LeCab Приложения

LeCab 1.8
LeCab est leader du service de chauffeursprivés (VTC) dans Paris et sa région.Plusieurs millions de personnes et des milliers d’entreprises fontdéjà confiance au service LeCab !- LAISSEZ-VOUS TRANSPORTER -LeCab est la meilleure solution alternative aux taxis et voiturespersonnelles : tout confort, fiable et économique.Optez pour LeCab c’est :• un prix fixé au moment de la réservation : vous payez la distancela plus courte, le chauffeur prend le chemin le plus rapide• une expérience unique : une vue dégagée dans une Peugeot 508 madein France avec : Internet, Musique, Magazines et iPad à bord• un Cab en 7 minutes dans Paris : où que vous soyez dans Paris ily a toujours un Cab à côté de vous• une réservation à l'avance gratuite : ne soyez plus jamais enretard, réservez sans stress !Paris -> CDG = 48€ / Paris -> Orly = 37€Oubliez toutes les solutions de transport que vous connaissez :découvrez une toute nouvelle façon de voyager, plus confortable,plus moderne et moins chère… Tout simplement la meilleure !Une question, une idée, une remarque ? Ecrivez-nous ou passeznous voir !• Aide :https://www.lecab.fr/faq-entreprise-taxi-voiture-avec-chauffeur.htm• Twitter : https://twitter.com/LeCab• Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/LeCab• Google+ : https://plus.google.com/+capitainetrain• Instagram : http://instagram.com/lecabparis• LeCab 12,14 rue Médéric, 75017 Paris- LA PRESSE EN PARLE -« Le meilleur rapport qualité-prix. Les chauffeurs ne travaillentpas avec les centrales concurrentes. Tous disposent d’un iPad avecles mêmes services (accès à Internet, carte en temps réel, lecturenumérique de magazines offerte…) » Challenges« Pour faire de chacun de vos déplacements un moment privilégié,empli de sérénité et de confort, LeCab vous ouvre les portes d'ununivers où rien n'est laissé au hasard » Madame Figaro« Le chauffeur compétitif. Un véhicule qui arrive en 6 minutesenciron, un prix calculé selon la distance non soumis à des tarifsjour / nuit et des forfaits aéroports (48 € pour Roissy et 37 €pour Orly) : la compagnie a tout de bon » Elle- RÉSERVER UN CAB DU BOUT DES DOIGTS -Réservez un Cab, une expérience ultra simple grâce à uneapplication ultra complète :• Choisissez une Peugeot 508 ou un Van Mercedes Viano jusqu’à 7personnes• Indiquez un délai de réservation : « dès que possible » ou «pré-réservation » sans supplément• Profitez d’un prix fixe, quel que soit le trafic ou l’itinéraireemprunté• Réglez par Carte Bancaire et oubliez les problèmes demonnaie• Suivez la progression de l’approche de votre Cab et restez encontact avec votre chauffeur• Restez informé de l’arrivée de votre Cab par SMS• Recevez une facture et un relevé à la fin de votre courseIl ne vous reste plus qu’à monter à bord et de profiter de votrecourse en toute sérénité !Pour toute question, remarque ou bonne idée, n’hésitez pas ànous contacter à helpdesk@lecab.fr !LECAB leads the privatechauffeur service (VTC) in Paris and its region.Several million people and thousands of companies already trust theservice LECAB!- LET YOURSELF TRANSPORTER -LECAB is the best alternative to taxis and private cars:comfortable, reliable and economical.Choose LECAB is:• a price set at the time of booking: you pay the shorter distance,the driver takes the fastest path• a unique experience: a clear view in a Peugeot 508 made in Francewith: Internet, Music, Magazines and iPad on board• a Cab 7 minutes in Paris: wherever you are in Paris there isalways a cab beside you• reservations in advance Free: never be late, book withoutstress!Paris -> CDG ​​= 48 € / Paris -> Orly = 37 €Forget all the transportation solutions you know: discover a wholenew way of traveling, more comfortable, more modern and cheaper ...Simply the best!A question, an idea, a comment? Contact us or visit us!• Help:https://www.lecab.fr/faq-entreprise-taxi-voiture-avec-chauffeur.htm• Twitter: https://twitter.com/LeCab• Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeCab• Google+: https://plus.google.com/+capitainetrain• Instagram: http://instagram.com/lecabparis• LECAB 12.14 Mederic Street, 75017 Paris- THE PRESS -"The best value for money. The drivers do not work with competingpower plants. All have an iPad with the same services (Internetaccess, real-time map, digital reading magazines provided ...)"Challenges"To make every trip a special time, filled with serenity andcomfort, LECAB opens the door to a universe where nothing is leftto chance" Madame Figaro"The competitive driver. A vehicle that arrives in 6 minutesenciron, a price calculated according to the distance not subjectto tariffs day / night packages and airport (48 € and 37 € RoissyOrly): the company in earnest "She- BOOK OF CAB FINGERTIPS -Book a Cab, a very simple experiment with ultra completeapplication:• Choose a Peugeot 508 or a Mercedes Viano van up to 7persons• Specify a reservation period "as soon as possible" or"pre-reservation" without charge• Enjoy a fixed price, regardless of traffic or the routetaken• Set by credit card and forget about currency problems• Follow the progress of the approach of your cab and stay in touchwith your driver• Stay informed of the arrival of your SMS Cab• Get an invoice and a statement at the end of your runHe'll just get on and enjoy your ride with confidence!For questions, comments or good idea, do not hesitate to contactus at helpdesk@lecab.fr!
