MIPA Mobile Learning Приложения

Kuis Matematika 1.2
MIPA Mobile Learning
Aplikasi ini adalah karya mahasiswa JurusanMatematika Fakultas MIPA Universitas Negeri Semarang dalamperkuliahan Workshop 3 (Pengembangan Media Pendidikan Matematika).Berisi 9 pertanyaan tentang matematika, terutama geometri analitik.Sesuai untuk mahasiswa semester 3 atau siswa SMA IPA kelas 3. Mohonmaaf, belum terhubung dengan data base, sehingga variasi pertanyaanbelum sebanyak semestinya.This application is awork of students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesDepartment of Mathematics, State University of Semarang in thelecture Workshop 3 (Mathematics Education Media Development).Contains 9 questions about math, especially geometry analytic.Appropriate for 3rd semester students or high school students grade3 science. We are sorry, not yet connected to the data base, so thequestion is not as much variation should.
Belajar Berhitung 2.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
Jika putra/ putri Ibu Bapak terbiasa denganmodel penjumlahan: 6 + 3 = ... ; aplikasi ini melakukan perbedaandengan memberikan tipe soal open ended,bersifat terbuka. Dalamtebak bilangan, putra/ putri Ibu/ Bapak akan kami hadapkan padamasalah, contoh: ... + ... = 9. Dengan tipe soal tersebut, anakakan dapat menentukan sendiri bilangan-bilangan yang mengisinya,dan ada banyak bilangan yang dapat mengisi titik-titik tersebut.Dalam aplikasi ini, hanya dibatasi untuk bilangan non-negatif saja,dan maksimum jawaban adalah 5 jawaban. Di tipe permainan Adu Cepat,anak akan dihadapkan pada masalah penjumlahan, masih sama, dimintauntuk menentukan 5 jawaban, namun kali ini, anak harus menemukannyadalam waktu 34 detik.BELUM SEMPURNA, oleh karena itu mohon saran dan masukan ke emailkami.Selamat Belajar Berhitung Adik-adik.....---Update V.2- ditambah sedikit sound dari Tasya (anak gembala), midi, Free dariGoogle- text to speech untuk masing-masing button- simplifikasi button di adu cepatIf your son / daughtermother father used to model the sum: 6 + 3 = ... ; This applicationdoing difference by providing the type of open ended questions,open-ended. In numbers guess, son / daughter mother / father wouldwe faced on the issue, for example: ... + ... = 9. With these typeof questions, the child will be able to determine their own numbersthat fill it, and there are a lot of numbers that can fill thosespots. In these applications, it is limited to only non-negativenumbers, and the maximum response was 5 answers. Quick Adu on thetype of game, children will be faced with the problem of summation,is still the same, are required to determine 5 answer, but thistime, the child must find it within 34 seconds.NOT PERFECT, therefore, ask advice and input to our email.Congratulations Learning to Count brother-sister .....---Update V.2- Plus a little sound of Michael Jackson (shepherd), midi, freefrom Google- Text to speech for each button- Simplification button in racing
Mengeja Kata 1.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
Permainan ini cocok untuk anak usia dini, dariusi 4 s.d. 6 tahun. Mengeja Kata terdiri atas 3 tingkatan yangterdiri atas beberapa pertanyaan dengan jawaban 3 huruf, 5 huruf,dan 7 huruf untuk tingkat 3. Permainan ini dalam tarafpengembangan, disusun oleh mahasiswa Jurusan Matematika FMIPAUniversitas Negeri Semarang, dilengkapi oleh pengampu mata kuliah.Aplikasi ini jauh dari kata sempurna, sehingga silahkan email keardhiprabowo@gmail.comuntuk pengembangan selanjutnya.The game is suitable foryoung children, from 4 to usi 6 years. Spell the word consists ofthree levels which consists of several questions with answers 3point, 5 point and 7 point to level 3. The game is in the earlystages of development, organized by the students of Department ofMathematics, State University of Semarang, supplemented by thecustodian of subjects. This app is far from perfect, so pleaseemail to ardhiprabowo@gmail.com forfurther development.
