LYT Inc. Приложения

Alyt Mobile 1.1.25
LYT Inc.
for when you want to lead a smart life notjust have a smart home. with ALYT youcan talk to Smart Home devices using standard communicationmedia such as:Bluetooth Low EnergyBluetooth3.5G Cellular,IRNFCDLNAWifiZ-WaveZigBee.It is a security system, an energy manager and wifi hotspotA few things ALYT CAN DOSecurity• Receive alerts of activity at your home while you are away. Dooropen, door bell rang, etc.• Features a backup battery so that in case of emergency poweroutages, your home will be unaffected.• While nobody is at home, to discourage intruders, ALYTrandomly turns lights and TV on and off to make it look likesomeone is in• Protect the perimeter of your property with the PIR Sensors,alerting of a breach by sending an alert, sounding an alarm onproperty, turning on a light or contacting authorities.• Monitor in real-time video activities around the home, at youroffice or your boat/ RV by accessing the live video feed viasmartphone or tablet.• Allow access to the home remotely via voice or facialrecognition.• The smoke detector warns you promptly in case of harmfulemissions, automatically closes the gas valve or remove power tothe affected environmentLighting• Turn any light in your home into a smart light, simply screw inthe ALYT actuator.• Reduce lighting cost with the ALYT motion sensor and havelights turn off when area is not occupied.• Lower the brightness of your lighting based on natural lightwith the dimmer actuators, in turn reducing energy consumption.• ALYT real-time alerts you of high energy consumption times onyour current lighting usage, suggesting way to reduce waste.• Provide real-time information on the energy usage of anyappliance in your home, then aggregate the total energy consumptionat any time.Environment• Reduce the air-conditioning, in parts of your home where theyare not occupied.• Adjust the temperature of the home while not there, bringingthe temperature up in advance of arriving.• Maintain optimal temperature/ humidity levels for climatecontrol rooms such as a wine cellar or cigar room.• Suggest optimal temperature based on weather, time of day,household occupancy and future weather forecast to keep thetemperature just right or save on your energy bill.Lifestyle• Connect to indoor plants sensors advising on when to water orfertilize them• Connect to health wearable sensors to monitor elderly peopletemperature, heartbeat, blood pressure, etc• ALYT will notify you when your laundry is done, keeping yourfresh laundry still warm, to ensure no wrinkles.
ALYT - Beyond smart. Genius 1.2.14
LYT Inc.
For when you want to lead a smart life not just have a smarthome.with ALYT you can talk to Smart Home devices usingstandardcommunication media such as: Bluetooth Low Energy Bluetooth3.5GCellular, IR NFC DLNA Wifi Z-Wave ZigBee. It is a securitysystem,an energy manager and wifi hotspot A few things ALYT CANDOSecurity • Receive alerts of activity at your home while youareaway. Door open, door bell rang, etc. • Features a backupbatteryso that in case of emergency power outages, your home willbeunaffected. • While nobody is at home, to discourageintruders,ALYT randomly turns lights and TV on and off to make itlook likesomeone is in • Protect the perimeter of your propertywith the PIRSensors, alerting of a breach by sending an alert,sounding analarm on property, turning on a light or contactingauthorities. •Monitor in real-time video activities around thehome, at youroffice or your boat/ RV by accessing the live videofeed viasmartphone or tablet. • Allow access to the home remotelyvia voiceor facial recognition. • The smoke detector warns youpromptly incase of harmful emissions, automatically closes the gasvalve orremove power to the affected environment Lighting • Turnany lightin your home into a smart light, simply screw in the ALYTactuator.• Reduce lighting cost with the ALYT motion sensor andhave lightsturn off when area is not occupied. • Lower thebrightness of yourlighting based on natural light with the dimmeractuators, in turnreducing energy consumption. • ALYT real-timealerts you of highenergy consumption times on your current lightingusage, suggestingway to reduce waste. • Provide real-timeinformation on the energyusage of any appliance in your home, thenaggregate the totalenergy consumption at any time. Environment •Reduce theair-conditioning, in parts of your home where they arenotoccupied. • Adjust the temperature of the home while notthere,bringing the temperature up in advance of arriving. •Maintainoptimal temperature/ humidity levels for climate controlrooms suchas a wine cellar or cigar room. • Suggest optimaltemperature basedon weather, time of day, household occupancy andfuture weatherforecast to keep the temperature just right or saveon your energybill. Lifestyle • Connect to indoor plants sensorsadvising on whento water or fertilize them • Connect to healthwearable sensors tomonitor elderly people temperature, heartbeat,blood pressure, etc• ALYT will notify you when your laundry isdone, keeping yourfresh laundry still warm, to ensure no wrinkles.