InvestmentCash Приложения

Genesis Mining 0.0.6
Join over 100.000 people with theworld’sleading hashpower providerSTART BITCOIN MINING TODAY!It’s super simple — Your mining rigs are already set upandrunning.As soon as you’ve set up your account you can start to earnyourfirst coins!Join over 100,000peoplewith the world's leading provider hashpowerBitcoin MINING START TODAY!It's super simple - Your mining rigs are already set-upandrunning.As soon as you've set-up your account you can start to earnyourfirst coins!
Etherum Free
What is Ether?Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts:applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibilityof downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference.How can I earn Ether?Enter the captcha below and click Claim! to earn free Ethers.You can come back and play every 10 minutes to win free ethers eachtime!When can I withdraw my ether accumulated?The minimum amount that you can withdraw is 0.10000000ETHER.Cashout button is displayed when the balance reaches the minimumamount. After you initiate a withdrawal request, the Ethers will besent to your wallet within 24 hours and you will be able to see thewithdrawal transaction by clicking on My Transactions in the topmenu.How can I contact you?Feel free to contact the EtherFaucet support team at any timeregarding anything. This can include simply dropping us an emailsaying hi! We're also always actively seeking constructive feedbackon our service.Email: help@etherfaucet.orgwhat are the meaning of coloured boxes in transaction table?Blue boxed amount is your reward and orange boxed amount is yourreferral commission.Where can I see my referral link or my referrals?By clicking on the button that says Refer in the top menu..How do I refer my friends?Share your referral link with your friends and ask them to visitit and create an account. On doing so, they will be automaticallyadded as your referral and you will get 50% of their free etherwinnings as commission! Nothing will be deducted from theiraccount, we pay the 50% out of our pocket.How much money can I earn in each process?For protecting our player's own interest, the amount you canearn from is stabilised due to Ether exchangerates. That means, when the price of Ether decrease, the rewardamount you can earn in satoshi increase. And the other way aroundis also true. Please see the current award amounts calculated fromthe up to date exchange rates below:Random Number Payout0 - 1000 0.00028168 ETHER1001 - 5000 0.00059125 ETHER5001 - 9885 0.00098200 ETHER9886 - 9985 0.00120350 ETHER9986 - 9993 0.00160450 ETHER9994 - 9997 0.00200550 ETHER9998 - 9999 0.00802500 ETHER10000 0.12605183 ETHER
Poloniex 1.0
WELCOME TO POLONIEXWe are a US-based cryptocurrency exchange offering maximumsecurityand advanced trading features.
Hash Ocean 2.0
Cloud MiningSix data-centres. High earning power.Return on investment within 5 months.15 KH/s to every new user for free and forever.Try mining today!MY ACCOUNT
HashOcean 0.1
Cloud MiningSix data-centres. High earning power.Return on investment within 5 months.15 KH/s to every new user for free and forever.Try mining today!Cloud MiningSix data-centers. High earning power.Return on investment Within 5 months.15 KH / s to every new user for free and forever.Try mining today!
Bitcoin Satoshi 0.0.013
AUTO WITHDRAWAUTO WITHDRAW ENABLEDIf you enable auto withdraw and your balance is more than0.00025000 BTC, it will be sent out as a payment to your Bitcoinwallet on Sunday. You will receive an email notifying you of thepayment if you have an email address attached to your account.When you choose to enable auto withdraw instead of opting for amanual payment, we pay the bitcoin transaction fees so you receivethe full amount.Please verify that you have the correct withdrawal address inyour account, by clicking on PROFILE above, before enablingauto-withdraw.
Ethereum Faucet 0.0.033
What is Ether?Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts:applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibilityof downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference.How can I earn Ether?Enter the captcha below and click Claim! to earn free Ethers.You can come back and play every 15 minutes to win free ethers eachtime!When can I withdraw my ether accumulated?The minimum amount that you can withdraw is 0.10000000ETHER.Cashout button is displayed when the balance reaches the minimumamount. After you initiate a withdrawal request, the Ethers will besent to your wallet within 24 hours and you will be able to see thewithdrawal transaction by clicking on My Transactions in the topmenu.How can I contact you?Feel free to contact the EthereumFaucet support team at any timeregarding anything. This can include simply dropping us an emailsaying hi! We're also always actively seeking constructive feedbackon our service.Email: help@ethereumfaucet.orgwhat are the meaning of coloured boxes in transaction table?Blue boxed amount is your reward and orange boxed amount is yourreferral commission.Where can I see my referral link or my referrals?By clicking on the button that says Refer in the top menu..How do I refer my friends?Share your referral link with your friends and ask them to visitit and create an account. On doing so, they will be automaticallyadded as your referral and you will get 50% of their free etherwinnings as commission! Nothing will be deducted from theiraccount, we pay the 50% out of our pocket.How much money can I earn in each process?For protecting our player's own interest, the amount you canearn from is stabilised due to Ether exchangerates. That means, when the price of Ether decrease, the rewardamount you can earn in satoshi increase. And the other way aroundis also true. Please see the current award amounts calculated fromthe up to date exchange rates below:Random Number Payout0 - 1000 0.00010168 ETHER1001 - 5000 0.00025125 ETHER5001 - 9885 0.00041200 ETHER9886 - 9985 0.00045350 ETHER9986 - 9993 0.00050450 ETHER9994 - 9997 0.00060550 ETHER9998 - 9999 0.00352500 ETHER10000 0.10405183 ETHER
