Landsbankinn Приложения

Jófríður - Sprotasaga jofridur
Sagan fjallar um Jófríði gömlu eða Jólu, einshún er kölluð.Jóla er dökk og stór og falleg og hún heimsækir Sprotana einusinni á ári og segir þeim sögur. Öllum þykir vænt um Jólu en Sprotafinnst hann ekki vita nóg um þessa dularfullu veru. Hver er Jóla oghvaðan kemur hún? Hvers vegna verða allir hinir fullorðnu eins ogbörn í kringum hana?Foreldrar Sprota, Doremí og Rósi, ákveða að segja Sprota sínumsöguna af Jólu. Sú saga teygir sig langt aftur í tímann til þeirradaga þegar þeir fullorðnu voru börn og leynifélagið Púkablístranreyndi að bjarga bænum sínum frá miklum háska. Þá steðjaði ógn aðSprotabæ því tröll komu með reglulegu millibili og gerðu óskunda,rupluðu og rændu. Púkablístran tók þá til sinna ráða, Jóla birtistog atburðarrásin varð æsispennandi.Ævintýri Sprotanna fjalla eins og venjulega um vináttu ogsamstöðu í erfiðum aðstæðum. Þau fjalla um snjalla einstaklinga semþora að horfast í augu við erfiðleika og hafa sigur að lokum.Börnin geta hlustað á upplestur af sögunni og lesið hana.Púslaðu myndir úr sögunni, hægt er að velja nokkurerfiðleikastig.Höfundur sögunnar er Felix Bergsson og teikningar eru verk KáraGunnarssonar.Útgefandi er Landsbankinn.The story of the oldringleader or Christmas, as it is called.Christmas is dark and big and beautiful and she visits the wandonce a year and tell them stories. Everyone loves Christmas andEntrepreneurial think he did not know enough about this mysteriouscreature. What is Christmas and where does it come? Why are alladults like children around her?Parents venture, Doremi and roses, decided to tell his wandstory of Christmas. The story goes back in time to those days whenthe adults were children and secret society Púkablístran tried tosave their town from a great danger. Then arose a threat toSprotabæ the trolls came regularly and made mischief, rupluðu andlooted. Púkablístran took to his hiring, Christmas appears andchain of events was awesome.Adventure shoots mountain as usual friendship and solidarity indifficult situations. They discuss resourceful individuals who dareto face the difficulties and win in the end. Kids can listen to therecitation of the story and read it.Put the pictures from the story, you can choose anydifficulty.The author of the story is Felix Bergsson and drawings are thework of Kari Gunnarsson.Publisher Landsbanki.
Landsbankinn 14.5.3
Immediately upon logging on, customers are presented with aclearand concise overview of their finances. Moving on, it is easytoaccess more details about each item.  The log-on processissimple, relying on either finger scans, electronic ID or ausername and password. The app allows you to: - Apply for accesstoLandsbankinn banking. - Achieve a comprehensive overview ofyourfinances - Check the balance of bank accounts - Check thebalanceand transactions on credit cards  - Change credit cardlimit -Pay bills - Transfer funds - Make pre-payments to creditcards -Retrieve PINs for debit and credit cards - Establish andalteroverdraft authorisations - View loan summaries - Viewinformationon loan limits - View pension summaries - View thebalance ofAukakrónur and look for partners of the programme - Viewelectronicdocuments - Check the balance and transactions on giftcards - Findservice points and ATMs - Calculate prices betweencurrencies -View securities portfolio - Stock market information -GSM refillsThe Landsbankinn app is created and developed byLandsbankinn.
Kort 1.0.15
Landsbankinn’s card app allows you to store both debit andcreditcards in a mobile wallet and to use the phone to pay bothsmall andlarge amounts. The card app works with all card readersthat acceptcontactless payment, both in Iceland and abroad. Onceyou havedownloaded the card app and registered your cards, you onlyhave tounlock your phone using your fingerprint, face ID orpasscode, andhold the phone up to a card reader to pay. It is notnecessary toopen the app itself to make payments. Suchauthentication affordsthe same security as entering a PIN. All thebenefits your cardsconfer, such as Aukakrónur or insurance, areincluded in paymentsusing the card app in your phone. Withdrawallimits remain thesame, as in fact do all card functions.Landsbankinn’s paymentcards are international VISA cards thatincorporate all modern andup-to-date security measures. The sameapplies to VISA cardsregistered in Landsbankinn’s card app. Acondition of use of thecard app is to follow certain security rulesin unlocking thephone, to safeguard the payment informationregistered in the app.Payments cannot be made unless the followingrequirements are met:1. The phone has an active locking function(fingerprint, face IDor passcode) 2. Passcode is 4 digits at aminimum 3. The card appis granted access to the phone’s securitysettings The app is onlyavailable to Landsbankinn customers withdebit and/or credit cardsissued by the Bank.