Lee Kyung-joon Приложения

Auto AutoAnswer - ROOTING 1.1
Lee Kyung-joon
***From Android Lollipop, this call-hooking feature is not allowedfor user-apps***Therefore if you want to use it, you must root your phone. Ifyou don't know what rooting is, please ignore this app.On rooted phone, you have to install this app to **systempartition**. Then you might use it.(So many uncertainity exists because your phone's manufacturermight have modified related underlying APIs.So I can't guarantee it, sorry)Anyway, my methods were like this.1. install it2. Uninstall it with "backup" option by using app likeSystemTuner3. Restore it4. Then ST app asks *where to install*.5. Select System6. After restoring, reboot. Now this app works like system-app, sowe can hook call API.You may use apps in store to install it to system partition.Search keyword: app mover=========================================================IntroductionAuto AutoAnswer is an open sourced Android app forked fromAutoAnswer.First, I introduce the AutoAnswer Android app, which is opensource project hosted in Google Code(https://code.google.com/p/auto-answer/). ThatAutoAnswer app was created by EverySoft(http://www.everysoft.com/).I wanted that AutoAnswer can communicate with Android'sautomation apps such as Tasker or Locale by way of plugin, so Iadded additional automizing feature to original app. That's thereason why I prefixed duplicated Auto to app's name. And then Icontacted the project owner by email, but in no vain. Email wasreturned with broken message, and that Google Code project seems tobe deserted...So I've uploaded the modified sources into github and you canget this app for free in Google's Playstore. My modification isjust only one Receiver class, so my knowledge about original app'sroutines about call and bluetooth interruption is a very smallbit.If this app is not working on your device, then that' the end.:( You shoud find another good apps.If you use an automation app like Tasker or Locale, you can getmy related freeplugin(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alogblog.aaa.plugin)in PlayStore.The source of this app is uploaded in GitHub(https://github.com/alogblog/AutoAutoAnswer)Featues- Can enable/disable the auto answering feature. When enabled,its icon is always on notification bar. If you want to disble orchange its configuaration, you can tap the notification menu. Belowoptions are valid only when enabled.- Can select which calls it has to auto answer.- Calls from all callers- Only my contacts- Only starred contacts- Can specify the delay seconds before auto answering, ex.) 2,4, 6, 8, 10, 12 secs.- Can turn on the speakphone when auto answering.- Can use auto answering only when connected to Bluetoothheadset.- Can select not to auto answer if in call.- Can automize those features on Tasker or Locale apps by usinga plugin.Authors- Original AutoAnswer app, EverySoft(www.everysoft.com)License of this app- GNU GPL v3(http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)Used License- This app uses Walrick(http://walrick.deviantART.com)'s phone icon,GPLhttp://www.iconfinder.com/icondetails/54067/128/call_phone_telephone_icon- This banner image of Google Play Store uses below freeimages,- Finger image - GestureWorks(http://gestureworks.com/), CC BY-SA 3.0UShttp://www.iconfinder.com/icondetails/80585/128/finger_gestureworks_one_tap_icon- Telephone image - AIGA(http://www.aiga.org/), Public Domainhttp://www.iconfinder.com/icondetails/54067/128/call_phone_telephone_icon- Black remove image - Billy Barker(http://www.billybarker.net), Free forcommercial usehttp://www.iconfinder.com/icondetails/60943/40/black_cross_delete_remove_x_icon- Phone image - Designmodo(http://designmodo.com/), CC BY 3.0http://www.iconfinder.com/icondetails/171731/128/phone_icon
GTD2Speech 1.0
Lee Kyung-joon
