Handshake Global Technologies Pvt Ltd Приложения

HandShake 1.2.19
First version of this application was launched in 2016 as HSCard.It was focused to create your digital card & send acrosstoyour contact. There were many limitations in this application,somedue to technology & some being first version. Thisapplicationis now totally revamped and renamed as Handshake andfollowingfeatures are added with older one already existing. A)DesignCard:- Under this heading there are lot many functionalitiesYoucan design your own card. You can add Photos, Videos, colors&shape to your visiting cards. There is a provision to addmatter onback side of the card. There is a section provided withready touse templates. You can select template and edit it B) HomeScreen-Once a visiting card is created it is visible to the set ofpeopleon home page. Principal of machine learning here implementedhere.Additionally you can set location where you want torepresentyourself. Set of people can be your customers, vendors,etc Uponswiping right they can send connection invites to you.Suchrequests are then available in Inbox. Once you accept it,yourcontacts card is available in card bank. You can then chat withhimthrough messenger, set meetings, call/send quotations etc.C)Profile: - This is again a new feature added which has gotlittleimportant functionality. You can add a professional pictureofyours. Overview-There is an overview section where you canchooseyour business category, brief about you, your skills, andyoureducational qualifications. Work & History – There is awork& history section to add your achievements, Award&Recognition & Work Exp One more section is added toaddTestimonials & reviews, your customers may add reviews&rate your work as well. D) UI/UX is totally revampedconsideringlatest trend into the market. Now application looksbeautiful,sleek and with the very differnt user experience. The HSCards is acloud-based mobile application in which user can create&manage their digital visiting card. With changing technologyandera of smart phones it is difficult to keep carryingphysicalcopies of the business cards all the time for all themeeting,events and exhibition. Also people find it difficult tomanage therepository of their client’s visiting cards. In today’sworld mostof the corporate houses are decentralized with largenumber ofworkforce and would like to seek control on its employeeswhichseems difficult with physical hard copies and no integrationwithtechnology. HS Cards: Digital Visiting Card application willhelpin sorting out these problems by creating your digitalvisitingcard in the application itself; also it gives a facility tosendthe digital visiting card anyone anywhere in the world free ofcostjust by entering the mobile number of the recipient, iftherecipient is also having HS Card application then you willreceiverecipients digital visiting card post acceptance of yourdigitalvisiting card by the recipient. If recipient is not the userof HSCards then the your digital visiting card will be sent viatextmessage with web link which will redirect the recipient toyourdigital visiting card. The text message is free of cost andwill bedelivered via HS Cards server and no carrier charges willappliedto the sender. With HS Cards “Card Bank” feature user canstoretheir connection's digital visiting cards in a systematicalway,also user can scan physical cards and keep it in the card bank.Thebest part of the card bank is it doesn’t utilize the phonememoryfor storing the cards; instead all the storage is done oncloudwithout overburdening the application on the phone memory. HSCardshave 3 different categories for digital visiting cards:Casual,Business & Professional. • Visiting Cards: These arefreedigital visiting cards. Anyone can create their casualdigitalvisiting card with the pre-defined templates given intheapplication. Template repository gets refreshed from time totime.