GreenHill Приложения

Speed Touch A to Z 2019.02
How speed you can touch the moving alphabet icons from A to Z? Andalso check your time score in the world leader-board. The simplegame is for kid. Of cause, you can play it with kid when you havetime.
台灣新聞台,支援各大新聞及自製媒體連結 2023.06
Too busy? Don't have time to watch news and find media programs?Come and try this software, it provides the simplest at-a-glanceinterface, you can quickly and easily view the news and media linksyou want to know.
英文記單字,字根,邏輯,諧音,字典/多益/英檢/基測/學測 2023.05
Are you still memorizing English words by rote? The best way is tolearn radical character groups, logic and homophonic memorizationof words, apply the skills of phonetic meaning and comprehensivetests to quickly memorize English words, and you will alsoencounter unrecognized words in the future. Can guess the meaningof the word
Japanese Remember, JLPT N5~N1 2023.04
Japanese vocabulary app includes learning,quiz,and pronounce forJLPT N5 ~ N1
Korean Vocab 2022.04
Korean vocabulary app includes learning,quiz,and pronounce.
英文字根字群邏輯諧音記單字字典/多益/雅思/英檢/基測/學測 2023.05
Are you still memorizing English words? The best way is to learnradical word groups, logic and homophony, and use radical wordmeaning skills to quickly memorize English words, and you can guessthe meaning of words when you encounter unknown words in thefuture.
Taiwan driver license exam 2022.11
The new written exam in Taiwan become so hard! The number of quizincrease.
Calculator -- Time, GCD, LCM 2023.01
Simple to use time and math calculator.
Watermelon Chess 2023.03
Watermelon Chess is a two-player game from China called Xi-Gua-Qi.
Chinese Vocab 2023.04
To learn the Chinese language and prepare for the HSK exam.