
Gold Country Calvary Chapel 5641.4
Gold Country Calvary Chapel in Grass Valley California. Pastor MikeWarren.
Calvary Chapel Wasatch Front 5.61.3
With this app you'll be able to:- Listen to messages- Keep up to date with events- Connect through social media- and more!Calvary Chapel Wasatch Front began here in Utah in 1995. Thechurch originally met in downtown Ogden at the Solid Rock Cafe, aChristian coffee house. Pastor Mark Gomez started the church andsince then church growth sent the church looking outside of Ogden.Now we are settled into Clearfield.Pastor Mark has been married to his wife Jonnie for thirty-fiveyears and they have three adult children. Pastor Mark has lecturednationally on Internet Risks and various Teen issues.
Foxhole Ministry 1.3
Foxhole Ministry App!
Calvary Chapel Downey 5.62.3
With this app you can:- Listen to current messages- Watch video archives- Stay up to date with events- and moreWe are excited how the Lord has blessed us over the last thirtyyears. Through the teaching of His Word and the proclaiming of theGood News, many thousands have had their lives changed, and havebecome productive and involved in the kingdom of God.We believe in being an Acts 2:42 Christian – consistently,steadfastly staying in the Word, in prayer, in fellowship and intaking communion. We also believe in body ministry:“From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted bythat which every joint supplieth, according to the effectualworking in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the bodyunto the edifying of itself in love.” Ephesians 4:16We hope this website will encourage you to pray for theseministries and outreaches and involve yourself in what the Biblesays is an addiction to the ministry of the saints. (I Corinthians16:15)Remember Jesus is praying for you as He did for Peter that yourfaith will not fail and that when you truly get converted, you willstrengthen the brethren! (Luke 22:32)To God be the glory for all that He has done, is doing and willdo!Your fellow-laborer and servant,Pastor Jeff Johnson“And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses,the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teachothers also. Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier ofJesus Christ.” II Timothy 2:2-3
Global Youth Evangelism 5.62.3
The vision of Global Youth Evangelism and itsassociated out reaches, had its origin in the late 1950s in a smallmountain house church near Los Gatos, California. In a miraculousmove of God, the Holy Spirit began to touch and call men and womento a renewed commitment to experience the reality of the presenceof the living God.In 1961, after construction of new facilities, the vision ofworld evangelism began to unfold. Following the scriptural pattern(Acts 1:8), the church body began to reach out to the local andnearby communities through a weekly radio broadcast and through"Released Time Evangelism" in the public schools. As young peopleresponded to the move of God, the church helped sponsor "YouthInvasions" throughout Northern California under what was called:“Teenage Evangelism.Then in the early 1970s, in response to an outpouring of God'sHoly Spirit on young people in the drug culture, an intensive oneyear Bible School was established. This was started in order totrain and disciple young Christians in Christian living and Kingdomprincipals for future service and ministry. Before long themissionary vision of GYE began to become more established andmembers of the congregation became involved in an outreach toMexican immigrant workers. In order to increase the effectivenessof the ministry by transcending denominational boundaries, GlobalYouth Evangelism was incorporated June 1, 1965. In the late sixtiesthe Holy Spirit began to direct the development of an internationalministry through the establishment of missionary training centersat Los Gatos, California and in Guadalajara, Mexico.
Grace for Today Radio 5.61.3
With this app you can:- Listen live to music and messages- Keep in touch with up and coming events- Subscribe to our blogs- and much moreAbout Calvary Chapel VisaliaIn July of 1978, Pastor Bob Grenier, and his wife Gayle moved toVisalia, and Calvary Chapel Visalia was started.We had talked and prayed with Pastor Chuck Smith of CalvaryChapel Costa Mesa, and together with his blessing, Gayle and Imoved from Eugene Oregon, where I had been pastoring the ShilohFellowship, and Calvary Chapel of Visalia held it’s first services,at 1:30 on Sunday afternoons, in a community room of a local storecalled Gottshalks.We also began Calvary Chapel Visalia with a couple of homefellowships that met during the week. These were very excitingtimes and very challenging, and very rewarding. As Calvary ChapelVisalia began to grow, we were able to move our services to thelocal YMCA, and spent the next 16 1/2 years there.Calvary Chapel Visalia slowly, but surely began to becomeestablished in the community and we grew as a body, not justnumerically, but in our love for Jesus Christ, and for one anotherand for the city of Visalia, and the world we live in.
