Hama Приложения

Xavax 1.3
The Xavax app makes controlling theradio/radiator controllers (111971) and radio power outlets(111970) from Xavax with Bluetooth much easier. It is much simplerto control your heater or switch the radio power outlets on and off– either manually or with a time control.Likewise, individual room and switching profiles can be setquickly and easily. You can programme between four and eightswitching times. More security and comfort for your home!-Comfortable: control the room temperature, lighting orelectrical appliances via a smartphone or tablet PC-Control of socket (item no. 00111970) and radiator control (itemno. 00111971)-Reduces energy costs: switch electrical devices or the heatingpurposefully on and off-Creation of room profiles: rooms can be named individually (e.g.office, bathroom, bedroom, etc.)-Easy control by means of slide controls (ON/OFF)-Block formation possible: days can be programmed individually orblock by block (e.g. different heating profiles for weekdays andweekend)-Shows the current room temperature-Offset temperature: adaptation of the actual room temperature tothe set temperature-Four switching times per day: switch on and off at anymoments-Holiday function: during absence the room temperature is kept at apredetermined level-Child protection: function stop when child protection isactive
Hama Smart Radio 2.1-2
Hama Smart Radio “Powered by UNDOK” is aremote control replacement on the smartphone or tablet and givesyou control over your radio.The app allows you to change the volume or station, to administrateyour favourites or to adjust the sound quality of your radio.If a compatible radio is in the same network as yoursmartphone/tablet PC the app automatically recognizes this. Theconnection is established if you “click” the device in theselection list.After a short moment you see the current playback of the radio andcan control everything directly from your Android device.Hama Smart Radio is compatible with numerous Hama digital radiosand many other devices available on the market.Supported Hama Radios: (09/2015)Hama IR100 (Version 2)Hama IR110Hama DIR3000 (Version 1 und 2)Hama DIR3010Hama DIR3100Hama DIR3110Hama DIT2000Hama DIT2010
Wi-Fi Data Reader 1.0
Transfer any Data from your Data Reader via Wi-Fi to yourSmartphone or Tablet
Xavax II 1.10
Mit der Xavax App lassen sich die Funk-Heizkörperregler(Artikelnummer 111971), die Funksteckdosen (Artikelnummer 111970)und die beiden LED Lampen (Artikelnummer 111973 – dimmbare RGBVariante / Artikelnummer 111974 dimmbare warmweiß Variante) ganzeinfach via Bluetooth in einer App steuern. • Komfortabel: MitHilfe der App lassen sich die Raumtemperatur, Beleuchtung undelektrische Geräte ganz einfach per Smartphone oder Tablet steuern• Erstellung von Raumprofilen: Räume können individuell benanntwerden (z.B. Büro, Bad, etc.) • Senkt Energiekosten: elektrischeVerbraucher oder Heizung gezielt ein- und ausschalten •Individuelle Heizzeiten möglich: Tage können einzeln oderblockweise programmiert werden (z.B. unterschiedliche Heizprofilefür Wochentage und Wochenende) • Anzeige der aktuellenRaumtemperatur • Offsettemperatur: Angleichen der tatsächlichenRaumtemperatur an die eingestellte Temperatur. • Urlaubsfunktion:Raumtemperatur wird während der Abwesenheit auf vorher festgelegtemNiveau gehalten • Steckdose: Vier Schaltzeiten pro Tag: Ein- undAusschalten zu beliebig einstellbaren Zeitpunkten •Multifunktionale LED-Lampe als Lichtspender, Effektbeleuchtung oderzur Erzeugung bestimmter Lichtatmosphären • Steuerung per App fürEin- und Ausschalten, zum Dimmen und Steuern mehrerer Lampen •Freie Farbauswahl über Farbrad (auch weiß) • Über App zuschaltbarerFarbwechsel im Rhythmus der Musik • Gleichzeitiges Steuern mehrererGeräte über die Szenenfunktion
uRage HUD 1.15
The uRageHUD is a powerful tool to enhance your game and toincreaseyour weaponry. The “Cyber Keys Option” allows you to putup to 9Cyber Keys on your Android or Iphone Smartphone. E.g. youcanincrease your keyboard by up to 9 keys. These keys can be setupwith Macros, Keyboard-Keys or any Mouse Function you want to.Withthe uRageHUD you can also change settings of the uRageReaperRevolution on the fly. (DPI, Color ect.) ##Important -PleaseNote## The uRageHUD Gaming App is not a standalone software.Youneed to download the uRage Reaper Gaming softwareunderwww.hama.com for your uRage Reaper Gaming Mouse. It onlyWorkstogether with this Mouse and in connection with a PC.
Hama Smart Home 1.2.9
Smart Home made simple
Hama Smart Audio 2.0
Manage your Hama SIRIUM audio products with the Hama Smart AudioApp.
Hama FIT Pro 1.0.10
Hama FIT Pro: Fitness-App mit Cleverness
Hama FIT 45
Hama FIT is a very professional health application.
Hama FIT Move 1.3.3
Hama FIT Move: Fitness-App mit Cleverness
Wi-Fi Data Reader Basic 1.0.2
“Wi-Fi Data Reader Basic” is an application software forWiFiStorage.