Lily Lv Приложения

Calculator for android 1.0
Lily Lv
Calculator for android is Android's mostpopular scientific calculator. It has over 20 million downloads.RealCalc is designed to look and operate exactly like a realhand-held calculator. It has all the standard scientific functionsplus history, memories, unit conversions and constants. You canchoose from a number of display styles and formats. It alsosupports binary, octal and hexadecimal calculations and has anoptional RPN mode. RealCalc is easy to use, but has full helpincluded in the app.If you like RealCalc, the pro version RealCalc Plus has lots ofextra features including fractions, degrees/minutes/seconds,customizable conversions and constants, landscape mode, ahome-screen widget, a 12-digit display and greater internalprecision. Purchasing RealCalc Plus will also help to supportfurther development. Just search for RealCalc Plus or follow theupgrade link in the app.It's really very popular infacebook,twitter,instagram&youtube users.RealCalc Scientific Calculator includes the followingfeatures:* Traditional algebraic or RPN operation* Unit conversions* Physical constants table* Percentages* Result history* 10 memories* Binary, octal, and hexadecimal (can be enabled in Settings)* Trig functions in degrees, radians or grads* Scientific, engineering and fixed-point display modes* 7-segment, dot-matrix or standard font display* Configurable digit grouping and decimal point* External keyboard support* Full built-in help* You can share the app toskype,snapchat,ebay,evernote,line,amazon,weather,compass,flashlight,calendar,wallpaper,clean master,battery,apus and so on.
华人万年历-最好用的免费日历软件 3.1.0
Lily Lv
【史上最快最好用万年历日历黄历软件】横空出世【安全轻巧不卡顿,左右滑动倍儿跟手】还在为其他日历万年历翻月拖拽卡顿闹心吗?那就下载华人日历万年历解除您的困扰。上下左右随便您怎么拖怎么拽,那种【跟手的感觉】,就是爽。【日程、待办解忧愁的日历】您曾经忘记重要约会,被女友臭骂过吗?您经常忘记发重要邮件被领导责备吗?装上华人日历万年历,用上日程待办提醒功能,再也不用惦记这些事儿了。【跟广告说再见的日历】害怕手机弹广告,偷偷下载软件费流量吗?华人万年历承诺【无任何广告】,【无任何流氓插件】,做到真正的安全。每个版本上架前工程师会经过360、百度、金山等主流杀毒软件查杀才会上架。保障用户100%安全放心使用。【贴心的天气、新闻的日历】提供实时天气预报、一周天气预报、天气空气质量、重大天气灾害预警等全方位天气信息,支持天气背景随天气变化。同时也可以关注其他城市的天气。【强大的分享个人动态的日历】无敌强大的日历万年历黄历软件,您还可以通过发表个人动态,记录生活随时随地说出内心的话分享到微信、微博、QQ空间、YY、in、易信、旺信、nice、line、陌陌、爱奇艺、淘宝、美团、美图秀秀、百度云、美颜相机、唱吧、全民K歌、小咖秀、wifi万能钥匙、calculator、calendar.电池医生.apus、cleanmaster、Battery Doctor、电池医生下面是来自于用户的评论:1.刚装了这个日历软件,我以前也有过其他万年历软件,对比起来,这个更加轻巧一些。没有那么多复杂的功能,使用起来简单明了,给10个赞!2.阳历农历很实用的日历,天气都不错,希望能持续改进。3.天气功能和墨迹天气、360天气的差不多就好了,日历部分不错。4.真的挺好用的,这个万年历用了快一年了,每次日历更新都有小惊喜。推荐给家里的老人用这个万年历和黄历算命天气的功能,他们都觉得不错,字大就是给力啊![History of the fastestand best use calendar calendar almanac software] Johnny[Security lightweight no Caton, with hands sliding aroundBel]You may also drag Caton turn to other calendars calendar suckit?Then download the Chinese calendar calendar relieve yourdistress.How do you drag up and down about how casually pull, that [I felt]hand, it is cool.[Calendar, to-do Jieyou Chou calendar]Have you ever forget important dates, swearword his girlfriendbefore?You often forget to send an important message to be leaders blameit?Replace the Chinese calendar calendar, to-do reminders spendagenda, no longer thinking about these things up.[With the ad says goodbye calendar]Fear of the phone shells advertising, secretly download softwarecost flow it?Chinese calendar promises no advertising [], [] no rogue plug-in,achieve real security.Each version of the shelves will go through 360 former engineer,Baidu, Jinshan and other mainstream anti-virus software will bekilling the shelves.Protect the user 100% safe and secure to use.[Close weather, news calendar]Provide real-time weather forecasts, a week weather forecast, airquality, weather, major weather disaster warning and othercomprehensive weather information, to support weather backgroundchanges with the weather. You can also look at other cities in theweather.[Powerful] to share personal dynamic calendarInvincible powerful calendar calendar almanac software, you canalso leave a personal dynamic, recorded live to tell anywhereinside then share to micro-channel, microblogging, QQ space, YY,in, easecredit, Wang letter, nice, line, street street , iQIYI,Taobao, the US group, Mito Xiu Xiu, Baidu cloud, beauty cameras,sing, universal K song, show little coffee, wifi master key,calculator, calendar. Battery Doctor .apus, clean master, BatteryDoctor, Battery DoctorThe following are comments from the user:1. Just installed this calendar software, I've also had othercalendar software, contrast, some of the more lightweight. Not somuch complex functionality simple to use, to 10 praise!2. Gregorian calendar lunar very practical, the weather is good,hope to continue to improve.3. Weather feature and ink weather, almost 360 weather is like, agood part of the calendar.4. Really very good use, this calendar spent almost a year, has alittle surprise for each calendar updates. Tell a home for theelderly with the calendar and almanac fortune-telling function ofweather, they feel good, the word big is to force ah!
2048 1.4
Lily Lv
【2048连击combo最新玩法,重磅来袭】一款令人停不下来的数字消除游戏!快来试试你的水平,看看你能不能达到2048!更多畅爽,更多趣味,更多策略!连击爽到爆,根本就停!不!下!来!!还在为地铁里没有游戏玩烦恼吗?那就赶紧下载,加入这畅爽的2048世界。[2048 combo combo latestplay, heavy strikes]It can not stop a digital elimination game! Come and try yourlevel, see if you can reach 2048!More smooth cool, more fun, more strategy!Batter cool to burst, simply stopped! No! Under! Come! !Also for the subway, no game play trouble? Then quickly download,adding that the 2048 World smooth cool.
天气365-最棒的天气软件 2.1
Lily Lv
天气365,只做最简洁的天气!【软件特性】1.数据覆盖全面:天气预报覆盖全国省份城市等地区2.提供天气污染指数:全国实时数据和空气质量,数据精准程度非常高。3.多天天气预报:我们提供一周的天气预报,想周末去旅游,会不会下雨?团队建设teambuilding,会不会刮大风呢?出行之前用天气365查一下吧。如此功能全面的天气软件,只有4M。非常节省内存,大家快来下载吧。Weather 365, only themostconcise weather![Software Features]1. Data comprehensive coverage: Weather provinces cities andotherregions nationwide coverage2. Provide Weather API: National real-time data and air qualitydatais very high degree of accuracy.3. Multi-day weather forecast: We provide a week weatherforecast,want the weekend to travel, it will rain? Team buildingteambuilding, strong winds will not it? 365 before travel, usingtheweather to check it.So full-featured weather software, only 4M. Very save memory,youcome to download it.