Little i Apps, LLC Приложения

Confession: Roman Catholic App 1.0.6
Designed to be used in the confessional, thisapp is the perfect aid for every penitent. With a personalizedexamination of conscience for each user, password protectedprofiles, and a step-by-step guide to the sacrament, this appinvites Catholics to prayerfully prepare for and participate in theRite of Penance. Individuals who have been away from the sacramentfor some time will find Confession: A Roman Catholic App to be auseful and inviting tool.The text of this app was developed in collaboration with Rev.Thomas G. Weinandy, OFM, Executive Director of the Secretariat forDoctrine and Pastoral Practices of the United States Conference ofCatholic Bishops, and Rev. Dan Scheidt, pastor of Queen of PeaceCatholic Church in Mishawaka, IN. The app received an imprimaturfrom Bishop Kevin C. Rhodes of the Diocese of Fort Wayne – SouthBend. It is the first known imprimatur to be given for an Androidapp.- Custom examination of Conscience based upon age, sex, andvocation (single, married, priest, or religious)- Multiple user support with password protected accounts- Ability to add sins not listed in standard examination ofconscience to specific categories- Ability to edit and delete items in the standard examination ofconscience with the ability to restore back to the defaults.- Confession walkthrough including time of last confession in days,weeks, months, and years- Choose from 6 different acts of contrition===================Please let us know what you think. If you experience any issues,please let us know so that we can work on fixing the issues. Obstat: Reverend Monsignor Michael Heintz, PhDCensor LiborumImprimatur: + Kevin C. RhoadesBishop of Fort Wayne-South BendDecember 17, 2010
eVotions - St. Joseph 1.0
From the team that brought you Confession: ARoman Catholic App, eVotions are a series of digital devotions formodern Catholics.Designed for tech savvy Catholics, these prayer apps are packedwith image galleries, streaming video, and push notifications forpraying novenas. The apps also feature common prayers,introductions by well known Catholics, and writings on thetradition and history of each saint and blessed.Features:- Introduction by Dr. Scott Hahn- History, Traditions, and Videos about St. Joseph- A novena that allows you to customize your experience- Alert notifications to remind you to pray your novena-10 prayers to St. Joseph- lots of great Catholic artwork depicting St. Joseph that you cancustomize.
Notre Dame Daily Faith 1.5.0
Little i Apps, LLC
ND Daily Faith serves as a faith-basedcalendar of events at the University of Notre Dame. Students,faculty, staff, alumni, community members, parents and visitors areinvited to search the calendar for events relating to prayer,lectures and discussions, fellowship groups, service, retreats andmusic. The app also includes prayers and saints of the day inaddition to a daily gospel reflection. University departmentsrepresented in the app include Campus Ministry, the Basilica of theSacred Heart, the Congregation of Holy Cross, the Center for SocialConcerns, the Center for Ethics & Culture, the Institute forChurch Life, the Department of Theology, the Alliance for CatholicEducation, Multicultural Student Programs and Service and FaithND.
eVotions - Bl. John Paul II 1.0
Little i Apps, LLC
From the team that brought you Confession: ARoman Catholic App, eVotions are a series of digital devotions formodern Catholics.Designed for tech savvy Catholics, these prayer apps are packedwith image galleries, streaming video, and push notifications forpraying novenas. The apps also feature common prayers,introductions by well known Catholics, and writings on thetradition and history of each saint and blessed.Features:- Introduction by Archbishop Charles Chaput- History, Traditions, and Videos about John Paul II- A novena that allows you to customize your experience- Alert notifications to remind you to pray your novena- Prayers both to and by Blessed John Paul II- lots of great photographs of John Paul II that you cancustomize.
CatholicVote Mobile 2.1
Little i Apps, LLC
Catholic activism. In your hands.The CatholicVote App gives you a new way to let your voice beheard in politics. Receive CatholicVote Action Alerts instantly onyour smartphone. Contact your Representatives in Washingtondirectly through your mobile device. Don't know who yourRepresentatives are? No problem. There's a look-up feature right inthe CatholicVote App.Get all the CV videos in one place on your iPhone.Don't forget that you can also read the blog ordonate right from your phone when you're on the go.-- Developer Note:Some commenters have asked about the purpose of some of thepermissions requested by the app. To start, no personal informationat all is gathered from within the app.Permissions:Read/Write Contact Permissions: The app allows you to add yourrepresentative and senators to your contact list. We require readand write access to be able to update those contacts when newinformation is available or delete former information after anelection or other times when they change.GPS Location: The app can user your current location to findyour representative and senators. The only time the GPS is enabledis when you click the "find by location" button and as soon as theinformation is acquired, the GPS is disabled.Read/Write Storage: The external storage is used to cache blogand video information.
My Year Of Faith 1.0.2
Little i Apps, LLC
My Year of Faith is a daily blog and mobileapp, responding to the Holy Father’s call to utilize new media inthe great New Evangelization!Visit each day during this Year of Faith for a new post to helpyou learn your Catholic faith, love it more deeply and live it withpassion!Download the mobile app for an interactive Year of Faithcalendar, complete with daily challenges, suggested reading, andthe ability to set reminders and sync with your other mobilecalendars.Want to really take advantage of all this Year of Faith has tooffer? Visit the blog, download the app! And while you’re at it,follow us on Twitter @MyYearofFaith and like us on Facebook, sharewith your friends, and get the conversation started!All for Jesus – let’s spread the Good News to every corner ofthe digital continent!