Calvary Chapel Three Crosses 5.61.3
Listen to the Messages of Pastor Dwayne fromCalvary Chapel Three Crosses. Send prayer requests, locate us onthe map, read daily devotionals and more.Welcome to the Calvary Chapel Three Crosses website. Withinthese pages you'll find information about our church, ourministries, and most importantly, who Jesus Christ is and how youcan begin a personal relationship with Him. That’s really the focusof what we do at Calvary Chapel-make disciples of Jesus Christ.
CalvaryNetRadio 5.61.3
Jesus said, “Freely you have received, freelygive.” This same Jesus has also allowed Calvary Net Radio to bemade available free of charge to whoever desires, let him freelytake. The programs we present are at no cost to the ministries thathave been kind enough to allow us to broadcast and share theministry of the Word. It is our aim to make available spirit ledteaching so that those listening may be fed God's word from God'sscripture.May the Lord always be first, and may His Word always befree,Rick GastonSr. Pastor, Calvary Chapel Mechanicsville, VA
Calvary Chapel Salmon 5.62.7
Listen to the messages of Pastor Ty Orr of Calvary Chapel Salmon.
Calvary Chapel Artesia 5.62.3
With this app you'll be able to:- Listen to messages- Keep up to date with events- And MoreThe Calvary Chapel Church has been formed as a fellowship ofbelievers in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our supreme desire is toknow Christ and to be conformed into His image by the power of theHoly Spirit.We are not a denominational Church, nor are we opposed todenominations as such, only their overemphasis of doctrinaldifferences that have led to the division of the Body ofChrist.
Calvary Chapel Visalia 5.61.3
We pray that Calvary Chapel might be ablessing to you in your walk with the Lord, or in your seeking tofind a relationship with God. The Lord has led us here at CalvaryChapel Visalia to a very simple and consistent vision. We aredeeply committed to teaching the Bible in a verse by verse, chapterby chapter, book by book method. The services here at CalvaryChapel Visalia are held on Sunday Mornings, and then on WedNights.
Calvary Chapel Healdsburg 5.61.3
Calvary Chapel has been formed as a fellowshipof believers in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our supreme desire isto know Christ and be conformed into His image by the power of theHoly Spirit. We believe the only true basis of Christian fellowshipis His (Agape) love, which is greater than any differences wepossess and without which we have no right to claim ourselvesChristians. We believe the worship of God should be spiritual.Therefore, we remain flexible and yielded to the Holy Spirit todirect our worship. We believe the worship of God should beinspirational. Therefore, we give a great place to music in ourworship. We believe the worship of God should be intelligent.Therefore, our services are designed with great emphasis uponteaching of the Word of God that He might instruct us how He shouldbe worshiped. We believe the worship of God is fruitful. Therefore,we look for His love in our lives as the supreme manifestation thatwe have truly been worshiping Him. On Sunday mornings we meettogether to fellowship...
Texas Flange 5.62.3
With this app you can:- Calculate Rings- Stay up to date with current news- Connect through our social networks- and MorePROVIDING ASME CODE & NON CODEINDUSTRIAL FLANGES FOR:The Petrochemical, Process, and Waterworks industries. ANSI, API,AWWA pipe flanges in carbon steel , stainless steel , alloys andchrome steel. Weld Neck, Slip on, Blind, Threaded, Socket Weld, LapJoint, Orifice Flanges, Ring, and custom flanges in sizes 1/2" to203". Pressure classes - 75, 125, 150, 175, 250, 300, 350, 400,600, 900, 1500, 2500, 5K, 10K, 15K, 20K. High Yield - Low Temp.
