."Ren is one of Seridia's princes.On top of being a nice guy, he has blond hair and blue eyes. He istruly the living definition of an ideal prince, but the truthis-He is under constant attack, so you are assigned as his privatebodyguard. ◆ [Cool and Mysterious Prince] JuriyHeight: 175 cm (5'7 ") Age: 21"It does not matter what anyone says. I want you by my side."Juriy is Seridia's other prince who is on opposing sides withRen.He has silver hair and blue eyes and is very mysterious.He never shows interest in anything, but what is it that brings anoccasional look of sorrow to his face?He is called the puppet of the current King, Carlo.◆ [Strongest Soldier in the Kingdom] GilbertoHeight: 185 cm (6'1 ") Age: 32"Do not worry. I will protect you no matter what happens."Gilberto is the Lieutenant Commander of Seridia's castle guard andis their strongest fighter.His subordinates' deep trust in him is evidence of his skill asLieutenant Commander. He is also Ren's friend and confidant.You end up looking into the Azul Incident at his suggestion.You can choose various characters based on yourpreferences!... Who will you fall in love with?■■ Recommended if you ... ■■"Love and Conspiracy" is recommended for you if ...· You like movies, dramas, manga, anime, or novels that are aboutromance· You're interested in romance games but dislike how nerd-centricthey can be ...· You like romance games, love games, girl games, or romance /drama apps.· You like entertainment and fiction.· Like Japanese contentAside from what's on this list, there is a lot of content for allwomen to enjoy !!■■ About GENIUS, developers of this app ■■GENIUS is a company that designs, develops, and sells "App Dramas",story-based content that can be casually enjoyed on smartphones.Their mission is to produce App Dramas in various different genresand turn this new form of entertainment into another form of art inline with manga and anime.We will continue to distribute high quality content in English, andhope that you'll look forward to it.
恋の御伽草子は舞台から(ボルテージ全開恋愛アップドラマ) 1.6
◇◇和風セレブたちとの恋を描く、甘く切ない「恋愛アップドラマ」です!!◇◇◇◇主人公はアナタ自身!自分が主人公となり、日本伝統芸能家元との恋愛ドラマを体験できます!!◇◇◇◇アナタは西園寺学園に赴任した教師/入学した生徒2つの立場でセレブとの恋愛を楽しめます!◇◇■■あらすじ■■舞台は、日本の伝統芸能を主軸に置いたセレブ学園「西園寺学園」。茶道・華道・能楽といった伝統芸能の家元の御曹司たちが集まるこの学園。アナタは、そんなセレブ学園の一般科に、先生/生徒(*)として入ることに!((*)本作は、先生/生徒、両方の立場からストーリーを楽しむことができます!)庶民的な自分とは違うセレブの世界。中でも飛び抜けて目立つ存在が・・・茶道の天才・俺様系の西園寺子龍。華道界の王子様・紳士系の南条彰人。能楽の神・熱血爽やか系の東條蓮。アナタはそんな3人のうちの一人を選んでストーリーを進めていきます。果たしてアナタの恋の運命は・・・!?■■キャラクター■■◆【俺様+ドS系】西園寺子龍【茶道】身長:178cm、年齢:18歳、血液型B型「お前に付き合っている程、俺様も暇じゃない」茶道を生業とする「西園寺家」の長男であり、茶道界を背負って立つと言われている。「西園寺学園」校長、西園寺静人の一人息子である。女性に対して、ある種独特な価値観を抱いており、一途な性格。挑発に乗りやすく、負けず嫌い。◆【紳士+チャラ男】南条彰人【華道】身長:188cm、年齢:26歳、血液型AB型「こうしてキミの傍にいられるなんて、運命を感じずにはいられないね」華道を生業とする「南条家」の末弟。生まれながらの天才であり、やることなすこと全てにおいて圧倒的な才能を発揮する。天才であるが故に常に虚無感を抱えている面も・・・!?◆【熱血+爽やか】東條蓮【能楽】身長:174cm、年齢:35歳、血液型O型「困ったことがあれば、僕がしっかりサポートしますよ!」能楽を生業とする「東條家」の当主。つい最近「東條市助」を襲名。能楽の授業を担当しており、生徒からの人気も高い。普段は爽やかで熱血な性格だが、能の舞台においては人が変わるとか・・・!?あなたの好みに応じて様々なキャラが選べる!・・・さあ、あなたは誰と恋に落ちる?■遊び方■ゲームの進め方はとても簡単です!1.アプリを起動して「プロローグ」を押す2. 「生徒編」「先生編」両方のプロローグを読む3.お気に入りのキャラを選ぶ4.ストーリーを読み進めながら、選択肢を選んで、キャラとの距離を縮めていきます5.本編のエンディングは全部で3種類!グッドエンディング・ハッピーエンディングに加えて、物語の真のエンディングであるトゥルーエンディングがあります!※プロローグと各キャラ1話を無料でプレイできます。※本編は有料です。■■こんな人におすすめ■■「恋の御伽草子は舞台から」は、こんなアナタにおすすめです。・恋愛(れんあい)がテーマの映画/ドラマ/マンガ/アニメ/小説が好き・恋愛ゲームには興味あるけど、オタクっぽいのは苦手・・・・恋愛ゲーム、恋ゲーム、乙女ゲームや恋愛ドラマアプリが好き・本格的なストーリーを楽しみたい・茶道・華道・能楽といった日本の伝統芸能が好きその他、全ての女性に楽しめる内容になっています!!■■アプリ提供会社ジーニアスについて■■ジーニアスは、スマートフォンで気軽に楽しむことができるストーリー型コンテンツ「アップドラマ」の企画・開発・販売をしている会社です。ジーニアスは、新しいタイプのエンターテイメントであるアップドラマを、マンガ・アニメと並ぶ芸術の一つとして確立させることをミッションとして、様々なジャンルの作品を制作しております。現在は、グリム童話の世界をモチーフとした恋愛ドラマ「グリム’sプリンセス~童話姫~」、ヴァンパイアをテーマとした恋愛ドラマ「トワイライトロマンス」などが大好評発売中です。今後も良質なコンテンツを続々と配信していきますので、どうぞご期待ください。■■アプリの質問、不具合報告■■ご質問・不具合のご報告等は、support@gen-ius.comまでご連絡下さい。作品に対するご意見もお待ちしております。皆様のご意見は今後の作品作りに欠かせませんので、是非忌憚なきご意見をお寄せ下さい。■■端末情報■■Android4.0以上◇◇ draw love withJapanese celebrities, it is sweet and painful "love up drama"! !◇◇◇◇ hero yourself! He becomes a hero, you can experience the romancedrama with Japanese traditional arts Iemoto! ! ◇◇◇◇ you enjoy the love of a celebrity in the student two position toteacher / admission was that was appointed to Saionji school! ◇◇■■ ■■ SynopsisThe stage, celebrities school that placed the traditional Japaneseperforming arts to the spindle "Saionji school".This school that scion our Iemoto of traditional arts such as teaceremony, flower arrangement, Noh gather.You are in the general family of such celebrities school, thatenter as teacher / student (*)!((*) This work, you can enjoy the story from teacher / student,both of position!)Celebrity world different from the folksy myself. Among them,par presence conspicuous is ...Tea ceremony of genius-I-like system of Saionji Koryu.Flower arrangement boundaries of the Prince-gentleman system ofNanjo Akito.Noh of God, passionate refreshing system of Tojo lotus.You continue to promote the story by selecting one of them as ofsuch three.Really the fate of your love ...! ?■■ ■■ character◆ [I like + de S system] Saionji Koryu [tea ceremony]Height: 178cm, Age: 18 years old, blood type B type"The more are dating to you, it's not like I have time."And occupation tea ceremony is a son of "Saionji house", it is saidto be standing by carrying a tea ceremony world."Saionji Gakuen" principal, is a son of Saionji Sei-jin. Againstwomen, has been holding a certain unique values, a steadilypersonality. And easy to ride to provocation, sore loser. ◆ [gentleman + Chara man] Nanjo Akito [flower arrangement]Height: 188cm, Age: 26 years old, blood type AB type"In this way Nante is needed to Kimi beside, I do not help but feelthe fate"And occupation flower arrangement youngest brother of "Nanjohouse". Is a born genius, to exert an overwhelming talent in allNasukoto things to do. Therefore it is a genius always be face thathad a sense of emptiness ...! ? ◆ [Blooded + refreshing] lotus Tojo [Noh]Height: 174cm, Age: 35 years old, blood type O typeThe "if it is in trouble, I will firmly support!"And occupation Noh family head of "Tojo house". Recently and Shumeithe "Tojo Ichisuke". And is responsible for Noh of tuition, is alsohigh popularity from students. It's refreshing and passionatepersonality is usually, but change is people in the stage of NohToka ...! ?To choose a variety of characters, depending on yourtaste!... Come on, you fall in love with anyone? ■ How to Play ■How to proceed with the game is very easy!1. Start the app and press the "prologue"2. I read "student ed" and "teacher Guide" both prologue3. I pick a favorite character4. While continue reading the story, select the option, we willshorten the distance between the character5. All main ending in three! In addition to the Good Ending HappyEnding, there is a true ending is the true ending of thestory!※ I can play the first episode prologue and each character forfree.※ This volume is paid.■■ Recommended for Travellers ■■"Otogizōshi of love from the stage", it is recommended for thisyou.-Love (love) is like the theme of the movie / drama / manga / anime/ novelI is in-love game interesting, geek-ish of the weak ...- Love games, love games, I like girl games and love dramaapp· I want to enjoy a full-fledged story· Tea ceremony, flower arrangement, I like Japanese traditionalarts such as NohOthers, it has become a content that can be enjoyed in allwomen! !■■ For App company Genius and ■■Genius is a company that has been in the planning, development andsales of story-based content "up drama" that can feel free to enjoya smartphone. Genius is an up-drama is a new type of entertainment,as mission is to be established as one of the art, along with mangaand anime, has been creating works of various genres.Currently, motif and the romance drama "Grimm 's Princess ~Dowahime ~" the world of Grimm fairy tales, such as love drama withthe theme of vampire "Twilight Romance" is in large on sale.Since we are one after another delivering good content in thefuture, please please stay tuned.■■ app questions, bug reports ■■Of your reports, etc. If you have any questions, problems, pleasecontact support @ also look forward to your opinion on the work.Since the opinions of everyone is not essential to the future offilmmaking, please send us by all means frank defunct opinions.■■ ■■ terminal informationAndroid4.0 more
雨だれ有料版[フルボイスサスペンスホラー] 2.0
◇◇ショパンの名曲をモチーフにした、切なく美しいドラマです!!◇◇◇◇あの、名作ドラマCD「雨だれ」をアップドラマにしました!!◇◇◇◇豪華声優陣によるフルボイスでお送りします!!◇◇■■あらすじ■■舞台はとある高校。今は使われていない旧校舎でピアノ奏でる車椅子の少女・優。そんな優の大親友の美咲。傍目には微笑ましい2人だが、実はそれぞれには隠された秘密があり・・・そして、そんな彼女たちの周辺で謎の怪事件が次々と起こる・・・学校で飼っていたうさぎの惨殺死体、美咲に届く謎の手紙・・・犯人は一体誰!?そして、優と美咲が抱えている秘密とは!?フレデリック・ショパンの名曲、『24の前奏曲 作品28 第15番変二長調』(『雨だれ』)をモチーフに描く、切なく美しいサスペンス風ドラマです。■■主要キャラクター■■◆渡辺 優(CV:工藤美輝)高校3年生。とある事件がきっかけで脚を怪我し、現在は車椅子で生活している。一見おっとりした可愛い女の子だが・・・!?◆森  美咲(CV:工藤あさ)優の同級生で、大親友。克也と付き合い始める。そんな美咲には、人には言えない秘密があり・・・!?◆佐藤 エリ(CV:ももみやあずさ)優の同級生。正義感の強い性格で、短気すぎるのがたまに傷。◆吉岡 克也(CV:小林将大)優の同級生で、サッカー部のエース。美咲と付き合い始める。イケメンで頼れるお兄さんタイプ。◆橋本 航(CV:山下公平)優の同級生。元気で明るい熱血漢タイプ。■遊び方■ゲームの進め方はとても簡単です!1.アプリを起動して「○○」を押す2. ストーリーを読むボタンを押す3.第一話から読む■■こんな人におすすめ■■「雨だれ~美しく咲く君たちへ~」は、こんなアナタにおすすめです。・声優が好き・サスペンスやホラーなどドキドキする物語が好き・アップドラマが好き・本格的なストーリーを楽しみたい・「ひぐらしの鳴く頃に」や「歪みの国のアリス」など名作サスペンスが好きな人■■アプリ提供会社ジーニアスについて■■ジーニアスは、スマートフォンで気軽に楽しむことができるストーリー型コンテンツ「アップドラマ」の企画・開発・販売をしている会社です。ジーニアスは、新しいタイプのエンターテイメントであるアップドラマを、マンガ・アニメと並ぶ芸術の一つとして昇華させることをミッションとして、様々なジャンルの作品を制作しております。今後も良質なコンテンツを続々と配信していきますので、どうぞご期待ください。■■アプリの質問、不具合報告■■ご質問・不具合のご報告等は、support@gen-ius.comまでご連絡下さい。作品に対するご意見もお待ちしております。皆様のご意見は今後の作品作りに欠かせませんので、是非忌憚なきご意見をお寄せ下さい。■■端末情報■■Android2.3以上。一部非対応端末あり。◇◇ was the motif of themasterpieces of Chopin, it is a beautiful sad drama! ! ◇◇◇◇ that, I decided to up the drama masterpiece drama CD,"raindrop"! ! ◇◇◇◇ I will send you in full voice with gorgeous actors! ! ◇◇ ■■ Synopsis ■■The stage phrase high school.Girl Yu wheelchair playing piano in the old school building that isnot used now. Misaki very close friend of such Yu. It is pleasingtwo people in the outward eye, but ... in fact there is a secrethidden in eachAnd, murdered corpse of a rabbit that had been kept in the school... Mystery mystery takes place one after another in the vicinityof such girls, letter ... of mystery that reaches the MisakiCriminal who on earth! ? And, the secret Misaki and Yu are havingis! ? Draw the motif classic Frederic Chopin, "Prelude work 28 No. 15 inD major change of 24" (the "raindrop"), is a beautiful painfulsuspense drama style. ■■ main characters ■■◆ Yu Watanabe (CV: Kudo YoshiTeru)High school seniors. The injured leg phrase incident is theopportunity, you are living in a wheelchair now.It is a cute girl that was bland at first glance, but ...! ?◆ Misaki Mori (CV: Kudo hemp)Classmate Yu, best friend. I started dating Katsuya.In such Misaki, and ... there is a secret that can not be said tobe in person! ?◆ Sato Eri (CV: MomoMiya Azusa)Classmate of Yu. Scratches occasionally personality strong sense ofjustice, is too short-tempered.◆ Yoshioka Katsuya (CV: Masahiro Kobayashi)Classmate Yu, ace of soccer. I started dating Misaki.Brother type to rely handsome.◆ Wataru Hashimoto (CV: Yamashita fair)Classmate of Yu. Dashing type bright energetic. ■ ■ How to playHow to proceed in the game is very easy!1. Pressing the "○○" launched the appYou press the button Read 2. Story3. Read from the first episode ■■ Recommended ■■ to this person"~ To you guys that bloom beautifully raindrop ~" is Recommendedfor you.· I like the voice actor- I like the story to be pounding like horror and suspense· I like the drama up· I want to enjoy the story full-fledged-People who like suspense masterpiece such as "Alice in distortion"and "the time you rather than the Higurashi" ■■ The ■■ for App company GeniusGenius is a company that has been in the planning, development andsales story-based content that can be enjoyed casually smart phones"up drama". As the mission is sublime as one of the art, along withmanga and anime, the drama up a new type of entertainment, Genius,has been creating works of various genres.So we will have to deliver one after another the good content inthe future, please stay tuned. ■■ question of application, bug reports ■■Your report of your questions or problems, please contact support also welcomes comments on the work.Opinions of everyone is not essential to making work in the future,please send us your feedback defunct frank all means. ■■ terminal information ■■Android2.3 or more. There is some non-compliant terminal.
[恋愛ドラマゲーム]指名料は愛のキスで 13.0
◇◇プロローグと各キャラ本編1話は無料で楽しめます!!◇◇◇◇これまでの「乙女ゲーム」とは違う、本格的なストーリーが売りの「恋愛ドラマゲーム」です!!◇◇■■あらすじ■■銀座の高級クラブでホステスとして働くあなたの真の目的は、両親殺害の仇に近づくこと。ところが、ある男が来店した時から、あなたの計画は狂い始める・・・あの人は、復讐の仇の仲間・・・恋に落ちることは許されないのに・・・禁断の恋に落ちたあなたの葛藤を描く、本格恋愛ドラマゲーム!!■■キャラクター■■◆【不思議系】三橋拓海(みつはしたくみ)「オレに近づくと危険だよ・・・いいの?」不思議な雰囲気を醸し出すハーフの美青年。世界トップレベルのプログラマーでもある。どうやら複雑な家庭事情があるらしいが・・・◆【大人の色気系】橘海翔(たちばなかいと)「特別な世界を楽しませてあげるよ」大人の色気溢れるIT企業社長。復讐の仇との間には、複雑な関係が・・・◆【俺様系】 清島響(せいしまひびき)「オレのそば離れたら許さねーぞ」IT企業副社長で、復讐の仇の部下。主人公の両親殺害に絡んでいたという疑惑も・・・◆【ドSチャラ男系】西脇隼人「ふーん、オレと遊びたいの?」デザイン会社社長。飛びきりの遊び人だが、意外に真面目な一面も・・・◆【誠実系】蓮水奏太「お前のことは、オレが一番知ってる」復讐の仇の会社で働く営業マン。主人公の幼馴染で、過去から主人公のことが・・・あなたの好みに応じて個性的なイケメンが選べる!・・・さあ、あなたは誰と恋に落ちる?■遊び方■ゲームの進め方はとても簡単です!1.アプリを起動して「プロローグ」を押す2. プロローグを読む3.お気に入りのイケメンを選ぶ4.ストーリーを読み進めながら、選択肢を選んで、イケメンとの距離を縮めていきます5.本編のエンディングは全部で2種類!ハッピーエンドを迎えられるかは、アナタの選択肢次第!※プロローグと各キャラ1話を無料でプレイできます。※本編は¥300でプレイできます。■■こんな人におすすめ■■恋愛ドラマゲーム「指名料は愛のキスで」は、こんなアナタにおすすめです。・恋愛がテーマの映画/ドラマ/マンガ/アニメ/小説が好き・恋愛ゲームには興味あるけど、オタクっぽいのは苦手・・・・恋愛ゲームや乙女ゲームが好き・本格的なストーリーを楽しみたい男女問わず楽しめる内容になっています!!■■アプリ開発者・ジーニアスについて■■GENIUS(ジーニアス)は、スマートフォン(スマホ)向けコンテンツ制作を行っている、ゲームプロデューサーのグループです。「ストーリー」を主軸としたスマホゲームを展開しております。■■アプリの質問、不具合報告■■ご質問・不具合のご報告等は、公式ホームページ(にてご連絡下さい。作品に対するご意見もお待ちしております。皆様のご意見は今後の作品作りに欠かせませんので、是非忌憚なきご意見をお寄せ下さい。◇◇ prologue and eachcharacter main one story you can enjoy for free! ! ◇◇◇◇ different from the past "maiden game", is a "love drama game" ofselling a full-fledged story! ! ◇◇■■ ■■ SynopsisYour true purpose which acts as a hostess at the exclusive club ofGinza, which is closer to the enemies of parents killing.However, from the time that a man was coming to the store, yourplan is to begin crazy ...That person, though not allowed to fall to fellow ... love ofrevenge of revenge ...Draw your conflict fell in forbidden love, authentic love dramagame! !■■ ■■ character◆ [strange system] Mitsuhashi Takumi (Mitsuhashi Takumi)"It's fine ... It 's dangerous to approach to me?"Half of beauty young man strike a magical atmosphere. It is also aworld top-level programmer.There appears to be apparently complex family situation, but...◆ [adult sex appeal system] Tachibanaumi Xiang (Tachibanakite)"I'll entertain a special world."Adult sex appeal full of IT company president. Between the revengeof revenge, complicated relationship ...◆ [I like system] Kiyoshi Island Symphony (surname bandsound)"I Ne forgiven After my buckwheat away"In IT company vice president, subordinates of revenge of revenge.Suspicion that had been involved in parents murder of hero also...◆ [de S Chala male line] Nishiwaki Hayato"Hmm, I want to play with me?"Design company president. It is a playboy of alone with flying, butunexpectedly also serious one side ...◆ [good faith-based] Hasu-sui SoFutoshi"The thing of you, know me the best."Salesman working in the company of revenge of revenge. Hero ofchildhood friend, that from the past of the hero ... To choose is unique Twink according to your taste!... Come on, you fall in love with anyone?■ How to Play ■How to proceed in the game is very easy!1. Start the app and press the "prologue"2. read the prologue3. Choose a favorite Twink4. While promoting reading a story, select the option, it willshorten the distance between the Twink5. All main of ending in two! Whether be greeted by a happy ending,you, choices soon as!※ you can play the first episode prologue and each character forfree.※ This title I can play at ¥ 300.■■ Recommended for Travellers ■■Love drama game "nomination fee with a kiss of love", it isrecommended for this you.-Love theme of the movie / drama / Manga / anime / novel islikeBut in-love game interesting, geek-ish of the weak ...- Love you like games and maiden game· I want to enjoy a full-fledged storyIt has become the content that can be enjoyed regardless of gender!!■■ For app developers Genius and ■■GENIUS (Genius) has done a smart phone (smartphone) for contentcreation, it is a group of game producer.We will strive to develop the Sumahogemu the "story" was a mainshaft.■■ app questions, bug reports ■■Of your reports, etc. If you have any questions, problems, pleasecontact the official website ( also look forward to hearing your opinion on the work.Since the opinions of everyone is not essential to the future offilmmaking, please send us by all means frank defunct opinions.
My Memorial Lover 1.0.4
◇◇Story Ticket System! You can enjoy all thestories for free!◇◇◇◇ “My Memorial Lover” is a completely original story aboutstarting a relationship over again with one of your pastboyfriends!◇◇◇◇You are the heroine! You take on the role of the heroine andexperience a romance with your appealing ex-boyfriends!◇◇■■Synopsis■■After graduating from community college, you obtained your nurseryteacher’s license and began working at a nursery in the city thatyour community college introduced you to.Your daily life passes you by without anything changing betweenyesterday and today.You feel there is nothing ‘flowery’ about your life since not onlyhave you not been in any relationships lately, but you have barelytalked to any men.“But even I have—“You have had an average love life until now.You recall the days you spent with your ‘Ex-boyfriends’.You feel nothing but regret about how things turned out, butthere’s nothing you can do about it now. But, one day, somethinghappens that greatly changes your fate. It happened on your wayhome from the train station.■■Characters■■◆【Ex-boyfriend who has to take over the Family ImportBusiness】EijiHeight: 178cm Age: 25“Isn’t that obvious? You’re the only woman I’ve ever loved.”Eiji was your first boyfriend who you met in your third year ofmiddle school.You were a young couple swayed by youthful feelings.However, he chose to break up with you so he could focus on gettingahead in his studies in order to take over his father’sbusiness.◆【Ex-boyfriend who is a Musician】KeisukeHeight: 170cm Age: 20“I’ll make you my number one fan.”Keisuke is a boyfriend you had in high school who was two yearsyounger than you.He confessed his feelings to you at the school festival and youstarted dating, but he ended up abruptly breaking up with yousaying he was going to study abroad in the United States in orderto become a rock musician.◆【Ex-boyfriend who is 17 Years Older than you and has a Wife andDaughter】NakamuraHeight: 180cm Age: 38“I might not be a man to you, but you are a woman to me.”Nakamura is the boyfriend you met at the ballroom dance lessons youattended as a hobby.He’s seventeen years older than you. You had common hobbies, andgot along well together.Before you knew it, you were spending a lot of time together.However, not only does he have a wife, but a daughter the same ageas you…These circumstances led to you breaking up.◆【Ex-boyfriend of Mixed Heritage who has a RefreshingSmile】AtsuyaHeight: 179cm Age: 23“Hi.”Atsuya is the boyfriend who made an impression on you at a mixerwith his refreshing smile, fashionable style, and mixedheritage.He taught you all about a kind of love you would only see in themovies, one that you never knew before meeting him.Your relationship was so wonderful any woman would lose herself init, but your previous bad relationships made you incapable oftrusting him, which led to your breakup.You can choose from a variety of characters based on yourpreferences!…Who will you fall in love with again?■How to Play■It’s very easy to play!1. Load the game’s App and press the “Prologue” button.2. Read the prologue.3. Choose your favorite character.4. Make your choices while reading the story and become closer toyour character of choice.5. There are two endings total for this story! Your choices willdetermine if you will make it to the Happy Ending!※The story for this App can be read completely for free by usingstory tickets that will be given to you every day.※You can also purchase the entire scenario if you would like toread the story without having to wait.※ Furthermore, you can obtain story tickets for free by watchingvideos and fulfilling specific conditions.※However, you need Ending Tickets to be able to view the endingsand you will not be able to see the endings without fulfilling therequirements first.
