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多人捕魚_小小遊戲聯網版-深海機台小霸王掌上1000打魚達人 2.1
Judy Deng
【遊戲說明】1:電玩城機台版本的捕魚遊戲,輕鬆遊戲,毫無壓力 ;2:完美移植遊戲廳多人聯機捕魚,真實聯網,超流暢體驗;3:超刺激的單人闖關模式,探索神秘關卡,領取通關福利哦!4:100%還原街機捕魚,千炮捕魚,街機達人捕魚等捕魚版本,並且改進遊戲玩法;5:每天可以領取海量金幣哦,挑戰關卡,完成任務,擊殺BOSS都有大獎;6:“狂暴機能”,“加速機能”,“鎖定機能”,“冰封機能”,更大機會贏走大獎!7:完美的融合單人闖關遊戲與多人聯網遊戲,隨心體驗不一樣的玩法哦!【遊戲特色】1:自動配備掛機功能,讓你遊戲更加輕鬆快樂;2:召喚功能,讓你隨心呼喚想打的魚;3:各項技能搭配,火力全開,超高機會擊殺boss,無底線大獎High翻全場 ;4:聯網遊戲簡介:A:金蟾捕魚,李逵劈魚,大聖鬧海 ;B:真人聯網 , 萬人競技 ,超流暢體驗 ;C:鎖定技能 ,冰封技能讓你更容易擊殺BOSS,贏走大獎 ;D:更有豐富的獎金魚,超刺激的幸運大抽獎 ,超高的獎勵 ;5:單人遊戲簡介:A:總計20個神秘關卡,每一關都有不一樣的體驗 ;B:通過每關都有超高獎勵,每關都可以領取一次紅包哦!C:加速,狂暴,鎖定,冰封,完爆BOSS不是夢!D:神秘的潛艇,超簡單的任務,福利送不停。6:水滸傳遊戲簡介:A:來這裡體驗豪擲千金的感覺!B:來這裡體驗一夜暴富的驚喜!C:來這裡體驗捕魚之後的 閒暇!D:來這裡,更多驚喜等你來拿![Game Description]1: Video City game fishing machine version, easy game, nopressure;2: Perfect hall transplant multiplayer game fishing, realnetworking, ultra-smooth experience;3: super exciting single pass through mode, explore the mysteriouslevel, receive welfare clearance Oh!4: 100% reduction of arcade fishing, thousands of gun fishing,fishing fishing Daren arcade version, and improved gameplay;5: Every day can receive a massive gold Oh, challenge levels,tasks, kill BOSS award has;6: "violent function", "accelerated performance", "Lock function","ice performance", the greater chance to win prizes go!7: The perfect fusion of single pass through the games andmultiplayer online games, different gameplay experience heartOh![Game Features]1: Auto with hook feature allows you to play more relaxed andhappy;2: Summon feature that lets you call heart want to play thefish;3: the mix of skills, firepower, high chance to kill boss, not thebottom line of award High turn the audience;4: Networking Game:   A: toad fishing, fish hack Li Kui, Monkey Kingdowntown sea;   B: real networking, people athletics,ultra-smooth experience;   C: Locking skills, ice skills make it easier foryou to kill BOSS, win prizes go;   D: more rich prize fish, super exciting luckydraw, high reward;5: Single Game:   A: Total 20 mysterious levels, each level has adifferent experience;   B: Through each level has ultra-high reward, eachlevel can receive a red envelope oh!   C: acceleration, violent, locked, frozen, afterblasting BOSS is not a dream!   D: the mysterious submarine, ultra easy task,welfare send non-stop.6: Water Margin Game:   A: ho throw daughter come here to experience thefeeling!   B: come here to experience the flourishessurprise!   C: come here to experience the leisure fishingafter!   D: here, more surprises waiting for you to comeand collect!