Belajar dan Bermain 1.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
Aplikasi ini dimaksudkan untuk mengajakputra-putri Ibu/Bapak atau adik kalian untuk berlajar dengan carabermain. Ada tiga permainan sederhana yang dibuat oleh Kakak kaliandi Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNNES ini, yaitu: (1) tebak huruf:pemain akan belajar mengidentifikasi huruf awal dari suatu benda,(2) tebak bangun: pemain akan mengidentifikasi bangun datar apasaja yang ada pada suatu gambar, dan (3) tebak warna: pemain akandilatih kecepatan motorik dan responnya. Kecepatan membaca danmenekan tombol adalah kuncinya.BELUM SEMPURNA, dua kata itu mewakili Saya selaku pengampu MK.Pengembangan Media Pendidikan 3 pada aplikasi ini sehingga sarankritik bisa dikirimkan melalui email: ardhiprabowo@gmail.comTerima kasih kepada Google atas gambar-gambar yang menarik, mohonmaaf atas kesalahan jika melanggar hak cipta. Semoga dengan niatpengembangan pendidikan, hal ini tak menjadi masalah.Selamat Belajar dan Bermain!
Math Party 1.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
This application is created by MathematicsEducation students of Semarang State University 2015.The aim to invite students to learning mathematics by playing. thisapplication will guide you to more understand about socialarithmetic especially discount term in mathematics subject forfirst grade at junior high school.This is an education game. so, apologize if they are similaritiescontents.Thanks for Google as the providers for pictures that we used inthis app.Hopefully with the intention of developing education, can be usedas advised.Let's enjoy the game.This application iscreated by Mathematics Education students of Semarang StateUniversity in 2015.The aim to invite students to learning mathematics by playing. thisapplication will guide you to understand more about the discountterm social arithmetic especially in mathematics subjects for firstgrade at a junior high school.This is an education game. so, apologize if they are similaritiescontents.Thanks for Google as the providers for pictures that we used inthis app.Hopefully with the intention of developing education, can be usedas advised.Let's enjoy the game.
Kabe Game 1.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
Kabe game is educational game that make youmore understand the concept of the Least Common Multiple (LCM) andthe Greatest Common Divisor (GCD).This application helps you learn happily.In this game there are three types of games that you canchoose.1. KPKAt this game you can practice looking the LCM of severalnumbers.2. FPBAt this game you can practice looking GCD of several numbers.3. Adu CepatThis game has a time limit to answer that trains you to thinkquickly to solve the given problem.After you have finished answering questions, then you can know theanswer is right or wrong also the acquisition score.If there are suggestions for improvements for this application canbe sent via email: fpbkpk@gmail.comHopefully this game is beneficial for the development ofeducation.THANKS :)
AYSIS-Are You Smart In SPLDV? 1.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
LKS materi Sistem Persamaan Linear DuaVariabel (SPLDV) untuk Siswa SMP
Belajar Pecahan 1.2
MIPA Mobile Learning
Belajar Pecahan is the second series of gamesBelajar Bilangan.This game consists of:1. Sorting Fraction Game: In this game users are invited to sortfractions.2. Operation Fraction Game: In this game users are invited todetermine the results of operations of decimal fractions.3. Comparing Fraction Game: In this game users are invited todetermine the fractions biggest or smallest fractions.
Misteri Piramida 2.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
Aplikasi ini merupakan karya mahasiswa JurusanMatematika Fakultas MIPA Universitas Negeri Semarang sebagai produknyata dalam perkuliahan Media Pembelajaran Matematika 3. Gameaplikasi ini dibuat untuk membantu guru dan siswa khususnya kelas 5SD dalam belajar penjumlahan dan pengurangan pecahan. Game initerdiri dari 9 level permasalahan yang terdiri dari soal yang mudahhingga sulit. Aplikasi ini cocok untuk menguji kemampuan pemahamansiswa terhadap materi operasi penjumlahan dan penguranganpecahan.This application is thework of students from the Department of Mathematics Faculty ofMathematics and Science, State University of Semarang as realproducts in lectures Media Learning Mathematics 3. Game app isdesigned to help teachers and especially the 5 th grade students inlearning addition and subtraction of fractions. This game consistsof 9 levels problems which consists of an easy to difficultproblems. This application is suitable for testing the ability ofstudents' understanding of the material operations of addition andsubtraction fractions.