Raindrop(Full voice suspense) 1.1
◇◇The first episode can be viewed freeofcharge!! ◇◇◇◇This is a beautiful story with sweet sorrow with motif ofthemasterpiece of Chopin!!◇◇◇◇The masterpiece drama CD “Raindrops” is made intoAppdrama!!◇◇◇◇All characters are dubbed by a great array of voice actors!!◇◇■■Story■■The scene of the story is laid in a high school.Yu is in a wheelchair and plays the piano in the old schoolbuildingthat no one uses now. Misaki is her best friend.They look pleasant, but each of them carries a hidden secret…Enigmatic and mysterious events occur one after anotheraroundthem…A mangled body of a rabbit their school owned andMisakireceives mysterious letters…Who is the culprit!? What is the secret Yu and Misakiholdback!?It is a beautiful but suspenseful story with sweet sorrowdepictedwith motif of the masterpiece of Frederic Chopin, “24Preludes,Op.28-15 Des-dur” (“Raindrop”).■■Main Characters■■◆Yu Watanabe(CV:Miki Kudo)She is in her third year at high school. An incident caused herleginjury so that she is in a wheelchair.She seems to be calm and a cute girl, but…!?◆Misaki Mori(CV:Asa Kudo)Yu’s classmate, and her best friend. She is datingwithKatsuya.Misaki holds back something that can’t be told to anyone…!?◆Eri Sato(CV:Azusa Momomiya)Yu’s classmate. She has a strong sense of justice but is alittletoo impatient, that is her only fault.◆Katsuya Yoshioka(CV: Masahiro Kobayashi)Yu’s classmate. He is the soccer club star and is datingwithMisaki.He is a handsome and big-brother-kind-of boy whom everyoneturnsto.◆Wataru Hashimoto(CV:Kohei Yamashita)Yu’s classmate. He is very active and a hot-blooded type ofboy.■■ How to Play ■■Progressing through the game is extremely simple!1. Start the game and click “Episode1”2. Read the Episode13. Read through the story, make choices, and get closer tothecharacters4. There are two types of endings in this game! Whether or notyouget the Happy End depends upon your decisions!■■Recommended for■■“Raindrops~my dear friends~” is for someone like :・interested in voice actors・interested in suspenseful or horror story that makesyouexited・interested in App drama・want to enjoy a full-blown story・interested in these masterpiece suspenseful stories such as“WhenThey Cry” and “Alice's Adventures in Warpedland”.■■ About GENIUS, developers of this app ■■GENIUS is a company that designs, develops, and sells "AppDramas",story-based content that can be casually enjoyed onsmartphones.Their mission is to produce App Dramas in variousdifferent genresand turn this new form of entertainment intoanother form of art inline with manga and anime.The English version of the romance App Drama "Pay for my Call withaKiss" and "Twilight Romance" are currently being distributed toravereviews.We will continue to distribute high quality content in English,andhope that you'll look forward to it.■■ Questions, bug reports for the app ■■Please contact us at if you haveanyquestions or bugs to report.We would also love to hear your opinions about the app.Your opinions and comments are indispensable for our future apps,soplease do not hold back and give us your honest opinion.■■Terminal info■■After Android 4.0
Meu Estranho Amado 1.0.1
◇◇Você pode desfrutar deste jogo até o fim degraça!! ◇◇◇◇Este é um doce e comovente Aplicativo de Drama Romântico quetraça uma história de amor com os misteriosos companheiros de casaque moram na mesma casa partilhada que você!!◇◇◇◇Você é a heroína! Você assume o papel de heroína e experimenta umromance com homens-fera!◇◇■■Sinopse■■Você estava procurando por um lugar para se mudar depois deconseguir um emprego em um novo lugar.Você foi apresentada a uma estranha casa partilhada por uma agênciacorretora de imóveis que conheceu ao acaso.Lá você conhece os quatro misteriosos moradores: Shin Kamiya, MaoNekomiya, Hyouko Suzuki, e Tasuku Ichinose.Todos eles parecem ser bons homens, mas há uma misteriosa aura emtorno deles...Quais são suas verdadeiras identidades?E o que virá no seu destino depois de escolher viver nesta peculiarcasa partilhada?■■Personagens■■◆【Lobo Narcisista】Shin Kamiya“Está tudo bem se eu apenas ter um gostinho, certo?”Uma fera que tem o sangue de um lobo e ativamente perseguemulheres.Ele é uma celebridade que é o vocalista de uma banda popular.Ele tem mais orgulho em ser uma fera do que os outros, e estáirritado com seu tipo sendo caçado pelos Espectros.Seu sangue de lobo age nas noites de lua cheia, fazendo-o afirmaraleatoriamente sua dominância sobre as mulheres que estãopróximas...Ele parece ter uma vaga ideia de que você é humana.◆【Gato Gentil】Mao Nekomiya“Você sabe... Eu quero beijar você...”Uma jovem fera que tem o sangue de um gato.Ele ainda é uma fera inexperiente, então ele não pode esconder suaverdadeira forma na noite de lua cheia.Suas orelhas de gatos aparecem durante uma lua cheia por causa dasua inexperiência.Ele é um estudante universitário com uma personalidade calma eamável, e também é o único colega de casa que é mais novo quevocê.Ele absolutamente não tem ideia que você é humana.Ele é incrivelmente popular com garotas por causa da sua belaaparência.◆【Raposa Perfeita】Hyouko Suzuki“Você cheira bem... como uma humana.”Uma fera que tem o sangue de uma raposa, e não tem interesse emperseguir ativamente mulheres.Ele tem uma disposição incrivelmente fria e desinteressada, emuitas vezes não mostra suas emoções.Ele tem um olfato muito bom, que faz dele hábil em seguir o rastrode Espectros e humanos.Ele é habilidoso suficiente para ser um executivo de empresa, emuitas vezes evitado por seus colegas.Ele tem um ódio intenso contra si mesmo por ser uma fera.Seu olfato faz com que ele logo suspeite da sua naturezahumana...◆【Unicórnio Maduro】Tasuku Ichinose“Se você chegar a me amar, eu lhe amareiincondicionalmente.”Tasuku é o calmo e sensato líder da casa partilhada, e o maisvelho colega de casa o qual tem o sangue de um unicórnio.Ele é um professor universitário e é incrivelmente popular com seusestudantes por causa da sua personalidade calma.Ele percebeu logo que você é humana, mas deixou você morar na casapartilhada sem nunca dizer nada sobre isso.Ele é alvo dos Espectros porque os unicórnios são uma das maisraras feras.■Como Jogar■Para jogar é muito fácil!1. Carregue o Aplicativo do jogo e aperte o botão “Prólogo”.2. Leia o prólogo.3. Escolha seu personagem favorito.4. Faça suas escolhas enquanto lê a história e fica mais perto doseu personagem escolhido.5. Há dois finais no total para esta história! Suas escolhas irãodeterminar se você chegará ao Final Feliz!※A história para este Aplicativo pode ser lida completamente degraça usando bilhetes de história que serão dados para você tododia.※Você também pode comprar todo o cenário se você gosta de ler ahistória sem ter que esperar.※ Além disso, você pode obter bilhetes de história de graçaassistindo vídeos e cumprindo condições específicas.※No entanto, você precisa dos Bilhetes de Finais para poder ver osfinais e não será possível ver os finais sem cumprir osrequerimentos primeiro.◇◇ You can enjoy thisgame to the end for free !! ◇◇◇◇ This is a sweet and touching Application Drama Romantic mappinga love story with the mysterious fellow home living in the sameshared house you !! ◇◇◇◇ You are the hero! You assume the role of heroin and experiencean affair with man-beast! ◇◇■■ ■■ SynopsisYou were looking for a place to change after getting a job in a newplace.You were introduced to a strange house shared by a real estatebrokerage that met at random.There you know the four mysterious residents: Shin Kamiya, MaoNekomiya, Hyouko Suzuki, and Tasuku Ichinose.They all seem to be good men, but there is a mysterious aura aroundthem ...What are their true identities?And what will come to your destination after choosing to live inthis peculiar shared house?■■ ■■ Characters◆ 【】 Wolf Narcissistic Shin Kamiya"It's okay if I just have a taste, right?"A beast that has the blood of a wolf and actively pursueswomen.He is a celebrity who is the lead singer of a popular band.He has more pride in being a beast than the others, and is angrywith his type being hunted by the Wraith.His wolf blood acts on full moon nights, making it randomly asserttheir dominance over women who are close ...He seems to have a vague idea that you are human.◆ 【】 Gentle Cat Mao Nekomiya"You know ... I want to kiss you ..."A young beast who has the blood of a cat.It is still an inexperienced beast, then he can not hide his trueform in the full moon night.Your cat ears appear during a full moon because of hisinexperience.He is a college student with a calm and friendly personality, andis also the only housemate who is younger than you.He has absolutely no idea that you are human.It is incredibly popular with girls because of its beautifulappearance.◆ 【】 Perfect Fox Hyouko Suzuki"You smell good ... like a human."A beast that has the blood of a fox, and has no interest inactively pursuing women.He has an incredibly cold and disinterested disposition, and oftendoes not show his emotions.He has a very good sense of smell, which makes him able to followthe trail of Specters and humans.He is skilled enough to be a business executive, and often shunnedby his colleagues.He has an intense hatred against himself for being a beast.Your smell makes him immediately suspect of his human nature...◆ 【】 Maduro Unicorn Tasuku Ichinose"If you get to love me, I will love you unconditionally."Tasuku is calm and wise leader of the shared house, and theolder housemate who has the blood of a unicorn.He is a university professor and is incredibly popular with hisstudents because of his calm personality.He soon realized that you are human, but let you live in sharedhouse without ever saying anything about it.He is the target of Wraith because unicorns are one of the rarestbeasts.■ How to Play ■To play is very easy!1. Load the game application and press the button "Prologue".2. Read the prologue.3. Choose your favorite character.4. Make your choices as you read the story and is closer to yourchosen character.5. There are two final total for this story! Your choices willdetermine whether you will arrive at the Happy Ending!※ The story for this application can be read full story for freeusing tickets that will be given to you every day.※ You can also buy the whole scenario if you like to read the storywithout having to wait.※ In addition, you can get free tickets history watching videos andfulfilling specific conditions.※ However, you need the Finals tickets to see the end and you cannot see the end without fulfilling the first requirement.
Extreme Mission 1.0.1
"◇◇You can enjoy this game until the end,forfree!! ◇◇◇◇This is a novel style suspense App Drama that will keep you ontheedge of your seat!◇◇◇◇The story’s direction lies in your hands! Multipleendingsawait!◇◇■■Synopsis■■Akane Komachi, a reserved girl who entered high school only aweekago, suddenly has three years’ worth of high schoolsavingsequivalent to 3 million yen stolen and her parents kidnappedby amysterious man who uses a crutch for a cane.The Man with a Crutch threatens Akane, saying, “I have yourentirefortune. You will have to follow my orders if you want itback.”The Man with a Crutch orders Akane to Rob a Bank, dealdrugs,kidnap, break and enter, and kill—and he wants her to do allofthese major crimes on her own!What is this mysterious man’s objective? And what willAkane’sfate be?■■Main Characters■■The story will develop around the banter between thesetwocharacters!◆Akane KomachiAkane is the heroine of the story. Akane is a 16 year old girlwhomoved from the countryside to Tokyo to attend the privatehighschool she got accepted into. She’s a mature beauty who’sconfidentin herself and has a dirty mouth. She has good grades inschool andphysical prowess. On the surface she’s confident ofherself andarrogant, but deep down she feels worthless compared toher amazingolder sister and parents. She often thinks of herself asaverageand nothing special and fears her life will endwithoutmeaning.◆Man with a CrutchA mysterious man who stole Akane’s money and kidnapped herparents.His age and name are unknown. He can’t walk on his own, sohe’salways using crutches. His face is hidden behind a hood.He’salways calm and doesn’t show any emotion. He’s very intelligentandquick-witted.■How to Play■“Extreme Mission” is a suspense App Drama that uses abranchingstory system. You can use story tickets to progress thestory. Itwill take time, but you can play until the end for free ifyouwait. Also, during the story choices will pop up for you to tapanddecide what direction you want the story to go. The endingswillvary based on your choices. Try to get all thedifferentendings!■■Recommended for the Following People:“Extreme Mission” is recommended for those of you who:・Like suspense or horror stories that keep you on the edge ofyourseat.・Like App Dramas, visual novels, or adventure games.・Want to enjoy a good story.■■About the App Creators: Genius■■Genius is a company that plans, designs, and publishes“AppDramas”, games where the player can easily enjoy a story, forthesmart phone. Genius’ goal is to establish App Drama’s as a newtypeof entertainment that can stand on par with manga and anime.Wehave created App Dramas in a variety of genres in order to dothis.Please look forward to our continued release of highqualitygames!■■Questions About our Apps or Bug Reports■■If you have any questions or bugs to report, please contact would love to hear your opinions about our productsaswell.Your opinions will only benefit our future games, so by allmeansplease let us know what you think without holding back.
Pangeran Elementalku 1.0.1
■Sinopsis.Kamu hidup di kehidupan yang monoton.Suatu hari kamu tiba-tiba terbawa gelombang besar yang menabrakruang kelasmu setelah jam sekolah.Saat kamu tersadar, lingkungan sekitarmu telah berubah… dan roh-rohelemental muncul di hadapanmu.Tujuanmu setelah mengelilingi Dunia Roh adalah meminjam kekuatandari para roh untuk kembali ke dunia manusia.Apakah yang akan menjadi takdirmu?Fan (Salamander).Tinggi: 182cm Usia: 19.Fan adalah calon ketua muda dari Suku Salamander.Dia selalu tenang, dingin dan percaya diri.Dia mungkin terlihat menakutkan, tapi dia sebenarnya sangat handaldalam menjaga orang lain.Dia sangat membenci siapapun yang masuk ke teritorinya danterkadang menunjukkan kemarahan dan emosi brutal lainnya.Sera (Undine).Tinggi: 182 cm Usia: 19.Seseorang yang tinggal jauh dari Suku Undine.Dia adalah salah satu laki-laki langka yang lahir di suku Undineyang didominasi oleh wanita.Dia seringkali dianggap sebagai wanita karena penampilannya yangandroginis.Dia tinggal sendiri di danau, dan jarang menampakkan diri. Diatidak terlalu mengerti perasaan wanita, yang membuatnya terkadangmenjadi menyebalkanHylie (Sylph).Tinggi: 179 cm Usia: 24.Seorang pemuda dari suku Sylph. Dia bisa mendengar suara angin danmemiliki pembawaan yang sangat lembah lembut dan baik.Dia berjiwa bebas dan tidak akan tinggal disuatu tempat yang samadalam waktu lama.Dia sangat tertarik dengan hal-hal yang tidak dia tahu. Diamendekatimu awalnya bahkan jika kenyataannya kamu adalahmanusia.Kidan (Gnome).Tinggi: 175 cm Usia: 16.Seorang pemuda dari suku Gnome.Dia adalah tipe adik yang nakal yang selalu membuat sukunyaceria.Dia tidak malu berada dekat denganmu bahkan jika kamumanusia.Dia sebenarnya mencarimu untuk mengobrol.Dia bisa diandalkan meskipun usianya muda, tapi dia cenderung asiksendiri dengan dunianya.Kamu bisa memilih berbagai karakter sesuai dengan seleramu!..Kepada siapakah kamu akan jatuh cinta?■Direkomendasikan jika kamu…."Pangeran Elementalku" direkomendasikan untukmu jika…-kamu suka film, drama, manga, anime atau novel yang berbaupercintaan-kamu tertarik dengan permainan percintaan tapi tidak suka sisikutu-bukunya-kamu suka permainan, permainan percintaan, permainan wanita, atauaplikasi percintaan/drama.-Kamu suka hiburan dan fiksi. - Kamu suka konten jepang-kamu suka roh seperti Undine, Salamander, dan Slyph dan lainnya.Selain dari apa yang ada di daftar ini, ada banyak konten yang bisadinikmati wanita!!■Tentang GENIUS, pengembang aplikasi ini.GENIUS adalah perusahaan yang merancang, mengembangkan dan menjual"Aplikasi Drama", konten berbasis cerita yang bisa dinikmati diponsel cerdas.Misi mereka adalah untuk menghasilkan Aplikasi Drama dalam berbagaigenre dan mengubah bentuk hiburan menjadi bentuk lain dari senilayaknya manga dan anime.Kami akan melanjutkan menyebarkan konten dengan kualitas tinggidalam Bahasa Inggris, dan semoga kamu akan menantikannya[Pangeran Elementalku rilis dalam versi bahasa Indonesia].Kami dengan gembira mengumumkan bahwa versi arab dari "PangeranElementalku" telah rilis di Google Play Store!.Kamu bisa menikmati semua cerita hingga akhir secara gratis!"Pangeran Elementalku" adalah cerita asli.Nasib malang apa yang menantimu di dunia roh yang kamu datangi?Kamu adalah pahlawan wanita!Kamu berperan sebagai pahlawan wanita dan mengalami percintaandengan roh-roh elemental!.Kami telah memutuskan untuk membawakan produk kami dalam bahasaIndonesia, karena banyak permintaan yang kami terima hingga saatini.Terimakasih atas semua permintaannya! Kami akan akan melanjutkanmembawakan produk kami dalam bahasa Indonesia!Kami harap lebih banyak orang bisa menikmati Aplikasi Drama!■ Synopsis.You live in monotony.One day you suddenly brought huge waves crashing into the room withyour class after school hours.When you wake up, the environment around you has changed ... andthe elemental spirits appear in front of you.Your goal after circling the Spirit World is borrowing the power ofthe spirit to return to the human world.What will be your destiny?Fan (Salamander).Height: 182cm Age: 19.Fan is a young candidate for chairman of the tribeSalamander.He was always calm, cool and confident.He may look intimidating, but he is actually very good at keepingothers.He hated anyone who entered their territory and sometimes brutalshow anger and other emotions.Sera (Undine).Height: 182 cm Age: 19.Someone who stay away from the Tribe Undine.He is one of the rare men who were born in the tribe Undinedominated by women.He is often considered a woman because of his androgynous.He lived alone in the lake, and rarely manifest themselves. He didnot quite understand her feelings, which makes it sometimes becomesannoyingHylie (Sylph).Height: 179 cm Age: 24.A young man from the tribe Sylph. She could hear the wind and has avery meek disposition and good.She was a free spirit and would not stay in one place the same in along time.He was very interested in the things that he did not know. Heoriginally approach you even if you are a human reality.Kidan (Gnome).Height: 175 cm Age: 16.A young man from the tribe of Gnome.He is the type of naughty sister who always makes his tribecheerful.He is not ashamed to be close to you even if you are a human.He was actually looking for you for a chat.He can be relied upon even though he is young, but he tends to coolhimself with his world.You can choose different character according to your taste! ..To whom you will fall in love?■ Recommended if you ...."Prince Elementalku" recommended for you if ...-You love movies, drama, manga, anime or smelling romancenovel-You are interested in romance games but did not like theflea-book-You love games, romance games, women games, or applicationsromance / drama.-You Like entertainment and fiction. - You like Japanesecontent-You like spirits like Undine, Salamander, and Slyph and others.Other than what is on this list, there are a lot of content thatcan be enjoyed ladies !!■ About GENIUS, the developer of this application.GENIUS is a company which designs, develops and sells "ApplicationsDrama", a story-based content that can be enjoyed on asmartphone.Their mission is to produce Drama Applications in various genresand changing forms of entertainment into other forms of art likemanga and anime.We will continue to distribute the content with high quality inEnglish, and I hope you'll look forward[Prince Elementalku releases in Indonesian version].We are pleased to announce that the Arabic version of "PrinceElementalku" has been released on Google Play Store !.You can enjoy all of the story until the end of it for free!"Prince Elementalku" an original story.The fate of the unfortunate what is waiting for you in the spiritworld that you attended? You are a heroine!You act as heroine and experience romance with elemental spirits!.We have decided to bring our products in the Indonesian language,because many requests we have received to date.Thank you for all the requests! We will bring our products willcontinue in Indonesian!We hope that more people can enjoy Application Drama!
パストリープス~偶像未来少女~ 1.0.4
◇◇本作品は最後まで無料で楽しむことができます!!◇◇◇◇アイドル風刺を扱った「アップドラマ」です!!◇◇◇◇主人公は現役アイドル!現在もライブ活動しているアイドルがキャラクターとなっております◇◇◇◇ガチャを回してファンの方にはたまらない限定動画、カードを獲得することができます!!◇◇■■あらすじ■■――過去を変える。それは「ああすればよかった!」という事をなかったことにできる悪魔のささやきとも言 えるだろう。故に、多くのSFなど物語では、『過去を変える』という神に逆らう愚かな行為をした登場 人物には大きな代償が待ち構えている。過去を変えたことにより、悪い結果が最悪になったり、今の幸せが消し飛んだりするとい うのが過去改変系のSFでの定番だ。だからというわけでないが、あたしは過去改変を良いとは思わないし、やりたいとも思わ ない。しかしそれが“未来のための過去改変”ならどうだろう? というのも、私達がいる未来では娯楽という言葉が消え、世界は色を失い、人々の目には光がない。人々は一見娯楽が無くても幸せに生きているが、魂が抜かれたも同然の世界だ。どうしてそのような未来になったのか? そのきっかけはアイドルグループ周辺で起こったほんの些細な問題だという。未来から見れば何故そんなことがと言いたくなるようなものだ。警察が動くか動かないか微妙な問題や、ストーカー問題や、プレゼント問題という。それらの事象が連鎖を起こし、娯楽というものを消し去ったという。ところで今、貴方の手にそれらを『なかったこと』に出来るスイッチが手にあったとした らどうするだろう?多くの人が心から人生を謳歌し、幸せをわかちあう世の中に出来るとしたら?あたし達はそのスイッチを押した……■■キャラクター■■◆成瀬未佳(なるせ みか)血液型:A型誕生日:6月20日趣味:身体を動かすこと、ゴルフ特技:柔道、ダンス好きなもの:服、アクセサリー休日の過ごし方:お買い物、一人カラオケ◆美風 愛蘭(みかぜ あいら)血液型:O型誕生日:1月15日趣味:アニメ鑑賞・音楽鑑賞特技:字バランス・スポーツ好きなもの:白米とアニメ休日の過ごし方:アニメ鑑賞とショッピングと体を動かす事◆蒼羽 奏音(あおば そら)血液型:O型誕生日:6月1日趣味:YouTubeを見ること。ショッピング。絵を描くこと!特技:たまに誰にも気付かれないこと。ごくまれに出る物凄い集中力。好きなもの:YouTube。YouTuber。アイドル。中二病要素が含まれているもの。チョコスプレー。休日の過ごし方:四六時中YouTubeを見る。■■劇中登場アイドル、パストリープスについて■■ストーリー×アイドルをコンセプトにスマートフォン向けアプリ「偶像未来少女パストリープス」と現実でのライブアイドル活動の二軸で進行していくプロジェクトとなり、劇中のキャラクターは秋葉原を拠点としながら、パストリープスとして現実にライブ活動していきます。アプリでご興味をもたれた方は、アイドル楽曲とは一線を画した、ヘヴィーかつ繊細なサウンドとスタイリッシュな衣装とパフォーマンスでお届けするライブを一度ご覧いただけると幸いです。■遊び方■ゲームの進め方はとても簡単です!1.アプリを起動して「プロローグ」を押す2. プロローグを読む3.ストーリーを読み進みすすめます※本作は、毎日プレゼントされるストーリーチケットを使用して、最後まで無料でプレーすることができます※一気にストーリーを読みたい方は、シナリオを購入することも可能です■■こんな人におすすめ■■「偶像未来少女パストリープス」はこんな人におすすめです。・可愛い女の子が好き!・アイドルが好き!・偶像未来少女パストリープスが好き!・アイドルが好き!・アイドルの文化が好き!・アイドル文化を知りたい!・アニメ/ドラマ/漫画が好き!その他、全ての男女に楽しめる内容になっています!!■■アプリ提供会社ジーニアスについて■■ジーニアスは、スマートフォンで気軽に楽しむことができるストーリー型コンテンツ「アップドラマ」の企画・開発・販売をしている会社です。ジーニアスは、新しいタイプのエンターテイメントであるアップドラマを、マンガ・アニメと並ぶ芸術の一つとして昇華させることをミッションとして、様々なジャンルの作品を制作しております。現在は、グリム童話の世界をモチーフとした恋愛アップドラマ「グリム’s プリンセス?童話姫?」が大好評発売中です。今後も良質なコンテンツを続々と配信していきますので、どうぞご期待ください。■■アイドルコンテンツ提供会社リライブについて■■リライブは、ライブアイドルのプロデュース・マネジメント・イベント制作やそれに伴う業務を行なっている会社です。アイドルコンテンツをより良質かつ多様性のある次世代を担うエンターテイメントとして昇華していくことを目的とし、自社専属のアイドルプロデュース及びマネジメントや自社所属でないアイドルにサポートになるようなイベント制作を行なっております。パストリープスをはじめ、ユーザーの皆様に愛されるようなアイドルを提供していきますので、ご期待ください。■■アプリの質問、不具合報告■■ご質問・不具合のご報告等は、support@gen-ius.comまでご連絡下さい。作品に対するご意見もお待ちしております。皆様のご意見は今後の作品作りに欠かせませんので、是非忌憚なきご意見をお寄せ下さい。◇◇ This work can beenjoyed free of charge until the end! ! ◇◇◇◇ dealing with idle satire is "up drama"! ! ◇◇◇◇ hero is active idle! Also idle you are live activities hasbecome a character currently ◇◇◇◇ Turn the Gacha dying towards the fan limited video, you can earna card! ! ◇◇■■ ■■ Synopsis- Change the past.It will can be said with the devil whispers that can be that therewas no the fact that "I should have Oh!".Thus, in the story, such as a lot of SF, a large price in characterwas a stupid act against the God of "changing the past" arewaiting.By changing the past, or become worst bad result, Uno has and nowhappy to Dari Keshiton is the classic in the past modified systemof SF.So I do not mean that, but I is to not think good the pastmodification, nor do I want to do.But what about if it is "past modification for the future"?Because, disappeared the word entertainment in the future that weare, the world will lose the color, there is no light in the eyesof people.People are seemingly entertainment is also happy to live without,as good as the world's soul has been removed.Why it has become such a future? That the opportunity is a just aminor problem that occurred around idol group.It's like why will want such a thing is and say if you look fromthe future.Or subtle problems and does not work or police work, stalkingproblem and, that presents a problem.That their event has caused a chain, it was left off the thingcalled entertainment. By the way now, would switch that can them inyour hand to the "never had it" is Rado was that there was tohand?When a lot of people sincerely enjoying life, and can be in theworld to share the happiness?...... I're you press the switch■■ ■■ character◆ Mika Naruse (Mika Naruse)Blood type: A typeBirthday: June 20Hobbies: moving the body, golfSpecialty: judo, danceFavorite things: clothes, accessoriesHoliday of how to spend: shopping, one person karaoke◆ fine custom Ireland (Mikaze Aira)Blood type: O typeBirthday: January 15Hobbies: anime appreciation, music appreciationSpecialty: shaped balance SportsFavorite things: white rice and animeHoliday of how to spend: Anime appreciation and that moving theshopping and body◆ Aoihane Soon (Aoba empty)Blood type: O typeBirthday: June 1Hobbies: to see the YouTube. shopping. Painting!Specialty: that sometimes are not noticed by anyone.Out on rare occasions a tremendous ability to concentrate.Favorite thing: YouTube. YouTuber.Idol. Those that contain two disease element. Chocolatespray.Holiday spent in the way: see all the time YouTube.■■ in the play appeared idle, for the past Ripusu ■■Become a project to continue to progress in a two-axis live idleactivities of the story × idle on the concept in reality andsmartphone apps "idol future girl Past Ripusu", a character in theplay while based in Akihabara, in reality as Pasto Ripusu we willcontinue to live activities.Those who have for your interest in the app, the idle musicscandal, I hope you can see once the live to deliver in the Heavyand delicate sound and stylish costume and performance.■ How to Play ■How to proceed in the game is very easy!1. Pressing the "prologue" to launch the app2. Read the prologue3. We recommend proceed to read the storyThis work ※, using the story ticket to be present every day, youcan play until the end for free※ If you want at once read the story, it is also possible topurchase a scenario■■ Recommended for people ■■"Idol future girl Past Ripusu" is recommended for suchpeople.- Like the cute girl!Idol likes!· Idol future likes girl Pasto Ripusu!Idol likes!- Like culture of idol!Idle want to know the culture!Animation / Drama / cartoon like!Other, has become content to enjoy in all of the men and women!!■■ ■■ About App company GeniusGenius is a company that has been in the planning, development andsales of story-based content "up drama" that can feel free to enjoya smartphone. Genius is an up-drama is a new type of entertainment,as the mission that the sublime as one of the art, along with mangaand anime, we are creating works of various genres.Currently, love-up drama that was the motif of the world of theGrimm fairy tale "Grimm 's Princess? Dowahime?" Is in large onsale.Since we will one after another deliver high-quality content in thefuture, please stay tuned.■■ ■■ for idle content providing company RiraibuRiraibu is a company doing the Produce management event productionand business due to it live idle. That the purpose of going tosublimate the idle content as entertainment to play a morehigh-quality and the next generation of diverse, we have conductedan event production such that the support to the idle produce andidle is not the management and company affiliation of its exclusive.Including the past Ripusu, so will continue to provide idle, suchas loved by a user of everyone, please stay tuned.■■ app questions, bug reports ■■Please report such question-bug, please contact support look forward to also comment on the work.Since the opinions of everyone is not essential to the future ofthe work making, please send us your opinion by all means frankdefunct.
エクシード~超能恋愛~ 1.0.0
◇◇本作品は最後まで無料で楽しむことができます!!◇◇◇◇超能力という異質なテーマを扱ったSFチックな「恋愛アップドラマ」です!!◇◇◇◇主人公はアナタ自身!自分が主人公となり、超能力者や刑事、研究者たちとの恋愛を体験できます!!◇◇■■あらすじ■■平凡な高校生活を送っていたアナタ。アナタはいつも不思議な夢を見ていた、それは忘れていた過去の記憶なのか、それとも・・・。ある時、所属している超科学部のメンバーと合宿に行くことに。そこで幼なじみの基木春馬に起きた不思議な現象・・・そして現れた正体不明の刑事、研究者・・・。忘れ去られていた記憶により紡がれる運命の歯車が今回り始めた・・・。■■キャラクター■■◆基木春馬(もとき はるま)「ありがとう。たくさん、助けてもらったんだ」16歳 169cmアナタの幼なじみ。心優しく穏やかな性格をしており、感情的にはめったにならない。守ってあげたくなるタイプだが、実は芯が強く、精神的にも強靭で取り乱すことは少ない。アナタとは物心がつく前からの知り合いであり、所属している学校や部活も一緒。アナタにとっては弟的な存在だが、実は本人はそう思っておらず・・・◆金森ジン(かなもり じん)「あんたを攻撃するくらいなら、死んだほうがマシなんだよ」17歳 178cm自己中心的な性格をしており、他人にはなかなか心を開かない。仲良くなると独占的になるが、素直に愛情を表現することを得意としていない。幼少の頃から超能力研究施設で育ったため一般的な若者の発想はなく、他人とコミュニケーションを取ることを苦手としている。物を自由に動かす念動力を備えており、見た目以上に戦闘能力は高い。◆穂村理郎(ほむら みちろう)「やっと、約束が果たせた」32歳 172cm完璧主義者であり、自分の想定したどおりに事が運ばないとイライラしてしまう。皮肉屋かつ気むずかしい性格であり、他人が自分のテリトリーに入ることを心から嫌っている。研究以外のあらゆることに興味を持っていない変人である。最初はアナタのこともいち研究対象としてしか見ていなかったが、拒否しても近づいてくるアナタの相手をしているうちに・・・◆デイヴィス斗真(でいゔぃす とうま)「愛している。私とともに生きて欲しい」37歳 192cm寡黙でクールな性格をしており、一匹狼だが大雑把なところもある。父がイギリス人であるため、女性に対しては常に紳士的。警察手帳を有しているが偽物であり、実はイギリスから派遣された諜報員である。アナタの母親とは昔からの関係であり、そこには何か大きな秘密が隠れている模様。あなたの好みに応じて様々なキャラが選べる!・・・さあ、あなたは誰と共に事件の真相を紐解く?■遊び方■ゲームの進め方はとても簡単です!1.アプリを起動して「プロローグ」を押す2. プロローグを読む3.お気に入りのキャラを選ぶ4.ストーリーを読み進めながら、選択肢を選んで、キャラとの距離を縮めていきます5.本編のエンディングは全部で2種類!ハッピーエンドを迎えられるかは、アナタの選択肢次第!※本作は、毎日プレゼントされるストーリーチケットを使用して、最後まで無料でプレーすることができます※一気にストーリーを読みたい方は、シナリオを購入することも可能です※また、ストーリーチケットは動画を視聴したり、条件を達成したりすることでも無料で獲得できます。※エンディングはエンディングチケットを使って読むことができます。■アップドラマとは■アップドラマとは弊社の作品の総称であり、シナリオ/立ち絵/背景/音楽で構成されたスマホで再生されるドラマコンテンツです。現在は恋愛系が中心となっておりますが、サスペンス系やアイドルを使ったものなど様々なコンテンツを増やしていく予定です。■■こんな人におすすめ■■「エクシード」は、こんなアナタにおすすめです。・恋愛(れんあい)がテーマの映画/ドラマ/マンガ/アニメ/小説が好き・学園モノが好き・学生時代の青春を取り戻したい・外国の文化に触れてみたい・SFが好き・恋愛ゲームには興味あるけど、オタクっぽいのは苦手・・・・恋愛ゲーム、恋ゲーム、乙女ゲームや恋愛ドラマアプリが好き・本格的なストーリーを楽しみたいその他、全ての男女に楽しめる内容になっています!!■■アプリ提供会社ジーニアスについて■■ジーニアスは、スマートフォンで気軽に楽しむことができるストーリー型コンテンツ「アップドラマ」の企画・開発・販売をしている会社です。ジーニアスは、新しいタイプのエンターテイメントであるアップドラマを、マンガ・アニメと並ぶ芸術の一つとして昇華させることをミッションとして、様々なジャンルの作品を制作しております。現在は、グリム童話の世界をモチーフとした恋愛アップドラマ「グリム’s プリンセス?童話姫?」が大好評発売中です。今後も良質なコンテンツを続々と配信していきますので、どうぞご期待ください。■■アプリの質問、不具合報告■■ご質問・不具合のご報告等は、support@gen-ius.comまでご連絡下さい。作品に対するご意見もお待ちしております。皆様のご意見は今後の作品作りに欠かせませんので、是非忌憚なきご意見をお寄せ下さい。◇◇ This work canbeenjoyed free of charge until the end! ! ◇◇◇◇ is a SF Chick dealing with heterogeneous theme ofsupernaturalpower "love-up drama"! ! ◇◇◇◇ hero yourself! He becomes a hero, supernatural powersandcriminal, you can experience the romance of the researchers!!◇◇ ■■ ■■ SynopsisYou who had sent a mediocre high school life.I was looking at the always strange dream, whether that itisforgotten not have memories of the past, or ....On one occasion, to go to training camp with members ofthesuper-science department that belong.So strange phenomenon ... and appeared unidentifiedcriminalhappened on the basis of tree spring horse of childhoodfriend,researchers ....Gear of fate spun by the memory that has been forgotten beganRithis time ....■■ ■■ character◆ Motokiharuba (Motoki Halma)"Thank you. A lot, I was asked to help."16-year-old 169cmChildhood friend of you.Heart gently has a gentle personality, not rarely emotional.I type that want to give to protect, but in fact strong coreis,mentally and be distracted by tough is small.With you is an acquaintance from before the reach the age ofreason,even schools and club activities that belongtogether.Younger brother existence is for you, but in fact the persondoesnot think so ...◆ Kanamori Jin (Kanamori Jin)"If enough to attack the Anta, better dead'm better."17-year-old 178cmIt has been a self-centered personality, not quite open mindtoothers.Although befriend and become exclusive, not good at thatobedientlyexpress affection.Rather than the general youth of the idea for from grew up inESPresearch facility childhood, it has been with the poor to taketheothers and communication.Thing has a sense power freely move, combat capability in morethanlooks high.◆ Homurariro (flame Michio)"Finally, promise was fulfill."32-year-old 172cmIs a perfectionist, would get frustrated when things do not carryonas expected his assumed.A cynic and grumpy personality, have sincerely hated the factthatsomeone else is inside your own territory.Is a weirdo who does not have an interest in all things otherthanresearch.Although at first it was not only seen as the position study ofyou,... to one that is a partner of you approaching alsorefused◆ Davis Toma (Davis Toma)"I love you. I want you to live with me."37-year-old 192cmIt has been a quiet and cool personality, but a loner in someplacesrough.Because his father is British, always gentlemanly for women.It has the police notebook is a fake, actually a spy that hasbeendispatched from the United Kingdom.The mother of you is a relationship from a long time ago, itseemedto have something big secret is hidden there.Choose a variety of characters, depending on your taste!... Come on, Who are you with the Disclose the truth oftheincident? ■ How to Play ■How to proceed in the game is very easy!1. Pressing the "prologue" to launch the app2. Read the prologue3. Choose your favorite character4. While continue reading the story, select the option, wewillshorten the distance between the characters5. All the main ending in two! Whether be greeted by a happyend,your choice as soon as the!This work ※, using the story ticket to be present every day, youcanplay until the end for free※ If you want at once read the story, it is also possibletopurchase a scenario※ In addition, the story ticket or watch the video, you canearnfree also or to achieve the conditions.※ ending can be read using the ending ticket.■ What is up drama ■And up drama is a general term of our work, is the drama contenttobe played back by the smartphone that has been configured inthescenario / Standing picture / background / music.It is now the center is love-based, but we plan to increasethevariety of content, such as those using the suspense systemandidle.■■ Recommended for people ■■"Exceed" is recommended for such you.- Love (love) is like the theme of the movie / drama / manga /anime/ novelLove-school things- I want to regain the youth of school days- I want to touch foreign cultures· SF likesI - is to love the game of interest, geeky's not good ...- Love the game, I love the game, like the maiden game andromancedrama app· I want to enjoy a full-fledged storyOther, has become content to enjoy in all of the men andwomen!!■■ ■■ About App company GeniusGenius is a company that has been in the planning, developmentandsales of story-based content "up drama" that can feel free toenjoya smartphone. Genius is an up-drama is a new type ofentertainment,as the mission that the sublime as one of the art,along with mangaand anime, we are creating works of variousgenres.Currently, love-up drama that was the motif of the world oftheGrimm fairy tale "Grimm 's Princess? Dowahime?" Is in largeonsale.Since we will one after another deliver high-quality content inthefuture, please stay tuned.■■ app questions, bug reports ■■Please report such question-bug, please contact look forward to also comment on the work.Since the opinions of everyone is not essential to the future ofthework making, please send us your opinion by all meansfrankdefunct.