電動捕魚-單機關卡無限闖,BOSS天天專屬獵殺達人必備全民 1.3
Judy Deng
1.2017最火爆掌上精品捕魚游戲,華麗登場,娛樂場免費抽獎。2.一網打盡、大三元、大四喜、同類炸彈,全屏炸彈、能量炮等經典玩法。3.滿屏爆發封鎖所有入口的"狂暴",穿越遮擋障礙零距離接觸的"鎖定",還有凍結一切讓世界靜止的"追踪",炫酷的射擊技能可以讓您免費體驗。4.聚寶盆、BOSS獎金池驚喜不斷,超多獎金等你來贏取!5.超刺激BOSS玩法,擊殺BOSS後可以免費抽取獎金池哦。6.無限關卡隨便闖,關卡獎勵發不停。另有,街机捕鱼、五龙争霸、金蟾捕鱼、财神到、消消乐、锦鲤报喜、百人牛牛、运财龙神、水浒传、西游记、四大名著、千炮捕鱼、捕鱼达人、不鸟人生、水果机、财神再现豪华版、花之魔力‧白牡丹诱惑、女皇之刃、赤红女皇、金瓶梅、五福金蟾…等,数款专为博弈玩家设计、宛如置身真实赌场般的氛围,喜欢老虎机游戏的你,绝不可错过的经典游戏!在手指間感受緊張刺激的捕魚釣魚電魚打魚快感! 3D製作精美的魚兒,完美呈現真實的打魚游戲《電動捕魚》!不會捕魚釣魚電魚打魚?沒關係!就算是一根手指也能讓你盡享捕魚釣魚電魚打魚的快感!彷彿真實呈現在眼前的世界著名漁場釣場獵場以及活生生的各種魚類!逼真效果,令人驚嘆!現在就向的世界出航捕魚吧!A.複雜、難度高、令人厭倦的打魚游戲,已遠去!- 挑選砲台、砲管、魚竿、魚線~再穿魚餌、設置炮號~ 額…複雜的打魚過程簡單化! ‘一指遊’的簡單打魚~-“打BOSS是等待的藝術”?哦~NO!!!在3秒就能讓BOOS出現,魚兒上鉤,並讓你在短暫的休息時間也能盡享打魚的樂趣。- 不知道怎麼玩?不要擔心!親切而細心的教程和技能練習場,會把你磨練成捕魚釣魚電魚打魚高手,還有禮物拿哦~!B.真正的3D製作魚兒!- 像是能跳到你眼前的活蹦亂跳的魚,精美的砲台、子彈、漁網,還有緊捕魚過程帶給你的超緊張感!- 見識一下以3D製作的完美釣魚吧。一定會讓你體驗到就像真的是在現實中捕魚釣魚電魚打魚的一樣。C.複雜的機制!呈現活蹦亂跳魚類!- 長時間的對持之後,通過逐漸疲憊的魚兒的AI體驗到的真實手感!- 根據各種魚類的特徵呈現的,魚兒垂死掙扎的"死亡"、“脫鉤”動作!- 簡單的操縱中隱藏複雜的機制!親自體驗一下更真實的捕魚手感、釣魚手感吧!D.夢想中的那個地方!世界著名捕魚聖地、打魚聖地、撈魚聖地、釣魚聖地!- 從夏威夷再到亞馬遜,從非洲到南美洲,再到中國!體驗只有在電視中才能看見的黃金漁場吧。- 不僅能感受到水花四濺的逼真效果,還能見到只有在當前地區才會出現的各種魚類。小心!因為效果太逼真,你有可能會暈船哦~E.能與全世界獵手們、釣手們一比高下的自主競爭!- 誰說捕魚釣魚電魚打魚是一個人的遊戲? !通過每個時間進行的捕魚釣魚電魚打魚大會,與全世界著名獵手們展開對決吧。- 通過與好友輪番進行的1:1比賽競技,可以贏走豐富的獎品!機會總是留給有準備的人~!- 每次打到BOSS魚時都會有驚喜哦。與好友或全世界玩家們展開激烈競爭,大顯你的身手吧!1.2017 most popularhandheld gaming boutique fishing, gorgeous debut, casino freedraw.2. Clean Sweep, Big Three, Luckiest Man, similar bomb, full-screenbombs, energy cannon and other classic games are played.3. Fit the outbreak blocked all entrances to the "violent",crossing barriers blocking up close "lock", and freeze all theworld still "tracking", cool shooting skills allows you to freeexperience.4. cornucopia, BOSS prize pool constantly surprises, supermulti-bonus waiting for you to win!5. super exciting play BOSS, BOSS kill after extraction prize poolfor free, oh.6. Unlimited levels casually break, stop hair reward levels.Otherwise, arcade fishing, Wulong hegemony, toad fish, packed withcolorful, Diminshing music, koi Annunciation hundred beef, Choi YunDragon, Outlaws of the Marsh, Journey to the West, fourmasterpieces, thousands of cannon fishing, fishing people, not birdlife, fruit machine, reproducing Fortuna Deluxe Edition, whitepeony flower magic ‧ temptation Queen's Blade, crimson Queen,Golden Lotus, Wufu toad ... and so on, several players designedspecifically for the game, like exposure real casino-likeatmosphere, like slot machine game you can not miss the classicgame!Feel the tension between the fingers to stimulate electric fishfishing fishing fishing pleasure! 3D exquisitely fish, perfectlyrendered real fishing game "electric fish"!Fishing Fishing is not electric fish fishing? It's ok! Even afinger can also make you enjoy fishing fishing electric fishfishing pleasure!As if the real show in front of the world-famous fishing groundsfishing grounds and hunting a variety of live fish! Realism,amazing!World sailing to fishing right now!A. complicated, difficult, tiresome game fishing, far away!- Fort selected, barrel, fishing rod, fishing line ~ wear bait, setthe number of guns - the amount of ... simplify the complex processof fishing! 'Refers to a trip' simple fishing ~- "Playing BOSS is the art of waiting" Oh ~ NO !!! 3 seconds canmake BOOS appear, fish hook, and let you in a short time to restcan enjoy the fun of fishing?.- I do not know how to play? do not worry! Cordial and attentivedriving range tutorials and skills, you will hone into electricfish fishing fishing fishing master, as well as a gift to get oh~!B. true 3D production fish!