Lightstone Приложения

Lightstone Auto 1.0.3
South Africa’s car sales industry has beenrevolutionised by an app that enables car dealers to instantlyvalidate both a vehicle and a customer within seconds.LIGHTSTONE AUTO provides the ability to eliminate finger troubleby using the camera on a Smartphone to scan a vehicle’s licencedisc. Using state-of-the-art patented technology LIGHTSTONE AUTOlinks directly into Lightstone's brand new cutting edge dataplatform to deliver real time and accurate data for any vehicleoffering the full details and verifying the VIN, make and model.LIGHTSTONE AUTO offers further information like current marketvalue, transaction values of similar sales, warranty start date,financing house, and police status. In addition, the app has thecapability to take numerous photos of the vehicle, stamping allrecords with GPS coordinates, date and time.The new LIGHTSTONE AUTO mobile application can be dynamicallyactivated based on client specific needs as and when they ariseallowing more flexibility across all product offerings found on theplatform. Transactions generated can now be pushed into any 3-rdparty application through a configured integration API.LIGHTSTONE AUTO is specific to South African vehicle licensingrequirements and is free to download but a subscription bundleoption policy applies thereafter in order to be activated toutilise the mobile application.Release enhancements:- New product offering allowing activated users the ability tolookup vehicle valuation information by selectingMake, Model, Derivative and Year.- Ability to PDF and send Valuation report to your email address(Retail, Trade, Cost and Auction values)- Ability to allocate vehicle specific photos to the Valuationreport
Lightstone Property 1.51
Lightstone’s sought after Property Toolkit is now availabletoaccess using a first of its kind mobile app. TheLightstoneProperty Pro app can be used by toolkit subscribers toaccessvarious reports anywhere, anytime. The Reports arespecificallydesigned to assist property professionals that are onthe on the goall the time by providing the most needed informationin an easilyaccessible and mobile manner. The available reportsinclude: · Aproperty report: this report assists in providing allrelevantinformation on a particular property. It will helpsubscribersunderstand the value and history of a property. Thereport includeslast sale date, last sale price, land size, ownerinformation,municipal valuation and monthly rates, bond details andtransferhistory. The interactive comparable sales table offerssubscribersthe ability to easily select properties that are mostapplicable,list and compare the most recent sales to accuratelydetermine avalue on a property. · A valuation report: helping ouragentsunderstand the Lightstone value whilst standing at theproperty orinteracting with a client · A suburb report: this reportisdesigned to assist estate agents by arming them with knowledgeonthe suburb they are operating within. It is also useful toshowbuyers interested in purchasing in a particular area. Thereportcontains information on market stock, demographicinformation,periods of ownership, age of residents, propertytransferinformation, growth and activity and lending institutionsactivitywithin the suburb. · EzContact – easily obtain contactinformation.Lightstone Property Pro features amazing searchfunctionalityoptions ranging from augmented reality camera searchestointeractive map searches. On the tablet version there is afabulouspresentation showcase that allows an easy display ofpropertiesestate agents have available for sale or to showcasepropertiesrecently sold. It’s the perfect way to show-off all thepropertieson sale at a show day! No further subscriptions arerequired; allthat is needed is your current username and password,and you willhave full access to the amazing features contained inLightstoneProperty Pro. Furthermore any reports drawn using the appwill beautomatically available should you login from yourdesktop.Property and suburb reports are inclusive reports and willcounttowards the number of inclusive reports available according toyoursubscription choice. EzContact and valuation reports will bebilledto your account as additional reports on a cost per reportbasis.Costs and subscription options are available on our website–
LIVE Auto 3.1.6
South Africa’s car sales industry has been revolutionised by anappthat enables car dealers to instantly validate both a vehicleand acustomer within seconds. LIVE provides the ability toeliminatefinger trouble by using the camera on a Smartphone to scanavehicle’s licence disc. Using state-of-the-art patentedtechnologyLIVE links directly into Lightstone's in-house and thirdpartydatabases to deliver real time and accurate verification dataforany vehicle offering the full details and verifying the VIN,makeand model. LIVE offers further information like currentmarketvalue, transaction values of similar sales, warranty startdate,financing house, accident history, and police status. Inaddition,the app has the capability to take numerous photos of thevehicle,stamping all records with GPS coordinates, date and time.To findout important information about a potential customer, LIVEscansand decrypts the 3D barcode on a driver's licence card.Thisconfirms the validity of the licence, significantly reducingtherisk of fraud and providing a mechanism for easily andaccuratelycapturing driver details for contact information, testdrives andfinance applications. A feature called EzScore performs abasicaffordability test on a potential customer, without performingacredit enquiry. EzScore provides an indication of riskandfinancial affluence. Through the custom built consent moduleapotential customer can sign consent on the mobile phone, andadealer can determine the likelihood of a successfultransaction.The financial affluence segment indicates the level offinancialand lifestyle affluence and the risk rating segmentestimates thecustomer’s likelihood to qualify for finance. A newlyadded featurenow allows dealerships on a group account to assignspecific rolesto all users within the account. Users can have ascan onlyfunction - saving the dealership money - or a scan andverifyfunction. LIVE is specific to South African vehiclelicensingrequirements and is free to download but a pay perreportsubscription policy applies thereafter.