Mon Gardien Royal 1.0.1
◊◊ Tu peux profiter du prologue et du premierchapitre de chaque personnage gratuitement ! ◊◊◊◊ « Mon Gardien Royal » est une histoire basée sur la mythologieégyptienne ! Tu es le seul espoir pour empêcher la fin du monde ?!◊◊◊◊ C’est toi l’héroïne ! Tu peux prendre le rôle de l’héroïne etvivre un drame romantique avec les dieux égyptiens qui te protègent! ◊◊■■ Synopsis ■■Tu vis une vie ordinaire.Un jour, un grand trou noir sépare le ciel en deux et fut suivid’un énorme tremblement de terre qui amena la destruction sur laterre.Les dieux de la mythologie égyptienne apparaissent devant toi alorsque tu es encerclée par des monstres mystérieux.Les dieux te disent que tu dois arrêter le roi de la cité desmorts, Anubis, si tu veux sauver le monde.Quel dieu vas-tu choisir pour t’aider à vaincre Anubis ?!""■■ Personnages ■■♦ [Égocentrique et du type grand frère ; Dieu du Soleil] RaGrandeur : 178 cm; Âge : 19 ans« Je vais te protéger. »Il a un très grand penchant à se sacrifier et de mettre tout cequ’il a pour pouvoir te protéger. D’habitude c’est Thoth qui leprotège, mais il est lui-même incroyablement fort dans la bataille.Le fait qu’il soit le dieu du soleil le rend faible la nuit. Il nepeut pas sortir ses vrais pouvoirs durant la nuit.♦ [Gentlemen et du type à avoir deux côtés à sa personnalité ;Dieu de la naissance] OsirisGrandeur : 180 cm; Âge : 22 ans« Je vais te protéger de tout mon corps et de mon âme. »Sa personnalité est excessivement calme, ce qui fait de lui lemédiateur dans plusieurs situations.Il parle très formellement, mais il peut être grossier quand il nepeut pas contrôler ses émotions.Il te protèges, mais ne parle pas beaucoup de lui.♦ [Type joyeux ; Dieu du ciel] HorusGrandeur : 170 cm; Âge : 17 ans« Ahah, étais-tu inquiète pour moi ? Ça me rend heureux. »Il est très joyeux et optimiste ; même si il peut devenircolérique.Il est très gentil et adore les animaux, mais le moment où il semet en colère, il va brûler tous ses ennemis avec ses flammesorange.Il met sa vie en jeu pour te protéger, mais…♦ [Un humain décontracté et mystérieux ?] Krona MorisakiGrandeur : 172 cm; Âge : 16 ans« J’ai l’air triste ? Comment est-ce que je pourrais êtremalheureux ? »Il est très calme et ne montre pas ses émotions.Il connaît énormément les dieux dans la mythologie égyptienne etregarde de haut l’existence humaine pour une certaine raison.C’est un garçon enveloppé de mystère qui te rencontre parcoïncidence à la destruction du monde.Qui est-il réellement… ?Tu peux choisir le personnage de ton choix selon tes préférences!…Avec qui te laisseras-tu séduire ?■■ Recommandé si tu…■■« Mon Gardien Royal » est recommandé pour toi si…• Τυ αιμεσ λεσ φιλμσ, λεσ δραμασ, λεσ μανγασ, λεσ ανιμεσ ου λεσρομανσ θυι πορτεντ συρ λα ρομανχε.• Τυ εσ ιντ⎡ρεσσ⎡ε παρ λεσ ϕευξ δε ρομανχε μαισ τυ ν’αιμεσ πασχομμεντ χερταινσ ϕευξ νε σεμβλεντ χορρεσπονδρε θυε πουρ υν πυβλιθυεδε γεεκ…• Τυ αιμεσ λεσ ϕευξ δε ρομανχε, λεσ ϕευξ δ’αμουρ, ϕευξ δε φιλλεσ ουλεσ αππλιχατιονσ αμουρ/δραμα.• Τυ αιμεσ τ’αμυσερ ετ λα φιχτιον.• Τυ αιμεσ λε χοντενυ ϕαποναισ.• Τυ αιμεσ λα μψτηολογιε ⎡γψπτιεννε.À part de ces points-là, il y a encore beaucoup de choses pour quetoutes personnes puissent s’amuser !!■■ À propos de GENIUS, développeur de cette application ■■GENIUS est une compagnie qui dessine, développe et vend les« App Dramas », qui se base sur des histoires qu’on peutprofiter sur les téléphones intelligents. Leur mission est deproduire les App Dramas dans différents genres et de tourner cettenouvelle forme de divertissement en une autre en lien avec lesmangas et les animes.Nous allons continuer de produire du contenu de haute qualité enfrançais, et nous espérons que vous avez tout aussi hâte.◊◊ You can enjoy theprologue and the first chapter of each character for free! ◊◊◊◊ "My Guardian Royal" is a story based on Egyptian mythology! Youare the only hope to prevent the end of the world! ◊◊◊◊ You're the hero! You can take the role of the heroine and live aromantic drama with Egyptian gods that protect you! ◊◊■■ ■■ SynopsisYou live an ordinary life.One day, a big black hole divides the sky into two and was followedby a huge earthquake that brought destruction on earth.The gods of Egyptian mythology appear in front of you while you aresurrounded by mysterious monsters.The gods tell you that you have to stop the king of the city of thedead, Anubis, if you want to save the world.What god will you choose to help you defeat Anubis!""■■ ■■ Characters♦ [Egocentric and big brother-type; Sun God] RaHeight: 178 cm; Age: 19 years"I'll protect you. "It has a great propensity to sacrifice and put everything he can toprotect you. Usually it is Thoth who protects him, but he himselfis incredibly strong in battle. The fact that he is the god of thesun makes the low night. He can not get his true powersovernight.♦ [Gentlemen and type to be two sides to his personality; God ofbirth] OsirisHeight: 180 cm; Age: 22 years"I'll protect you with my body and my soul. "His personality is extremely quiet, which makes him the mediator inseveral situations.He speaks very formally, but it can be rough when he can notcontrol his emotions.It protect yourself, but do not talk much about it.♦ [Type joyful; Sky god] HorusHeight: 170 cm; Age: 17 years"Haha, were you worried about me? It makes me happy. "It is very cheerful and optimistic; although it can becomeangry.He is very kind and loves animals, but when he gets angry, he willburn all his enemies with his orange flames.He puts his life on the line to protect you, but ...♦ [A relaxed and mysterious human?] Krona MorisakiHeight: 172 cm; Age: 16 years"I look sad? How could I be unhappy? "It is very quiet and does not show his emotions.He knows many gods in Egyptian mythology and looks down humanexistence for some reason.It's a boy wrapped in a mystery which coincidentally meet you inthe destruction of the world.Who is it really ...?You can choose the character of your choice according to yourpreferences!... With that you let yourself be seduced?■■ ■■ Recommended if you ..."My Guardian Royal" is recommended for you if ...• Τυ αιμεσ λεσ φιλμσ, λεσ δραμασ, λεσ μανγασ, λεσ ανιμεσ ου λεσρομανσ θυι πορτεντ συρ λα ρομανχε.• Τυ εσ ιντ⎡ρεσσ⎡ε παρ λεσ φευξ δε ρομανχε μαισ τυ ν'αιμεσ πασχομμεντ χερταινσ φευξ νε σεμβλεντ χορρεσπονδρε θυε πουρ υν πυβλιθυεδε γεεκ ...• Τυ αιμεσ λεσ φευξ δε ρομανχε, λεσ φευξ δ'αμουρ, φευξ δε φιλλεσ ουλεσ αππλιχατιονσ αμουρ / δραμα.• Τυ αιμεσ τ'αμυσερ ετ λα φιχτιον.• Τυ αιμεσ λε χοντενυ φαποναισ.• Τυ αιμεσ λα μψτηολογιε ⎡γψπτιεννε.Aside from these points, there are still many things that allpeople can have fun !!■■ About GENIUS, developer of this Application ■■GENIUS is a company that designs, develops and sells the "AppDramas," which is based on stories that can take advantage of smartphones. Their mission is to produce the App Dramas in differentgenres and turn this new form of entertainment in another relatedmanga and anime.We will continue to produce high quality content in French, and wehope you have just as eager.
逆転源氏物語 1.0.0
◇◇本作品は最後まで無料で楽しむことができます!!◇◇◇◇源氏物語という日本固有のテーマを扱った伝統感溢れる「恋愛アップドラマ」です!!◇◇◇◇主人公(=光源氏)はアナタ自身!自分が主人公となり、アナタを取り巻く貴族たちとの恋愛を体験できます!!◇◇■■あらすじ■■いつの時代のことだっただろうか。1人の美しき女帝が、数多いる美しい男性の中で、特に身分が高いわけでもない1人の男性に恋をした。身分の高い他の男性は皆妬み、2人を引き裂こうとしたが、2人の愛情はとても強く、周りの反対や妬みを押し切って結婚。やがて1人の可愛らしい姫君が誕生した。彼女の名は「光源氏(主人公名)」その姿は年齢を重ねるごとに美しく成長していく。彼女はやがて、自らの意思とは無関係に、激しい恋愛争いの渦へと巻き込まれることとなるのだった…■■キャラクター■■◆葵の上「何だ、その間抜け面は。」24歳 172cmアナタの婚約者。身分は高く、外見も美しく、それなりの知性も兼ね備えた結婚相手としては文句のつけどころもない相手。とにかくプライドが高く、アナタに対する態度は冷たい。周りから勝手に決められた結婚であるためアナタの婚約者であることを認めようとしない。◆六条御息所「私は貴方のそばにいられればそれでいい。」27歳 180cmクールで知的。いつも落ち着いている。大人の男で常に冷静沈着、美しい外見、品も良く物腰も柔らかく、聡明。二重人格的な部分があり、嫉妬深く、本人の気づかないうちに物の怪へ変化してしまう。◆紫の上「思えは危なっかしいからな。俺が守ってやるよ。」20歳 177cm優しく、頭も良く、品も良く、美しい、およそ欠点の見当たらない人物。アナタにとって幼馴染の弟のような存在。その完璧すぎる人物像にファンも多く、誰からもかなりの高評価を受けている。幼い頃から彼を知るアナタと二人きりの時にだけたまに素の少年のような姿を見せる。◆明石の君「貴方は眩しすぎて・・・見ているだけで幸せなんだ。」18歳 168cm品のある立ち振る舞い、控えめで優しい青年。周りの男性達と比べて自分が幼く病弱で、身分も低いことをコンプレックスに思っている。琴や笛を持たせればその右に出るものはいない。また、絵を描かせても見事で、芸術の分野で彼に敵う人物はいない。あなたの好みに応じて様々なキャラが選べる!・・・さあ、あなたは誰と恋に落ちる?■遊び方■ゲームの進め方はとても簡単です!1.アプリを起動して「プロローグ」を押す2. プロローグを読む3.お気に入りのキャラを選ぶ4.ストーリーを読み進めながら、選択肢を選んで、キャラとの距離を縮めていきます5.本編のエンディングは全部で2種類!ハッピーエンドを迎えられるかは、アナタの選択肢次第!※本作は、毎日プレゼントされるストーリーチケットを使用して、最後まで無料でプレーすることができます※一気にストーリーを読みたい方は、シナリオを購入することも可能です※また、ストーリーチケットは動画を視聴したり、条件を達成したりすることでも無料で獲得できます。※エンディングはエンディングチケットを使って読むことができます。■アップドラマとは■アップドラマとは弊社の作品の総称であり、シナリオ/立ち絵/背景/音楽で構成されたスマホで再生されるドラマコンテンツです。現在は恋愛系が中心となっておりますが、サスペンス系やアイドルを使ったものなど様々なコンテンツを増やしていく予定です。■■こんな人におすすめ■■「逆転源氏物語」は、こんなアナタにおすすめです。・恋愛(れんあい)がテーマの映画/ドラマ/マンガ/アニメ/小説が好き・源氏物語が好き・伝統的な物語が好き・外国の文化に触れてみたい・恋愛ゲームには興味あるけど、オタクっぽいのは苦手・・・・恋愛ゲーム、恋ゲーム、乙女ゲームや恋愛ドラマアプリが好き・本格的なストーリーを楽しみたいその他、全ての男女に楽しめる内容になっています!!■■アプリ提供会社ジーニアスについて■■ジーニアスは、スマートフォンで気軽に楽しむことができるストーリー型コンテンツ「アップドラマ」の企画・開発・販売をしている会社です。ジーニアスは、新しいタイプのエンターテイメントであるアップドラマを、マンガ・アニメと並ぶ芸術の一つとして昇華させることをミッションとして、様々なジャンルの作品を制作しております。現在は、グリム童話の世界をモチーフとした恋愛アップドラマ「グリム’s プリンセス〜童話姫〜」が大好評発売中です。今後も良質なコンテンツを続々と配信していきますので、どうぞご期待ください。■■アプリの質問、不具合報告■■ご質問・不具合のご報告等は、support@gen-ius.comまでご連絡下さい。作品に対するご意見もお待ちしております。皆様のご意見は今後の作品作りに欠かせませんので、是非忌憚なきご意見をお寄せ下さい。◇◇ This work canbeenjoyed free of charge until the end! ! ◇◇◇◇ full of tradition sense of dealing with Japan-specific themeofThe Tale of Genji is a "love-up drama"! ! ◇◇◇◇ hero (= source of light) is your own! He becomes a hero, youcanexperience the romance of the nobles surrounding you! ! ◇◇ ■■ ■■ SynopsisI wonder was that of any era.One of the beautiful Empress is, in a beautiful men who aremany,fell in love with, especially identification of one person nortallmen.Other male high Identification is envy everyone, I tried toHikisakotwo people, two of affection is very strong, opposite andenvymarriage pressed all the way to around. Before long, one ofthelovely princess was born.Her name is "source of light (the main character name)"The figure is growing up beautifully in each succeeding age.She soon, was to become and be caught up to, regardless of thetheirown intention, of intense love dispute vortex ...■■ ■■ character◆ on Aoi"What, the goofy face."24-year-old 172cmANATA fiance.Identification is high, appearance also beautiful, there is nopointaimed the complaint as a marriage partner that also has itsown wayof intelligence opponent.Anyway pride is high, attitudes towards ANATA cold.It refuses to admit that it is the fiance of you because itisarbitrarily determined was married from around.◆ Lady Rokujō"I'm good at it if need beside you."27-year-old 180cmCool and intellectual.It is always calm.Always calm in the adult man, beautiful appearance, goods alsogooddemeanor also soft, brainy.There is a dual personality partial, jealous, will changetoMononoke within unaware of himself.◆ on the purple"Do not think because dangerous. I'll I'll protect."20-year-old 177cmGently, head is also good, goods is also good, beautiful, I donotsee the approximately drawback person.Presence, such as the brother of a childhood friend for you.Many fans in the portrait that is too perfect, has received quiteahigh rating from anyone.Show up, such as the occasionally Moto boy only when you andofalone with that know him from an early age.◆ Akashi Kimi"You'm just happy looking ... too much glare."18-year-old 168cmStanding behavior, modest and gentle young man with goods.He young and the poor health compared with men around, I thinkthatidentity is also low in the complex.No one out in the right if ask to have the harp and flute.In addition, to draw a picture is also a superb, he is not theenemycormorant person in the field of art.Choose a variety of characters, depending on your taste!... Come on, you fall in love with anyone?■ How to Play ■How to proceed in the game is very easy!1. Pressing the "prologue" to launch the app2. Read the prologue3. Choose your favorite character4. While continue reading the story, select the option, wewillshorten the distance between the characters5. All the main ending in two! Whether be greeted by a happyend,your choice as soon as the!This work ※, using the story ticket to be present every day, youcanplay until the end for free※ If you want at once read the story, it is also possibletopurchase a scenario※ In addition, the story ticket or watch the video, you canearnfree also or to achieve the conditions.※ ending can be read using the ending ticket.■ What is up drama ■And up drama is a general term of our work, is the drama contenttobe played back by the smartphone that has been configured inthescenario / Standing picture / background / music.It is now the center is love-based, but we plan to increasethevariety of content, such as those using the suspense systemandidle.■■ Recommended for people ■■"Reverse Tale of Genji" it is recommended for such you.- Love (love) is like the theme of the movie / drama / manga /anime/ novel- Tale of Genji like· Traditional story like- I want to touch foreign culturesI - is to love the game of interest, geeky's not good ...- Love the game, I love the game, like the maiden game andromancedrama app· I want to enjoy a full-fledged storyOther, has become content to enjoy in all of the men andwomen!!■■ ■■ About App company GeniusGenius is a company that has been in the planning, developmentandsales of story-based content "up drama" that can feel free toenjoya smartphone. Genius is an up-drama is a new type ofentertainment,as the mission that the sublime as one of the art,along with mangaand anime, we are creating works of variousgenres.Currently, Grimm world motif and the love-up drama "Grimm'sPrincess ~ Dowahime ~" the fairy tale is in large on sale.Since we will one after another deliver high-quality content inthefuture, please stay tuned.■■ app questions, bug reports ■■Please report such question-bug, please contact look forward to also comment on the work.Since the opinions of everyone is not essential to the future ofthework making, please send us your opinion by all meansfrankdefunct.
Зеркальная Алиса 1.0.1
◇◇Вы можете наслаждаться этой игрой с началадо конца бесплатно!! ◇◇◇◇В основе этой истории лежит сказка об Алисе в Странечудес!!◇◇◇◇Вы - главная героиня! Вам предстоит стать Червонной Королевой ивступить в бой бок о бок с рыцарями, поклявшимися защищать вас!◇◇■■Сюжет■■Вы отправились в туристическую поездку в Англию.Но серия странных событий приводят вас в неизвестный мир.Со временем вы понимаете, что это - тот же мир, что и в книге"Алиса в Стране чудес".И жители этого мира уверены, что вы - Червонная Королева.В довершение Алиса вторгается в королевство Сердец!Почему все принимают вас за королеву?И почему вам приходится сражаться с Алисой?В этом мире, где загадки приводят лишь к новым загадкам, вы найдётесвою любовь.■■Персонажи■■◆【Добрый и надёжный жених королевы】 Квентин“Я не могу состоять в отношениях без любви.”Возраст: 24 Рост: 187Герцог Страны Чудес. Он правая рука королевы и сильнейший рыцарьв королевстве.Квентин заботится обо всех государственных делах вместо вас.Он очень серьезен и решителен, но бывает неловок в выражении своихчувств.Порой об бывает настолько серьёзен, что окружающие неправильнопонимают его слова и действия.Иногда он устраивает вам выговоры.Однако он не задумываясь пожертвует своей жизнью, чтобы защититьвас.В тайне он обеспокоен тем, что не разбирается в модных тенденциях.Его хобби - рисование, но у него нет к этому таланта.Его магия - управление огнём.◆【Придворный художник с тёмным прошлым】 Теофилас“Ты с самого начала отличалась от остальных. Ты смотрела только намоё искусство, невинно и бескорыстно.”Возраст: 27 Рост: 182Теофилас - самый модный художник королевства.Он любит красивые вещи и предметы искусства.Теофилас недолюбливает всех женщин. Будучи сыном куртизанки, онсвоими силами выбился в высшее общество.Его ноги слегка повреждены.Он - хранитель королевского гардероба, ответственный за ваши платьяи аксессуары.Он считает герцога врагом искусства. Он может использовать магиюпрочности.(Никто не знает об этом, но он может использовать магию, так какего отец - дворянин.)◆【Сильнейший воин в Стране Чудес】 Генри“В последнее время моё сердце начинает биться сильнее каждый раз,когда я вижу тебя. Наверное, я болен.”Возраст: 22 Рост: 178Генри - граф и ваш личный доктор.Он очень опытный рыцарь и уверен в своих навыках.Его семья и семья герцога дружны уже не первое поколение, из-зачего они знакомы с детства.Они друзья детства, поэтому хорошо ладят друг с другом.До этого он работал как военврач в Ордене Рыцарей, поэтому непривык лечить женщин.Но Генри пользуется большим уважением. Он любит сладкое, и обычноест что-нибудь.Приходится королеве молочным братом, но не видел её долгоевремя.Он использует магию призыва (его зверь - кролик).◆【Старейший житель Страны Чудес, которому известны её секреты】Чешир“Может, мне стоит наказать глупцов, которые пожелали навредитьтебе?”Возраст: ?? Рост: 168Он принимает форму мальчика, подчёркивая свой нейтралитет.Он учит и направляет вас, так как вы незнакомы со Страной Чудес, ноиногда намеренно запутывает и сбивает с толку.Чешир выглядит по-детски, но его личность как у пожилого человека.Никто не знает его истинный возраст.Он единственный, кто знает, что вы не настоящая королева, и всегдаподсказывает, что делать.Он называет вас "Мнимая королева", и старается вернуть вас назад вваш мир.Чешир всё время высмеивает всех вокруг, включая вас.Однако он заботиться о вашей безопасности. Он - глава библиотеки иКоролевского архива. Вы можете выбрать любого персонажа!…Кто это будет?◇◇ You can enjoy thisgame from start to finish for free !! ◇◇◇◇ At the heart of this story is the tale of Alice in Wonderland !!◇◇◇◇ you - the main character! You will become the Queen of Chervonaand to fight alongside the knights sworn to protect you! ◇◇■■ ■■ StoryYou went on a tourist trip to England.But a series of strange events lead you into an unknownworld.Over time, you realize that it's - the same world as the book"Alice in Wonderland".And the inhabitants of this world are sure that you - the Queen ofHearts.To top Alisa invades Kingdom Hearts!Why all take you for a queen?And why did you have to fight with Alice?In this world, where the mysteries of the lead only to new puzzles,you will find your love.■■ ■■ Characters◆ 【Good and reliable groom Queen】 Quentin"I can not be in a relationship without love."Age: 24 Height: 187Duke Wonderland. He is the right hand of the queen and thestrongest knight in the kingdom.Quentin takes care of all public affairs for you.He is very serious and determined, but it is awkward to expresstheir feelings.Sometimes on it is so serious, that others misunderstood his wordsand actions.Sometimes it suits you reprimands.However, he did not hesitate to sacrifice his life to protectyou.In secret, he is concerned that not versed in fashion trends. Hishobby - painting, but he does not have this talent.His magic - fire management.◆ 【court painter with a dark past】 Teofilas"Are you from the very beginning was different from the others. Youonly looked at my art, innocent and disinterested. "Age: 27 Height: 182Teofilas - the most fashionable artist of the kingdom.He loves beautiful things and art objects.Teofilas not like all women. As the son of a courtesan, he pullshis own high society.His legs slightly damaged.He - the keeper of the royal wardrobe, responsible for your dressesand accessories.He thinks Duke enemy of art. He can use magic strength.(No one knows about it, but he can use magic as his father - anobleman.)◆ 【strongest warrior in Wonderland】 Henry"Recently, my heart starts to beat faster every time I see you.Probably, I'm sick. "Age: 22 Height: 178Henry - Count and your personal doctor.He is a very seasoned knight and confident in his skills.His family and the Duke family friendly is not the firstgeneration, because of what they know from childhood.They are childhood friends, so get on well with each other.Prior to that, he worked as a surgeon in the Order of the Knights,so not used to treat women.But Henry is highly respected. He loves the sweet, and usually eatsanything.We have to foster brother to the queen, but did not see her for along time.He uses magic appeal (its animal - a rabbit).◆ 【The oldest resident of Wonderland, which is known for itssecrets】 Cheshire"Maybe I should punish the fools who wanted to hurt you?"Age: ?? Height: 168It takes the form of a boy, stressing its neutrality.He teaches and guides you as you are unfamiliar with the Land ofWonders, but sometimes intentionally confusing andmisleading.Cheshire looks like a child, but his personality as an elderlyperson. No one knows his true age.He is the only one who knows you're not a real queen, and alwaystells you what to do.He calls you "Imaginary Queen", and tries to take you back to yourworld.Cheshire All ridicules all around, including you.However, it is to take care of your safety. He - the head of theRoyal Library and Archives.You can choose any character!... Who will it be?