LeCab – VTC, private driver 3.2.9
LeCab the leading private driver service (VTC)allows you to travel simply in Paris, its region and in 20 townsand cites . This premium VTC service provides you with a dedicateddriver starting at 8 euros - you will soon forget about traditionaltaxis.A PRIVATE DRIVER, WHENEVER AND WHEREVER YOU WANT: type in yourdestination, book your driver on the app and confirm your booking.A private driver will wait in front of your home, hotel or otherpick up address and drive you where you need to go.SIMPLE, FAST AND AFFORDABLE: is your train late again? Tired oflooking for taxis when arriving at the airport? Try the LeCab app!A fixed price quoted when you book, your VTC in 5 minutes and apersonalised experience. What is more, you can book your privatedriver up to 30 days in advance. Ideal for your trips to theairport.HIGH FRENCH QUALITY: our drivers are equipped with a safe andcomfortable Peugeot 508 sedon. Internet, magazines, phone chargersand iPads are on board so that you can play your favorite musicduring the trip. Seat back and relax, we’ll take care of therest.Download the app and join the club!Help: https://en.lecab.fr/faq-chauffeur-car-services.htmlTwitter: https://twitter.com/LeCabFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeCabGoogle+: https://plus.google.com/+LecabFrInstagram: http://instagram.com/lecabLeCab: 12 rue Médéric, 75017 Paris
LeCab Driver 3.6.0
Being a LeCab driver means being a fully-fledged partner! Joinour13,000 partners fleet and benefit from..: - the highest revenuesonthe market: 80% revenue for the driver per trip VS 75% forotherapps. - high-quality customers: Executives, VIPs, CEOs...Apredominantly business clientele. - long distance rides: onaverage27 min for 15 km - quick commissions payment - a regulationteam atyour service 24/7! Join us in just a few steps! 1) Registeron ourwebsite : partner.lecab.fr 2) Make an appointment with ourteam 3)Attend driver training They trust us: "You quickly realisethatworking with the LeCab is completely different fromotherapplications!" Mohamed, LeCab partner for 5 years. "As soon asIhave a question or a problem, someone for LeCab team is theretoanswer me. To be honest, it's nice to feel supported."Arisitide,LeCab partner for 7 yearsBeing a LeCab driver means beingafully-fledged partner! Join our 13,000 partners fleet andbenefitfrom..: - the highest revenues on the market: 80% revenuefor thedriver per trip VS 75% for other apps. - high-qualitycustomers:Executives, VIPs, CEOs... A predominantly businessclientele. -long distance rides: on average 27 min for 15 km -quickcommissions payment - a regulation team at your service 24/7!Joinus in just a few steps! 1) Register on our website:partner.lecab.fr 2) Make an appointment with our team 3)Attenddriver training They trust us: "You quickly realise thatworkingwith the LeCab is completely different from otherapplications!"Mohamed, LeCab partner for 5 years. "As soon as Ihave a questionor a problem, someone for LeCab team is there toanswer me. To behonest, it's nice to feel supported." Arisitide,LeCab partner for7 years A completely revised version with newfeatures: - Displayof the destination, the distance and thedriver's income - beforetax. - Possibility of prebooking within thehour nearby - Displayof row zones in real time - Simplifiedmanagement of multi-stopjourneys and changes of destination -Choice among all yourvehicles directly on the application. -Ability for Sedan driversto accept Classic rides - Acceleratedpayment of weekly invoices