Are you using Evernote as a note tool? Are you interested in usingGTD(Getting Things Done)? Then this free, no-ads small app mighthelp you. It adds GTD notifying feature to Evernote. The shortcutof this app gets a list of your savedSearch results and then, itmay open Evernote activiy, or may read titles using TTS, or justpost a notification which you can use by Android automation applike Taser. Of course, you can just use the shortcut in your Homescreen. However running it by manually tapping shortcut icon is notthe purpose of this app. I created it in order to use it inautomation app which automatically run its shortcut when some ofcondition is met. For example, when you arrive at home/office/car(you can catch it using wifi/network/nfc tag or so with help ofautomation app), or when it is at some fixed time of day,Tasker(one of Android's automation apps) can run one of yourEverGTD shortcut. Then EverGTD fetches search results from Evernoteand shows/read the titles of notes. One another small feature isthat when you put a link of a note in your note and tab that link,you can redirect to EverGTD, then it again redirects to Evernote.Origianlly when you tab the evernote's note link, browser opens andgoes to evernote web page. You can use this feature like this:putting a link of project's main note into a note. Tag: Evernote,GTD, Todo, Tasker, Locale, Llama, TTS
FoFoClock with styler 3.0.3
Lee Kyung-joon
***Android Wear supports TAP on watchface from v1.3. So I removedall hack ways for implementing touch, and uses official API. As aresult, swipe for opening a laucher is replaced with TAP on middlepart of watchface.*** Using 4x4 blocks, you can customize yourunique styled watchface. Additonally, you can display a phonesbattery, weather, date, and change screen brightness, Want more? Itprovides its own launchers, instant timer, watch-on voice alarm,10-to-hour voice alarm. 1. Unique 4x4 time system (Please seeplaystore images.) I'm sure this time-telling system is quitedifficult, at least not easy. If you seek an easy one like havingstrong two-hands or big digits, FoFoClock is defintely not yours.For normal watchface, the energy required for tell the time isalmost zero. However, I bet you'll consume more energy for thatwith it. Whenever I try to tell the time with it, I feel my brainis working HARD and even a little tiresome, lol. Are you braveenough to try this? 2. Cosmeticize your face using its styler app.Using styler you can create/modify and send it to your wearable.You can use basic block/layer editing. But these are simple, soyou'd better use a program like Gimp/Photoshop in PC. 3. Varioustiny features. - displays phone's battery percentage, connectionstate, weather information. - provides its own 4-type launchers -shows full date/day of week/AM-PM/time using its own blockrepresentation. - can change screen brightness. Timeout is 2seconds for tapping. 4. Unique features. 4.1 10-to-hour voicealarm. Nowsdays, most of events, meetings, appointments, watchingTV shows, etc begin at the exact hour like at 2PM. Of coures ifthose were your main concern, then you would set normal alarm usingphone or wearable. But all litle stuffs can't be done like that.For example, lets assume you have a plan to attend meeting or amind to watch TV show at 1PM. If phone or clock rings at 1PM sharp,it does recall you only the fact you are well ready for somethingor late for it. I think both are useless recall. However, if clockrings at 10 to 1, at least you can be ready for something. If youenable 10-to-hour voice alarm, every 10 minute before the hour,FoFoClock will say like "Hey its 10 to 2". Your Android Wear devicehas no speaker. Don't worry, it vibrates or show animation, orspeaks time using a Bluetooth audio device connected to yourwearable. If not, your connected phone will say it. 4.2 Instanttimer. If you want to set timer for next short upcoming time, youmay not want to using full featured timer app. If that time is justafter 1 minute, 3,5,10,15,30 minutes, you can just tap theFoFoClock repeatedly. No need to browse timer/say anything, justtap tap... This is instant timer, which means you are aware ofupcoming time, and awake. So instant timer just does smallanimation, vibration and dies itself. No need for any STOP actions.4.3 Watch-on voice alarm If you enable this feature, wheneverwearable's screen is turned ON, it says current time using BT audiodevice or your phone(timeout is 10 min.) What for? For example,car-driving environment is typical. You could watch your wearble,but would not want to as possible as you can. The situation youhave a urge not to watch, but to listen for the time-telling. Otheruse cases are up to you. 5. A few unstable actions now. -Bluetooth/Wifi display is not robust now. As I know, there is noofficial API yet. - If you have multiple wearalbe connected, thenwhen you choose one after another, its model image in styler may beworongly displayed. If then, please turn off that device in AndroidWear app, and then turn it on again.