WowApp Messenger 5.0
O WowApp ajuda a fazer o bem através doPoderda Partilha. Nós compartilhamos todas as rendas com você. OWowAppMessenger é gratuito, e você pode ganhar sem nunca gastarseudinheiro.Em seguida, a escolha é sua. Você pode decidir fazer o bemaosoutros com uma doação para as quase 2000 instituições decaridadeem mais de 110 países ou fazer o bem a si mesmo e sacarseusfundos. O WowApp compartilha mais de 70% da suaprópriareceita/margem do mercado de chamadas internacionais pagas -ummercado de $5 Bilhões por ano - e dos anúncios digitais e móveis-um mercado de $135 Bilhões por ano.O WowApp Messenger ajuda a se conectar e a se comunicardequalquer forma que você desejar – por texto, áudio,vídeo,compartilhamento de arquivos, conversas privadas sem registroemuito mais!E lembre-se: ao usar o WowApp Messenger, você ganhacomonunca!Além disso, o WowApp funciona em todos os seusdispositivos:smartphones e tablets iPhone e Android, Windows eMac.Você precisa de um convite para poder usar o WowApp. Se umamigoo convidou, basta ir à Página Pessoal da pessoa e clicar nobotãode juntar-se a ela.Se você não tiver um convite, simplesmente vá e seja convidado pelanossacomunidade.
Free Dogecoin 0.0.1
If you have Auto-Withdraw enabled inyouraccount, and your balance is more than 6 DOGE, it will be sentoutas a payment to your Dogecoin wallet on Sunday when wemakepayouts.You will receive an email notifying you of the payment ifyouhave an email address attached to your account.1 DOGE will be deducted from each payment to pay thenetworktransaction fee.Please verify that you have the correct withdrawal addressinyour account, by clicking on PROFILE above, beforeenablingauto-withdraw.COUNTDOWN TO NEXT PAYOUT
Investment Cash 2.0
Um Canal Voltado em desenvolvimento. Maisumaforma de comunicação para passar informação das novidades domundomoderno onde as pessoas usam a Internet para ganhar dinheirode umaforma que não vai mudar sua rotina e sim fazer tudo que vocêjá faztodos os dias... E fazer render um graninha a mais no seubolso.Acesse agora e conheça: INVESTIMENT CASH.We are facing a canalindevelopment. Another form of communication to pass informationofthe novelties of the modern world where people use the Internettomake money in a way that will not change your routine, butdoeverything you already do every day ... And do yield a quickbuckmore in your pocket. Join now and meet: INVESTMENT CASH.
Free Bitcoin 0.0.05
If you enable auto withdraw and your balanceismore than 0.00010000 BTC, it will be sent out as a payment toyourBitcoin wallet on Sunday. You will receive an email notifyingyou ofthe payment if you have an email address attached to youraccount.When you choose to enable auto withdraw instead of opting foramanual payment, we pay the bitcoin transaction fees so youreceivethe full amount.Please verify that you have the correct withdrawal addressinyour account, by clicking on PROFILE above, beforeenablingauto-withdraw.
Free Ethereum 1.0
This free Ethereum Faucet helps anyonegetstarted with Ethereum. Start by entering your Ethereum Addressandcorrectly playing the game/captcha. It's that simple! Theminimumtime-frame between requests is 5 minutes. Once you'vereached thewithdrawal limit of 0.05 ETH your address will be set toautowithdrawal. Auto withdrawals happen every 6 hours.How much can I earn at each request?The amounts are generated using random numbers and based onthefollowing formula:0 - 1000: 0.000002931001 - 5000: 0.000008795001 - 8700: 0.000026378701 - 9900: 0.000079119901 - 9990: 0.000237339991 - 9999: 0.0004746610000: 0.0166131ReferralYou get 75 % for every unique valid user referral request.Youmust have a valid address that you have already used in thefaucetbecause the referral amount is added to your faucetbalanceautomatically. Please replace YOUR_ADDRESS with your validEthereumwallet address. Please Note: Referrals are not acceptedfrom thesame IP.Extra InformationWe do not take responsibility for incorrect addressesbeingentered if transactions do not process correctlyAny unused addresses that haven't reached the minimumwithdrawallimit and haven't requested Ethereum within 30 dayswillautomatically be deleted. This is to ensure the constant supplyofEthereum and to maintain a clean database.We do not store any Ethereum on the server. We areonlyaccumulate Ethereum totals until the auto threshold isreached.Please consider disabling your ad-block software asadvertisingis the only way we can keep this site running. Domainname,development, hosting and maintenance are funded solelybyadvertising.If you can, please donate to the faucet. All donations willgoback into the faucet to allow everyone to enjoy it.EthereumAddress: 0x64cd9524de86f5cdaf8a5a45db1c6dd5e9f0b5e0We reserve the right to increase or decrease the payoutamountswhenever we like. This is to ensure a constant supplyofEthereum.Credit to the Ethereum Developers