ISGUS GmbH Приложения

ZEUS mobile 1.1.4
ISGUS ZEUS® mobile for Time & AttendanceZEUS® mobile enables you to utilize the comprehensive ZEUS® TimeManagement functionalities such as T&A punches, time accountinquiries and cost center changes also via mobile devices.Functionalities at a glance:Punches- IN- OUT- IN/OUT with automatic assignment- Absence reasons such as:- Official absence- Business trip- Seminar- etc.Inquiries- Time balance- Holidays- Extra work- OvertimeCost centersAssignment of activities on various cost centers, such as:- Administration- Sales- Production- etc.FavoritesEach user has the possibility to define his personal favorites forthe most frequently used functions. The favorites’ page provides aclear review of the defined favorites and ensures quick access tothe preferred functions.StatusThe status gives an outline of the last punches, including thecurrent transfer status of the punches.SettingsNumerous individual settings per user are possible, such asdefinition of the personal favorites or definition of the startpage.
ZEUS smartID 1.1.6
The ZEUS® smartID app allows you to use your smartphone asbookingmedium at our ISGUS terminals. The application comes withthefollowing features for registration: - entry of user nameandpassword for identification of the employee, - entry of theserverURL, - possibility of deregistration. The applicationimitates thebadge of the logged-in user and transmits thisinformation to theterminal located within reach. You can confirmthe booking directlyon your smartphone. The app’s functionality isidentical to that ofa transponder (badge) being held in front ofthe terminal.
ZEUS X mobile plus 1.15.7
ZEUS® X mobile plus for time management on the go.
ZEUS X mobile 1.19.3
ZEUS® X mobile for time management on the go.