Calvary Chapel Lincoln 5.62.6
Calvary Chapel Lincoln a non-denominationalchurch focused on the inerrancy of the Bible and the expositoryteaching from Genesis to Revelation. Our supreme desire is to knowJesus and to be conformed into His image by the power of the HolySpirit. We believe that the only true basis of Christian fellowshipis His agape love.We believe worship of God should be spiritual.Therefore, we remain flexible and yielded to the leading of theHoly Spirit to direct our worship.We believe worship of God should be inspirational.Therefore, we give great place to music in our worship. We believeworship of God should be intelligent. Therefore, our services aredesigned with great emphasis upon the teaching of the Word of Godthat He might instruct us how He should be worshiped.We believe worship of God should be fruitful.Therefore, we look for His love in our lives as the suprememanifestation that we have truly been worshiping Him.
The Refuge 5.61.3
With our app you'll be able to:- Listen to messages- Keep up with new events- Connect Socially- and MoreWE'RE A CHURCH ABOUT LIFEThey devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and tofellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Acts 2:42
Sound Doctrine 1.2
This is a catalog of a verse-by-verse,chapter-by-chapter study of God’s word. Welcome to an incrediblejourney through the scriptures. Hopefully, as you listen to thesemessages you will have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying inthese critical times. I believe God’s Word is very practical andcan give direction, instruction, and apply wisdom to our livestoday. There doesn’t need to be a famine in our land spiritually.But, it’s up to each of us to feed upon His Word! God’s promise tous as we study and listen is…”And you young men, you are strongbecause the Word of God abides in you, and you have overcome theevil one..” (1 John 2:14b).
Westminster Biblical Mission 5.61.3
Westminster Biblical Missions is committed toplanting and multiplying Reformed churches on the foreign field. Toaccomplish this, believers must be trained to teach their ownpeople of Christ and His truth. The role of foreign missionariesshould not be that of doing the work so much as that of showingnationals how to do it-training them to stand in the faith, defendthe faith, and spread the faith.
Calvary Chapel Bakersfield 5.61.3
This app will allow you to:- Listen to messages- Keep up to date with current information- View our events- and more!Calvary Chapel has been described best as representing themiddle ground between fundamentalism and Pentecostalism in modernProtestant theology.
Calvary Chapel Blythe 5.62.3
With this app you'll be able to:- Listen to messages- Keep up to date with events- Prayer Requests- and more
Calvary Chapel Signal Hill 6.0
With this app you can:- Listen to audio messages- Watch Live Videos- Watch Archive Messages- Stay ConnectedCalvary Chapel Signal Hill has been formed as a fellowship ofbelievers in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our supreme desire is toknow Christ and be conformed into His image by the power of theHoly Spirit. We are not a denominational church, nor are we opposedto denominations as such, only their over-emphasis of doctrinaldifferences that have led to the division of the body of Christ. Webelieve that the only true basis of Christian fellowship is His(Agape) love, which is greater than any differences we possess andwithout which we have no right to claim ourselves Christians.
GBG Browser 5.62.4
With this app you will be able to view yourapps before they are published.
CC Newcastle 5.62.8
With this app you'll be able to:- Listen to messages- Keep up to date with events- Connect to social networks- and moreCALVARY CHAPEL NEWCASTLE has been formed as a fellowship ofbelievers in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our supreme desire is toknow Christ and be conformed into His image by the power of theHoly Spirit. We are not a denominational fellowship, nor are weopposed to denominations as such, only their over-emphasis of thedoctrinal differences that have led to the division of the Body ofChrist. We believe that the only true basis of Christian fellowshipis His (Agape) love, which is greater than any differences wepossess and without which we have no right to claim ourselvesChristians.
Calvary Chapel Summit 5.62.3
With this app you can:- Listen to messages- Watch videos- Stay connected- And moreWe believe in one personal, transcendent, and holy God, the creatorof all.Who is eternal, and Who manifests Himself in three separatepersons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.We believe the only true basis of Christian fellowship is Christ’s(Agape) love, which is greater than any differences we possess, andwithout which we have no right to claim ourselves Christians.
Calvary Chapel San Mateo 5.62.3
With this app you'll be able to:- Listen to messages- Keep up to date with events- Connect through social media- and more!