Ayo Belajar Lingkaran 1.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
Aplikasi ini berisi materi tentang lingkaranyang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh guru untuk mengenalkan unsur-unsur,luas, serta keliling lingkaran.Aplikasi ini sangat cocok untuk sarana pembelajaran, terutamapada saat pengenalan lingkaran.Kami selaku pengembang aplikasi ini sadar bahwa aplikasi inibelumlah sempurna. Karnanya kritik dan saran yang membangun selalukami nantikan. Terima kasih ^.^This application contains material about circle that can be usedby teacher to introduce the elements, area, and circumference of acircle.This application is very suitable for learning tools, especiallywhen you teach about circle.We as developers from this application know that this applicationis too far from perfection. Because of that, we appreciate yourconstructive criticism and suggestions. Thank you.This application containsmaterial of a circle that can be used by teachers to introduce theelements, area, and circumference of a circle.This application is perfect for learning tools, especiallyduring the introduction of the circle.We as developers of this application are aware that thisapplication is not complete. Karnanya criticism and constructivesuggestions we always look forward to. Thanks ^. ^This application contains material about a circle that can beused by the teacher to introduce the elements, area, andcircumference of a circle.This application is very suitable for learning tools, especiallywhen you teach about the circle.We as developers from this application know that this applicationis too far from perfection. Because of that, we appreciate yourconstructive criticism and suggestions. Thank you.
MIPA Mobile Learning
LKS Persegi panjang ini merupakanmediapembelajaran berbasis android yang berupa lembar kerjayangdigunakan untuk mengetahui pengetahuan anak tentang materipersegidan persegi panjang. LKS ini berisi soal-soal tentangkeliling danluas persegi dan persegi panjang. Anak harus memilihsalah satujawaban yang tepat pada setiap soal. Setelah anakmenjawab semuasoal, anak akan mengetahui skornya.Terima kasih kepada Google atas gambar-gambar yang menarik,mohonmaaf atas kesalahan jika melanggar hak cipta. Semoga denganniatpembelajaran pendidikan, hal ini tidak menjadi masalah.Selamat mengerjakan.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This rectanglei student worksheet is media learning basedandroidform of worksheets used to knowing knowledge about mattersquare andrectangular .It contains questions have been area andparimeter ofsquare and rectangular. A child must choose the onethe correctanswer on each about .After the child answer allquestions ,children will know his score.Thanks to google over the figures which interesting , apologizeforerror if breaking copyright .Hopefully with the intentionoflearning education , it is not a problem .Good luck.LKS This rectangle isanandroid-based learning media in the form of worksheets thatareused to determine the child's knowledge of the material squareandrectangular. This LKS contains questions about thecircumferenceand area of ​​the square and rectangular. The childmust choose theone right answer to each question. After answeringall thequestions a child, the child will know the score.Thanks to Google for pictures of attractive, apologize for theerrorif it violates copyright. Hopefully, with the intention oflearningeducation, this is not an issue.Have a great time doing it.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This rectanglei student worksheet android-based learning mediaisa form of worksheets used to knowing knowledge about squareandrectangular matter .It contains questions have been the areaandperimeter of the square and rectangular. A child must choosetheone the correct answer on each .After about the child answerallquestions, children will know his score.Thanks to google over the figures roomates interesting,apologizefor breaking copyright if .Hopefully error with theintention oflearning education, it is not a problem.Good luck.
Scale Competition 1.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
Have you seen two birds in acompetition?You can set the distance and scale.You have to choose which of the birds first arrived at thefinishline.This game will improve your mathematics abilities, let'sENJOYIT!
