LogOvoide Приложения

Mahjong 2
This is an original version of Mahjong game.
Horoscope P11.T.3.M
Your daily horoscope, your astrological profile, your lucky number.
Love Calculator P02.4
The stars can influence our life. "Love Calculator" help us to makeour own choices and achieve the goal that we get. The relationshiplove compatibility zodiac established by "Love Calculator" is asentimental relationship horoscope as a percentage of affinitÿ.This is à love machine for a love test. This is an Astro marriage.Knowing the degree of affinity with your partner, or your Valentineis essential. Your relationship will be chosen knowingly byyourself, and lead to a good deal, a wonderful harmony with yourdeepest desires. The percentage of affinity with your boyfriend oryour girlfriend come out with "Love Calculator". Living a wonderfullove story, it's so exciting ! Note : Check out our other apps onGoogle Play.
Numerology P12.T.3
Practice your numerology.
Death Day Finding Lite P04.T.2.Lite
Connaître la date supposée de son décès estune question que tout être humain se pose.La mort fascine et inquiète, elle fait pourtant partie de lavie, de la condition humaine.Une multitude de facteurs, géographiques, héréditaires,culturels, alimentaires, comportementaux et autres entrent en lignede compte et peuvent influer sur votre durée de vie.Néanmoins, il ne faut pas écarter une cause accidentelle quipourrait contredire toute évaluation préalablement établie survotre espérance de vie.« Death Day Finding » a su intégrer tous ces paramètres pourcalculer au plus juste cette redoutable échéance : le jour de lamort.Sous un mode ludique vous évaluerez vous-même la date supposéede votre décès.Vous pourrez aussi vous amuser entre amis et calculer pour eux…Bon divertissement.Note : Consultez nos autres applications sur Google Play.Knowing the supposed dateof his death is a question that every human being arises.Death fascinates and worries, it is nevertheless part of life,the human condition.A multitude of factors, geographic, hereditary, cultural,dietary, behavioral and others are taken into account and canaffect your life.Nevertheless, one should not rule out an accidental cause thatwould contradict previously established any evaluation on your lifeexpectancy."Finding Death Day" was able to integrate all these parametersto calculate more than just this daunting deadline: the day ofdeath.Under a playful yourself assess the supposed date of yourdeath.You can also have fun with friends and calculate for them...Good entertainment.Note: Check out our other apps on Google Play.
Speed Touch Game P09.3_T
Speed Touch Game is a skill game.
Friend Finding P01-T.2.2
What will be the first name of your next boyfriend or your nextgirlfriend?
Love Machine P14_T.2
The stars can influence our life. "Love Machine" help us to makeour own choices and achieve the goal that we get. The relationshiplove compatibility zodiac established by "Love Machine" is asentimental relationship horoscope as a percentage of affinity.This is an Astro marriage and a Love Tester. Knowing the degree ofaffinity with your partner, or your Valentine is essential. Yourrelationship will be chosen knowingly by yourself, and lead to agood deal, a wonderful harmony with your deepest desires. Thepercentage of affinity with your boyfriend or your girlfriend comeout with "Love Calculator". Your affinities are detailed andanalyzed section by section. Living a wonderful love story, it's soexciting ! Love Machine is available in 5 languages: French,English, Russian, Portuguese, Italian. Note : Check out our otherapps on Google Play.
Next Life Finding P03.4
Reincarnation, questions, answers !
Mots 2
WORDS: The application that plays with words ...
Funny Job Finding P07.5
Avec « Funny Job Finding », amusez-vous à rechercher votrefutureprofession, ou celle de vos amis. Si vous recherchez del’humour,vous avez trouvé ce qu’il vous faut. Plus amusantes lesunes queles autres, trois propositions vous seront révélées avec enplus unpourcentage de probabilité attribué pour chaque cas. Il vousfaudraauparavant répondre à quelques questions simples. « FunnyJobFinding » vous dévoilera les métiers que vous n’avez pas eulachance d’exercer dans votre vie ou ceux auxquels vous avezéchappés… Bon divertissement. Note : Consultez nos autresapplications surGoogle Play.
Sudoku Binaire 2.1
Sudoku Binary 3125 grids.
Horoscope Cancer 2021.0.11.0
Your horoscope, your astrological profile, your lucky number forthe day.
Horoscope du couple P06_T.4.N
Calculate your love compatibility with your partner.
Horoscope Lion 2021.0.15.0
Your horoscope, your astrological profile, your lucky number forthe day.
Horoscope Sagittaire 2021.0.17.0
Your horoscope, your astrological profile, your lucky number forthe day.
Horoscope Bélier 2021.0.10.0
Your horoscope, your astrological profile, your lucky number forthe day.
Horoscope Taureau 2021.0.19.0
Your horoscope, your astrological profile, your lucky number forthe day.
Horoscope Capricorne
Your horoscope, your astrological profile, your lucky number forthe day.
Horoscope Scorpion 2021.0.18.0
Your horoscope, your astrological profile, your lucky number forthe day.
Death Day Finding P04.T.3
Supposed to know the date of his death is a question thatarisesevery human being. Death fascinates and worries, it isneverthelessa part of life, the human condition. A multitude offactors,geographical, hereditary, cultural, dietary, behavioral andothercome into play and can affect your life. Nevertheless, it cannotbe ruled an accidental that would contradict anypreviouslyestablished evaluation on your life expectancy. "DeathDay Finding"has integrated all these parameters to calculate morethan just thedreaded deadline. In a playful way you assess yourselfthe supposeddate of your death. You can also have fun with friendsand tocalculate them ... Good entertainment. Note : Check out ourotherapps on Google Play.
Horoscope Gémeaux 2021.0.13.0
Your horoscope, your astrological profile, your lucky number forthe day.
Horoscope Serpentaire P15.2
Ophiuchus horoscope / horoscope signs 13.
Horoscope Verseau 2021.0.21.0
Your horoscope, your astrological profile, your lucky number forthe day.
Horoscope Balance 2021.0.9.0
Your horoscope, your astrological profile, your lucky number forthe day.
Touch Love Calculator P08.4
Calculate your love compatibility with your partner, game of skilland speed.
Horoscope Poissons 2021.0.16.0
Your horoscope, your astrological profile, your lucky number fortheday.
Sudoku Irregular P17.1.2
Sudoku Irregular 7 800 grids.
Playing with matches
Voyance 3
Daily Clairvoyance and Horoscope
Pousse Pousse
Shoot Shoot Game
Sudoku P16.1.2
Sudoku 40 000 grids