Calvary Chapel Fort Portal 5.62.3
CCFP began as an outreach ministry of GoldCountry Calvary Chapel in Northern California and under thecovering of Far Reaching Ministries. In March 2003 Pastor Douglasand his wife Destiny moved to Uganda with the intention ofbeginning a Bible teaching church in western Uganda. After workingfor a year and a half with Calvary Chapel Kampal, the doors openedfor them to move to Fort Portal, and in only a few months they wereable to find a suitable place to rent and hold church services.Rather than attempt to build a large church quickly, the desireand vision has always been to build a strong church that would inturn reach out to the world with the gospel of Christ. The feelingat CCFP is one of brotherly love and excitement for God's word. Thesimple vision the church was founded upon continues to be ourvision today; teach the people verse by verse through the Bible,and see what God does. New programs and ministries have arisen, butit has truly been a blessing to see the Lord build His house in theway He desires.Unless the LORD builds the house, They labor in vain who buildit. Ps 127:1
Calvary Chapel Waupaca 5.61.3
Calvary Chapel began in the late 1960's as asmall non-denominational church of 25 members pastored by ChuckSmith. Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa is home to some 30,000believers, The Word for Today publishes Bible study books and tapesall over the world, KWVE broadcasts God's Word to all of SouthernCalifornia, and Calvary Chapel's Bible College provides Bibleeducation to thousands at its home campus in Murrieta, Californiaand at over 20 extension campuses world wide.Because of its size and influence, many Christians have askedexactly what Calvary Chapel believes, what are its distinctives,what sets it apart from other Christian groups. At Calvary Chapel,we have always been hesitant to try and answer those questions, notbecause we are unsure of our beliefs, but because we are cautiousto avoid division within the Body of Christ. After all, what reallymatters is what we have in common as Christians: the "essential"doctrines of the infallibility of God's Word, the virgin birth ofChrist, His sinless life, death for our sins, bodily resurrection.ascension to glory, and personal return to rule the earth. Theseare the essence of Christianity, and agreed upon by virtually allborn again believers.When we move away from the essential doctrines to those that areless essential we risk setting barriers up in the church, somethingwe at Calvary Chapel have no desire to do. Still, Calvary Chapel isdistinct from denominational churches and other Protestant groupsand people want to know what those distinctions are.It is not our purpose to cause division or discord in the Bodyof Christ, conversely, we long for unity among God's people of allpersuasions, and we allow for a great deal of flexibility evenwithin our own ranks. Calvary Chapel pastors are not clones who allbelieve exactly the same thing. Still, there are distinctives thatmake Calvary Chapel unique and which define our mission.
Calvary Chapel Redmond 5.62.3
With this app you'll be able to:- Listen to messages- Keep up to date with events- Prayer Requests- and more
Calvary Chapel Vallejo 5.64.13
With this app you'll be able to: - Listen to messages - Connectthrough social media - Watch videos - Stay up to date with currentevents - And more!
Mountain Springs Calvary 5.62.3
With this app you'll be able to:- Listen to messages- Keep up to date with events- Prayer Requests- and more
Calvary Chapel Dickinson 5.61.3
Welcome to the Calvary Chapel Dickinson App!
Calvary Chapel Ark City
With this app you'll be able to: - Listen to current messages -Stay up to date
Lighthouse Calvary Chapel 5.55.14
With this app you can:- Listen to messages- Stay up to date with events- Contact usWe are a church in fellowship with Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa,California where Pastor Chuck Smith is the founder. Calvary Chapelhas been formed as a fellowship of believers in the Lordship ofJesus Christ.Our supreme desire is to know Christ and be conformed into Hisimage by the power of the Holy Spirit.We are not a denominational church, nor are we opposed todenominations as such, only their overemphasis of doctrinaldifferences that have led to the division of the body ofChrist.
Calvary Chapel Mechanicsville 5.62.3
Listen to the Bible messages of Pastor RickGaston of Calvary Chapel Mechanicsville.• View up and coming events• Listen to live messages• Stream messages• Share on Facebook
Calvary Chapel In The Ozarks 5.62.3
With this app you'll be able to:- Listen to current messages- Stay up to date with events- And MoreWelcome to the website of Calvary Chapel in the Ozarks. We're aBible believing, Bible teaching church here in NorthwestArkansas.Since our first Sunday morning service in November 1994, we'vebeen declaring Jesus as Lord through the pages of Scripture.Service times are 10:00am on Sundays and our midweek Bible studyis on Wednesday at 7:00pm. You'll find solid Bible teaching,contemporary praise & worship, and children's ministry at bothof these services.
