IEEEmadC Приложения

IEEE Connected Learning 1.0
IEEE Connected Learning provides access to thevarious IEEE online resources like IEEE Collabratec™, IEEEXploreDigital Library, myIEEE, IEEE Digital Tool Box, Spectrum, Safariand IEEE Computer Society.Application was developed for the IEEEmadC 2015 (MobileApplication Development Contest) and it won the Best TeamApplication Award ($4000,00)!Developer: Sangram Chavan, Pune, IEEE Region 10Features:1. Social Network - IEEE Collabratec™ is a research, collaborationand professional networking platform offered to members,researchers, authors and volunteers.2. Encourage people to write technical papers.3. IEEE Xplorer Digital Library – Delivering full text access tothe world's highest quality technical literature in engineering andtechnology. Fast and easy access to IEEE Xplorer DigitalLibrary.4. MyIEEE - is a member's personalized gateway to IEEE membership.Log in to see all IEEE has to offer.5. IEEE Publicationo Publication & Standardso Author resources6. IEEE Digital Tool boxo Preparing your articleo Preparing your graphics and multimedia materialso Guidelines for article submissiono Post-acceptance procedureso Post-publication procedureso Frequently asked questions7. Publish with Computer Society8. Spectrum - IEEE Spectrum Magazine, the flagship publication ofthe IEEE, explores the development, applications and implicationsof new technologies.9. Safari Direct Access (Computer Society members: To access themobile feature no longer required to follow any steps.) With yourSafari Books Online account you get instant access to the bestbooks and more than 21,000 digital books.10. Download TemplatesFuture Scope1. Notification as a paper is published.2. Ads / Promo of IEEE events3. Students Achievement
MooCle 1.0
The application idea is to make search enginenamed by "Moocle" like "Google" to help students (under or postgraduate) to be opened to the Massive Open Online Courses, whereyou easily can satisfy your learning needs.The searching engine will help IEEE in the advertising their"IEEE Academic" program and another Online Courses which ispresented by It provides you searching for Online Coursesfrom A to Z from a bunch of great universities around the world andgreat websites which provide a large number of courses that helpyou be Erudite, If you're a Geek or want to be, then it's the rightplace for you.That gives you the ability to search individual courses,specific category, and also make you take a look at everythingprovided by our trusted resources.Let's widen our knowledge and have some independence from ourformal studies.Application was developed for the IEEEmadC 2015 (MobileApplication Development Contest) and it won the HighestPopularity Application Award ($1000,00)!
Eye Type 1.0
The Eye Type application allows users to inputtext to a mobile device, using onlythe movements of their eyes. Application was developed for theIEEEmadC 2015 (MobileApplication was developed for the IEEEmadC 2015 (MobileApplication Development Contest) and it won the ComputerSociety Special Award!Developer: Evangelos, Greece, IEEE Region 8Link to demonstration video: DESCRIPTIONThis mobile application aspires to be a step towards ubiquitousgaze trackingusing handheld devices. The ultimate goal is to assist people withALS, lock -insyndrome, tetraplegia or any other people that can only move theireyes with usingtheir handheld device to communicate, browse the Internet orfacilitate othereveryday tasks.The eye type application consists of a visual keyboard, whose keysare “clicked”by estimating the user‟s gaze (line of sight). Instead of using thetraditionalQWERTY keyboard layout, which would make it very hard toaccuratelydetermine which key the user is looking at, the application's mainlayoutcomprises of a several large keys. Text is composed usingpredictive text input,which depends on the combination of the keys clicked (eachcontaining a specificsubset of letters). The visual keyboard layout consists of fourkeys at the cornerof the screen containing the letters of the alphabet equallydistributed (hencemaking them “ambiguous” keys) and three control keys (in order toaccept aword, correct mistypings and scroll through the predictedwords).DESCRIPTION OF USEThe eye type application works optimally on large screen devicessuch as tablets.The user is asked to maintain his head still during the eye typingsession. In orderto facilitate this, an object such as a large book may be used as achin rest. Theillumination must be adequate so that the eyes of the user arecorrectly detected.The user presses the „calibrate‟ button in order to calibrate thesystem and thencan start typing using their gaze. During the calibration phase,green dots appearsuccessively at certain points on the screen, followed by redshrinking dots. Thegreen dots remain visible for ~1 second and aim to prepare the userto direct hisgaze towards that point. When the red shrinking dots appear, thepositions of theeyes of the user are captured. Thus, in case the user needs toblink, he should doso when the green dots appear.Once the calibration session is completed, the typing viewcontaining the visualkeyboard automatically appears and a magenta-colored circleindicates theposition of the gaze estimations. The user directs his gaze on thekeys containingthe letters he wants to input. A button on the screen is consideredas clicked uponfixation on it for a specific time interval (~1 second) andmomentarily turns green.A disambiguation/predictive text engine predicts the desired wordand allows theuser to either accept it, or select an alternative suggestion. Asthe user continues totype, the predictive text engine attempts to determine which wordthe user meansto input and also offers alternative predictions (list ofsuggestions).
Alzheimer Watcher 1.0
“Alzheimer Watcher” is application thatrelaysvital signs readings from an Alzheimer patient.The readings are collected via sensors connected to anArduinoboard. The board collects the readings, e.g. pulse rate,bodytemperature, and acceleration (via gyroscope sensor that helpsindetecting patient falls). The board forwards the collected datatoa smartphone via a USB OTG cable or Bluetooth connection.The application alerts patient guardians/family via SMS(thereceiver phone numbers application preferences) in case anissue isdetected. Issues are determined by comparing the datacollectedagainst preset thresholds (through applicationpreferences). Inaddition, the application checks the currentpatient location (viaGPS coordinates) to determine if the patienthas left the perimeterof the safe zone (also an applicationpreference). Moreover, thecollected data is logged on the mobileitself and in a web-database(address is an application preference)for trend reporting.Note: This application requires an Arduino board to workinaccordance to the protocol set in the application (readingsaresent ASCII format comma separated).* This app was also developed for IEEEmadC [],acontest organized by IEEE about development ofmobileapplications