MIPA Mobile Learning
Anepandolan adalah sebuah game matematikakaryamahasiswa pendidikan matematika Universitas NegeriSemarang.Pemainan ini membantu kalian dalam memahami materipecahan. dalampermainan ini terdapat 2 tingkatan yakni tingkatanmudah dan sulit.Tingkatan ini dibuat dengan menyesuaikan kemampuanpemain. Pemainharus dapat menjawab soal dengan tepat sebelum waktumenghentikanlangkahnya. Setiap melampaui satu langkah akan munculemoticon yangmenarik. Pemainan ini juga dilengkapi dengan petunjukpemainan yangakan membantu pemain dalam menyelesaikan games. untuklebihlengkapnya silahkan mencoba permainan iniAnepandolan is a math game created by MathematicsEducationstudent of Semarang State University. This game assist youinunderstanding the material fractions. In this game there aretwolevels, easy and hard levels. This level is made by adjustingtheplayer's ability. Players must to answer questions correctlybeforetime stopped. Every single answer you choose, aninterestingemoticon will appear. This game also comes withinstructions thatwill help the player in completing games. for moredetails pleasetry this game.Anepandolan is a mathgamemath education student works Semarang State University. Thisployassist you in understanding the material fractions. In thisgamethere are two levels of the easy and hard levels. This levelis madeby adjusting the player's ability. Players should be ableto answerquestions correctly before time stopped. Every singlestep beyondthe emoticon will appear interesting. This ploy alsocomes withinstructions ploy that will help the player incompleting games. formore details please try this gameAnepandolan is a math game created by MathematicsEducationstudent of Semarang State University. This game assistsyou inunderstanding the material fractions. In this game there aretwolevels, easy and hard levels. This level is made by adjustingtheplayer's ability. Players must to answer questions Correctlybeforetime stopped. Every single answer you choose, aninterestingemoticons will Appear. Also this game comes withinstructions thatwill help the player in completing games. for moredetails pleasetry this game.
Game Konverter Satuan Massa 1.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
Game Konverter Satuan Massa isInteractivegames and rewards motivate children to learn, practiceand improvetheir math scores.
Cylinder School 1.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
Cylinder school is one of gameandroideducation in mathematics. In this game students will beinvite tofind the formula of cylinder volome. There is apperceptionterm init. In this game uses scientific approach. That’s waystudent canconstruct his/her mind how to find formula of cylinderbyapperception.Certainly, it is presented in funny way so, it can makestudenthappy and easy to get formula of cylinder volume withoutmemorize.It is one education in math for all agess especially forelementaryschool students in grade 6.
MIPA Mobile Learning
LKPD is a software program that containstheknowledge of the converter.
Tes Pecahan 1.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
This is mathematic education app seriesthetchildren can enjoy!It lets children enjoy the picture of variety of objects lovedbychildren, developing the ablity to resolving comparisonandscale.This ismathematiceducation app series thet children can enjoy!It lets children enjoy the picture of the variety of objectslovedby children, developing the ablity to resolving comparisonandscale.
KPK 1.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
Fresh mathematics game. Play the game. Findtheleast common multiple of two integers. Get score 50 to move onahigher level. Easy control, just need to touch the rightanswers.Game will be over if you touch a wrong answer. Do threelevels inKPK. Show your excellence in Least Common Multiple.
kuis persegi 1.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
Ini adalah game buat yang inginmeningkatkankemampuan tantang persegi panjang.selamat mencoba dan bersenang senanglah!It is a game forwhichwant to improve the ability to challenge the rectangle.good luck and have fun!
Endhoq dan Eggah : Skala 1.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
This is mathematic education app seriesforelementary school student. In this game, there are two eggs,calledEndhoq and Eggah. You can find distance and scale. Endhoq andEggahmust go home. So we must help them. Let’s ENJOY withourgame.