Calvary Chape El Monte 5.61.3
This app features:• Listen to messages• Stay up to date with Blogs• Devotionals• and more!Calvary Chapel El Monte is a non-denominational Christian Churchaffiliated with Calvary Chapels all across the world. If you’d likemore information on Calvary Chapel as a whole, you can clickhere.Calvary Chapel El Monte actually started when Manny wentwitnessing on the streets of the city. When he was young, he grewup in El Monte, but in the sixth grade his father was shot andwounded in a drive-by shooting; he was then forced out of the cityof El Monte. At the age of 22 Manny experienced a radical salvationand transformation at Calvary Chapel West Covina (now CalvaryChapel Golden Springs), under Pastor Raul Ries. As Manny served theLord for the next 13 years, El Monte began to stir in his heart. In2002 the work began, and it’s been absolutely amazing to see whatGod has done in so many lives over the years.We would love to have you visit us! You’ll find the church to beone that is rooted in the Word, loves to worship, and longs to loveand live like the Lord Jesus Christ.
Calvary Chapel Mira Mesa 5.64.13
Listen to messages and connect with us
Calvary Chapel Sola 5650.1
This app allows you to: - Listen to messages - Stay up to date withevents - Connect with us - and more Calvary Chapel of South LosAngeles has been formed as a fellowship of believers in theLordship of Jesus Christ. Our supreme desire is to know Christ, andto be conformed into His image by the power of the Holy Spirit.
ER Overcrowding Tool 5.62.3
Founded in 1971, California Chapter of theAmerican College of Emergency Physicians (California ACEP) is a501(c)(6) non-profit association representing California’semergency physicians. California ACEP members are board-certifiedemergency physicians who practice in a wide array of emergencydepartments across the State of California.
Open Door Fellowship 5.62.3
Open Door Fellowship Springfield is alike-minded ministry with Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa.It’s been said that every ministry has its own “thumbprint” thatsets it apart. You will find ours is balanced teaching of the Wordof God, verse by verse and cover to cover. We believe the Bibleholds the answers to life, and as we study it, we experience itslife-changing power.
Calvary Chapel Manitowoc 5.62.3
With this app you'll be able to:- Listen to messages- Receive Push Notifications- Stay connected- And MoreWelcome to the Calvary Chapel Web Site. Our desire at CalvaryChapel is to help people attain a meaningful relationship with Godand with others in an environment of love, acceptance andforgiveness-equipping them to then help others in the same way. Asa pastor I feel my responsibility is to teach, to equip the saintsto grow in their relationship with the Lord, and this is donethrough a verse-by-verse study of God's Word. Paul speaks of thisin Ephesians chapter 4 when he says that pastor/teachers are "forthe equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for theedifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity ofthe faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man,to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that weshould no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried aboutwith every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunningcraftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love,may grow up in all things into Him who is the head; Christ; fromwhom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every jointsupplies, according to the effective working by which every partdoes it share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itselfin love."Ephesians 4:12-16.As the Word of God is taught, people are equipped for service.They are moving toward holiness, in that God is molding and shapingtheir lives to be like His. They are not tossed by the winds ofdoctrine that come blowing through the church, but have a faiththat is grounded in God's truth, His Word. And as they grow, God'sagape love comes flowing through their lives. It is a sacrificiallove that is seen in the body of Christ.If we can assist you in your walk with the Lord or if you wantto know more of who Jesus is, please E-mail us or write us that wecan share with you the blessedness of having a relationship withour Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.As
CC Roseville 5.61.3
With this app you will be able to:- Listen to messages- Connect via Social Networking- Keep up to date with our eventsOur Guiding Principles are the characteristics the Lord looksfor in His church as defined in His Word:To be a Christian fellowship that has loving concern for oneanother and for the lostTo be faithful to the Word of GodTo be a place where "His flock" is fed the Word of God and thepeople are coming into a knowledge of God and into an intimaterelationship with the Lord by being born again by the Spirit of Godand being taught how to walk in the Spirit and how to walk in lovewith Jesus, the Lord of their lives.Church government at Calvary Chapel is very simple, not acomplex bureaucracy. Committees and sub-committees are essentiallynon-existent. Basically, at Calvary Chapel we believe that thepastor is responsible for the church, responsible to hear from God,and responsible to feed and love His people faithfully. The pastorguides the church as he is lead by the Holy Spirit, and we trustGod to put pastors where He wants them to be. Elders are appointedin the larger churches to help the pastor care for the spiritualneeds of the congregation.