エクストリームミッション[ボルテージ全開サスペンスドラマ] 1.3
◇◇本作品は最後まで無料で読むことができます!!◇◇◇◇ハラハラが止まらない!!ノベル形式のサスペンスアップドラマです◇◇◇◇運命はアナタの選択次第!マルチエンド方式を採用!◇◇■■あらすじ■■高校入学を1週間後に控えた少女・小町茜は、松葉杖を突いた謎の男に、高校3年間の生活資金300万円を奪われ、両親を拉致される。杖男から「金と両親を返して欲しければ俺の命令を聞け」と脅迫される茜。茜が杖男から受けた命令とは、銀行強盗・麻薬取引・誘拐・不法侵入・殺人……これら重大犯罪の、たった一人の実行犯になることだった!!杖男の目的とは…?そして、茜の運命は…?■■主要キャラクター■■以下の2人のやり取りを中心に、物語は展開していきます!◆小町茜(こまちあかね)主人公。私立高校進学のため地方から上京してきた16歳。大人びた美少女だが強気な性格で、言葉遣いが汚い。学業の成績も良く、身体能力も高い。表面上は自信家で傲慢だが、優秀な姉と両親に及ばない自分に無力感を抱いており、「平均的で、何も取り柄がない自分」や「ありふれたふつうの人生」に恐怖している。◆杖男(つえおとこ)茜の預金と両親の自由を奪った年齢不詳の謎の男。自立歩行ができず、常に松葉杖を突いている。普段はフードを被っていて表情が見えにくい。常に冷静で感情を表に出さず、知識量が多く頭の回転が速い。■遊び方■『エクストリームミッション』はシナリオ分岐型のサスペンスアップドラマです。ストーリーチケットを使用してストーリーを読み進めていきます。時間はかかりますが、無料で最後まで遊んでいただくことができます!また、本作は、ストーリー中の選択肢をタップして物語を進める形式で、アナタの選択次第でストーリーの結末が変わります。是非全てのエンディングを攻略してみてください!!■■こんな人におすすめ■■「エクストリーム・ミッション」は、こんなアナタにおすすめです。・サスペンスやホラーなどハラハラする物語が好き・アップドラマ、ノベルゲームやアドベンチャーゲームが好き・本格的なストーリーを楽しみたい■■アプリ提供会社ジーニアスについて■■ジーニアスは、スマートフォンで気軽に楽しむことができるストーリー型コンテンツ「アップドラマ」の企画・開発・販売をしている会社です。ジーニアスは、新しいタイプのエンターテイメントであるアップドラマを、マンガ・アニメと並ぶ芸術の一つとして昇華させることをミッションとして、様々なジャンルの作品を制作しております。既存タイトルとしては、女性向け恋愛アップドラマ「グリム’sプリンセス~童話姫~」「トワイライトロマンス」、フルボイスサスペンスドラマ「雨だれ~美しく咲く君たちへ~」、現役アイドルとの恋愛シミュレーション「アイドルボックス アキシブproject編」等がございます。今後も良質なコンテンツを続々と配信していきますので、どうぞご期待ください。■■アプリの質問、不具合報告■■ご質問・不具合のご報告等は、support@gen-ius.comまでご連絡下さい。作品に対するご意見もお待ちしております。皆様のご意見は今後の作品作りに欠かせませんので、是非忌憚なきご意見をお寄せ下さい。■■端末情報■■Android4.0~
もしもカフカの『変身』がデジタルノベルになったら 1.0
ある朝目覚めたら、自分が巨大な虫になっていた・・・!?あの名作『変身』がデジタルノベル化!紙で読むのとはまた違う、臨場感溢れる体験を楽しめます!「ストーリー」をテーマとしたスマホアプリ開発を得意とするGENIUS(ジーニアス)が、背景画像と音楽を加えて、フランツ・カフカの名作『変身』をスマホ用にアレンジしました。(*文章自体にはアレンジは加えておりません。)■『変身』(Die Verwandlung)とは■1915年初出の、フランツ・カフカの中編小説。ある朝目覚めると巨大な虫になっていた青年グレーゴル・ザムザと、その家族の顛末を描く物語で、カフカの作品の中では最も有名なものです。■フランツ・カフカ(Franz Kafka, 1883年7月3日 - 1924年6月3日)■チェコ出身の、20世紀を代表する作家の一人。プラハのユダヤ人の家庭に生まれ、法律を学んだのち保険局に勤めながら作品を執筆。代表作は、『変身』の他、『審判』『城』『失踪者』等。■こんな人におすすめ!!■・名作を読んでみたいけれど、読みやすいほうがいい!・カフカの作品や『変身』が好き!・その他、物語が好きな全ての方!■アプリ開発者・ジーニアスについて■GENIUS(ジーニアス)は、スマートフォン(スマホ)向けコンテンツ制作を行っている、ゲームプロデューサーのグループです。「ストーリー」を主軸としたスマホアプリを展開しております。■アプリの質問、不具合報告■ご質問・不具合のご報告等は、support@gen-ius.comまでご連絡下さい。作品に対するご意見もお待ちしております。皆様のご意見は今後の作品作りに欠かせませんので、是非忌憚なきご意見をお寄せ下さい。
雨だれ~美しく咲く君たちへ~[フルボイスサスペンスホラー] 3.0
◇◇第1話は無料で楽しめます!!◇◇◇◇ショパンの名曲をモチーフにした、切なく美しいドラマです!!◇◇◇◇あの、名作ドラマCD「雨だれ」をアップドラマにしました!!◇◇◇◇豪華声優陣によるフルボイスでお送りします!!◇◇■■あらすじ■■舞台はとある高校。今は使われていない旧校舎でピアノ奏でる車椅子の少女・優。そんな優の大親友の美咲。傍目には微笑ましい2人だが、実はそれぞれには隠された秘密があり・・・そして、そんな彼女たちの周辺で謎の怪事件が次々と起こる・・・学校で飼っていたうさぎの惨殺死体、美咲に届く謎の手紙・・・犯人は一体誰!?そして、優と美咲が抱えている秘密とは!?フレデリック・ショパンの名曲、『24の前奏曲 作品28第15番変二長調』(『雨だれ』)をモチーフに描く、切なく美しいサスペンス風ドラマです。■■主要キャラクター■■◆渡辺 優(CV:工藤美輝)高校3年生。とある事件がきっかけで脚を怪我し、現在は車椅子で生活している。一見おっとりした可愛い女の子だが・・・!?◆森  美咲(CV:工藤あさ)優の同級生で、大親友。克也と付き合い始める。そんな美咲には、人には言えない秘密があり・・・!?◆佐藤 エリ(CV:ももみやあずさ)優の同級生。正義感の強い性格で、短気すぎるのがたまに傷。◆吉岡 克也(CV:小林将大)優の同級生で、サッカー部のエース。美咲と付き合い始める。イケメンで頼れるお兄さんタイプ。◆橋本 航(CV:山下公平)優の同級生。元気で明るい熱血漢タイプ。■遊び方■ゲームの進め方はとても簡単です!1.アプリを起動して「○○」を押す2. 第一話を無料で読む3.第二話以降を購入して読む(※¥300で読むことができます。)現在、期間限定200円セール中!!33%OFF!!■■こんな人におすすめ■■「雨だれ~美しく咲く君たちへ~」は、こんなアナタにおすすめです。・声優が好き・サスペンスやホラーなどドキドキする物語が好き・アップドラマが好き・本格的なストーリーを楽しみたい・「ひぐらしの鳴く頃に」や「歪みの国のアリス」など名作サスペンスが好きな人■■アプリ提供会社ジーニアスについて■■ジーニアスは、スマートフォンで気軽に楽しむことができるストーリー型コンテンツ「アップドラマ」の企画・開発・販売をしている会社です。ジーニアスは、新しいタイプのエンターテイメントであるアップドラマを、マンガ・アニメと並ぶ芸術の一つとして昇華させることをミッションとして、様々なジャンルの作品を制作しております。今後も良質なコンテンツを続々と配信していきますので、どうぞご期待ください。■■アプリの質問、不具合報告■■ご質問・不具合のご報告等は、support@gen-ius.comまでご連絡下さい。作品に対するご意見もお待ちしております。皆様のご意見は今後の作品作りに欠かせませんので、是非忌憚なきご意見をお寄せ下さい。■■端末情報■■Android2.3以上。一部非対応端末あり。◇ ◇ I can enjoy forfreethe first episode! ! ◇ ◇◇ ◇ was the motif of the masterpieces of Chopin, it is abeautifulsad drama! ! ◇ ◇◇ ◇ that, I was up in drama masterpiece drama CD, "raindrop"! !◇◇◇ ◇ I will send in full voice by the gorgeous voice actors! !◇◇ ■ ■ ■ ■ SynopsisThe stage is certain high school.Girl-Yu wheelchair playing piano in the old school building thatisnot used now. Misaki of such a very close friend of Yu. Itispleasing two people in looking on by an outsider, but, infact,there is a secret hidden in each ...And, murdered corpse of a rabbit Mystery of the mystery had keptitat school ... take place one after another in the vicinity ofsuchwomen, a mysterious letter that reach the Misaki ...The culprit who on earth! ? And, the secret Misaki and Yu arehavingis! ? Is depicted in classic motif of Frederic Chopin, "Prelude work28No. 15 in D major change of 24" (the "raindrop"), is abeautifulpainful suspense drama style. ■ ■ ■ ■ main characters◆ Yu Watanabe (CV: Miki Kudo)High school seniors. The injured leg certain incident intheopportunity, you are living in a wheelchair now.Although it is cute girl that was bland at first glance ...!?◆ Misaki Mori (CV: Kudo hemp)Classmate Yu, best friend. I begin a relationshipwithKatsuya.In such Misaki, there is a secret that can not be said to beaperson ...! ?◆ Sato Eri (CV: MomoMiya Azusa)Classmate of Yu. Scratch once in a while personality strong senseofjustice, is too hot-tempered.◆ Yoshioka Katsuya (CV: Masahiro Kobayashi)Classmate Yu, ace of soccer. I begin a relationshipwithMisaki.Brother type to be able to rely on in Twink.◆ Wataru Hashimoto (CV: Yamashita fair)Classmate of Yu. Dashing type bright energetic. ■ ■ How to playHow to proceed in the game is very easy!1. And then press the "○ ○" Start the appI read for free 2. First episode3. (You can read in ※ ¥ 300.) To read to buy a secondepisodelaterCurrently, time-limited 200 yen sale! ! 33% OFF! ! ■ ■ It is recommended for such a person ■ ■"... You guys to bloom beautifully - raindrop" is recommendedforsuch you.- I like the voice actor- I like the story to be pounding and horror and suspense- I like the drama up-I want to enjoy the story full-fledged-People who like suspense masterpiece such as "Alice indistortion"and "the time you rather of Higurashi" ■ ■ about the company App Genius ■ ■Genius, is a company that has the planning, developmentandmarketing story-based content that can be enjoyed witheasesmartphone "up drama". As mission is sublime as one of theart,along with manga and anime, the drama up a new typeofentertainment, Genius, has been creating works ofvariousgenres.So we will deliver one after another good content in thefuture,please stay tuned. ■ ■ question of application, bug reports ■ ■Your report, such as the question-trouble, also welcome comments on work.Opinions of everyone is not essential to the work of makingthefuture, please send us your opinion by all means withoutthefrank. ■ ■ ■ ■ terminal informationAndroid2.3 or more. With some non-terminal.
指名料は愛のキスで[ボルテージ全開恋愛アップドラマ] 1.0
◇◇これまでの「乙女ゲーム」とは違う、本格的なストーリーが売りの「恋愛ドラマゲーム」です!!◇◇■■あらすじ■■銀座の高級クラブでホステスとして働くあなたの真の目的は、両親殺害の仇に近づくこと。ところが、ある男が来店した時から、あなたの計画は狂い始める・・・あの人は、復讐の仇の仲間・・・恋に落ちることは許されないのに・・・禁断の恋に落ちたあなたの葛藤を描く、本格恋愛ドラマゲーム!!■■キャラクター■■◆【不思議系】三橋拓海(みつはしたくみ)「オレに近づくと危険だよ・・・いいの?」不思議な雰囲気を醸し出すハーフの美青年。世界トップレベルのプログラマーでもある。どうやら複雑な家庭事情があるらしいが・・・◆【大人の色気系】橘海翔(たちばなかいと)「特別な世界を楽しませてあげるよ」大人の色気溢れるIT企業社長。復讐の仇との間には、複雑な関係が・・・◆【俺様系】 清島響(せいしまひびき)「オレのそば離れたら許さねーぞ」IT企業副社長で、復讐の仇の部下。主人公の両親殺害に絡んでいたという疑惑も・・・◆【ドSチャラ男系】西脇隼人「ふーん、オレと遊びたいの?」デザイン会社社長。飛びきりの遊び人だが、意外に真面目な一面も・・・◆【誠実系】蓮水奏太「お前のことは、オレが一番知ってる」復讐の仇の会社で働く営業マン。主人公の幼馴染で、過去から主人公のことが・・・あなたの好みに応じて個性的なイケメンが選べる!・・・さあ、あなたは誰と恋に落ちる?■遊び方■ゲームの進め方はとても簡単です!1.アプリを起動して「プロローグ」を押す2. プロローグを読む3.お気に入りのイケメンを選ぶ4.ストーリーを読み進めながら、選択肢を選んで、イケメンとの距離を縮めていきます5.本編のエンディングは全部で2種類!ハッピーエンドを迎えられるかは、アナタの選択肢次第!■■こんな人におすすめ■■恋愛ドラマゲーム「指名料は愛のキスで」は、こんなアナタにおすすめです。・恋愛がテーマの映画/ドラマ/マンガ/アニメ/小説が好き・恋愛ゲームには興味あるけど、オタクっぽいのは苦手・・・・恋愛ゲームや乙女ゲームが好き・本格的なストーリーを楽しみたい男女問わず楽しめる内容になっています!!■■アプリ開発者・ジーニアスについて■■GENIUS(ジーニアス)は、スマートフォン(スマホ)向けコンテンツ制作を行っている、ゲームプロデューサーのグループです。「ストーリー」を主軸としたスマホゲームを展開しております。■■アプリの質問、不具合報告■■ご質問・不具合のご報告等は、公式ホームページ(にてご連絡下さい。作品に対するご意見もお待ちしております。皆様のご意見は今後の作品作りに欠かせませんので、是非忌憚なきご意見をお寄せ下さい。
Omnibus Princess(Esp) 1.0.2
◇◇¡¡Puedes disfrutar de esta historia en formagratuita!! ◇◇◇◇¡¡Esta App de Drama te llevará a un mundo de diversos cuentos dehadas que incluyen el de la Sirenita y el Minotauro!!◇◇◇◇¡Tú eres la heroína! ¡¡Experimenta un romance con un príncipe deun mundo de cuento de hadas!◇◇■■Sinopsis■■Has vivido en esa torre desde el día en que naciste.Muchas historias existen dentro de los libros de esa torre.Un día, tú, que nunca has visto el mundo exterior, conoces a unmisterioso hombre llamado Ornit.Te pregunta: "¿No quieres conocer el mundo fuera de estatorre?"Así, conoces el mundo exterior.El mundo que se extiende más allá de la torre essorprendente.Te transformas en la heroína de ese mundo y emprendes una travesíapara encontrar tu propia felicidad.■■Personajes■■◆ Ornit"Sólo existo para ayudarte."Edad: 27 Altura: 175cmOrnit es un cuenta cuentos y un apoyo extraordinario.Su trabajo es mostrarte otros mundos, ayudarte cuando tengasproblemas y acompañarte durante tu historia.Es una persona calmada y amable, pero a veces se deprime cuando tusintentos por encontrar tu propia historia son infructuosos.Dice que no es más que un observador y causa algunos problemas parahacer tu historia más interesante, pero siempre está a tu ladocuando las verdaderas dificultades aparecen.◆Asterious"No te mataré siempre y cuando me entretengas."Edad: 30 Altura:189cmAsterious es el hijo de una humana y una bestia.A causa de una profecía que indica que un día matará al rey, fueencerrado en un laberinto subterráneo.Te encuentra cuando entras a su laberinto con órdenes deenvenenarlo.No confía en ti ni en nadie, y disfruta de verte endificultades.A medida que la historia progresa, empieza a mostrar su faceta máshumana y dolorosa, lo que te ayuda a entenderlo mejor.◆Alain"No me dejes."Edad: 28 Altura:185cmAlain es el segundo príncipe de un reino ubicado junto almar.Te salva cuando te ve flotando en el océano, y te protege cuandodescubre que no eres del todo humana.No tiene derecho al trono, pero siempre ayuda a su hermano mayor agobernar, a pesar de que sus métodos suelen ser considerados fríosy eficaces. Esto hace que gran parte de la población le tema.Es capaz de hacer cualquier cosa por su querido hermano, inclusomancillar su propio nombre.Intenta parecer frío e inalcanzable, pero su pasatiempo favorito esvisitar la ciudad de incógnito y estar con su querido pueblo.◆Renard"... Tenerte aquí conmigo es un sueño."Edad: 23 Altura: 183cmRenard es un caballero que fue transformado en uncascanueces.Es muy amable, pero increíblemente talentoso en el combate.Es la clase de persona que dice cosas muy dulces sin darsecuenta.Renard es un filántropo y siente que te debe mucho por haberloayudado cuando lo transformaron en cascanueces.Es un buen hombre, pero a veces demuestra actitudesposesivas.¡Puedes elegir de entre todos estos personajes basándote en tuspreferencias!¿... Con quién descubriras los misterios de ese mundo?■■Recomendado para las siguientes personas:"Omnibus Princess" está recomendado para aquellos que:Amen los libros, las películas, los mangas, el anime y las novelasque tengan el romance como tema principal.Amen las historias juveniles.Quieran disfrutar de la alegría de la juventud.Quieran experimentar una cultura diferente a la suya.Amen las historias de ciencia ficción.Estén interesados en las historias de amor, pero no en aquellasorientadas específicamente a otakus.Amen los juegos de romance, de amor, los otome y las apps de dramaromántico.Quieran disfrutar de una buena historia completa.◇◇ 'You can enjoy thisstory for free !! ◇◇◇◇ 'Drama This App will take you to a different world of fairytales including the Little Mermaid and the Minotaur !! ◇◇◇◇ You are the hero! 'Experience a romance with a prince of a fairytale world! ◇◇■■ ■■ SynopsisYou have lived in that tower from the day you were born.Many stories exist within the books of that tower.One day, you who have never seen the outside world, meet amysterious man named Ornit.Asks: "Do not you want to know the world outside this tower?"So, you know the outside world.The world that extends beyond the tower is amazing.You become the heroine of that world and embark on a journey tofind your own happiness.■■ ■■ Characters◆ Ornit"I only exist to help you."Age: 27 Height: 175cmOrnit is a storyteller and superb support.Your job is to show other worlds, help when you have problems andaccompany you during your story.It is a calm and kind person, but sometimes depresses when yourattempts to find your own story are unsuccessful.He says it is merely an observer and causes some problems to makeyour story more interesting, but it is always by your side when thereal difficulties arise.◆ Asterious"I will not kill you as long as I dawdle."Age: 30 Height: 189cmAsterious is the son of a human and a beast.Because of a prophecy indicates that one day kill the king, wasimprisoned in an underground labyrinth.You find when you walk into the labyrinth with orders to poisonhim.Does not trust you or anyone, and enjoys seeing you introuble.As the story progresses, begins to show its human and painfulfacet, which helps you understand it better.◆ Alain"Do not leave Me."Age: 28 Height: 185cmAlain is the second prince of a kingdom located by the sea.You save when you see floating in the ocean, and protects you whenyou discover that you are not quite human.You have no right to the throne, but it always helps his olderbrother to rule, even though their methods are often consideredcold and effective. This makes much of the population wouldsubject.It is able to do anything for his beloved brother, even sully hisname.Try seem cold and unapproachable, but his favorite pastime is tovisit the city incognito and be with his beloved people.◆ Renard"... Having you here with me is a dream."Age: 23 Height: 183cmRenard is a gentleman who was transformed into a nutcracker.It is very friendly, but incredibly talented in combat.It's the kind of person who says very sweet things withoutrealizing it.Renard is a philanthropist and feel that you owe much for helpinghim when he was transformed into nutcracker.He is a good man, but sometimes shows possessiveness.You can choose from all these characters based on yourpreferences!¿... Who will discover the mysteries of this world?■■ Recommended for the following:"Omnibus Princess" is recommended for those who:Amen books, movies, manga, anime and romance novels have as itsmain theme.Amen youth stories.They want to enjoy the joy of youth.They want to experience a different culture to yours.Amen science fiction stories.You are interested in love stories, but not those aimedspecifically otaku.Amen games romance, love, the otome and my romantic drama.They want to enjoy a good full story.
My Memorial Lover(Esp) 1.0.0
◇◇¡Sistema de Tickets de Historia!¡Puedesdisfrutar de todas las historias de maneragratuita!◇◇
◇◇ “My Memorial Lover” es una historia completamente originalsobreel inicio de una nueva relación con uno de tusantiguosnovios!◇◇
◇◇¡Tú eres la heroína! ¡Cumplirás el rol de la heroínayexperimentarás un romance con uno de tusatractivosex-novios!◇◇■■Sinopsis■■
Luego de graduarte de la universidad, obtuviste una licenciaparatrabajar como maestra en un jardín de infantes en la ciudad enlaque estudiaste.Tus días transcurren de una manera completamente rutinaria.Sientes que no hay nada “romántico” en tu vida, ya que no sólonohas estado en una relación durante mucho tiempo, sino queapenashas hablado con hombres durante ese período.“Pero incluso yo...”Tu vida ha sido muy poco interesante hasta ahora.Recuerdas bien los días que pasaste con tus “Ex-novios”.Te arrepientes de la manera en la que terminaron esasrelaciones,pero ya no hay nada que puedas hacer al respecto.Entonces, un día,sucede algo que cambiará tu vida para siempre.Sucede justo en elmomento en que regresabas a tu casa desde laestación de tren.■■Personajes■■
◆【Ex-novio que se ha hecho cargo del negocio deimportacionesfamiliar】Eiji
Altura: 178cm Edad: 25
“¿Es que acaso no es obvio? Eres la única mujer queheamado.”Eiji fue tu primer novio y lo conociste antes de entrar alasecundaria.Eran una pareja jóven llena de ilusiones.Sin embargo, decidió romper contigo para concentrarse ensusestudios y hacerse cargo de la compañía de su padre.◆【Ex-novio que se ha convertido en músico】Keisuke
Altura: 170cm Edad: 20
“Haré que seas mi fan número uno.”
Keisuke es un novio que tuviste durante la secundaria y es dosañosmás joven que tú.Confesó sus sentimientos por ti en el festival de la escuelaycomenzaron a salir juntos, pero rompió contigo abruptamente ytedijo que se iría a Estados Unidos para convertirse en un músicoderock.◆【Ex-novio que tiene 17 años más que tú y tiene una esposa yunahija】Nakamura
Altura: 180cm Edad: 38
“Tal vez para ti no sea un hombre, pero para mi tú eresunamujer.”
Nakamura es un novio que conociste cuando asistías a clasesdebaile.Tiene diecisiete años más que tú. Tenían mucho en común ysellevaban muy bien.Antes de darte cuenta, pasabas casi todo el día con él. Sinembargo,no sólo tiene una esposa, sino que también tiene una hijade tuedad...Estas circunstancias hicieron que se separaran.◆【Ex-novio con padres extranjeros y unasonrisaencantadora】Atsuya
Altura: 179cm Edad: 23
Atsuya es un novio al que conociste en una fiesta y cuyoestilo,apariencia y sonrisa te atrajeron inmediatamente.Te enseñó un tipo de romance que sólo creías que existía enlaspelículas y que nunca antes habías experimentado.La relación era tan maravillosa que cualquier mujer hubierahechocualquier cosa por tenerla, pero tus inseguridades, basadas entusdecepciones anteriores, hicieron que tengas problemas paraconfiaren él y llevaron a la separación.¡Puedes elegir de entre todos estos personajes basándote entuspreferencias!
¿... De quién volverás a enamorarte?■Cómo jugar■
¡Jugar es muy fácil!
1. Abre la App del juego y presiona el botón de “Prólogo”
2. Lee el prólogo.
3. Elige tu personaje favorito.
4. Toma las decisiones durante la historia y acércate alpersonajeelegido.
5. ¡Hay dos finales para cada historia!¡Tus decisiones determinarán si tienes o no un Final Feliz!
※La historia de esta App puede ser leída en su totalidad demaneragratuita usando los tickets que te daremos cada día.
※Si no quieres esperar, también puedes comprar lahistoriacompleta.
※ Además, podrás obtener más tickets de manera gratuitamirandovideos y cumpliendo con ciertas condiciones.
※Sin embargo, necesitarás Tickets de Final para poder verlosfinales y no podrás hacerlo hasta que hayas cumplido conlosrequerimientos.◇◇ TicketingSystemHistory! You can enjoy all the stories for free! ◇◇◇◇ "My Memorial Lover" is a completely original story aboutthebeginning of a new relationship with one of your oldboyfriends!◇◇◇◇ You are the hero! You You will give the role of heroinandexperience a romance with one of your ex-boyfriendsattractive!◇◇■■ ■■ SynopsisAfter graduating from college, did you get a license to work asateacher in a kindergarten in the city in which you study.Your days pass in a completely routine.You feel that there is nothing "romantic" in your life, becausenotonly has not been in a relationship for a long time, butyou'vejust spoken to men during that period."But even I ..."Your life has been very little interest so far.Remember well the days you spent with your "Ex-boyfriends."You regret the way in which those relationships ended, butthere'snothing you can do about it. Then one day, something happensthatwill change your life forever. It happens right at the timeyoureturned to your home from the train station.■■ ■■ Characters◆ 【Ex-boyfriend who has taken over the family businessimportsEiji】Height: 178cm Age: 25"Is it not obvious? You're the only woman I ever loved. "Eiji was your first boyfriend and I met before enteringhighschool.They were a young couple full of dreams.However, he decided to break up with you to concentrate onhisstudies and take over the company from his father.◆ 【Ex-boyfriend who has become】 musician KeisukeHeight: 170cm Age: 20"I'll have to be my number one fan."Keisuke is a boyfriend you had during high school and is twoyearsyounger than you.He confessed his feelings for you at the festival of schoolandstarted hanging out together, but abruptly broke up with youandtold you he would go to America to become a rock musician.◆ 【Ex-boyfriend who is 17 years older than you and has a wifeanda daughter】 NakamuraHeight: 180cm Age: 38"Maybe for you is not a man, but to me you're a woman."Nakamura is a boyfriend who knew you when you attendeddanceclasses.She is seventeen years older than you. They had much in commonandgot along very well.Before you know it, you spent almost all day with him. However,notonly he has a wife, but also has a daughter your age ...These circumstances made separate.◆ 【Ex-boyfriend with foreign parents and a charmingsmile】AtsuyaHeight: 179cm Age: 23"Hello."Atsuya is a boyfriend she met at a party and whose style,appearanceand smile attracted you immediately.You taught a kind of romance that you thought only existed inmoviesand had never before experienced.The relationship was so wonderful that any woman would havedoneanything to have, but your insecurities, based on yourpreviousdisappointments, did you have trouble trusting him and ledto theseparation.You can choose from all these characters based onyourpreferences! ¿... Who you'll never fall in love?■ How to Play ■Playing is easy!1. Open the App of the game and press the button "Prologue"2. Read the prologue.3. Choose your favorite character.4. Make decisions throughout history and approach thechosencharacter.5. There are two endings for each story!Your decisions will determine whether or not to have ahappyending!※ The history of this app it can be read in its entirety forfreeusing tickets that will give you every day.※ If you do not want to wait, you can also buy the fullstory.※ In addition, you'll get more free tickets watching videosandmeeting certain conditions.※ However, you need Final Tickets to see the end and you can notdountil you have met the requirements.