Win7 Theme for LL 2.0
Lee Kyung-joon
This is a Lightning Launcher's template simulating Windowssystem.So you have to have LL pre-installed in yourdevice.================================================ *** PLEASEWATCHTHE VIDEO BEFORE INSTALLING IT***================================================ Features: -Bothportrait and landscape modes are supported. - You cancustomizesomething using provided-menu, without going to Edit mode.- Canadd/remove sound effect for tap a shortcut/folder. - Support27languages(English, Catalan, Simplified Chinese, Czech,German,Modern Greek, Spanish, Finnish, French, Croatian,Hungarian,Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Polish,Portuguese,Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovene, Swedish, Turkish,TraditionalChinese, Ukraine, Vietnamese), although all weretranslated byGoogle Translator. Credits: - Click/Open sound clip:Kickhat,https://www.freesound.org/people/kickhat/ - Error soundclip:Huminaatio, https://www.freesound.org/people/Huminaatio/ -Tapsound clip: Corsica_S,https://www.freesound.org/people/Corsica_S/
Auto AutoAnswer Tasker Plugin 1.0.0
Lee Kyung-joon
This app is a plugin of Tasker/Locale automation apps. IthelpsTasker to communicate with AAA app, which can answer incomingcallsautomatically. So if you use this plugin, you can add Taskeractionthat uses AAA features. Detail features of AAA can be showninthisapppage(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alogblog.aaa).Desclaimer:*** You can run this app without Tasker or Locale. ***If you wantto see this plugin's option, you go toTasker--Task--Plugins-AutoAutoAnswer--Edit Button. If you use thisplugin and **enable** itsfeature, you can make it auto-answerincoming call in specific timeof day, or in Car-Mode, for example.You can disable itsauto-answering feature by using NotificationBar Menu manually, butin general, you may add another**disabling** action withouttouching any options.
Tasker Kids File 1.1
Lee Kyung-joon
Tasker Kids File(Tasker plugin app) - Introduction In currentTaskerversion as I know, you can't embed sound/image/localjavascript libetc. files into Tasker app, except for app icon.This is a Taskerplugin app which helps you to embed any files toyour app createdusing Tasker Factory. * When Tasker provide thisfeature, this appwill be of no use. :) * In here, I wll call anapp created byexporting Tasker's task/project as Takser kids app -How does itwork? Takser and its plugin exchange some data eachother. If youadd a plugin action in your task, then it means somedata(Androidcall it bundle) are stored in Tasker's task (source)file. If youcreate a Tasker kid "As App", then those plugin dataare alsoincluded in your kids app. This plugin zips your files andthenconverts into Base64(just think it as readable texts) format.Thosebinary-to-text data are stored in this plugin's bundle(data).Whenyou run this plugin action, it takes those bundles from Taskeroryour kids app. Finally this plugin reversely converts intobinaryand unzips it. - Where do the files go? For example, if youinsertyour *local* click.mp3 file into your kids app, then anend-user ofyour kids app will have itin**(sdcard)/Tasker/factory/your.apps.package.name/** folder withitssame name. So when taskering for Kids app, you have to enteritspath like above. - Two big limitation 1. In Tasker, **1pluginaction** couldn't have more than **50k bytes** bundle (frommytrial-n-error results). If you add a file/folder havinggreaterthan ~50k, Tasker says "Plugin Data Too Large error". 2. Itriedvarious file sizes and finally got results that max. size aTaskerproject can have is about **420k bytes** totally. Sorry :(Abovelimitation is from Android OS(Binder Transaction limit)andpartially Taskers itself(With 1M file, I could import theprojectand run it successfully, but on exporting it As App, Taskerfailedsilently.) - My resoultion is here. 1. If your kids app is tohaveonly one file/folder having smaller than ~50k, you can add itusing"Plugin Action" in Tasker. So try to add file/folder using itifyou are doubt. If greater than ~50k, this app will notify of it.Asa success, you can have only one Plugin Action. It's simple. **Why~50k not 50k? This 50k limit is about a bundle, not originalfile.Bundle is of zip-n-base64-ed form. so two sizes are not same.Iffile is a compressed format like mp3, jpg, then bundle sizeisgenerally a little greater than original file size. 2. Ifyourfiles' size is greather than ~50k, you have to run this apponAndroid launcher, not on Tasker. Then it creates Tasker**project**XML file into yourlocal**(sdcard)/Tasker/projects/package.name/filename.prj.xml**.Importit in Tasker and use created task. You may have many dividedpluginactions and tasks in this project. Its for getting overAndroid andTasker's limitation. If you run the task namedas"package.filename", then the others will be sequentiallcalledautomatically. This app will internally check files'existence. Ifnot there, it will create files. It in there already,it justpasses. - Sample Task If you run it on Launcer, it providesanadditional sample task. It's ony for example. Please rememberthatyou don't have to call first task(named as"packname.filename")everytime your kids app runs. File existencechecking etc are notnecessary except first run of app. Sample taskmay be helpful. -(Error: Task doesn't exist) After importingcreated Tasker projectfile, if you run task first, you might see"Task doesn't exist"error. Because imported tasks are not stored inTasker DB yet, youhave to exit and re-enter Tasker. - Banner AdsThis app has abanner ads. But the end-users of your Tasker kids appare notexposed to ads, they can't see any laucherable activity.