JCDOM Приложения

Medalists London 2012 Pro 1.0
With this application you can see all themedals in the Olympic Games in London 2012.- Table of medals by country: you will see the number of medalswon by each country, and sort the list by the selected column.- All athletes medalists: you will see the result of each ofthese Olympics competiones ordered by sport.- Athletes from each of the countries: you have the option todisplay only those events in which athletes from your country havegotten medals.- Find athletes: search by name athletes and see their medalswon.Also you can share all this information through socialnetworks.
Money Drop - Trivia Quiz Game
Questions and answers game in English, liketrivial games or quiz games.In this free game you will have an amount of money that you candistribute among the 4 possible answers, to take you the maximumamount possible after the 30 seconds that you will have toanswer!Game MechanicsIn the first level you will have € 100,000 to try to overcome the 8questions that are formed the game, if you manage to overcome allthe questions you will accumulate the money you have saved.How in the game of television, when the game begins, will appearthe 4 answers one by one, so that you can read them before the timebegins, and at the end the question will appear.Clicking on the answer that you consider correct add the money toit, if you want to add the money faster you can leave the boxpressed. If you are not sure of the correct answer, you can dividethe 40 wads of bills between them.When the time is up, the incorrect answers will be revealed one byone, opening the trap doors where the money is placed, so that youwill lose the money that is placed in each of them, and you will goto the second question with the money that you had placed In thecorrect answer.The money that you do not place on one of the answers, that is,that you leave it on the lower part of the screen, will belost.The second question will start with the money you have made, andyou will have to follow the same steps to go to the next questionwith all the money possible.If you can put any of the money wads on the correct answer toquestion number 8, you will have passed this level and you will geta free diamond.Types of QuestionsThe questions are from a variety of topics, similar to the types oftrivial pursuit questions and other quiz games you haveplayed.In the main menu you will see what kind of questions you will beplaying at each level. The green levels are made with questions ofall kinds, and later, you will find levels with types of concretequestions. Access to all levels is free.Some of the types of questions you will encounter are:- Sports- Science- Geography- Cinema- Literature- Childish- TVThe difficulty of the questions, as in some games of trivial orquiz, is increasing progressively when you are surpassing levels.Although at first the difficulty seems low, you will see how in thefollowing levels it is more interesting.DiamondsTo facilitate the questions that you have more difficulty or toextend the time that you have to answer it, there are elementscalled diamonds.At the beginning of the game you will have 10 diamonds available,later you can get free diamonds surpassing the 8 questions orwatching a promotional video, if you need more you can also buythem in our store.Diamonds are an addition that they do not have other games oftrivial type and quiz questions, but they are very interesting toget a free advantage in the most difficult times.StatisticsIn the menu of the application you can find statistics of yourprogress in the game: money accumulated, money played, number ofgames and questions played, and how many of them you havehit.We hope you like our game similar to the trivia and other quizgames, if you have any suggestions about the game or you find someerror in the questions, you will see the option to leave a comment,so we can improve as soon as possible.
¿Cuánto sabes de la Eurocopa? 1.1
¿Cuánto sabes de la historia de la Eurocopa?Demuéstralo con este juego de preguntas!!!Tendrás una cantidad de dinero que podrás repartir entre lasdistintas respuestas!! Consigue completar las 10 preguntas de cadanivel sin perder todo el dinero!!What do you know of thehistory of the European Championship?Prove it with this quiz !!!You have an amount of money that can be distributed among thedifferent responses !! Get complete all 10 questions in each levelwithout losing all the money !!
Medalists London 2012 1.0
With this application you can see all themedals in the Olympic Games in London 2012.- Table of medals by country: you will see the number of medalswon by each country, and sort the list by the selected column.- All athletes medalists: you will see the result of each ofthese Olympics competiones ordered by sport.- Athletes from each of the countries: you have the option todisplay only those events in which athletes from your country havegotten medals.- Find athletes: search by name athletes and see their medalswon.Also you can share all this information through socialnetworks.