天空のロザリオ 1.0.0
◇◇最後まで無料で楽しめます!!◇◇◇◇完全オリジナルストーリー「天使のロザリオ」、天界に呼ばれたアナタを待ち受ける数奇な運命とは?◇◇◇◇主人公はアナタ自身!自分が主人公となり、天使たちとの恋愛を楽しむことができます!!◇◇■■あらすじ■■ある日、街を歩いていたアナタ。たまたま街の雑貨屋で不思議なパワーストーンを見つけてしまう。パワーストーンを獲得し、家に帰る途中不思議な世界へと導かれるアナタ。不思議な世界で命を狙われるアナタの前に現れたのはイケメン天使たちだった!彼らは告げる「裏切り者の大天使ルシファーを倒す手伝いをして欲しい」と。そしてアナタは4人の天使たちから自身の守護者を選び、旅へ出ることになる。果たしてアナタは大天使ルシファーを倒し、無事、元の世界に戻ることができるのか?■■キャラクター■■◆【クールでミステリアスな紳士的天使】ミナエル身長:183cm、年齢:25歳(見た目のみ)「大丈夫、何があってもアナタを守る」常に冷静沈着で参謀的な立ち位置を担っている。レイとは仲が悪く、いつも対立しているが心の底ではお互いのことを認め合っている。年の離れた兄がおり、兄のことを心から慕っている。この兄の存在が、天界戦争の引き金となっていることを仲間の天使たちは知らない。アナタの幼少の時、ミナエルの声を聞いたことがあるように感じているが・・・◆【温和で優しい天使たちのリーダー】ガリル身長:180cm、年齢:32歳「アナタは私が守ると決めたから、私が最後までエスコートするよ」他の天使たちをとりまとめる温和で優しい紳士的な天使。イエナに強く慕われており、彼自身もイエナのことを弟みたいに思っている。ルシフェルとの戦争において中心的な役割を担っており、アナタを天界に呼び寄せた張本人でもある。アナタを天界での戦争に巻き込んだことに責任を感じており、他の天使たち以上にアナタのことを気にしている。◆【天界の軍隊をまとめる屈強な天使】ナーオ身長:178cm、年齢:20歳「お前を守るのはこの俺だ!」少し生意気なツンデレ気質を持ち合わせた天使。レイと同様高い戦闘能力を持っている。年下であるイエナとは仲が良く、一緒に行動することが多い。若いながらも天界では名のしれた英雄であり、神は彼に全幅の信頼を置いている。一見思慮の浅い行動を取ることはあるが、実は周りが良く見えており、どんなピンチでも切り抜けられるほどの能力を持っている。◆【人間大好きなチャラい系天使】レイ身長:175cm、年齢:22歳「当たり前だろ。俺様以外誰がお前を守るんだ」俺様系気質の天使。戦闘能力が非常に高く常にルシフェルとの戦闘で先陣を切って挑んでいく。細かいことは考えないタイプであり、お気楽な楽観主義者。人間に対して強い興味を持ちあわせており、またアナタに天界への興味を持ってもらいたいと思っている。その高い戦闘能力でアナタのことを守ろうとするが・・・あなたの好みに応じて様々なキャラが選べる!・・・さあ、あなたは誰と恋に落ちる?■遊び方■ゲームの進め方はとても簡単です!1.アプリを起動して「プロローグ」を押す2. プロローグを読む3.お気に入りのキャラを選ぶ4.ストーリーを読み進めながら、選択肢を選んで、キャラとの距離を縮めていきます5.本編のエンディングは全部で2種類!ハッピーエンドを迎えられるかは、アナタの選択肢次第!※本作品はストーリーチケットとエンディングチケットを使うことで無料で全て読むことができます。※購入するとストーリーチケットなしで一気に読むことも可能です。※ストーリーチケットおよびエンディングチケットは条件を達成することで無料で獲得可能です。■■こんな人におすすめ■■「天空のロザリオ」は、こんなアナタにおすすめです。・恋愛(れんあい)がテーマの映画/ドラマ/マンガ/アニメ/小説が好き・恋愛ゲームには興味あるけど、オタクっぽいのは苦手・・・・恋愛ゲーム、恋ゲーム、乙女ゲームや恋愛ドラマアプリが好き・本格的なストーリーを楽しみたい・天使の世界観が好き・ボルテージやサイバードのアプリが好きその他、全ての男女に楽しめる内容になっています!!■■アプリ提供会社ジーニアスについて■■ジーニアスは、スマートフォンで気軽に楽しむことができるストーリー型コンテンツ「アップドラマ」の企画・開発・販売をしている会社です。ジーニアスは、新しいタイプのエンターテイメントであるアップドラマを、マンガ・アニメと並ぶ芸術の一つとして確立させることをミッションとして、様々なジャンルの作品を制作しております。現在は、グリム童話の世界をモチーフとした恋愛ドラマ「グリム’sプリンセス~童話姫~」、ヴァンパイアをテーマとした恋愛ドラマ「トワイライトロマンス」、和風セレブをテーマとした恋愛ドラマ「恋の御伽草子は舞台から」などが大好評発売中です。今後も良質なコンテンツを続々と配信していきますので、どうぞご期待ください。■■アプリの質問、不具合報告■■ご質問・不具合のご報告等は、support@gen-ius.comまでご連絡下さい。作品に対するご意見もお待ちしております。皆様のご意見は今後の作品作りに欠かせませんので、是非忌憚なきご意見をお寄せ下さい。◇◇ until the end youcanenjoy for free! ! ◇◇◇◇ completely original story "Angel of the Rosary", andthecheckered fate that awaits you, was called to heaven? ◇◇◇◇ hero yourself! It becomes a hero, and you can enjoy the loveofthe angels! ! ◇◇■■ ■■ SynopsisOne day, I had been walking down the street.By chance you would find the mysterious power stone in thegeneralstore of the city.It won the power stone, you guided to the middle of amysteriousworld to go home.It was a handsome angels had appeared in front of you thatistargeted their lives in a strange world!They tell a "I want you to the help to defeat the ArchangelLucifertraitor".And you choose their own guardian from the angels of people 4,itwill exit to the journey.Really ANATA defeat the archangel Lucifer, safely, or be abletoreturn to the original world?■■ ■■ character◆ [cool and mysterious gentleman Angels] MinaeruHeight: 183cm, Age: 25 years old (looks only)"Okay, what you defend your even"Always plays a staff specific standing position in the calm.Ray and poor relationship is, you are each other admitted thatofeach other in always conflict to have but of heart bottom.Distant brother weave of the year, I have sincerely yearning thatofhis brother.The presence of this brother, do not know the angels of fellowthathas become the trigger of heaven war.When a child I, but feels like there have heard the voice ofMinaeru...◆ [mild and gentle angels of leader] GalilHeight: 180cm, Age: 32 years old"Because you decided that I defend, I will escort to theend."Mild and gentle gentlemanly angel that summarize theotherangels.It has been endeared strongly in Jena, even his own thinks likeabrother that of Jena.Plays a central role in the war with Lucifer, it is also theauthorwas summoned you to heaven.You, and feel the responsibility to be engulfed in the warinheaven, and have to care about you more than other angels.◆ [hefty angel summarizes the heavenly army] NaoHeight: 178cm, Age: 20 years old"Defend you this to me is it!"Angel blessed with a little cheeky tsundere temperament.It has similar high combat capability and examples.A is good relationship with Jena younger, often act together.In the young while also heaven is a hero may have the name ofGodhas placed full confidence in him.At first glance, but there is that you take the shallow behaviorofthoughtful, fact is visible well around, you have the capabilityofenough to survive in any pinch.◆ [human love Chara had based angel ExamplesHeight: 175cm, Age: 22 years oldThe "natural wonder. Who other than I like is I protect you."Angel I like system temperament.Fighting capability is going challenged in the vanguard inthebattle of the very high always Lucifer.Fine thing is a type that is not considered,carefreeoptimist.We are together have a strong interest in human beings, also andareseeking interested to heaven to you.... And we will be trying to protect your things in the highcombatcapabilityTo choose a variety of characters, depending on yourtaste!... Come on, you fall in love with anyone?■ How to Play ■How to proceed in the game is very easy!1. Start the app and press the "prologue"2. read the prologue3. Choose a favorite character4. While promoting reading a story, select the option, itwillshorten the distance between the characters5. All main of ending in two! Whether be greeted by a happyending,you, choices soon as!※ This work can be read all at no charge by using the storyticketsand ending ticket.※ It is also possible to read at a stretch without a storyticketwhen you purchase.※ Story ticket and ending ticket can be acquired for freebyachieving the conditions. ■■ Recommended for Travellers ■■"Sky of the Rosary" is recommended for such you.-Love (love) is like the theme of the movie / drama / Cartoon/Animation / novelBut in-love game interesting, geek-ish of the weak ...- Love the game, love the game, I like Otome games and romancedramaapp· I want to enjoy a full-fledged story· Angel like view of the worldVoltage and I like CYBIRD app Other, it has become a content that can be enjoyed in all of themenand women! ! ■■ For App company Genius and ■■Genius is a company that is in the planning, development andsalesof story-based content "up drama" that can feel free to enjoythesmartphone. Genius is an up-drama is a new type ofentertainment,as the mission be established as one of the art,along with mangaand anime, has been creating works of variousgenres.Currently, motif and the romance drama "Grimm 's Princess ~Dowahime~" the world of the Grimm fairy tale, love drama "TwilightRomance"on the theme of vampires, the romance drama "love withaJapanese-style celebrity-themed fairytale book the stage suchasfrom "is in large on sale.Because we are one after another delivers the high-qualitycontentin the future, please please stay tuned. ■■ app questions, bug reports ■■Of your reports, etc. If you have any questions, problems,pleasecontact support @ also look forward to hearing your opinion on the work.Since the opinions of everyone is not essential to the futureoffilmmaking, please send us by all means frank defunctopinions.
アイドルドキュメンタリー~なちゅらリウム vivid編~ 1.2
◇◇本作品は、現役アイドルの結成から現在までを追う、ドキュメンタリー形式のアップドラマです!!◇◇◇◇今回登場するのは、人気急上昇中のアイドルグループ『なちゅらリウム.vivid』です!◇◇◇◇2015年3月31日までアプリ上でメンバーの人気投票を実施中!!投票を通してお気に入りのメンバーを応援しよう!◇◇◇◇たくさん投票してくれた方には、メンバーから素敵なご褒美が…!!◇◇■■本作の概要■■アイドルの戦国時代と言われている現在、1つのアイドルグループが立ち上がった。その名はなちゅらリウム.vivid。このアプリは彼女たちと一緒に成長するアプリ…画面をタップして進めるストーリー形式で、彼女たちの舞台裏を追っていきます!!■■なちゅらリウム.vividとは!?■■「サイリュームで照らす、明るい未来!」をコンセプトにパフォーマンスを通じて、ライブを見たあとに少しでも明るい気分になってもらえるように活動していくナチュラルな女性らしさと原色のように鮮やかなパフォーマンスをサイリュームを使って表現する新感覚のダンスアイドルユニットです!ホームページ→■■投票システムについて■■『アイドルドキュメンタリー なちゅらリウム.vivid編』では、2015年3月31日までメンバーの人気投票を実施しております。投票を通してお気に入りメンバーを応援しましょう!・ホーム画面の「投票画面」をタップすることで投票画面に行くことができます。・投票画面から、お気に入りのメンバーを選んで投票することができます。・投票するためには、投票チケットが必要になります。投票チケットは、一日一枚無料で 付与されますが、ショップで購入することも可能です。・アナタの投票については、3月1日0時から3月31日23時59分まで有効です。・投票の結果、上位5位のランキングが決まります。・ユーザー個人の投票数はイベントに来ていただいた方のみを対象とさせていただきます。4月12日のイベントで集計いたしますので是非、お越しください。(イベントにお越しいただき、投票画面を見せていただきます)・4月26日のイベントでNo.1投票数のファンの方とアイドルの順位を結果発表をいたします。・1位になったアイドルには、運営から特別なご褒美があります。※総投票数No.1の方のみ、その方の推しメンからご褒美がございます。■■なちゅらリウム.vividメンバー■■里中アオ血液型:AB型一言:「ジブリ顔と言われます。キレのあるダンス、息切れしない歌声、是非体感しに来てくださいッ!」白井里奈血液型:不明年齢:16歳一言:「なにごとも全力で努力を怠らず楽しんでやる!」中野ゆき血液型:B型年齢:20歳一言:「度胸はあります!度胸しかありません!普段は宝塚宝塚と騒がしくしておりますが、ヲタ話もそこそこ通じますので、どんどんネタを振っていただいて構いません。恥じらう心は捨てました。」山下未来血液型:O型年齢:15歳一言:「人一倍笑顔で頑張りますので温かい目で見守ってください。その分後悔だけはファンの方にさせないように努力しますのでセンターとれる勢いでがんばります!!」のん血液型:A型年齢:マグロなら7歳一言:「全力で沢山ふざけて体も張ります。そして変化し続けます。応援した事を絶対に後悔させません。」ちひろ血液型:O型一言:「忍者といったら私を思い出してしまうくらい忍者忍者喚くかもしれません」小谷さゆり血液型:O型一言:「身長が低いあの子、で覚えてくれたら嬉しいです。サイリュームの綺麗な光のように、私自身も輝いていけるように精一杯頑張るので、よかったら応援よろしくお願いします!♪」持成みう血液型:O型一言:「「秋葉原でライブがしたい!」そう思い、この世界へ入りました。感受性が強く臆病者な私ですが、夢があります。いつか作詞をして、歌でたくさんの人に元気を与えられる存在になることです。この世界で最高のものづくりがしたいです。よろしくお願いします。」瀬乃ありさ血液型:B型一言:「元気いっぱい歌って踊れる自信があります!最近始めた柔道で体力にも自信がつきました!笑たくさんの人を笑顔でにこにこいっぱいに出来るように頑張ります!宜しくお願いします!(*^_^*)」星野詩血液型:A型年齢:13歳中村実血液型:O型年齢:23歳一言:「笑顔で舞台に立ちます♪なちゅらリウム.vividの一員として皆さんと明るい未来を照らしていきたいです!そして私には「いつかアイドルをプロデュースしたい」という目標もあります。皆さんとアイドルのお話をたくさんしたいです(*^^*)!」梨里血液型:B型一言:「ぽけーっとしているように見えて色々考えてます!」■■遊び方■■ゲームの進め方はとても簡単です!1.アプリを起動して「プロローグ」を押す2. プロローグを読む3.そのままストーリーの続きを読むor人気投票を行う☆■■こんな人におすすめ■■「アイドルドキュメンタリー なちゅらリウム.vivid編」はこんな人におすすめです。・可愛い女の子が好き!・アイドルが好き!・なちゅらリウム.vividが好き!・映画/アニメ/ドラマ/漫画が好き!■■アプリ提供会社ジーニアスについて■■ジーニアスは、スマートフォンで気軽に楽しむことができるストーリー型コンテンツ「アップドラマ」の企画・開発・販売をしている会社です。ジーニアスは、新しいタイプのエンターテイメントであるアップドラマを、マンガ・アニメと並ぶ芸術の一つとして昇華させることをミッションとして、様々なジャンルの作品を制作しております。既存タイトルとしては、本策と同じくアイドルを主人公にした「アイドルボックス アキシブproject編」、女性向け恋愛アップドラマ「グリム’sプリンセス~童話姫~」「トワイライトロマンス」や、フルボイスサスペンスドラマ「雨だれ~美しく咲く君たちへ~」などが大好評発売中です!今後も良質なコンテンツを続々と配信していきますので、どうぞご期待ください。■■アプリの質問、不具合報告■■ご質問・不具合のご報告等は、support@gen-ius.comまでご連絡下さい。作品に対するご意見もお待ちしております。皆様のご意見は今後の作品作りに欠かせませんので、是非忌憚なきご意見をお寄せ下さい。■■端末情報■■Android4.0以降◇◇ This work is, tofollowup current from formation of active idle, is up dramadocumentaryformat! ! ◇◇◇◇ The reason for appearing this time, is the idol group oftherising popularity "Natura helium .vivid"! ◇◇◇◇ are being conducted popular vote of members on theapplicationuntil March 31, 2015! ! Cheer your favorite membersthrough thevote! ◇◇◇◇ to those who gave me a lot of votes, a nice reward frommembers...! ! ◇◇ ■■ Overview of this work ■■Now that it is said that the idle of the Warring Statesperiod,stood up one of idol group. Its name Natura potassium.vivid. AppThis app is to grow along with the girls ...In story format, which proceeds by tapping the screen, wewillfollow the girls behind the scenes! ! ■■ The Natura helium .vivid! ? ■■"The terrace Sairyumu, bright future!" Through performanceinconcept, the Sairyumu a vivid performance as activities togonatural femininity and primary colors as get to become abrightmood even a little after you saw the live It is a new senseofdance idol unit of which expressed using!Homepage → http: // ■■ For voting system ■■In the "idle documentary Natura helium .vivid Guide", andconducteda popular vote of members until March 31, 2015And we have. Let's cheer your favorite members throughthevote!• You can go to the voting screen by tapping the "voting screen"ofthe home screen.• From the voting screen, you will be able to vote by selectingyourfavorite members.· In order to vote, you will need a vote ticket. Vote tickets,inthe 1st one freeIt will be granted, but it is also possible to buy in shops.· For vote you, is valid from at March 1 0 to 59 pm March3123.And results of the vote, determines the ranking of thetopfive.· Votes of user individual will be made only for those who hadyoucome to the event.Come because it will aggregate in the event of April 12,pleasecome. (We come to the event, we will show the votingscreen)· No.1 votes in the event of April 26 a person and idle rank offanwe will result announcement.To idle became the-first place, there is a special rewardfrommanagement.※ Only the direction of the total vote number No.1, there isareward from the people of pushing noodles. ■■ Natura potassium .vivid members ■■ Satonaka blueBlood type: AB typeWord: ". It is said to Ghibli face dance with crisp, singingvoiceyou do not want to shortness of breath, please come to ustoexperience ~Tsu!" Shirai RinaBlood Type: UnknownAge: 16 years oldWord: "anything I'll enjoy not neglect the effort at best!" Nakano snowBlood type: B typeAge: 20 years oldWord:!. "Although courage is there courage there is only weusuallyare noisy and Takarazuka Takarazuka, because leads also nerdtalkso so, it does not matter and I am more and more shaking thestoryis Hajirau heart was discarded. " Yamashita futureBlood type: O typeAge: 15 years oldWord: ". Please watch in unusual and I will do my best with asmileso warm eyes by that amount regret is I will do my best inthemomentum that take center so will try so as not to towards thefan!!" Do ofBlood type: A typeThe Age: tuna if 7-year-oldWord: ".. Also tension body a lot playfully with full force anditwill continue to change and does not let regret that itwascheering to the absolute." ChihiroBlood type: O typeWord: "If saying ninja you might yell Ninja Ninja is muchwouldremember me." Otari SayuriBlood type: O typeWord: ".! Height is glad After low that child, in remember me likeabeautiful light of Sairyumu, since I myself also able as mybestwork hard shining, you want if good cheer thank you ♪" Zinal MiuBlood type: O typeWord:! "" I want to live in Akihabara "I think so, it hasenteredinto this world. Sensitivity is the strongly coward of me,butthere is a dream. By the someday lyrics, it is to be inexistencegiven the vigor to a lot of people in the song. This Iwant to bemaking the best thing in the world. Thank you. " Is there Sera乃Blood type: B typeWord:!!! "There is energetic singing and dance confidenceinphysical strength in the recently began judo and I will do mybestto be able to smile filled with a smile Was laughs a lot ofpeoplewho feel confident thank you (*! ^ _ ^ *) " Hoshino poetryBlood type: A typeAge: 13 years old Nakamura realBlood type: O typeAge: 23 years oldComment:! "As a member of the stand on the stage with a smile♪Natura helium .vivid I want to illuminate the everyone andbrightfuture and to me there is also a goal that" I want to producetheidle someday ". I want to a lot of talk of you and idle (* ^^*)!" NashisatoBlood type: B typeWord: "In seems to Innovation Poke You are various thought!"■■ ■■ How to PlayHow to proceed with the game is very easy!1. Start the app and press the "prologue"2. I read the prologue3. As it is do or popular vote Read more of the story ☆ ■■ Recommended for Travellers ■■"Idle documentary Natura helium .vivid Edition" is recommendedforTravellers.· I like cute girl!Idol is love!· Natura potassium .vivid I like!· Movies / Anime / Drama / I love cartoons! ■■ For App company Genius and ■■Genius is a company that has been in the planning, developmentandsales of story-based content "up drama" that can feel free toenjoya smartphone. Genius is an up-drama is a new type ofentertainment,as mission is to sublimate as one of the art, alongwith manga andanime, has been creating works of variousgenres.As the existing title, the same idle and this measure was tohero"idle box Akishibu project ed.", "~ Grimm 's Princess ~Dowahime"women's romance up drama "Twilight Romance" and, fullvoice bloomsuspense drama "raindrop - beautifully such as to youguys ~ "is inlarge on sale!Since we are one after another delivering good content inthefuture, please please stay tuned. ■■ app questions, bug reports ■■Of your reports, etc. If you have any questions, problems,pleasecontact support @ also look forward to your opinion on the work.Since the opinions of everyone is not essential to the futureoffilmmaking, please send us by all means frankdefunctopinions. ■■ ■■ terminal informationAndroid4.0 later
導鉄の騎士 1.0.0
◇◇本作品は最後まで無料で楽しむことができます!!◇◇◇◇ダークファンタジーを扱ったスリル感溢れる「恋愛アップドラマ」です!!◇◇◇◇主人公はアナタ自身!自分が主人公となり、騎士たちと共に王国の復興を目指します!!◇◇■■あらすじ■■ヴェンギンス王国の騎士として育てられたアナタ。ある日隣国からの進撃で王国は滅ぼされてしまう。その時に死んでしまった4人の騎士バルドレイク、アルフレド、サダム、ケトラ。途方に暮れるアナタの元に現れたのは古の賢者だった。彼は告げる。「導鉄の鎧を使い、4人の騎士を蘇らせること。それが王国復興の第一歩だ」果たして導鉄の鎧とは?アナタは王国を復興することができるのか?■■キャラクター■■☆騎士団長バルドレイク187cm 32歳4人組のリーダーで優れた戦闘力、指揮能力で数々の死線を潜り抜けてきた英雄。部下からの信頼も厚くアナタも彼を慕っていた。情熱的だが冷静にまわりを見ることもできる優れた指揮官。疾走した王への忠義とそれゆえの質疑応答、死してなお王国の復興を求めている。☆大剣の騎士アルフレド179cm 24歳騎士団古参の一人で気が強く、豪快な男。人丈ほどもある大剣をいとも簡単に振り回す怪力漢大剣をふり振り回す豪快さから別名「嵐のアルフレド」とも呼ばれていた 。王への怒りはあるが、それ以上の忠義がある。王国復興のために戦うが、一方で戦いが単純に好きでもある。☆槍の騎士サダム183cm 26歳冷静な性格のキザな男。その冷静さで騎士団を幾度も救ってきた。騎士団長からは参謀としても頼られており、有事の際には副団長も任されていた。槍の扱いと騎馬にたけており、実力は騎士団随一。王国の復興と、主人公をなんとか生かすための手がかりを探っている☆盾の騎士ケトラ175cm 19歳気あたりのいい性格で場の空気もなごませるムードメイカー。戦いになると皆を守るために最前線に出て盾になる勇気も持ち合わせる。彼の守りの能力は非常に優秀で、並みの物からはかすり傷も受けることがない。また盾は神聖な力を帯びており、特にアンデットや邪悪な者に対する守りに秀でている。王国復興と騎士団の再編成を求めている。あなたの好みに応じて様々なキャラが選べる!・・・さあ、あなたは誰と恋に落ちる?■遊び方■ゲームの進め方はとても簡単です!1.アプリを起動して「プロローグ」を押す2. プロローグを読む3.お気に入りのキャラを選ぶ4.ストーリーを読み進めながら、選択肢を選んで、キャラとの距離を縮めていきます5.本編のエンディングは全部で2種類!ハッピーエンドを迎えられるかは、アナタの選択肢次第!※本作は、毎日プレゼントされるストーリーチケットを使用して、最後まで無料でプレーすることができます※一気にストーリーを読みたい方は、シナリオを購入することも可能です※また、ストーリーチケットは動画を視聴したり、条件を達成したりすることでも無料で獲得できます。※エンディングはエンディングチケットを使って読むことができます。■アップドラマとは■アップドラマとは弊社の作品の総称であり、シナリオ/立ち絵/背景/音楽で構成されたスマホで再生されるドラマコンテンツです。現在は恋愛系が中心となっておりますが、サスペンス系やアイドルを使ったものなど様々なコンテンツを増やしていく予定です。■■こんな人におすすめ■■「導鉄の騎士」は、こんなアナタにおすすめです。・恋愛(れんあい)がテーマの映画/ドラマ/マンガ/アニメ/小説が好き・ダークファンタジーが好き・イケメンが好き・恋愛ゲームには興味あるけど、オタクっぽいのは苦手・・・・恋愛ゲーム、恋ゲーム、乙女ゲームや恋愛ドラマアプリが好き・本格的なストーリーを楽しみたいその他、全ての男女に楽しめる内容になっています!!■■アプリ提供会社ジーニアスについて■■ジーニアスは、スマートフォンで気軽に楽しむことができるストーリー型コンテンツ「アップドラマ」の企画・開発・販売をしている会社です。ジーニアスは、新しいタイプのエンターテイメントであるアップドラマを、マンガ・アニメと並ぶ芸術の一つとして昇華させることをミッションとして、様々なジャンルの作品を制作しております。現在は、グリム童話の世界をモチーフとした恋愛アップドラマ「グリム’s プリンセス〜童話姫〜」が大好評発売中です。今後も良質なコンテンツを続々と配信していきますので、どうぞご期待ください。■■アプリの質問、不具合報告■■ご質問・不具合のご報告等は、support@gen-ius.comまでご連絡下さい。作品に対するご意見もお待ちしております。皆様のご意見は今後の作品作りに欠かせませんので、是非忌憚なきご意見をお寄せ下さい。
My Arahitogami Romance(Esp) 1.0.0
◇◇Podrás disfrutar este juego hasta elfinal,¡¡gratis!! ◇◇◇◇Esta aplicación de drama romántico es dulce y desgarradora.¡¡Nosmuestra una historia de amor entre dioses de la mitologíajaponesay tú!! ◇◇◇◇¡Tú eres la heroína! ¡Tendrás el papel de la heroínayexperimentarás un romance con los dioses de la mitologíajaponesa!◇◇■■Sinopsis■■Visitas los templos Sintoístas todos los días.Y eventualmente, un día, visitas un templo por milésima vez.En ese momento, tres dioses aparecen frente a ti.Ellos te comentan que cumplirán un deseo tuyo.Ahora tu tan esperado deseo de tener una relación romántica contusuperior del trabajo, Hikaru Abe, ¡puede volverse realidad!¡Aquí inicia la comedia romántica que te hará reír, llorarydisfrutar una buena pelea!■■Personajes■■◆【Superior del Trabajo con Doble Personalidad】Hikaru Abe“Creo que serías una buena madre un día.”Edad: 30 Estatura: 175cmHikaru tiene una personalidad alentadora que le muestra atodos,pero, de hecho él tiene una oscura personalidad que comienzaamostrarte.Él es tu superior en el trabajo.Es bueno con las personas, obtiene buenos resultados en el trabajoyaquellos a su alrededor tienen grandes expectativas con él.Lo admiras en secreto hasta que un día descubres que su imagenessólo una parte que les muestra a las personas.De hecho, él tiene un lado desagradable. Es amable con aquellosqueél considera que pueden serle de utilidad, pero cuando decidequeya no lo son, los trata con dureza.Su trato hacia ti cambia cuando decide si eres alguien de valor onopara él.◆【Dios Amable y Caballeroso】Amenominakanushi“La razón de mi existencia… es proteger siempre tu sonrisa.”Edad: 28 (en apariencia) Estatura: 180cmÉl tiene una personalidad seria y amable.Es el primer dios que conoces.Es lo suficientemente caballeroso y es quien teentiendemejor.Sin embargo, él odia las cosas retorcidas y desprecia lacodiciahumana.Es considerado el líder de los tres dioses.Él ama la paz sobre todas las cosas.Incluso cuando se trata de amor, él prefiere al ‘amor puro’sobrecualquier otro y adora el dicho: “Toda la Raza HumanaesUna”.Es un filántropo.◆【Dios Animador del Grupo】Kamumusuhi“Prometí que te protegería… ¡No puedo romper mipromesaahora!”Edad: 33 (en apariencia) Estatura: 183cmSu papel es ser el alma de la fiesta entre los tres dioses.Es un maestro en artes marciales.Es especialmente bueno en judo y kendo.Tiene una personalidad apasionada y siempre estáenmovimiento.Él no es muy bueno cuando se trata de asuntos que requieranmuchareflexión, pero el poder de su pasión lo ayuda a resolvercualquierproblema.Adora las cosas que entusiasman a las personas y odia las cosasqueson retorcidas.Él es débil a los sueños y a la juventud, por eso, te anima deformaproactiva en tu intento de encontrar al amor.Él no ha mostrado ningún interés en volverse el cabecilla,yprioriza lo que quiere hacer.◆【Dios Tsundere Cool】Takamimusuhi“Supongo… Si tuviera que decirlo con palabras…pues, ¿esto noseríaamor?”Edad: 23 (en apariencia) Estatura: 165cmEs un coqueto y mujeriego.Puede que sea un dios, pero adora los videojuegos y manga sobretodolo demás.En cuanto a apariencia, él luce más genial que cualquiera delosotros dioses.Él da una ligera sensación de depravación.Normalmente él actúa de forma arrogante a pesar de parecer másjovenque tú, pero cuando el tiempo llegue, tendrás a un fuertealiado atu lado.Las chicas lindas, los juegos y manga, generalmentelocautivan.Él no muestra interés en nada más, pero también tieneunapersonalidad realmente amable que no le permite ignorar aunapersona necesitada.¡Puedes elegir entre una variedad de personajes dependiendotuspreferencias!¿…Con quién comenzarás a vivir una vida misteriosa?◇◇ You can enjoy thisgameto the end, FREE !! ◇◇This application ◇◇ romantic drama is sweet andheartbreaking.'Shows us a love story between gods of Japanesemythology and you!! ◇◇◇◇ You are the hero! You will have the role of heroin andexperiencea romance with the gods in Japanese mythology! ◇◇■■ ■■ SynopsisVisits every day Shinto temples.And eventually, one day, visiting a temple for thethousandthtime.At that time, three gods appear in front of you.They tell you to meet one of your desire.Now your long-awaited desire to have a romantic relationshipwithyour superior work, Hikaru Abe, can come true!Here begins the romantic comedy that will make you laugh, mournandenjoy a good fight!■■ ■■ Characters◆ 【Labour Superior Dual Personality】 Hikaru Abe"I think you'd make a good mother one day."Age: 30 Height: 175cmHikaru has an encouraging personality that shows you all, butinfact he has a dark personality that begins to show.He is your superior at work.It is good with people, gets good results at work and thosearoundthem have high expectations with him.You admire secret until one day you discover that your image isonlypart showing them to people.In fact, he has a nasty side. It is kind to those he believes canbeuseful, but when you decide that they are no longer, treatsthemharshly.Their treatment changes when you decide if you're someone ofvalueor not for him.◆ 【】 Friendly God and Caballeroso Amenominakanushi"The reason for my existence ... is always to protectyoursmile."Age: 28 (apparently) Height: 180cmHe has a serious and friendly personality.It is the first god you know.It is enough chivalrous and who understands you better.However, he hates and despises twisted things human greed.It is considered the leader of the three gods.He loves peace above all things.Even when it comes to love, he prefers to 'pure love' any otherandloves the saying, "All is One Human Race".It is a philanthropist.◆ 【】 God Entertainer Group Kamumusuhi"I promised that I would protect you ... I can not break mypromisenow!"Age: 33 (apparently) Height: 183cmTheir role is to be the soul of the party among thethreegods.He is a master of martial arts.It is especially good at judo and kendo.He has a passionate personality and is always moving.He is not very good when it comes to matters requiring muchthought,but the power of his passion helps solve anyproblems.Adora things that excite people and hates things thataretwisted.He is weak dreams and youth, therefore, proactively encouragesyouin your attempt to find love.He has shown no interest in becoming the leader, and prioritizewhatyou want to do.◆】 【God Tsundere Cool Takamimusuhi"I guess ... If I had to put it into words ... well, this wouldnotbe love?"Age: 23 (apparently) Height: 165cmIt is a charming and womanizing.It may be a god, but he loves video games and manga aboveallelse.As for appearance, it looks cooler than any of the othergods.He gives a slight feeling of depravity.Normally he acts arrogantly even look younger than you, but whenthetime comes, you will have a strong ally to you.Pretty girls, games and manga, usually captivate.He shows no interest in anything else, but also has areallyfriendly personality that does not allow you ignore someoneinneed.You can choose from a variety of characters depending onyourpreferences!¿... Who do you begin to live a mysterious life?