- Like you can jump in front of the fish jump, exquisite forts,bullets, fishing nets, fishing as well as tightening process tobring you super tension!- Perfect knowledge about fishing in 3D made it. We will let youexperience is really like fish electric fish fishing fishing inreality the same.C. complex mechanism! Fish showing jump!- After a long time on hold, through the gradual exhaustion of fishAI experience the true feeling!- According to various characteristics of fish presented, the fishdying "death", "decoupling" action!- Simple operation hidden in a complex mechanism! Personallyexperience feel more real fishing, fishing feel it!D. dream that place! World famous fishing sites, fishing sites,holy places for fish, fishing Holy Land!- From Hawaii and then to the Amazon, from Africa to South America,then to China! Experience only on TV to see the golden fishingground it.- Not only can feel the splash of realism, but also to see only thecurrent region will appear in a variety of fish. Be careful!Because the effect is so realistic, you may seasick Oh ~E. autonomy can compete with the world hunters, who Diaoshou one tocompete!- Who says electric fish fishing Fishing Fishing is one of thegame? ! Electric fish fishing fishing fishing carried out by theGeneral Assembly each time, with the world famous hunters clashedit.- By a friend took turns: 1. Competitive game, you can walk awaywith great prizes! Opportunities will always be those who areprepared ~!- Each time you hit the BOSS fish will have a surprise for you.With friends or players around the world are competing, Daxian yourskill it!
Games warm-blooded fish 1.6
Judy Deng
[Game Features]1 , a day to receive a day can receive a free 11 times.2, VIP membership card , week card monthly card Take your pick.3 , landing Gifts sent every day , as long as there is continuousregistration bonus increases.4 , the introduction of the most popular games Landlords , plusrocket bomb immediately becomes Tyrant .5,100 % arcade fishing, fishing game elements pass through thetransplant , is not the same play , not the same experience.6 , super- popular arcade nine line machine - Water Margin , chargemuch more to win more and more exciting Little Mary waiting for you![ Game Description ]1 , Landlords : conventional play , to experience the fun ofmultiplayer online game ;2 , pass through the fishing : 3D stereoscopic big BOSS seabedstrolling, 20 super BOSS allows you to play in between applause.3. Networking fishing : arcade version of the four most popularfishing, cumulative gold fish kill can never want ;4 , Arcade Water Margin : bet magnification own election, moreexciting waiting for you to come and collect little Mary !
电动捕鱼-单机关卡无限闯,全民天天BOSS专属猎杀达人必备 2.2
Judy Deng
Fish Pop-SingleLevelRushBOSS 1.2
Judy Deng
1.2016 handheld gaming city's mostpopularboutique game fishing, gorgeous debut, casino freedraw.2. 100% real reduction arcade fishing, thousands of gunsallversions of arcade fishing fishing, fishing toad, whileincreasingthe pass through the upgrade interesting.3. Clean Sweep, Big Three, Luckiest Man, similar bomb,full-screenbombs, energy cannon and other classic games areplayed.4. snares of people fishing, Monopoly, toad, thousands ofgunsedition, holiday, slam master classic strategy game.5. Fit the outbreak blocked all entrances to the "violent",crossingbarriers blocking up close "lock", and freeze all theworld still"tracking", cool shooting skills allows you tofreeexperience.6, cornucopia,BOSS,bonus constantly surprises, much gold waitingforyou to come and win!What are you waiting, moving a finger, let us work togethertoexperience spear fishing brilliant video game world! ! !