Calvary Chapel of Spotsylvania 562.9
Download our mobile app for Calvary Chapel Spotsylvania
Calvary Chapel Montrose
Welcome to the Calvary Chapel Montrose App!
Assist News 5.55.14
- Listen to Podcasts- Watch Videos- Learn about ASSIST NEWS- DonateThe ASSIST news site gives you access to stories that areofinterest to Christians worldwide, some of them would never betoldwithout Dan Wooding's help.Dan interviews people whether famous or intriguing every day.Hewrites their stories, shares them on international radio shows,andvideos as well.If you have a heart for missions and helping Christiansaroundthe world, get to know Dan Wooding and his work atASSISTMinistries today.
Tooele Springs Calvary Chapel 5641.5
Listen to messages and stay connected with our members
Calvary Christian Fellowship 5.62.3
With this app you will be able to:- Listen to messages- Keep up to date with events- And more!Our supreme desire is to know Christ and to be conformed to Hisimage by the power of His Holy Spirit. We are not a denominationnor are we opposed to denominations as such, only to theirover-emphasis of doctrinal differences that lead to the division ofthe Body of Christ.
Cross Reference Radio 5.62.3
With this app you'll be able to:- Listen to messages- Stay up to date with events- Download and create favorites- Receive push notifications- And more
Calvary Chapel Grace 5.62.3
Introducing the Calvary Chapel Grace App,where you can stay connected with upcoming newsand events about your church CC GraceWith this app you will be able to:Watchthe Sunday Services live on your phoneGetPush Notifications right to you phone about upcoming Events andNewsLookat Pictures from the Church Family of What God is DoingListento past audio messagesAnda bit moreSo let's stay connected as a Family through the Calvary ChapelGrace AppThank You Jesus!
The Ineloquent 5.62.3
With this app you can- Listen to music- Keep up to date with events- And moreThe Ineloquent's name was inspired by the story of Moses and hisencounter with God in Exodus 3-4, especially 4:10-12. Moses tellsGod he is "ineloquent" or unable to speak, he feels unqualified forthe job God has asked him to do. God responds with "I will help youspeak and I will teach you what to say". In the same way, TheIneloquent have often felt "unqualified for the job" but theybelieve that God helps them and teaches them what to singabout.
Calvary Chapel Signal Hill 5.64.13
With this app you can: - Listen to audio messages - Watch LiveVideos - Watch Archive Messages - Stay Connected Calvary ChapelSignal Hill has been formed as a fellowship of believers in theLordship of Jesus Christ. Our supreme desire is to know Christ andbe conformed into His image by the power of the Holy Spirit. We arenot a denominational church, nor are we opposed to denominations assuch, only their over-emphasis of doctrinal differences that haveled to the division of the body of Christ. We believe that the onlytrue basis of Christian fellowship is His (Agape) love, which isgreater than any differences we possess and without which we haveno right to claim ourselves Christians. With this app you can: -Listen to audio messages - Watch Live Videos - Watch ArchiveMessages - Stay Connected Calvary Chapel Signal Hill has beenformed as a fellowship of believers in the Lordship of JesusChrist. Our supreme desire is to know Christ and be conformed intoHis image by the power of the Holy Spirit. We are not adenominational church, nor are we opposed to denominations as such,only their over-emphasis of doctrinal differences that have led tothe division of the body of Christ. We believe that the only truebasis of Christian fellowship is His (Agape) love, which is greaterthan any differences we possess and without which we have no rightto claim ourselves Christians.