My Elemental Prince(Korea) 1.0.0
주인공이 되어 개성넘치는 정령들과의 연애를 즐기세요!■시놉시스별일 없이 아주 평범한 삶을 살고 있던 당신.그러던 어느 날, 당신은 교실을 덮친 거대한 파도에 휩쓸리고 만다.정신을 차리고 주변을 살펴 보니 처음 보는 풍경들 뿐. 당황해하는 당신 앞에 정령들이 차례차례 나타난다.이제 당신은 이 정령세계를 돌아다니며 인간세계로 돌아갈 수 있는 단서를 찾아야 하는데...과연 앞으로 당신의 운명은어떻게되는 것일까? 그리고 잘 생긴 정령들과의 관계는?!■캐릭터 선택판 (샐러맨더)키 :182cm 나이: 19샐러맨더(불의 정령)부족의 젊은 차기 부족장.항상 차분하고 침착하다.언뜻 무서워 보일 수도 있지만, 사실은 알게 모르게 다른 사람들을 은근히 잘 챙겨주는 스타일. 가족과 영토를 제일로여기며매일매일 열심히 맡은 바 소임을 다하고 있다.세라 (운디네)키 : 182cm 나이 : 19운디네(물의 정령)부족을 나와 홀로 방황하는 정령. 여성의 비율이 높은 물의 부족에서 아주 드물게 남성 요정으로태어났다.고운 외모 때문에 자주 여성들로부터 오해를 산다. 지금은 호수에서 은둔하며 혼자 사는 중. 퉁명스럽지만,의외로 내여자에겐 따뜻할지도.힐리에 (실프)키 :179cm 나이 :24실프(바람의 정령) 부족의 젊은 정령. 바람의 음성을 들을 수 있으며, 아주 신사적이고 친절하다. 자유로운 영혼의소유자로절대 한 장소에 오래 머무르지 않는다. 호기심이 왕성하며, 무엇이든 궁금한 것이 있으면 참지 않는다. 처음 본인간이라는존재에 호기심을 느끼고 당신에게 접근한다.키단 (그놈)키 :175cm 나이 :16그놈(땅의 정령) 부족의 정령.귀여운 남동생같은 스타일. 언제나 활기찬 분위기 메이커이다. 인간인 당신 앞에서도 어색해 하거나 수줍어 하지 않고,오히려당신과 계속 이야기 하고 싶어한다. 나이는 어리지만, 때론 믿음직스러운 모습을 보여주기도 한다.당신의 취향을 저격할 멋진 정령들. 이 중에서 과연 당신의 최애는 누가 될 것인가?!My Elemental Prince"는 이런 분들에게 적극 추천합니다!로맨스 영화나 드라마, 순정만화, 애니메이션, 소설 등등을 좋아하시는 분.오토메 게임 좀 해봤다 하시는 분.게임하다가 과금을 너무 많이 해서 힘드신 분.일본 컨텐츠에 흥미 있으신 분.정령이나 요정같은 판타지 요소 좋아하시는 분.뭔지 모르겠지만 일단 설치나 해볼까 생각하시는 분.일단은 공짜니까 한번 설치 해볼까 하시는 분.이 외에도 전세계 여성분들을 즐겁게 해드릴 수 있는 다양한 컨텐츠를 보유하고 있습니다!!개발자 GENIUS에 대해서(주)GENIUS는 "앱 드라마" 개발을 메인으로 하는 회사로, 스마트폰에서 가볍게 즐길 수 있는 시나리오 중심의컨텐츠를세계 각지에 보급하고 있습니다.다양한 스토리의 "앱 드라마"를 엔터테이먼트의 새로운 분야로 장착시키고자 노력하고 있습니다.앞으로도 한국어 버젼 앱 드라마를 지속적으로 배포할 예정입니다. 많은 기대 부탁드립니다.[한국어판 My Elemental Prince 출시]구글 프레이 스토어에 "My Elemental Prince"의 한국어판이 출시되었습니다!그동안 과금 하느라 통장이 안녕하지 못하셨죠?무료로 모든 시나리오를 끝까지 즐기실 수가 있습니다.주인공이 되어 개성 넘치는 정령들과 연애질하는 "My Elemental Prince"많은 분들의 요청과 관심으로, 무사히 한국어판이 출시될 수 있었습니다.성원과 관심 정말 감사드립니다.앞으로도 많은 한국 유저분들이 로맨스 앱 드라마로 행복한 연애 생활을 만끽할 수 있기를 바랍니다.Enjoy the romance ofthetwo main characters full of personality and the jinn!■ SynopsisBig deal, who lived a very normal life without you.One day, you Manda hwipsseulrigo the giant waves strucktheclassroom.Chill spirit only saw the first look at the surroundinglandscape.You feel embarrassed in front of their spirits appeartoturn.Now you have to find clues to go back to the human world, oozingthespirit world ... that in the future does indeed what is yourfate?Handsome and relations with the spirits ?!■ Select CharactersEdition (Salamander)Key: 182cm Age: 19Salamander (Fire Elemental) Young elect the chiefs ofthetribe.It is always calm and composure.Although at first glance may seem scary, in fact, I learnedthestyle is secretly knowing well patronize others. Yeogimyeofamilyand territory is doing its best undertaken a bar hydrogenharderevery day.Serra (Undine)Key: 182cm Age: 19Undine (water spirit) spirits wandering out of Lack alone.Veryrarely in a high percentage of women lack of water she was bornamale fairy. Because the appearance of fine livingoftenmisunderstood from women. Now he is secluded from the lake andlivealone. Blunt afraid, my girl egen surprisingly warm maps.Healy on (silpeu)Key: 179cm Age: 24Silpeu (spirits of the wind) young spirits of the tribe. Youcanhear the voice of the wind, a gentleman and very friendly. Itneverin one place as the owner of a free spirit does not stay longbots.The voracious curiosity and questions will not tolerate it ifyouneed anything. The first to feel the presence of human curiositytoapproach you.Kidan (GNOME)Key: 175cm Age: 16GNOME (the spirit of the land) spirits of the tribe.Cute brother-like style. It is always a lively atmosphere makers.Infront of you humans do not be shy or awkward, but rather wanttokeep talking to you. Young age, but sometimes it demonstratesareliable and jugido luxurious look.Nice shot of spirits to your liking. Among them will indeedbeyour choeae Who ?!My Elemental Prince "is highly recommended for suchpeople!Who love the romance and drama, genuine comic, animation,fiction,etc. minutes.Otome game I've tried it some time.Deusin games while charging too much power to the minutes.Japanese min you have any interest in the content.Fantasy elements, such as spirits or fairies who likeminutes.Once installed, I do not know what or we start thinkingabouttime.Once you install one minute haebolkka do nothing.In addition, it has a variety of content that can beenjoyedaround the world haedeuril ladies !!For developers GENIUS(Note) GENIUS is "drama app" with the company as themaindevelopment, and dissemination of scenario-based content toenjoythe light in the smartphone world.Equipped and work on the "App drama" The Story of a variety ofnewareas of entertainment.Going forward, we will continue to distribute the Korean versionofthe app drama. I look forward to looking forward.[Korean version of My Elemental Prince Release]The English version of the Google Store Frey "My ElementalPrince"has been released!Meanwhile, did you not busy billing account is notgoodbye?You can enjoy all the free end of the scenario.This is the distinctive character of the spirit and yeonaejil"MyElemental Prince"At the request and interest of many people, it could besafelyreleased the English version.I really appreciate your support and interest.I hope many of you can enjoy the Korea-user happy love lifewithromance drama app.
My Royal Guardian(Deutsch) 1.0.1
◇◇ Du kannst den Prolog und das jeweilsersteKapitel jedes Charakters kostenlos spielen ◇◇◇◇ Die Handlung des Spiels „My Royal Guardian“ beruht aufderägyptischen Mythologie! Du bist die einzige Hoffnung, die dieWeltvom Untergang retten kann!? ◇◇◇◇ Du bist die Heldin! Du schlüpfst in dem Spiel in die RollederHeldin und erlebst ein romantisches Drama mit denägyptischenGöttern, die dich beschützen! ◇◇■■Synopsis■■Dein Leben verläuft in den gewöhnlichen Bahnen.Eines Tages, reißt ein schwarzes Loch den Himmel auf. DiefolgendenErdbeben legen die Erde in Schutt und Asche.Die Götter der ägyptischen Mythologie erscheinen gerade indemAugenblick vor dir, als mysteriöse Monster dich in dieEngetreiben.Die Götter teilen dir mit, dass du den König der Unterwelt,Anubis,aufhalten muss, wenn du die Welt retten willst.Welchen Gott wirst du wählen, dir zu helfen, Anubis zubesiegen?■■Charaktere■■◆ [Egoistisch, Typ älterer Bruder, Gott der Sonne] RaGröße: 178 cm Alter: 19„Ich werde dich immer gegen alles und alle beschützen.“Er neigt dazu, sich selbst aufzuopfern, er wendet alle Kraft auf,umdich zu beschützen. Thoth beschützt ihn für gewöhnlich, aber eristselbst unglaublich kampfstark. Seine Eigenschaft als Gott derSonneführt dazu, dass er nachts an Kampfkraft verliert. Er kannnachtsnicht seine wahren Kräfte zeigen.◆ [Gentleman, sein Charakter zeigt zwei Gesichter, GottderGeburt] OsirisGröße: 180 cm Alter: 22„Ich werde dich meinem Körper und meiner Seele beschützen.“Er ist eine sehr ruhige Persönlichkeit, die dazu führt, dass erdieVermittlerrolle einnimmt.Für gewöhnlich spricht er sehr förmlich, wird jedoch grob, wennerseine Emotionen nicht unter Kontrolle hat.Er beschützt dich, gibt aber niemals viel über sichselbstpreis.◆ [Fröhlicher Charakter, Gott des Himmels] HorusGröße: 170 cm Alter: 17„Ha, du macht dir Sorgen um mich? Das macht mich glücklich.“Er hat eine fröhliche und optimistische Persönlichkeit, manchmalister jedoch eine Hitzkopf.Er hat eine sanfte Persönlichkeit und mag Tiere. Sobald erjedochwütend wird, verbrennt er jeden Gegner mit seinenorangefarbenenFlammen.Er wird sein Leben riskieren, um dich zu beschützen, aber...◆ [Ein cooler und mysteriöser Mensch?] Krona MorisakiGröße: 172 cm Age: 16Er ist sehr ruhig und zeigt seine Gefühle nicht.Er weiß herausragend viel über die Götter der ägyptischenMythologieund ist aus unbekannten Gründen herablassend gegenüberdermenschlichen Existenz.Um ihn ranken sich viele Mysterien. Es ist purer Zufall, dass duihnin der in Trümmern liegenden Welt getroffen hast.Wer ist er wirklich...?Du kannst zwischen den verschiedenen Charakteren ganz nachdeinemBelieben wählen!...In welchen wirst du dich verlieben?■■Das Spiel wird empfohlen, wenn...■■„My Royal Guardian“ wird empfohlen, wenn...・Du romantische Filme, Dramen, Manga, Anime oderRomanliteraturmagst・Du dich für Otome Games interessiert, zugleich es aberüberhauptnicht magst, wie nerdy sie sein können...・Du Otome Games, Love Games, Girl Games or Romance/DramaAppsmagst・Entertainment und Romanliteratur magst・Du japanische Inhalte magst・Du ägyptische Mythen magstNeben den einzelnen Inhalten dieser Liste, biete das Spielvieleweitere Inhalte zur Unterhaltung und zum Spaß aller Frauen■■Über GENIUS, Entwickler dieser App■■GENIUS ist ein Unternehmen, welches „App Dramas“, dasheißthandlungsbasierte Inhalte für den Freizeitgebrauch aufdemSmartphone, entwickelt, gestaltet und vermarktet. GENIUSverstehtseine Mission darin, Apps Dramas in verschiedenen Genreszuentwickeln und zu einer neuen Unterhaltungsform neben MangaundAnime zu machen.Wir werden fortwährend Inhalte hoher Qualität in Englischvertreibenund hoffen, dass du dich darauf freuen wirst.◇◇ you can play boththeprologue and the first chapter of each of each character forfree◇◇◇◇ The plot of the game "My Royal Guardian" is based onEgyptianmythology! You are the only hope that can save the worldfrom ruin!? ◇◇◇◇ You are the heroine! You play the game in the role of theheroineand will experience a romantic drama with the Egyptian godswhoprotect you! ◇◇■■ ■■ SynopsisYour life is the ordinary lines.One day, pulls a black hole in the sky. The following earthquakeputthe earth in ashes.The gods of Egyptian mythology appear just at the moment in frontofyou, as a mysterious monster drive you into a corner.The gods share with you that you have to stop the king oftheunderworld, Anubis, if you wish to save the world.Which god will you choose to help you to defeat Anubis?■■ ■■ Characters◆ [Selfish, type older brother, god of the sun] RaHeight: 178 cm Age: 19"I will always protect you against everything and everyone."He tends to sacrifice himself, he turns every power on in ordertoprotect you. Thoth protects him usually, but he himselfisincredibly strong in the tackle. His role as god of the suncausesnight he loses combat power. He can not show his true forcesatnight.◆ [Gentleman, his character shows two faces, god ofbirth]OsirisHeight: 180 cm Age: 22"I will protect my body and my soul."He is a very quiet person who causes it assumes the roleofmediator.He usually speaks very formally, but roughly, when he does nothavehis emotions under control.He protected you, are never a lot about yourself award.◆ [Merry character, God of heaven] HorusHeight: 170 cm Age: 17"Ha, you makes you worried about me? That makes me happy."He has a cheerful and optimistic personality, but sometimes he isahothead.He has a gentle personality and like animals. However, once hegetsangry, he burns any opponent with its orange flames.He will risk his life to protect you, but ...◆ [A cool and mysterious man?] Krona MorisakiHeight: 172 cm Age: 16He is very quiet and does not show his feelings.He knows a lot about the outstanding gods of Egyptian mythologyandis unknown reasons condescending toward human existence.Grown up around him many mysteries. It is pure coincidence thatyoumet him in the ruined world.Who is he really ...?You can choose between different characters quite asyouwish!... In which you will fall in love?■■ The game is recommended when ■■ ..."My Royal Guardian" is recommended if ...· You like romantic movies, dramas, manga, anime or fiction· You interested Otome Games, at the same time there but notlikehow nerdy it may be you ...· You Otome Games, Love Games, Girl Games or Romance / DramaAppslike· Entertainment and fiction like· You like Japanese content· You like Egyptian mythsIn addition to the individual contents of this list, the gameoffersmany other content for entertainment and fun all women■■ About GENIUS, developer of this app ■■GENIUS is a company which "App drama" that is action-basedcontentfor recreational use on the smartphone, developed, designedandmarketed. GENIUS understands its mission is to develop appsdramain different genres and to make a new form of entertainmentinaddition to manga and anime.We will continuously distribute high-quality content in Englishandhope that you will rejoice on it.
Destiny Knight Romance 1.0.1
◇◇You can enjoy this game until the end,forfree!! ◇◇◇◇This is an App Drama overflowing with the thrills of adarkfantasy story!!◇◇◇◇You are the heroine! You get to experience working toward thegoalof reviving the kingdom with knights!◇◇■■Synopsis■■You were raised as one of Wengins Kingdom’s knights.The Kingdom is destroyed one day by an invading kingdom.Four knights, Baldrake, Alfredo, Saddam and Ketra, were killedinthe attack.An old sage appeared before you when you were at your wit’s endandtells you, “Use the Guiding Iron Armor to raise the fourknightsfrom the dead. That is the first step to revivingthekingdom.”Just what is the Guiding Iron Armor?Can you restore the kingdom to its former glory?■■Characters■■☆Captain of the Knights BaldrakeHeight: 187cm Age: 32Baldrake is the leader of the group of four knights andpossessesexemplary fighting skills. He is a hero whose leadershipskills gothis men through many near death battles. His subordinatesall trusthim and you respected him as well. He’s a great commanderwho ispassionate, but can calmly observe his surroundings. Hisdevotionand questions for the missing king are what spur him towant torevive the dead kingdom.☆Long Sword Knight AlfredoHeight: 179cm Age: 24Alfredo is a strong-willed, big-hearted man who is one oftheknights who has served the longest. His superhuman strengthallowshim to easily swing around his heavy and durable long sword.Othersgave him the name “Alfredo the Storm” when they saw theexcited wayhe brandished his long sword. He is angry at the King,but has moreloyalty than anger. He fights to revive the kingdom,but he alsosimply just loves to fight.☆Lance Knight SaddamHeight: 183cm Age: 26Saddam is a calm and pompous man. His calm demeanor has savedtheknights more than once. The captain of the knights relies on himasa strategist and entrusts him with the role of vice-captaininemergencies. He’s skilled with the lance and horseback ridingandis one of the strongest knights. Saddam is searching for a waytorestore the kingdom and keep the heroine alive.☆Shield Knight KetraHeight: 175cm Age: 19Ketra’s cheery personality allows him to calm the group andchangetheir mood. He has the courage to step in front of everyoneandbecome their shield to protect them. He’s absurdly proficientatprotecting others and won’t even be grazed by any normalattack.The shield he possesses has holy attributes that workespeciallywell in protecting against the undead and impure. Heseeks torestore the kingdom and reorganize the knights.You can choose from a variety of characters based onyourpreferences!…Who will you fall in love with?
My Strange Lover(Deutsch) 1.0.0
◇◇Du kannst dieses Spiel bis zum Endekostenlosgenießen!!◇◇◇◇Dies ist ein süßes und herzerweichendes Romantik-App-Drama,daseine Liebesgeschichte über die mysteriösen Mitbewohnerschildert,die in derselben Wohngemeinschaft wie du leben!!◇◇◇◇Du bist die Heldin! Du übernimmst die Rolle der Heldin underlebsteine Romanze mit Biest-Menschen! ◇◇■■Inhalt■■Du hast nach einem Platz gesucht, wo du einziehen kannst, nachdemdueine Stelle in einer neuen Stadt bekommen hast.Du wurdest durch ein Immobilienbüro, an dem du zufälligvorbeigekommen bist, mit einer seltsamenWohngemeinschaftbekanntgemacht.Dort hast du die vier mysteriösen Bewohner kennengelernt:ShinKamiya, Mao Nekomiya, Hyouko Suzuki und Tasuku Ichinose.Sie alle sind gutaussehende Männer, aber sie haben einemysteriöseAura, die sie umgibt …Wie ist ihre wahre Identität?Und was wird dein Schicksal sein, nachdem du dich entschlossenhast,in dieser eigenartigen Wohngemeinschaft zu leben?■■Charaktere■■◆【Narzisstischer Wolf】Shin Kamiya""Es ist okay, wenn ich nur ein bisschen probierenwill,oder?""Ein Biest mit dem Blut eines Wolfs in sich, das aktivFrauennachstellt.Er ist ein Prominenter, der Sänger einer beliebten Band.Er ist stolzer als andere, ein Biest zu sein, und ist wütend,weilseine freundliche Art von den Gespenstern gejagt wird.Sein Wolfsblut spielt in Vollmondnächten verrückt und lässtihnwahllos seine Überlegenheit über Frauen ausspielen, die in derNähesind …Er scheint eine vage Ahnung zu haben, dass du menschlich bist.◆【Sanfte Katze】Mao Nekomiya""Du weißt … ich will dich küssen …""Ein junges Biest mit dem Blut einer Katze in sich.Er ist noch ein unerfahrenes Biest, deshalb kann er seinwahresWesen in der Vollmondnacht nicht verbergen.Seine Katzenohren tauchen bei Vollmond wegen seinerUnerfahrenheitauf.Er ist Student an der Universität mit einer ruhigen undfreundlichenPersönlichkeit und ist auch der einzige Mitbewohner,der jünger istals du.Er hat überhaupt keine Ahnung, dass du menschlich bist.Er ist unglaublich beliebt bei Mädchen wegen seinessüßenAussehens.◆【Cooler Fuchs】Hyouko Suzuki""Du riechst gut … wie ein Mensch.""Ein Biest mit dem Blut eines Fuchses in sich und ohneInteresse,Frauen aktiv nachzustellen.Er hat ein unglaublich kaltes und desinteressiertes Naturell,undzeigt seine Gefühle häufig nicht.Er hat einen sehr effektiven Geruchssinn, durch den er geschicktdenSpuren von Gespenstern und Menschen folgen kann.Er ist qualifiziert genug, um Unternehmensmanager zu sein, undseineKollegen gehen ihm häufig aus dem Weg.Er hat einen intensiven Hass gegen sich selbst, weil er einBiestist.Sein Geruchssinn lässt ihn deine menschliche Natur früh ahnen …◆【Reifes Einhorn】Tasuku Ichinose""Wenn du mich liebst, werde ich dich von ganzemHerzenlieben.""Tasuku ist das ruhige und vernünftige OberhauptderWohngemeinschaft und der älteste Mitbewohner, der das BluteinesEinhornes hat.Er ist Professor an der Universität und unglaublich beliebtbeiseinen Studenten wegen seinem ruhigen Charakter.Er hat sofort gemerkt, dass du menschlich bist, aber er lässtdichim der Wohngemeinschaft wohnen, ohne jemals irgendetwas darüberzusagen.Er wird von den Gespenstern ins Visier genommen, weil Einhörnereineder seltensten Arten von Biestern sind.Du kannst aus einer Auswahl von Charakteren wählen, ganznachdeinen Vorlieben!… Welchen mysteriösen Mitbewohner wählst du?◇◇ you can enjoy forfreeuntil the end of this game !! ◇◇◇◇ This is a sweet and heart-rending romance app drama thatportraysa love story about the mysterious roommate that in thesame communeas you live !! ◇◇◇◇ You are the heroine! You take on the role of the heroineandexperience a romance with Beast-men! ◇◇■■ ■■ ContentYou searched for a place where you can feed, after you get a jobina new city.You have been through a real estate agency to which you camejustpassing, introduced to a strange Urbanization.There you will have learned the four mysterious inhabitants:ShinKamiya, Mao Nekomiya, Hyouko Suzuki and Tasuku Ichinose.They are all handsome men, but they have a mysterious aurathatsurrounds ...What is their true identity?And what will be your fate, after you decided to live inthispeculiar Urbanization?■■ ■■ Characters◆ 【Narcissistic Wolf】 Shin Kamiya"" It's okay if I just want to try a little bit, right? ""A beast with the blood of a wolf in itself that mimicsactivewomen.He is a celebrity, the singer of a popular band.He is prouder than others to be a beast, and is angry becausehisfriendly manner is chased by the ghosts.His Wolfsblut goes crazy on full moon nights and letshimindiscriminately show its superiority over women who arenear...He seems to have a vague idea that you're human.◆ 【】 Gentle cat Mao Nekomiya"" You know ... I want to kiss you ... ' "A young beast with the blood of a cat in it.He is still an inexperienced beast, so he can not hide histruenature in the full moon night.His cat ears dive at full moon because of his inexperience.He is a student at the university with a quiet andfriendlypersonality and is also the only roommate, who is youngerthanyou.He has no idea that you're human.He is incredibly popular with girls because of itssweetappearance.◆ 【】 Cooler Fuchs Hyouko Suzuki"" You smell good ... like a human being. ""A beast with the blood of a fox in itself and withoutinterest,actively readjust women.He has an incredibly cold and disinterested temperament, andshowshis feelings not often.He has a very effective sense of smell, by which it can be sentinthe footsteps of ghosts and people.He is qualified enough to be enterprise manager, and hiscolleaguesoften go out of his way.He has an intense hatred against himself, because he isabeast.His sense of smell makes him your human nature guessed early...◆ 【】 Mature Unicorn Tasuku Ichinose"" If you love me, I will love you with all my heart. ""Tasuku is the calm and sensible head of the Urbanization andtheoldest inhabitant who has the blood of a unicorn.He is a professor at the University and incredibly popular withhisstudents because of his quiet nature.He immediately noticed that you're human, but it leaves you liveina shared apartment, without ever saying anything about it.He is taken by the ghosts targeted because unicorns are one oftherarest species of beasts.You can choose from a selection of characters choose accordingtoyour preference!... What mysterious roommate you choose?
[恋愛ドラマゲーム]指名料は愛のキスで 西脇隼人編 1.0
◇◇プロローグと本編1話は無料で楽しめます!!◇◇◇◇これまでの「乙女ゲーム」とは違う、本格的なストーリーが売りの「恋愛ドラマゲーム」です!!◇◇■■あらすじ■■銀座の高級クラブでホステスとして働くあなたの真の目的は、両親殺害の仇に近づくこと。ところが、ある男が来店した時から、あなたの計画は狂い始める・・・あの人は、復讐の仇の仲間・・・恋に落ちることは許されないのに・・・禁断の恋に落ちたあなたの葛藤を描く、本格恋愛ドラマゲーム!!■■キャラクター■■◆【チャラ男系】西脇隼人「ふーん、オレと遊びたいの?」デザイン会社社長。飛びきりの遊び人だが、意外に真面目な一面も・・・*本アプリは、『[恋愛ドラマゲーム]指名料は愛のキスで』に登場する5人のヒーローのうち1人のストーリーのみを収録したアプリです。*5人収録されたアプリでは容量が大きく、ご使用の端末によっては動作が遅くなることから、皆様のご要望にお応えして、本バージョンをリリースすることになりました。■遊び方■ゲームの進め方はとても簡単です!1.アプリを起動して「プロローグ」を押す2. プロローグを読む3.ストーリーを読み進めながら、選択肢を選んで、イケメンとの距離を縮めていきます4.本編のエンディングは全部で2種類!ハッピーエンドを迎えられるかは、アナタの選択肢次第!※プロローグと1話目を無料でプレイできます。※本編は¥300でプレイできます。■■こんな人におすすめ■■恋愛ドラマゲーム「指名料は愛のキスで」は、こんなアナタにおすすめです。・恋愛がテーマの映画/ドラマ/マンガ/アニメ/小説が好き・恋愛ゲームには興味あるけど、オタクっぽいのは苦手・・・・恋愛ゲームや乙女ゲームが好き・本格的なストーリーを楽しみたい男女問わず楽しめる内容になっています!!■■アプリ開発者・ジーニアスについて■■GENIUS(ジーニアス)は、スマートフォン(スマホ)向けコンテンツ制作を行っている開発会社です。「ストーリー」を主軸としたスマホゲームを展開しております。■■アプリの質問、不具合報告■■ご質問・不具合のご報告等は、公式ホームページ(にてご連絡下さい。作品に対するご意見もお待ちしております。皆様のご意見は今後の作品作りに欠かせませんので、是非忌憚なきご意見をお寄せ下さい。
Le Conte de Genji Inversé 1.0.0
◇◇Vous pouvez profiter de ce jeuentièrement,gratuitement !! ◇◇◇◇Cette App Drama découle d'une tradition Japonaise vu qu'ilreprendle thème caractéristique du Conte de Genji !!◇◇◇◇Vous êtes l’héroïne (Hikaru Genji) ! Vous expérimentezl'amouravec les nobles qui vous entourent !◇◇■■Résumé■■Quelle était l'époque où une belle impératrice, entourée denombreuxhommes séduisants, tomba amoureuse d'un seul homme quin'était pasde haut rang ? Tous les hommes de haut rang, jaloux,essayèrent deles séparer, mais leur amour était plus fort et ilspurent fairereculer le désaccord et la jalousie de ceux qui lesentouraient,afin de se marier. Puis, de leur relation naquit uneadorableprincesse. Son nom était Hikaru Genji (nom de l'héroïne).Plus lesannées passaient, plus ravissante elle devenait.Finalement, contreson gré, elle fut entraînée dans un tourbillonintense où des hommesallaient se battre pour sa main.■■Personnages■■◆Aoi"C'est quoi ce regard stupide sur votre visage ?"Âge : 24 Taille : 1m72Aoi est votre fiancé.C'est un noble de haut-rang, à l'allure d'un bel homme,qui,combinée à son intelligence considérable, font de lui unfiancédont il est difficile de trouver quelque chose à seplaindre.Enfin, il est orgueilleux et froid envers vous. Vu quevosfiançailles ont été arrangées par d'autres personnes, il nevousaccepte pas comme sa fiancée.◆Rokujo"Je suis satisfait tant qu'il m'est possible de rester àvoscôtés."Âge : 27 Taille : 1m80Rokujo est calme et serein autant qu'intellectuel. Il gardetoujoursson sang-froid. C'est un adulte toujours réfléchi, belhomme, chicet bien élevé aussi bien qu'avisé. Il possède un petitdédoublementde personnalité et est profondément jaloux. Il setransforme enesprit vengeur sans s'en rendre compte.◆Murasaki"Vous avez tendance à vous mettre en danger. Je vaisvousprotéger."Âge : 20 Taille : 1m77Murasaki est gentil, intelligent, élégant, bel homme, etquelqu'unen qui vous ne pouvez trouver aucun défaut. Il est commeunpetit-frère pour vous. Comme figure de perfection, il a beaucoupdefans et est grandement aimé de tous. C'est seulement quand ilestavec vous, son amie d'enfance, qu'il montre occasionnellementsonvrai côté puéril.◆Akashi"Vous êtes si rayonnante…le simple fait de vous regarderm'apportele bonheur."Âge : 18 Taille : 1m68Akashi est un jeune homme doux dont chaque action estl'élégancepersonnifiée. Il est plus jeune et possède une santé plusfragileque les hommes qui l'entourent, et complexe sur son statutsocialinférieur. Personne ne lui est supérieur quand il s'agit dejouerdu koto ou de la flûte. Il excelle également dans le dessin etnulne peut le rivaliser quand il s'agit d'art.Vous pouvez choisir une variété de personnages basés survospréférences !...De qui allez-vous tomber amoureuse ?■■Recommandé pour les Personnes Suivantes :"Le Conte de Genji Inversé" est recommandé pour celles etceuxqui :Aiment les films, dramas, manga, anime, ou romans dont laromanceest le thème principal.Aiment Le Conte de Genji.Aiment les histoires traditionnelles.Veulent faire l'expérience d'une culture étrangère.Sont intéressés par les jeux de romances, mais pas quand ilsfonttrop otaku.Sont intéressés par les jeux de romances, les jeux d'amour,lesotome games et les Apps Drama romantiques.Veulent profiter d'une histoire complète.Ce jeu est écrit de façon à ce que les hommes et les femmespuissenten profiter !!◇◇ You can enjoy thisgamecompletely free of charge !! ◇◇This App ◇◇ Drama stems from a Japanese tradition since it takesthecharacteristic theme of The Tale of Genji ◇◇ !!◇◇ You are heroin (Hikaru Genji)! You experience love withthenobles around you! ◇◇■■ ■■ SummaryWhat was the time when a beautiful empress, surroundedmanyattractive men, fell in love with one man who was not of highrank?All men of high rank, jealous, tried to separate them, buttheirlove was stronger and they were able to reduce thedisagreement andthe jealousy of those around them to get married.Then theirrelationship was born an adorable princess. His name wasHikaruGenji (name of the heroine). As the years passed, she becamemorebeautiful. Finally, against her will, she was drawn into anintensevortex where men would fight for her hand.■■ ■■ Characters◆ Aoi"What's that stupid look on your face?"Age: 24 Height: 1m72Aoi is your fiance.It is a noble high-ranking, with the look of a handsome man,which,combined with his considerable intelligence, make him aboyfriendthat is difficult to find something to complain about.Finally, itis arrogant and cold towards you. Because yourengagement wasarranged by other people, it does not accept you ashisbride.◆ Rokujo"I'm happy as it is possible for me stay with you."Age: 27 Height: 1.80mRokujo is calm and serene as intellectually. He always keepshiscool. It is always a thoughtful adult, handsome, smart andwellmannered as well qu'avisé. It has a small split personality andisdeeply jealous. It becomes vengeful spirit withoutrealizingit.◆ Murasaki"You tend to put you in danger. I'll protect you."Age: 20 Height: 1m77Murasaki is kind, intelligent, elegant, handsome, and someoneyoucan not find any fault. He's like a little brother for you. Asafigure of perfection, he has many fans and is greatly loved byall.It is only when he is with you, his childhood friend,heoccasionally shows his true childish side.◆ Akashi"You're so radiant ... simply watching you bringsmehappiness."Age: 18 Height: 1m68Akashi is a sweet young man whose every action iselegancepersonified. He's younger and have poorer health than menaroundhim, and complex on its lower social status. Nobody issuperiorwhen it comes to playing the koto and flute. He also excelsin thedesign and no one can compete when it comes to the art.You can choose a variety of characters based onyourpreferences!... Who will you fall in love?■■ Recommended for People Next:"The Tale of Genji Inverted" is recommended for those who:Love movies, dramas, manga, anime, novels or romance is themaintheme.Like The Tale of Genji.Like traditional stories.Want to experience a foreign culture.Are interested in romance games but not when they aretoootaku.Are interested in romance games, love games, otome games andAppsRomantic Drama.Want to enjoy a full story.This game is written so that men and women to enjoy !!
