Knipp-Hempel IT-Solutions GmbH Приложения

ZUP - Ratespiel für Teams 1.9
Knipp-Hempel IT-Solutions GmbH
Ein weiteres Gesellschaftsspiel aus unserer Serie für Familien,Freunde und alle, die Handyspiele mal anders spielen möchten. Fürdas Spiel benötigt man mindestens 4 Mitspieler, einen Stift undetwas zum darauf rum malen. Mit zwei bis vier Teams wird gespielt.Es müssen Begriffe gemalt, umschrieben oder per Pantomimedargestellt werden. Das Team, dass an der Reihe ist bestimmt einenAkteur. Nach Starten der Runde werden die Begriffe angezeigt. Wiesie der Akteur darstellen muss, wird ebenfalls angezeigt. Für jedenrichtig erratenen Begriff gibt es je nach Schwierigkeitsgradunterschiedliche Punkte. Es werden eine, zwei oder drei Minutenlang Begriffe angezeigt, dann endet eine Runde. Ist die Zeitabgelaufen, werden alle Begriffe der Runde noch einmal angezeigtund es kann korrigiert werden, falls man in der Hitze des Gefechtsauf den falschen Knopf gedrückt hat. Danach ist das nächste Team ander Reihe. Wer nach allen Spielrunden die meisten Punkte hat,gewinnt das Spiel. Es stehen mehr als 1500 Begriffe zur Verfügung.Mit der Premiumversion ist diese App komplett ohne Werbung. VielSpaß!!!
Timetracker 1.7
App for time tracking. Easy to use, no unnecessary functionality.Touch activity to start time track. Touch again to stop it. Make along distance touch and you can change all values and you can add anotice. You can add as many activities as you want. A send functionwill send all closed activities to an configurable email address.The mail has an csv-attachment (for importing into a spreadsheet)and the activities are listed in a HTML-table. A additional viewexists to edit all existing activities (delete, modify) and to sendall selected again. This app is free of advertising.
Forecast for Daytrading 1.34
Knipp-Hempel IT-Solutions GmbH
Our ESStockForecast offers - among otherfunctions - daily forecasts for exchange rates.With corresponding exchange knowledge the app can help to make goodprofits.We have developed very complex software, which performs a patternrecognition for each share on the basis of price information andthe technical analysis. This software runs on its own server. Thisapp retrieves the data from there.A stock forecast is displayed for one or more shares. Which stocksis only known by our software.The forecasts refer to short-term price changes within the nextmax. 20 days. The hit rate of the forecasts is more than 75%.There is no registration in our system !!! You have no obligations.We need no data from your side.You can buy one forecast for e very small fee. If you want to usethe app every day, you can book a week or month pass withcorresponding good discounts. These subscriptions can beunsubscribed at any time in the Playstore.The app includes additional features for a simple trading strategysuitable to the forecast data. The following information can bestored:• how available capital• maximum risk per day and trade• approximate trading costsYou can get a suggestion of how much could be traded according toour strategy and what profit to expect, but also what loss wouldoccur in the worst case. This proposal can be adapted andincorporated into a watch list.In the case of saved forecasts from the past, their progression canbe viewed. An evaluation of the progression is displayed.Another feature is hourly intraday forecasts, which can be includedin the watchlist as well as the daily forecasts. This Intradayforecasts are free if you by a week or monthly pass, otherwise youpay a small fee for the forecast.Most of the software runs on a server that generates the forecastbased on complex algorithms. Of that one notes in the App howevernothing. Inquiries to the server are quickly answered with neartimecourse information.The App does not provide the opportunity to take action. There areother programs for this.We assume no guarantee for the forecasts and commercialproposals.If you like, you can make real trades or only watch the markets forfun.The app is designed for end users and it is permitted to forwardthe results to third parties.If there is any interest in forwarding the forecasts to thirdparties, please contact us.We offer good conditions and appropriate service interfaces.Our motivation for this appI would like to earn a few thousand euros, after the end of theevening, a nice side-money without risking the money completely.Suitable software, which gives me a daily forecast with an entryand exit point, without having to analyze charts, I have notfound.We have been dealing with hobby with the exchange business forabout 10 years. We are not a broker or a trading expert. So we haveworked a little into the matter of the technical analysis. Asexchange experts, we would still not be in any way.Looking for software that provides me with forecasts, we found veryfew independent programs or Apps. All are based on the well-knownchart patterns or indicators, are complicated, overloaded and youhave the choice of which signals are the right ones.When reading one of the "bibles" of the technical analysis"Analysis of the Financial Markets of John J. Murphy", I found thatthe basis is the search for course patterns.This can make a software very well and even share-individually. Theidea for a software was born. We have been developing software formore than 30 years and are recognized experts for complex softwaresystems.Please visit our website for more information about the App.