Catholic Voting Guide 1.2.0
Little i Apps, LLC
This application helps you cast a responsiblevote using a well-formed conscience based on Catholic moralprinciples.Six Vital Issues that every citizen should weigh in casting theirballot are: RIGHT TO LIFE; FREEDOM OF RELIGION (religious liberty);SANCTITY OF MARRIAGE; PRIVATE PROPERTY; ACCESS TO ESSENTIAL GOODS;WAR & PEACE.Parish priests and deacons of the Confraternity of CatholicClergy have formulated this non-partisan guide. It is meant to be atool to help voters make an intelligent decision on Election Dayinformed by faith and reason. Using the USCCB Letter "FormingConsciences for Faithful Citizenship" and the CDF Letter"Worthiness to Receive Holy Communion" as a foundation, thisCatholic Voting Guide is designed to identify, clarify andprioritize fundamental non-negotiable values that affect everycitizen and every human being.The CCC is a national association dedication to ongoingspiritual, theological and pastoral formation of its members in afraternal setting to enable those in Holy Orders (loyal to theMagisterium) to better serve the Catholic faithful. You can helpwith your prayers and by your generous donations in this campaignto foster responsible citizenship. By doing so, you will also behelping priests and deacons in their mission to teach, sanctify andshepherd the spiritual flock entrusted to their care under thematernal patronage of Our Lady Queen of the Clergy.
eVotions - St. Gianna 1.0
From the team that brought you Confession:ARoman Catholic App, eVotions are a series of digital devotionsformodern Catholics.Designed for tech savvy Catholics, these prayer apps arepackedwith image galleries, streaming video, and notificationsforpraying novenas. The apps also feature commonprayers,introductions by well known Catholics, and writings onthetradition and history of each saint and blessed.Features:- Introduction by Lisa Hendey of History, Traditions, and Videos about St. Gianna- A novena that allows you to customize your experience- Alert notifications to remind you to pray your novena-7 prayers to St. Gianna- lots of great photographs of St. Gianna that youcancustomize.
Hotline to God 1.0
Little i Apps, LLC
Hotline To God® AppIf God called you would you answer?With this App, you can be connected to Christ always,and you will discover Him throughout your day, every day, in“allthings.”When you become more aware of the Love of God in your life,everything becomes holy. Everything will be seen as miracle!With an imprimatur and nihil obstat granted from theRomanCatholic Diocese ofFort Wayne-South Bend by Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades and Msgr.MichaelHeintz.Do you know how to Pray? Do you Pray every day?1.Connect with God each and every day, throughout your day.2.Learn to live without fear and become “one” with God.3.Learn the spiritual tools to walk with the Lord.4.Learn the most powerful prayer, written by St. Ignatius 300yearsago.5.There is a way to meet God. You will no longer be lostwithoutHim.6.The Examen Prayer will reconnect you to God.If you never knew Him, now you will!The Hotline To God® App features:•St. Ignatius’ Examen Prayer (illustrated withteachingvideos)○Also known as the Examination of Consciousness•St. Ignatius’ interactive “Rules of Discernment” that willhelpkeep you close to God, and get you out of the darknessanddesolation when you have grown distant from God.•Daily Scripture Affirmations! Every day you'll get a newmessagefrom God directly to you – affirming you, blessing you,andassuring you of God’s love.•Daily Readings, following the Church’s liturgical cycle, foryourday and joining you with others in the Universal Prayer oftheChurch.•Journaling Feature, with optional password protectionandencryption, documenting your innermost feelings.•Set your daily goals as you make resolutions with God.•Alarm clock and customizable daily reminders, to notify youit’stime to pray and reconnect with God.•The Learn More section of the App will direct you tospiritualreadings, books, videos, audio, and other resources toimprove yourprayer.Who would use this App:•All believers who are trying to grow in their faith.•All Christians and those who want to be a Christian.•Catholics who are familiar with St. Ignatius’SpiritualExercises.•People trying to find their way in life.•Anyone needing direction from God.•Those having trouble with an addiction.•“The Lost Sheep” who wants to be found.•Anyone desiring to know Jesus more.Anyone who feels lost or disconnected from God,this is your “Hotline to God”!RecapThis App will help transform your life, day by day.You will be brought back to Christ anytime you lose your way.No more wishing required; you will know Jesus!The Hotline to God connects you with God, fulfilling yourdeepestdesire.All of this App's content is created and owned by Fr. MichaelJ.Denk.Audio and links to other sites used with permission.Special thanks to Fr. Timothy Gallagher
Rediscover: 2.0.0
Little i Apps, LLC
There is a path to meaning and purpose, asenseof belonging, inner strength, true freedom and deep peace.It’s apath you know.Are you ready to Rediscover:?New functionality to support your faith journey, all inoneplace.- Quick access to 400+ short articles and videos oneverythingfrom God to culture - in FAQ format.- Customize your app through My Faith Life™, a unique waytobuild up your faith and prayer life using simple technology.- Use geolocation to find a parish, Mass times, and more.(Workswithin the Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolisonly)- Search for Archdiocesan events, get daily Mass readingsandreflection videos, and see the liturgical calendar for thecomingyear.