My Ninja Romance 1.0.0
◇◇Enjoy this game completely forfree!!◇◇◇◇"Ninja love chronicles" is a romance×ninja drama app, whichtalesthe love affair and bonds you create with handsomeyoungninjas◇◇◇◇You are the heroine! You take on the role of the heroineandexperience love affairs with the ninjas who are sworn toprotectyou◇◇■■Synopsis■■You led a normal everyday life in the village of Kōga.In the village you lived a life of peace, with the cool Jin,wholooked after you and was like an older brother to you.However, one faithful day, Ippei, a ninja from the enemy villageofIga, falls in love with you and takes you away.after being brought to Iga suddenly, you are invited to thecastleby the general of the Toyotomi family,There a shocking truth is revealed・・・!Your ordinary life is suddenly changed completely. Wrapped up inthewar between Kōga and Iga, you stand three ninja and one generalatyou side.What route will your destiny take・・・?■■Companions (Characters)■■◆【The mischevious and arrogant type】 Ippei IgaHeight: 175 cm Age: 25 years old"I will take you for my own!"A ninja from the Iga village. After suddenly meeting you, hefallsin love and takes you away.He thinks that Jin, the leader of the Kōga village, is the onewhokilled his grandfather.Although he is arrogant, he has an older brother likesidetoo.He also has a noble, self-sacrificing heart, and will protect youatall costs."◆ 【The strong older brother type】Kiyomaru Iga"Height: 190 cm Age: 25 years old"I will protect your life, even if it means exchanging myown"He feels Jin from the Kōga village is his rival.He wears his long hair in a ponytail and has a slim,femininfigure.He acts as the young leader of the Iga village, who everyonerelieson.He is positive, forward facing and is sonstantly thinking aboutthepeople of the village.◆ 【The calm and gentlemanly type】Hideyasu ToyotomiHeight: 172 cm Age: 25 years old"Having you here changed me"The 7th General Shogun and young Prince of the Toyotomi family.Hehas a fiancé called Kikuhime.A generous Shogun, who is kind to anyone. Because of suchacharacter, the council elders worry about his future asaShogun.However, in actuality, he is a deep thinker who has the abilitytocalming access any situation.◆ 【The elegant older brother type】 KagetoraHeight: 183 cm Age: 30 years old"Haha, you're kinda cute!"A medicine trader who often visits the Kōga village. You haveknowhim for a long time, however....His origins are shrowded in mystery and there are many sides tohimthat you do not know.His looks may seem a little play-boyish, however, he is diligentandthoughtful.He takes an intrest in you and begins to meddle.
La vida es hermosa 1.0.0
◇◇Esta es una conmovedora App de drama enlaque los "Milagros" son el tema principal.◇◇◇◇¡Tú eres la heroina! Tienes el rol de la heroina en estahistoriacargada de emociones.◇◇◇◇¡Hay tres historias para que disfrutes! ¡Este es el nuevotrabajode Genius!◇◇Tres historias relacionadas con la muerte forman esta APP: "MuerteyResurrección", "Muerte y Esperanza" y "Muerte y Memoria".En las tres, los "Milagros" son el tema principal que definenlahistoria del trágico destino de tu mejor amigo de la infanciaytú.Muerte y ResurrecciónTu mejor amigo, Ryouhei Otonashi, y tú fueron criados comohermanos.Con el tiempo, ambos empiezan a percibir al otro de unamanera unpoco diferente. Entonces, un día, Ryouhei te confiesasussentimientos por ti. Sin embargo, luego de esta confesión,Ryoheitiene un terrible accidente y ya no vuelves a verlo...Diecisiete años después, Ryohei vuelve a aparecer frente a ti conelmismo aspecto del niño que una vez conociste.Muerte y EsperanzaCreciste en un pueblo en la mitad de la nada. Lo único quetegustaba hacer era sentarte a escuchar a tu amigo Susumu Mukaitocarel violín bajo las estrellas. Un día, Susumu decidió oponersea lavoluntad de su padre y perseguir sus sueños de convertirseenviolinista profesional. Y tú decidiste acompañarlo.Una década después, Susumu trabajaba reparando violines. Ambosamana la hija que han tenido juntos, pero, por más que lo intentes,nologras que ella respete el trabajo de su padre...Muerte y MemoriaEras entrenadora del equipo de béisbol durante la secundaria.Erasnovia de uno de los chicos del equipo, Nagato Memori, y vivíasunavida feliz. Entonces, luego de la graduación, un representantedeun equipo de béisbol apareció y le ofreció a Nagato una becaparajugar al béisbol en una universidad lejana. Seguiste encontactocon Nagato, pero un día dejó de contestar tus mensajes...Pensasteque no volverías a verlo nunca, pero volviste a encontrarloen tunuevo trabajo. Sin embargo, te das cuenta que él no recuerdaquiéneres.¿...Cuál será tu historia?¡Cómo jugar¡¡Este juego es muy fácil de jugar!1. Ejecuta la App y presiona "prólogo".2. Lee el prólogo.3. Elige el personaje que más te guste.4. A medida que la historia avanza, podrás tomar decisionesparaestrechar las relaciones entre los personajes5. ¡Cada historia tiene dos finales diferentes! ¡Un buen final ounfinal feliz te esperan, dependiendo de tus elecciones!¦Puedes jugar este juego hasta el final usando los ticketsdehistoria que se te darán de manera gratuita diariamente¦También puedes comprar los tickets de historia y leer todalahistoria de una vez.¡ Recomendado para aquellos que ¡Life Is Beautiful está recomendado para ti si...・Te gustan las películas, el manga, el anime o las novelassobreromance・Te interesan los juegos de romance pero no te gusta que esténtanorientados a la cultura nerd...・Te gustan los juegos de romance, de amor o de chicas y las appsderomance/drama como Voltage o Arithmetic.・Te gusta el entretenimiento y la ficción que se basan enlosmilagros.・Te gustan las producciones japonesas.¡¡Además de las cosas mencionadas en la lista, hay muchas máscosasque todas las mujeres pueden disfrutar!!¡¡ Sobre GENIUS, Los desarrolladores de esta App ¡¡GENIUS es una compañía que diseña, desarrolla y vende Apps deDramay contenido basado en historias que pueden ser disfrutadasdesde unsmartphone. Su misión es producir Apps de Drama dediferentesgéneros y transformar esta nueva forma de entretenimientoen unanueva forma de arte, al mismo nivel del manga y elanime.Continuaremos distribuyendo contenido de gran calidad enespañol.Esperamos que lo disfrutes.◇◇ This is apoignantdrama App in which the "Miracles" is the main theme.◇◇◇◇ You are the heroine! You have the role of the heroine inthisstory full of emotions. ◇◇◇◇ There are three stories for you to enjoy! This is the new workofGenius! ◇◇Three stories related to death are this APP: "DeathandResurrection", "Death and Hope" and "Death and Memory".In all three, the "Miracles" is the main theme that definethehistory of the tragic fate of your best childhood friendandyou.Death and ResurrectionYour best friend, Ryouhei Otonashi, and you were raised asbrothers.Over time, both begin to perceive the other in a slightlydifferentway. Then one day, you Ryouhei confesses his feelings foryou.However, after this confession, Ryohei has a terrible accidentandno longer see it again ...Seventeen years later, Ryohei reappears in front of you withthesame look of the child you once knew.Death and HopeYou grew up in a village in the middle of nowhere. The only thingIliked to do was sit and listen to your friend Susumu Mukaifiddlingunder the stars. One day, Susumu decided to oppose the willof hisfather and pursue their dreams of becoming aprofessionalviolinist. And you decided to accompany him.A decade later, Susumu worked repairing violins. Both lovethedaughter they had together, but for more you try, you failsherespected the work of his father ...Death and MemoryYou were coach of the baseball team in high school. Youweregirlfriend of one of the guys on the team, Nagato Memori, andliveda happy life. Then, after graduation, a representative ofabaseball team showed up and offered to Nagato a scholarship toplaybaseball at a distant university. You kept in touch withNagato,but one day stopped answering your posts ... You thought notreturnto never see it, but you came back to find it in your newjob.However, you realize that he does not remember who youare. ¿... What is your story?How to playThis game is very easy to play!1. Run the App and press "prologue".2. Read the prologue.3. Choose the character you like.4. As the story progresses, you make decisions tostrengthenrelations between the characters5. Every story has two different endings! A good ending or ahappyending await you, depending on your choices!|Puedes Play this game to the end using the tickets of historythatwill give you for free every day|También Can buy tickets from history and read the wholestoryonce.Buzzed for those whoLife Is Beautiful is recommended for you if ...· You like movies, manga, anime or romance novels· Are you interested in romance games but do not like to besooriented culture nerd ...· You like games of romance, love or girls and my romance / dramaasVoltage or Arithmetic.· Like the entertainment and fiction based on miracles.· You like Japanese productions.'In addition to the things mentioned in the list, there aremanymore things that all women can enjoy !!'About GENIUS, developers of this app'GENIUS is a company that designs, develops and sells Apps ofDramaand stories based content that can be enjoyed from asmartphone.Its mission is to produce Drama Apps different genresand transformthis new form of entertainment in a new art form, thesame level ofmanga and anime.We continue to distribute high-quality content in Spanish. Wehopeyou enjoy it.
The Lost Prince Pirates 1.0.0
The Lost Prince PiratesFind adventure on the high seas, save your kingdom, and find loveinthis exciting App Drama!You are a young princess, thrown into a magical quest to destroyanevil power threatening your world… and unexpectedlydiscoveringtrue love along the way.This whole game can be played free of charge!SynopsisGenerations ago, humanity was given six jewels with immensepower.Now a tyrannical king is determined to collect them all.Yourfather is the ruler of the last remaining country yet to falltothis reign of terror, so the tyrant king has demanded thatyoumarry his son and relinquish your jewel to him.The night before your wedding, however, help comes from themostunexpected source. A band of pirates called the Black Houndskidnapyou, and present you with a proposition: will you help themget ridof the jewels forever, so that the tyrant king can neverhavethem?Discover thrilling excitement, lost princes, and tender romanceasyou and the Black Hounds work to save the world from itswickedfate.CharactersLuka“If you say so, Princess.”24 years old187cm tallLuka is the cheerful, energetic captain of the Black Hounds.Hiseasygoing laugh and friendly manner might give the impressionthathe doesn’t take things seriously, but the truth is thathisdifficult, violent life has left him with a steely andruthlesstemperament under the smiles and jokes. He’ll to anythingto helphis friends — and whatever it takes to stop hisenemies.“I grew up in an orphanage, making sure nobody knew my oldidentity.Eventually I met the other Black Hounds, and eventuallywe revealedour secrets to each other. We realised we were uniquelyequipped toend the scourge of the jewels forever.”Gilbert“You care so much. It’s lovely.”21 years old172cm tallA ship’s doctor with an edge of mad scientist to him, Gilbertisn’tvery comfortable having long conversations and prefers animalstopeople.Kind and awkward, he’s usually the only reason that the BlackHoundsmake it out of any of their plans and battles in onepiece.“Animals sense intentions. Hidden ones and ones actedonalike.”Draco“You’re the most annoying woman I’ve ever met.”18 years old169cm tallArgumentative and arrogant, Draco is the ship’s navigator. Hisfierypersonality and cocky attitude are well-earned because ofthestruggles he’s faced and brilliance with which he does his job,butjust because there’s a good reason for them doesn’t meanthey’renot infuriating most of the time!“Ha! The way you wear my clothes just proves that royalty isn’tthesame as class. You look ridiculous.”Orion“Really? You’re royalty, you have a reputation to consider.”23 years old182cm tallFlirty and seductive, the only thing Orion loves almost as muchasindulging in his own extensive love life is teasing hiscrematesabout their own. He works as the ship’s cook, but seems toconsiderhis real duty in life to be teaching women about romanceandpleasure.“Now, there’s only the one bed of course, but I suspect thatifsharing a bed with me was something that troubled you, thenyouwould have chosen to stay with one of the others. My mostappealingtraits are to be found in bed, after all.”Choose who you become close with based on your preferences!…Which dashing pirate will win your love?
Reverse Alice(Deutsch) 1.0.0
■■Synopse■■Du befindest Dich auf einer Reise nach England.Eine unerwartete Kette von Ereignissen führt dazu, dass Du ineinerseltsamen Welt umherwanderst.Diese Welt ist zufällig dieselbe Welt wie die von AliceimWunderland.Die Bewohner dieser Welt behaupten, dass Du die Königin derHerzenbist.Und dann dringt Alice in das Land der Herzen ein!Warum wirst Du für die Königin der Herzen gehalten?Warum muss Du gegen Alice kämpfen?Du wirst Leibe in einer Welt erleben, in der Rätsel zuweiterenRätseln führen; das ist das Wesen dieses mysteriösangehauchtenRomance App Dramas!■■Charaktere■■◆【Loyaler Verlobter, der Dich aus den Schattenherausbeschützt】Quentin„Ich kann mich nicht auf eine Beziehung einlassen, die meinemHerzenwiderstrebt.Alter: 24 Größe: 187 cmDer Herzog vom Wunderland. Er ist der engste Verbündete derKönigin,und der stärkste Ritter im Wunderland.Er vertritt die Elite sowohl in der Literatur als auchinKampfkünsten und nimmst sich an Deiner StellederRegierungsgeschäfte an.Quentin ist ein etwas unbeholfener und ernster Typ.Er kann manchmal ernst sein, seine Worte und Handlungen laden oftzuMissverständnissen ein.Er belehrt dich auch.Dennoch wird er sein Leben jederzeit aufs Spiel setzen, um Dichzubeschützen.Im Geheimen ärgert er sich darüber, dass er sich fast nichtsausModetrends macht. Sein Hobby ist Zeichnen, aber erwirklichuntalentiert dabei (und ist sich dessen nichtbewusst).Er manipuliert Feuermagie.◆【Königlicher Hofkünstler mit versteckterdunklerSeite】Seofiras„Du warst von Beginn an vollkommen anders. Du hast unschuldignurdas angeblickt, was ich kreiert habe.“Alter: 27 Größe: 182 cmSeofiras ist ein pazifistisch eingestellter Künstler.Er liebt schöne Dinge, einschließlich verschiedener Kunstwerke.Erwird leidenschaftlich, wenn es um Schönheit geht.Er hasst Frauen. Er ist aus einer dunklen Vergangenheit alsSohneiner Prostituierten heraus aufgestiegen.Seine Beine sind leicht dauerhaft geschädigt.Er ist verantwortlich für Deine Kleidung und Accessoires.Er sieht den Herzog als Feind an, wenn er sich über dieKünstelustig macht. Er kann Härtnermagie verwenden.(Jeder glaubt, dass er nicht Magie verwenden kann, aber er kannes,weil sein Vater ein Adeliger war.)◆【Stärkster Ritter im Wunderland】Henry„Seit Kurzem fängt mein Herz immer an stark zu pochen, wenn ichDichsehe. Ich mag wohl krank sein.“Alter: 22 Größe: 178 cmHenry ist ein Graf und Dein Arzt.Er ist ein sehr geschickter Kämpfer und hat Vertrauen inseineFähigkeiten.Seine Familie und die des Herzogs sind seit Generationenmiteinanderbekannt und sie kennen sich einander daher seit langerZeit.Sie sind Freunde seit Kindertagen und albern oftmiteinanderherum.Er hat bis jetzt als Arzt für die Ritter gearbeitet. Obwohl eralsoein Arzt ist, ist nicht gewohnt an den Körper einer Frau.Aber er hat eine große Autorität. Er liebt Süßigkeiten und isstfürgewöhnlich immer etwas.Er ist der Adoptivbruder der Königin, aber er hat sie seitlangerZeit nicht gesehen.Mit seiner Magie kann er Tiere herbeirufen (Das Tier, waserbeliebig herbeirufen kann, ist ein Kaninchen).◆【Ältestes Wesen im Wunderland, welches seineGeheimnissekennt】Cheshire„Soll ich die Idioten bestrafen, die Dir Schadenzugefügthaben?“Alter: ?? Größe: 168 cmEr nimmt die Gestalt eines Jungen an, um neutralzuerscheinen.Er führt Dich und führt Dich beizeiten in die Irre, weil Du DichimWunderland nicht auskennst.Er sieht wie ein Kind aus, aber sein Charakter ist der einesaltenManns. Sein Alter ist unbekannt.Er ist der Einzige, der weiß, dass Du nicht die wahre Königinbistund fungiert als Dein Berater.Er nennt Dich die „Falsche Königin“ und versucht Dich inDeinebisherige Welt zurückzubringen.Er verhält sich schelmisch in seinen Handlungen und Reden.Dennoch tut er dies, um Dich für Deine Sicherheit zu sorgen. Eristder Chefbibliothekar der Königichen Archive.■■ ■■ synopsisYou are currently browsing on a trip to England.An unexpected chain of events leads to you umherwanderst inastrange world.This world is random the same world as that of AliceinWonderland.The inhabitants of this world say that you're the QueenofHearts.And then penetrates Alice in the Country of Hearts A!Why you'll love held for the Queen of Hearts?Why do you have to fight against Alice?You will experience body in a world of mystery lead tofurtherpuzzles; that is the nature of this mysterious drama tingedRomanceApp!■■ ■■ Characters◆ 【Loyal fiance who protects you from the shadows】 Quentin"I can not get involved in a relationship that goes againstmyheart.Age: 24 Height: 187 cmThe Duke of Wonderland. He is the closest ally of the Queen, andthestrongest knight in Wonderland.It represents the elite both in literature as well as inmartialarts and take at your place of business of government.Quentin is a little awkward and serious type.He can sometimes be serious, his words and actions invite oftenamisunderstanding.He taught you well.Yet he is at all times risk his life on the line toprotectyou.Secretly he is annoyed that he makes almost anything fromfashiontrends. His hobby is drawing, but he really untalented case(and isnot aware of).He manipulates fire magic.◆ 【Royal court artists with a hidden dark side】 Seofiras"You were right from the beginning completely different.Youinnocently just looked at what I have done. "Age: 27 Height: 182 cmSeofiras is a pacifist set artist.He loves beautiful things, including various artworks. Heispassionate when it comes to beauty.He hates women. He went from a dark past as the son of aprostituteout.His legs are easily damaged permanently.He is responsible for your clothing and accessories.He sees the Duke to an enemy when he makes fun of the arts. Hecanuse Härtnermagie.(Everyone believes that he can not use magic, but he can,becausehis father was a nobleman.)◆ 【Strongest Knight in Wonderland】 Henry"Recently, my heart always starts strongly to beat when I see you.Imay well be sick. "Age: 22 Height: 178 cmHenry is a count and your doctor.He is a very skilled fighter and has confidence inhisabilities.His family and the Duke are known each other for generationsandtherefore they know each other for a long time.They are friends around since childhood and sillytimestogether.He has worked until now as a physician for the Knights. Soeventhough he is a doctor who is not used to a woman's body.But he has a great authority. He loves sweets and alwayseatssomething usually.He is the adoptive brother of the queen, but he has not seen inalong time.With his magic he can summon animals (The animal, which hecansummon any, is a rabbit).◆ 【oldest creatures in Wonderland, which knows itssecrets】Cheshire"Should I punish the idiots who have inflicted harm you?"Age: ?? Height: 168 cmIt takes the form of a boy to appear neutral.He leads you and leads you betimes astray because You havenotversed in Wonderland.He looks like a child, but his character is that of an oldman's.His age is unknown.He is the only one who knows that you are not the true Queenandacts as your advisor.He calls you the "wrong queen" and tried you return to yourpreviousworld.It behaves roguishly in his actions and speeches.Nevertheless, he does this to you to ensure your safety. He isthechief librarian of Königichen archives.
The Fateful Encounter(Deutsch) 1.0.0
◇◇Du kannst das Spiel komplettkostenlosspielen!◇◇◇◇Ein spannendes und bittersüßes „Romantik-App-Drama”◇◇◇◇Du bist die Heldin! Übernimm die Hauptfigur und erlebeeinLiebesdrama mit attraktiven Detektiven!! ◇◇■■Handlung■■Du führtest ein ganz normales Studentenleben.Doch eines Tages bricht jemand Unbekanntes in deineWohnungein...!Es handelt sich aber um keinen gewöhnlichen Einbruch. Wiesichherausstellt, hatte es der Unbekannte auf deinen Anhänger,einAndenken an deine verstorbene Mutter, abgesehen.Du findest Schutz im Detektivbüro eines altenVertrauten...undtriffst dort auf vier ganz individuelle,attraktiveDetektive!!Wer trachtet nach deinem Anhänger...!?Und wie wird dein Glück in der Liebe ausfallen?■■Charaktere■■◆【arrogant + sadistisch】Yahiro Tsubaki 【Detektiv】Größe: 1,82m, Alter: 24„Wenn dir dein Leben lieb ist, hör auf das, was ich dirsage.“Ein arroganter und sadistischer Detektiv gemischterHerkunft.Sorgfältige Ermittlungen sind seine Stärke. Unter denMitgliederndes Büros ist er der orthodoxe Detektiv. Offenbar klagter überseine roten Haare...?Er hat zwar ein loses Mundwerk und ist etwas ungestüm,abertatsächlich besitzt er auch eine rücksichtsvolle undsanfteSeite...!?◆【großherzig + gutgelaunt】 Koudai Oguruma 【Ex-Polizist undDirektordes Detektivbüros】Größe: 1,85m, Alter: 37„Überlass das mir.“Der großherzige und gutgelaunte Direktor des Detektivbüros.Früherwar er Polizist, hat jedoch gekündigt und leitet nundasBüro.Als ein alter Bekannter von früher ist er für dichamvertrauenswürdigsten. Er ist immer herzlich, sodass man schonsagenkönnte, er sei unbekümmert. Allerdings hat er auch eineunerwartetsensible Seite...!?◆【träge + cool】 Kaoru Rindo【Student + Detektiv】Größe: 1,83m, Alter: 20„...die Angelegenheit ist unangenehm geworden.“Der coole Student und Detektiv. Er gehört dem Mysterien-Klubandeiner Universität an. Gewöhnlich erscheint er zwar nicht zudenVorlesungen, gehört aber dennoch zu dennotenbestenStudenten.Er macht stets einen trägen Eindruck, setzt aber seineÜberzeugungendurch.◆【mysteriös】 Tosho Akigiri 【geheimnisvoller Detektiv】Größe: 1,87m, Alter: 28„Wenn ich ihn nicht stehlen kann, raube ich eben dein Herz.“Der mysteriöse Detektiv. Seine Kennzeichen sind seineschlanke,große Gestalt und sein welliges Haar. Anscheinend ist dasseinenatürliche Haarfarbe...?Er ist gegenüber jeder Frau der Gentleman. Aber da gibt eseinerätselhafte Seite an ihm...!?Wähle nach deinen Vorlieben aus einer Auswahl vonCharakteren! wen wirst du dich verlieben?■Spielanleitung■Das Spielprinzip ist ganz einfach!1. Starte die App und drücke auf „Prolog“.2. Lese den Prolog.3. Wähle den Charakter aus, der dir gefällt.4. Während du die Geschichte weiterliest, triffst du eine ReihevonEntscheidungen und kommst so dem Charakter näher.5. Insgesamt gibt es zwei Enden je Charakter! Ob du das HappyEnderreichst, hängt von deinen Entscheidungen ab!※ Den Prolog und das jeweils erste Kapitel jedes Charakterskannstdu kostenlos spielen.※ Die weiteren Kapitel sind kostenpflichtig.■■Empfohlen, wenn du...■■„The Fateful Encounter“ ist etwas für dich, wenn du...・...romantische Filme, Serien, Manga, Anime oder Romanemagst.・...dich für Love Games interessierst, aber nicht vieldamitanfangen kannst, wenn sie nerdig sind.・...Love Games, Otome-Spiele oder Liebesdrama-Apps magst.・...eine richtige Story genießen möchtest.・...spannende Kriminalromane oder Suspense magst.Daneben bietet das Spiel für jede Frau noch vieleweitereunterhaltsame Inhalte!!◇◇ you can play thegamecompletely free! ◇◇◇◇ An exciting and bittersweet "Romantic App drama" ◇◇◇◇ You are the heroine! Take the main character and experiencealove story with attractive detectives !! ◇◇■■ ■■ actionYou led a normal student life.But one day, someone breaks into your apartment unknown a...!But it is no ordinary burglary. As it turns out, it had thestrangerto your followers, a souvenir of your late motherapart.You can find protection in Detektivbüro an old confidant ...andmeet there on four very individual, attractive detectives!!Who seek your trailer ...!?And how is your luck turn out in love?■■ ■■ Characters◆ 【arrogant + sadistic】 【Yahiro Tsubaki detective】Size: 1,82m, Age: 24"If you value your life, listen to what I tell you."An arrogant and sadistic detective mixed origin.Carefulinvestigations are its strength. Among the members of theoffice,it is the orthodox detective. Apparently, he complains ofhis redhair ...?Although he has a big mouth and is somewhat impetuous, but infactit also has a considerate and gentle side ...!?◆ 【magnanimous + cheerful】 【Koudai Oguruma ex-cop and directorofthe detective agencies】Size: 1.85 m, age: 37"Leave that to me."The generous and cheerful manager of detective agencies.Previouslyhe was a policeman, but has terminated and now managestheoffice.As an old friend from the past, he is most trustworthy for you.Heis always warm, so you could already tell he wasunconcerned.However, he also has an unexpectedly sensitive side...!?◆ 【sluggish + cool】 【Rindo Kaoru Student + Detective】Size: 1.83m, Age: 20"... The matter has become unpleasant."The cool and student detective. It belongs to the mysteries clubonat your university. Usually it does not appear, althoughthelectures, but one of the best students note.He always makes a sluggish feeling, but puts hisbeliefsthrough.◆ 【】 mysterious Tosho Akigiri 【mysterious detective】Size: 1.87 m, age: 28"If I can not steal it, I steal just your heart."The mysterious detective. Its characteristics are its slim,tallfigure and his wavy hair. Apparently this is his natural haircolor...?He is compared to every woman the gentleman. But there is apuzzlingside of him ...!?Choose according to your preference from a selectionofcharacters!... In whom you will fall in love?■ Instructions ■The gameplay is easy!1. Start the app and press the "Prologue".2. Reading the prologue.3. Choose from the character that you like.4. As you continue reading the story, you make a series ofdecisionsand so come closer to the character.5. Overall, there are two ends of each character! Whether youreachthe happy ending depends on your decisions from!※ The prologue and the first chapter of each of each characteryoucan play for free.※ The other chapters are chargeable.■■ Recommended if you ... ■■"The Fateful Encounter" is something for you if you ...· ... Romantic films, series, manga, anime or novels like.· ... Can you start for Love Games are interested, but not muchsothat when they are nerdy.· ... Love Games, Otome games or love drama apps like.· ... A real story to enjoy want.· ... Exciting thrillers or suspense like.In addition, the game for every woman offers !! plenty ofotherentertaining content
School Love Paradise 1.0.0
☆Enjoy this game completely free!!☆☆This game is a “App Drama” aimed at brilliant, young men!☆☆Put yourself in the role of the main character!☆☆Take on the role of a school teacher and enjoy romancing withthestudents.☆■■Story■■You are a newbie teacher who has just begun working at anewschool.You meet three cute students at your new school!!Each with their own special traits, you’ll have your hands fullinyour new life as a teacher!!Well then, with all it’s ups and downs, how will you live yourlifeas a teacher?■■Characters■■◆【The pigtailed, considerate and somewhat reservedSakuranoHaruna】”Uh・・・Umm, w, would you happen to be free after class today?”A somewhat quiet, but cheerful personality.Class president, with the leadership abilities to constantlybringeveryone together.She is a little reserved, but generally level-headedandreliable.◆【The little sister type, exchange student Margaret Yuna】”I’ll do my best! Just trust me!”Her Japanese is a little weak at times, but she’s anincrediblecommunicator.Her clumsy way of speaking is popular, and she has a sort ofcomplexsurrounding it.In actuality, she’s the princess of a far off country, and isbeingtold to return home by her parents.◆【The natural wonder, and daughter of a prestigious family,OtaniYuna】”*Nya~n (It’s such nice weather today~) ”A little wild of a personality and the schools Madonna.She can talk to and get along with anyone, and is popularamongsteveryone.She also has the strange ability to talk to cats.You can choose from a variety of characters based onyourpreferences!■■Recommended for the Following People:“School Love Paradise” is recommended for those of you who:Love movies, dramas, manga, anime, or novels with romance asthemain theme.Want to enjoy the youth of your school days.Want to experience foreign culture.Are interested in romance games, but don’t do well with thingsthatare too otaku-like.Love romance games, games about love, otome games, Bishouzyogamesand Romantic Drama Apps.Want to enjoy a full-length story.This game is written so that men and women can enjoy it!!
時渡りのセレナーデ 1.0.0
◇◇本作品は最後まで無料で楽しむことができます!!◇◇◇◇有名な海外の音楽家たちとの「恋愛アップドラマ」です!!◇◇◇◇主人公はアナタ自身!自身が主人公となり、過去にタイムスリップし、有名な音楽家たちとの恋愛を体験できます!!◇◇■■あらすじ■■ピアニストを目指し、勉強し続けていたアナタ。ある日、演奏が上手くいかず意気消沈しながら歩いていたところにトラックが突っ込んでくる。気づいた時には1700年代にタイムスリップしていたのだった。そこに現れたのは伝説と呼ばれる音楽家たち、ベートーヴェン、シューマン、リスト、ショパンの4人。状況が理解できず、戸惑っていたところにモーツァルトの暗殺依頼が届く。果たして主人公を含む5人はモーツァルトの暗殺を暴くことができるのか?そして主人公は現代に戻ることができるのか?■■キャラクター■■◆ベートーヴェン35歳 165cm俺様系の天才音楽家。気性は少し荒く、拝金主義者である。しかし一方で音楽の才能があるものには純粋な敬意を示し、努力をしているものには優しく接するといった一面もある。また、営業能力に長けており自分の作品を売り込むことにかけても一流である。◆ショパン22歳 175cm温厚な草食系音楽家。常に優しく紳士的なタイプであるが、思わせぶりな発言をして主人公をまどわせるような小悪魔チックな一面もある。自身の客に強く誇りを持っており、またその穏やかさから周りのメンバーをまとめていくリーダー的な立ち位置を取ることも良くある。◆リスト28歳 185cmフェミニストな紳士系音楽家。女性には常に優しく紳士的に接するため、大変モテる。しかし、たまに冷酷さを見せることもあり、物事を進める際に無駄なことは一切しない。孤独を好み、組織以外では人と絡まない孤高の天才でもある。◆シューマン18歳 173cmヤンデレ系音楽家タイムスリップ能力を持っており、常に冷静沈着である。主人公がタイムスリップした原因を把握しており、歴史が主人公の存在によりねじまげられることを恐れている。あなたの好みに応じて様々なキャラが選べる!・・・さあ、あなたは誰と事件を追いかける?■遊び方■ゲームの進め方はとても簡単です!1.アプリを起動して「プロローグ」を押す2. プロローグを読む3.お気に入りのキャラを選ぶ4.ストーリーを読み進めながら、選択肢を選んで、キャラとの距離を縮めていきます5.本編のエンディングは全部で2種類!ハッピーエンドを迎えられるかは、アナタの選択肢次第!※本作は、毎日プレゼントされるストーリーチケットを使用して、最後まで無料でプレーすることができます※一気にストーリーを読みたい方は、シナリオを購入することも可能です※また、ストーリーチケットは動画を視聴したり、条件を達成したりすることでも無料で獲得できます。※エンディングはエンディングチケットを使って読むことができます。■アップドラマとは■アップドラマとは弊社の作品の総称であり、シナリオ/立ち絵/背景/音楽で構成されたスマホで再生されるドラマコンテンツです。現在は恋愛系が中心となっておりますが、サスペンス系やアイドルを使ったものなど様々なコンテンツを増やしていく予定です。■■こんな人におすすめ■■「時渡りのセレナーデ」は、こんなアナタにおすすめです。・恋愛(れんあい)がテーマの映画/ドラマ/マンガ/アニメ/小説が好き・クラシック音楽が好き・感動的な物語が好き・有名な音楽家に興味がある・恋愛ゲームには興味あるけど、オタクっぽいのは苦手・・・・恋愛ゲーム、恋ゲーム、乙女ゲームや恋愛ドラマアプリが好き・本格的なストーリーを楽しみたいその他、全ての男女に楽しめる内容になっています!!■■アプリ提供会社ジーニアスについて■■ジーニアスは、スマートフォンで気軽に楽しむことができるストーリー型コンテンツ「アップドラマ」の企画・開発・販売をしている会社です。ジーニアスは、新しいタイプのエンターテイメントであるアップドラマを、マンガ・アニメと並ぶ芸術の一つとして昇華させることをミッションとして、様々なジャンルの作品を制作しております。現在は、グリム童話の世界をモチーフとした恋愛アップドラマ「グリム’s プリンセス〜童話姫〜」が大好評発売中です。今後も良質なコンテンツを続々と配信していきますので、どうぞご期待ください。■■アプリの質問、不具合報告■■ご質問・不具合のご報告等は、support@gen-ius.comまでご連絡下さい。作品に対するご意見もお待ちしております。皆様のご意見は今後の作品作りに欠かせませんので、是非忌憚なきご意見をお寄せ下さい。◇◇ This work canbeenjoyed free of charge until the end! ! ◇◇◇◇ is "love-up drama" with the famous foreign musicians! ! ◇◇◇◇ hero yourself! Itself becomes a hero, time slip in the past,youcan experience the romance of the famous musicians! ! ◇◇ ■■ ■■ SynopsisAiming to pianist, he had continued to study you.One day, the track will come with his in the place wheretheperformance was walking with downcast not go well.When the notice was to have been a time slip in the 1700s.Musicians, called the legend had appeared there,Beethoven,Schumann, list, four of Chopin.Situation can not be understood, assassination request ofMozartarrives in the place that had puzzled.Or really the five people, including the hero can uncovertheassassination of Mozart?And whether the hero is able to return to the modern?■■ ■■ character◆ Beethoven35-year-old 165cmI like systems of genius musician.Temper is a little rough, it is greed person.However, on the other hand shows the pure respect to thosewherethere is talent of music, there is also one side, such ascontactwith kind to those that make the effort.In addition, a leading be subjected to sell their works are adeptatoperating capacity.◆ Chopin22-year-old 175cmMild-mannered herbivorous musician.But it is always friendly and gentlemanly type, there is alsoasmall devil tic one side, such as to mislead the hero withasuggestive remark.Have a strong pride in its own customer, also there may betakencollectively go leader a standing position the members aroundfromits calm.◆ List28-year-old 185cmFeminist gentleman-based musician.Because that is in contact with the always friendly andgentlemanlyto women, very popular among.However, there is also intended to show off occasionally cruelty,itis not all that useless when to proceed with things.Prefer the solitude, it is also the lone genius tangle-freeandpeople outside the organization.◆ Schuman18-year-old 173cmYandere-based musicianHas a time-slip capability, it is always calm.Hero has to grasp the cause of the time slip, I am afraid thatthehistory is contorted by the presence of a hero.Choose a variety of characters, depending on your taste!... Come on, you can chase the Who and the incident?■ How to Play ■How to proceed in the game is very easy!1. Pressing the "prologue" to launch the app2. Read the prologue3. Choose your favorite character4. While continue reading the story, select the option, wewillshorten the distance between the characters5. All the main ending in two! Whether be greeted by a happyend,your choice as soon as the!This work ※, using the story ticket to be present every day, youcanplay until the end for free※ If you want at once read the story, it is also possibletopurchase a scenario※ In addition, the story ticket or watch the video, you canearnfree also or to achieve the conditions.※ ending can be read using the ending ticket.■ What is up drama ■And up drama is a general term of our work, is the drama contenttobe played back by the smartphone that has been configured inthescenario / Standing picture / background / music.It is now the center is love-based, but we plan to increasethevariety of content, such as those using the suspense systemandidle.■■ Recommended for people ■■"Time Over Serenade" is recommended for such you.- Love (love) is like the theme of the movie / drama / manga /anime/ novelLove, classical music- Compelling story likeI am interested in, the famous musicianI - is to love the game of interest, geeky's not good ...- Love the game, I love the game, like the maiden game andromancedrama app· I want to enjoy a full-fledged storyOther, has become content to enjoy in all of the men andwomen!!■■ ■■ About App company GeniusGenius is a company that has been in the planning, developmentandsales of story-based content "up drama" that can feel free toenjoya smartphone. Genius is an up-drama is a new type ofentertainment,as the mission that the sublime as one of the art,along with mangaand anime, we are creating works of variousgenres.Currently, Grimm world motif and the love-up drama "Grimm'sPrincess ~ Dowahime ~" the fairy tale is in large on sale.Since we will one after another deliver high-quality content inthefuture, please stay tuned.■■ app questions, bug reports ■■Please report such question-bug, please contact look forward to also comment on the work.Since the opinions of everyone is not essential to the future ofthework making, please send us your opinion by all meansfrankdefunct.
My Lovely Cat (Deutsch) 1.0.0
◇◇Du kannst dieses Spiel bis zum Endekostenlosgenießen!!◇◇◇◇Das ist ein App-Drama mit von allen geliebten Miezekätzcheninmenschlicher Gestalt!!◇◇◇◇Du bist die Heldin! Du erlebst eine romantischeLiebesgeschichtemit attraktiven Katzen in einem Katzencafé!◇◇■■Inhalt■■Du warst nicht sicher, wo du arbeiten solltest.Dann stößt du zufällig über eine Stellenanzeige füreinKatzencafé.Du betrittst das Katzencafé, um dort heiße Typen mitKatzenohrenvorzufinden?!Es bahnt sich eine Liebesgeschichte mit den Miezekätzchen an,dieein bisschen herzzerreißend und ein bisschen süß ist!■■Charaktere■■◆SoraAlter: 24 Größe: 172 cmSora ist eine langhaarige Maine-Coon-Katze.Er ist die fröhliche und immer lächelnde Katze, die das GesichtdesKatzencafés ist, in dem du arbeitest.Er bestimmt die Stimmung im Katzencafé und ist auchbeliebtesteKatze, aber er hat verschiedene Probleme wie dass ernichthochgenommen oder in einen Käfig gesetzt werden will.Er wurde direkt von einer Zoohandlung zum Café gebracht undsehntsich danach, die Welt draußen zu entdecken.◆LeoAlter: 27 Größe: 185 cmLeo ist eine siamesische Kurzhaarkatze.Er ist immer unnahbar und egozentrisch und öffnet sichniemandemaußer dem Geschäftsführer des Cafés.Er ist sehr beliebt im Katzencafé für seine Distanziertheit undseinAussehen.Aufgrund eines Traumas, weil er in der Vergangenheitmisshandeltwurde, hat er besitzergreifende Tendenzen gegenüberseinemLiebesobjekt.◆RinAlter: 30 Größe: 177 cmRin ist eine langhaarige Ragdoll-Katze.Er ist eine stille Katze, schläft immer und macht alles inseinemeigenen Tempo.Er ist sehr klug und der Intelligenteste der Katzen.Sein ruhiges Verhalten führt dazu, dass er oft gehalten wird underhat auch nichts dagegen, gehalten zu werden.Ursprünglich wurde er von einer alten Dame aufgezogen undvomKatzencafé aufgenommen, als sich ihreKrankheitverschlechterte.◆NoraAlter: 18 Größe: 168 cmMischling.Nora ist den Menschen sehr überdrüssig und hängt anniemandem.In der Vergangenheit wurde er von Menschen misshandelt undstarbfast dadurch, was ihn dazu veranlasst hat, sein Herzzuverschließen.Der Geschäftsführer des Cafés hat ihn gerettet, als er am RandedesTodes zurückgelassen wurde, und das Café ist seitdemseinZuhause.Du kannst aus einer Vielfalt von Charakteren wählen, ganznachdeinen Vorlieben!… In wen wirst du dich verlieben?■So spielst Du■Es ist sehr leicht zu spielen!1. Lade die App des Spiels und drücke den Button "Prolog".2. Lies den Prolog.3. Wähle deinen Lieblingscharakter.4. Treffe deine Wahlen, während du die Geschichte liest, undkommedem Charakter deiner Wahl näher.5. Es gibt für diese Geschichte zwei ganze Enden! DeineWahlenbestimmen, ob du es zum glücklichen Ende schaffst!※Die Geschichte dieser App kann komplett kostenlos gelesenwerden,indem Story-Tickets genutzt werden, die du jedenTagbekommst.※Du kannst auch das komplette Szenario kaufen, wenn dudieGeschichte lesen möchtest, ohne warten zu müssen.※ Außerdem kannst du kostenlose Story-Tickets bekommen, indemduVideos schaust und bestimmte Bedingungen erfüllst.※Du kannst die Enden durch die Nutzung einesEnde-Ticketsansehen.■Für die folgenden Menschen empfohlen:"My Lovely Cat” wird empfohlen, wenn du:· Liebesfilme, Dramen, Manga, Anime oder Romane magst, in deneneshauptsächlich um Romantik geht.· Katzen magst.· Bewegende Geschichten magst.· Häufig Katzencafés besuchst oder besuchen willst.· Tiere magst, die eine menschliche Gestalt haben.· An romantischen Spielen interessiert bist, aber nicht magst,wennsie zu Otaku-mässig sind.· Romantik-Spiele, Spiele über Liebe, Otome-SpieleundRomantik-App-Dramas magst.· Mit einer Geschichte in voller Länge Spaß haben willst.◇◇ you can enjoy forfreeuntil the end of this game !! ◇◇◇◇ This is an app drama loved by all pussycat in human form!!◇◇◇◇ You are the heroine! You experience a romantic love storywithattractive cats in a cat café! ◇◇■■ ■■ ContentYou were not sure where you should work.Then you come across a job posting for a cat café.You enter the Katzencafé to finding there hot guys with catears?!It is about to grow a love story with the Pussy Cat, which is abitheartbreaking and a bit sweet!■■ ■■ Characters◆ SoraAge: 24 Height: 172 cmSora is a long-haired Maine Coon.He is cheerful and always smiling cat who is the face of thecatcafes, where you work.It determines the mood in Katzencafé and is also popular cat, butithas various problems such that it will not be taken up or placedina cage.He was taken directly from a pet shop to café and longs outtodiscover the world.◆ LeoAge: 27 Height: 185 cmLeo is a Siamese shorthair cat.He is always aloof and self-centered and open to anyone otherthanthe manager of the cafe.He is very popular in Katzencafé for his aloofness andhisappearance.Due to trauma, because he was abused in the past, he haspossessivetendencies towards his love object.◆ RinAge: 30 Height: 177 cmRin is a long-haired Ragdoll cat.He is a silent cat always sleeps and does everything at hisownpace.He is very smart and the Smartest of cats.His calm demeanor means that he is often mistaken and he has tobeno objection maintained.Originally, he was brought up by an old lady and recordedbyKatzencafé as worsened their illness.◆ NoraAge: 18 Height: 168 cmHybrid.Nora is the people very tired and hanging on anyone.In the past he has been abused by people and nearly died by whathasled him to close his heart.The manager of the cafe has saved him as he was left on the brinkofdeath, and the cafe has since his home.You can choose from a variety of characters choose according toyourpreference!... In whom you will fall in love?■ How to Play ■It is very easy to play!1. Download the App of the game and press the button"Prolog".2. Read the prologue.3. Choose your favorite character.4. Meet your choices, as you read the story, I'm thetargetcharacter closer.5. There are for this story two whole ends! determine yourchoices,if you make it to a happy end!※ The history of this app can be read in its entirety for freebyStory tickets are used, which you get every day.※ You can also purchase the complete scenario, if you want toreadthe story, without having to wait.※ In addition, you can get free tickets Story by you watchvideosand fulfill certain conditions.※ You can view the ends through the use of an end-tickets.■ For the following people recommended:"My Lovely Cat" is recommended if you:· Love movies, dramas, manga, anime or novels like, where itismostly about romance.· Cats like.· Like Moving stories.· Frequently cat cafes are visiting or want to visit.· Animals like that have a human form.· Are interested to romantic games, but not like when they aretoOtaku-moderate.· Romance games, games about love, Otome games and Romance Appdramalike.· With a history full length fun going.
Reverse Genji Romance(Esp) 1.0.0
◇◇¡¡Puedes disfrutar de este juego hastaelfinal totalmente gratis!! ◇◇◇◇¡¡Este juego está repleto de tradiciones japonesas, ya queestábasado en la novela Genji Monogatari!!◇◇◇◇¡Tú eres la heroína (Hikaru Genji)! ¡Prepárate paraexperimentarel amor con la nobleza!◇◇■■Sinopsis■■¿Cómo es posible que una bella emperatriz rodeada dehombresatractivos se enamorara de uno de origen humilde? Todos losnoblesse pusieron celosos y trataron de separarles, pero su amorfuecapaz de romper las barreras de las clases sociales yacabaroncasándose. De esa unión nació una adorable princesa. Sunombre eraHikaru Genji (el nombre de la heroína). Con el paso delos años sevolvía cada vez más y más hermosa. Pronto, y sindesearlo, se vioenvuelta en una intensa lucha por su mano.■■Personajes■■◆Aoi“¿Y esa cara de tonta?”Edad: 24 Altura: 172cmAoi es tu prometido.Es un noble de clase alta. Su atractivo y su inteligencia hacenquesea difícil encontrarle defectos. Sin embargo, es muy orgullosoyactúa fríamente contigo. Como vuestro compromiso fue decididoporotros, él no te acepta como su prometida.◆Rokujo“Me conformo con poder estar a tu lado”.Edad: 27 Altura: 180cmRokujo es un hombre sereno e inteligente, que siempre mantienelacalma. Un adulto atractivo, con una buena posición social ymuyeducado. Se podría decir que tiene dos personalidades y que esmuyceloso. Es por eso que se está convirtiendo en unfantasmavengativo sin ni siquiera darse cuenta.◆Murasaki“Siempre acabas en peligro. Te protegeré”.Edad: 20 Altura: 177cmMurasaki es tan amable, inteligente, elegante y guapo queeresincapaz de encontrar ningún fallo en él. Es tu amigo delainfancia, como un hermano pequeño para ti. Su perfección atraeamucha gente y le granjea numerosas amistades. Solo muestrasuverdadero lado infantil cuando está con alguien que le conocetantocomo tú.◆Akashi“Eres brillante… Soy feliz con solo verte”.Edad: 18 Altura: 168cmAkashi es un joven educado y amable cuyas acciones son laeleganciapersonificada. Es más joven y de constitución más débilque los quele rodean, lo que refuerza el complejo que sufre porpertenecer aun estatus inferior. Nadie le gana a la hora de tocarla flauta oel koto. También es un maestro del dibujo y de las artesengeneral.¡Puedes elegir entre una variedad de personajes dependiendo detuspreferencias!¿De quién te enamorarás...?■■Recomendado para:Recomendamos “Reversed Tale of Genji” si:Si te gustan las películas, dramas, manga, anime onovelasrománticas.Si te gustó Genji Monogatari.Si disfrutas con las historias de amor tradicionales.Si quieres sumergirte en una cultura extranjera.Si te interesan los juegos románticos no tan enfocados alpúblicootaku.Si te gustan los juegos de romance o que tratan sobre el amor,losjuegos otome o las apps de drama romántico.Si quieres disfrutar de una historia completa.¡Seas quien seas, esta historia es para ti!◇◇ 'You can enjoythisgame totally free to end !! ◇◇◇◇ 'This game is packed with Japanese traditions, since it isbasedon the novel Genji Monogatari !! ◇◇◇◇ You are the heroine (Hikaru Genji)! Get ready to experiencelovewith nobility! ◇◇■■ ■■ SynopsisHow could a beautiful empress surrounded by attractive men fallinlove with one of humble origin? All nobles became jealous andtriedto separate them, but his love was able to break the barriersofsocial class and eventually married. From this union he was bornanadorable princess. His name was Hikaru Genji (the name oftheheroine). Over the years he became more and more beautiful.Soonand unwillingly, I was involved in an intense battle forherhand.■■ ■■ Characters◆ Aoi"And that stupid face?"Age: 24 Height: 172cmAoi is your fiance.It is a noble upper class. Its attractiveness and intelligencemakeit difficult to find fault. However, he is very proud andactscoldly you. As your commitment was decided by others, he doesnotaccept you as his bride.◆ Rokujo"I'll settle to be by your side."Age: 27 Height: 180cmRokujo is a serene and intelligent man, who always keeps calm.Adultattractive with good social position and very polite. Youcould saythat has two personalities and is very jealous. That'swhy it isbecoming a vengeful ghost without even realizingit.◆ Murasaki"You always end up in danger. I'll protect you".Age: 20 Height: 177cmMurasaki is so friendly, intelligent, smart and handsome youareunable to find any faults in it. It's your childhood friend,like alittle brother to you. His perfection attracts many peopleandgarners numerous friendships. Only shows his true childishsidewhen you are with someone who knows you as you are.◆ Akashi"You're brilliant ... I'm happy just to see you."Age: 18 Height: 168cmAkashi is a polite and friendly young man whose actions aretheepitome of elegance. He's younger and constitution weakerthanthose around him, reinforcing the complex suffered forbelonging toan inferior status. Nobody wins when playing the fluteor the koto.He is also a teacher of drawing and arts ingeneral.You can choose from a variety of characters depending onyourpreference!Who you fall in love ...?■■ Recommended for:Recommend "Tale of Genji Reversed" if:If you like movies, dramas, manga, anime or romance novels.If you liked Genji Monogatari.If you enjoy traditional love stories.If you want to immerse yourself in a foreign culture.If you are interested in not so focused on public otakuromanticgames.If you like games that deal romance or love otome games orappsromantic drama.If you want to enjoy a complete story.You Whoever you are, this story is for you!
恋のカレー騒ぎ 1.0.0
◇◇プロローグと各キャラ本編1話は無料で楽しめます!!◇◇◇◇カレー×恋愛アップドラマ「恋のカレー騒ぎ〜カレーの国のカレシさま〜」、イケメンカレーたちとじっくりことこと煮込む恋愛ストーリー◇◇◇◇主人公はアナタ自身!自分が主人公となり、カレーたちとの恋愛を楽しむことができます!!◇◇■■あらすじ■■「いいな…私も、カレシが欲しいー!」学校に通いながら、親が経営しているカレー屋で働いているアナタ。いつもお店の手伝いをしているせいで、お友達とも自由に遊べず合コンにも行けない。そんなある日隣の店で仲良くカレーを食べるカップルを見かけ、「あ、私もカレシ欲しい…。」とつぶやく。その瞬間混ぜていたカレーが光って、目を開けたら目の前に4人のイケメンがいた。彼らはカレー王国から嫁探しに人間界へやって来たカレーの妖精「カレーシ」だったのだ…!それそれの目的でアナタを彼女にしたがるカレーシたちの間で、アナタは一体誰と恋に落ちることになるのか…?■■キャラクター■■◆【ナルシスト王子】 インドカレー  身長:180cm、年齢:22歳「カレーをスプーンで食べるとは、なんて下品な!」カレー王国の第一王子。面倒なことは何一つせず、𥙿福にニート生活を送っていたのだが、そろそろ結婚してちゃんとした生活をするよう親(王)に叱られる。仕方なく適当な結婚相手を探すため人間界に出る。世間知らずでアナタを怒らせたりするが、基本は優しい。◆【勝負バカ】カツカレー  身長:170cm、年齢:18歳「俺を食え!俺が一番うまい!」カレー王国カツカレー会の有名な問題児。何でもできる兄に勝つため努力しているうちに、勝負に執着する性格になってしまう。次のカップルカレー大会で優勝するため、人間界へ嫁を探しに来た。何も考えず18禁発言をどんどん言ってアナタを困らせたりもするけど、実はは可愛いところもある…かも?◆【世界一弱虫】チキンカレー身長:162cm、年齢:17歳「僕、鶏が怖いんです…」カレー王国養鶏所の一人息子。そしてカレー王国第一の臆病者。自分の性格を変えたいと思い、その第一歩で彼女を作ると決心して人間界に出る。性格のせいで色々事件に巻き込まれるが、克服するため必死で頑張っている。徐々に男前になっていく彼との恋の行方は…?◆【コンプレックスボーイ】ハッシュドビーフ身長:178cm、年齢:22歳「とりあえず、子供を作ろう。」ハッシュード王国の王子。昔先祖がカレー王国との戦争で負けてしまい、そのせいでハッシュードビーフの立場が弱くなってしまった状況を改善するため人間界に出る。初対面から子供を作たかるし、コンプレックスの塊でアナタを困らせるが、いざ本気になると…?あなたの好みに応じて様々なキャラが選べる!・・・さあ、アナタはどのカレーと恋を煮込む?◇◇ 1 episode prologueandeach character story can be enjoyed for free! ! ◇◇◇◇ "boyfriend customers - of the love of curry turmoil -currycountry" curry × love-up drama, carefully Kotokoto simmerlovestory ◇◇ and handsome curry us◇◇ hero is your own! He becomes a hero, you can enjoy the loveofthe curry us! ! ◇◇■■ ■■ Synopsis"Good Do not ... I also, boyfriend want over!"While going to school, you who are working in the curry shopparentis management.Because you are the shops of help always, not go to freelyplaywithout joint party with your friends.I saw a couple eating happily curry One day next to thestore,Murmur "Oh, I also want boyfriend ....".Glowing curry that had been mixed moment,Eye was four handsome purchase in front of the eyes Iopenedthe.They came to the human world in search of daughter-in-law fromcurryKingdomIt was a curry of fairy "Kareshi" ...!In between her to the want Kareshi us you in it its purpose,What you would fall in Who love ...?■■ ■■ character◆ [narcissist prince]Indian curryHeight: 180cm, Age: 22 years old"And eat a curry with a spoon, What a vulgar!"The first prince of curry kingdom.Troublesome thing is nothing Seth, but he had sent a neat life in𥙿Fu,He scolded the parent (the king) to the life that was decentandsoon married.Reluctantly leave the human world to look for a suitablemarriagepartner.Or offended you in naive, but the basic is friendly.◆ [game fool]KatsukareHeight: 170cm, Age: 18 years old"Eat me! Good I is the best!"Curry kingdom Katsukare meeting of the famous problem child.While it is an effort to win the brother can do anything,It becomes a personality to cling to match.In order to win in the next couple curry tournament,I came in looking for a daughter-in-law to the human world.I also or anything annoy more and more saying ANATA 18prohibitedspeeches without thinking,In fact it is there is also a cute place ... duck?◆ [the world wimp]Chicken curryHeight: 162cm, Age: 17 years old"I, I'm chicken is scary ..."Only son of curry kingdom poultry plants. And curry kingdom firstofa coward.I want to change my personality, and decided to make her inthefirst stepOut in the human world. While embroiled in various incidentsbecauseof the personality, to overcomeWorking hard and desperate. The whereabouts of love with him,whichgradually became a handsome ...?◆ [Complex Boy]Hashed beefHeight: 178cm, Age: 22 years old"For now, we are trying to make the children."Prince of Hasshudo kingdom.Once upon a time ancestors would have lost the war withcurrykingdom,Position of hash over de beef has become weak because of thatOut in the human world to improve the situation.Sponging create the children from the first meeting, but annoyyouin the mass of the complex,When the emergency become serious ...?Choose from a variety of characters, depending on your taste!... Come on, you simmer which curry and love?
My Sweet Pianist 1.0.0
This app is completely free!This is a "romance game" where you date thelegendarycomposers!You are the protagonist! You will travel time and experiencelovewith the renowned composers!!SynopsisYou were always working hard wishing to become aprofessionalpianist.One day, you were feeling blue from your practice not goingwell.That is when a truck hits you.When you woke up, you were in the 1700s.And then appeared the legendary composers: Beethoven,Schumann,Liszt and Chopin.When you were confused and startled, you hear abouttheassassination of Mozart.Can the protagonist and the 5 composers solve the assassinationofMozart?And can she go back to her era?CharactersBeethoven35 years old 5'4A self-centered genius musicianHas a mild temper and is a money worshiper.On the other hand, he shows pure respect to talented musiciansandis kind to hardworkers.He also has excellent talent in sales and sells hismusicwell.Chopin22 years old 5'7A musician with a very gentle character.He is always a gentleman but is a bit of a sweet devil type sincehesays deceiving words to protagonist.Has pride in his music. Also like a leader of the composers fromhisgentle personality.Liszt28 years old 6ftA composer who is a gentleman and a feminist.He is very popular with women because he is a gentlemenwiththem.However, sometimes he's cruel and hates wasting time whendoingsomething.Enjoys solitude and a genius that will not interact withpeopleoutside the organization.Schumann18 years old 5'6A "yandere" musician who has mad-like romance with women.He can travel between time and is always very calm.He knows the protagonist is from another time and fears historywillbe twisted by her existance.Chose the character of your type!…Which composer will you reveal the case with?How to playIt's very easy to play!1. Start the app and press the "Prologue".2. Read the Prologue.3. Select a character4. Read the stories and select the choices that will bringyoucloser to the characters.5. There are 2 different endings! It is up to you if you canhavethe happy ending!*You can completely enjoy this app for free with the storyticketsthat are gifted everyday.*If you want to read the entire story without waiting, youmaypurchase the scenarios.*You can get the story tickets for free by watching the adsandcompleting missions.*You can watch the endings by using the "Ending tickets".