Circle Worksheet 1.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
The content of this application isaboutstudent worksheet of Mathematic, exspecially about Circle.Trythisgame and feel the sensation.
MIPA Mobile Learning
Game dengan materi Sistem Persamaan LinearDuaVariabel yang membuat SPLDV mudah dipahami danmengasyikkan.:DGame Systems ofLinearEquations with material that makes SPLDV Two Variables easytounderstand and fun. : D
Pendekatan Luas Lingkaran 1.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
Pendekatan Luas Lingkaran merupakanaplikasipendidikan yang mengajak pengguna untuk menyusun kembaliirisanlingkaran menjadi bentuk persegi panjang. Melalui simulasitersebutdiharapkan pengguna dapat lebih memahami salah satu carabagaimanarumus luas lingkaran dapat diperoleh.Area of ​​aCircleapproach is educational application that invites userstoreconstruct slices circle into a rectangular shape. Throughthesimulation of expected users can better understand one of thewayshow the area of ​​a circle formula can be obtained.
LKS Lingkaran 2.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
Aplikasi “LKS lingkaran” berisi materitentangkeliling dan luas lingkaran dengan KD “Menemukan rumuskeliling danluas lingkaran melalui suatu percobaan”. Pada aplikasiini terdapatsoal-soal latihan untuk mengetahui pemahaman penggunamengenaikonsep keliling dan luas lingkaran. Jenis soal-soaltersebut adalahsoal kontekstual. Dengan jenis soal kontekstual makapengguna akanlebih mudah mengaitkan materi matematika khususnyatentanglingkaran dengan kehidupan sehari-hari.“LKS Lingkaran” is worksheet of LINGLUNG LANI. By thisapplication,user must find the solution from some problems. Thisproblem can befound in daily live. So, user can see how much heunderstandingabout circle area and circumference. We hope thisapplication canbe help user to addition understanding about it.This application is not perfect, so please send your commentorcritics to my email nip.zonk@gmail.com.Thanks to Google for interesting pictures. Apologize forourmistakes if it violates copyright . Hopefully this is not anissuebecause of our intention as a developer for education.Have Learn and Play!Application "LKScircle"contains material about the circumference and area of ​​acirclewith KD "Finding the formula circumference and area of ​​acirclethrough a trial". In this application there are practicequestionsto determine the user's understanding of the concept ofthecircumference and area of ​​a circle. Types such questions areamatter of context. With this type of problem contextual userwillmore easily associate a particular mathematical material onthecircle with everyday life. "LKS Circle" is a worksheet of daze Lani. By this application,theuser must find the solution from some problems. This problem canbefound in daily live. So, the user can see how much heunderstandingabout the circle area and circumference. We hope thisapplicationcan help the user to addition be understanding about it.This application is not perfect, so please send your commentorcritics to my email nip.zonk@gmail.com.Thanks to Google for interesting pictures. Apologize forourmistakes if it violates copyright. Hopefully this is not anissuebecause of our intention as a developer for education.Have Learn and Play!
Belajar dan Bermain - 3 4.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
This is 2nd version of MariBermainapplication.What's new?- new problem on Tebak Huruf game- play with sound.- great Indonesia's nationalist songs on midi- timer on game- fullscreen ayeeee!!!version 5.0 will be published soon with fresh problemandpicture.thank's to:Google for the picture,Hossein Amerkashi, for fullscreen app.girimulya.com, for midifreesound.org, for sound fx.---build using AppInventor of MITnarrator, my daughter, Alifiah Rizqeni
Pesawat Latih 1.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
Aplikasi Pesawat latih ini merupakan hasilujicoba menggunakan AppInventor2. Bisa berguna untuk melatihkemampuanmotorik anak PAUDApplicationtrainingaircraft is the result of trials using AppInventor2. Couldbeuseful to train the child's motor skills early childhood
LKS Perbandingan 1.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) MateriPerbandinganadalah salah satu media pembelajaran berbasis Androiduntukmeningkatkan pemahaman siswa materi perbandingan dengantopikperbandingan senilai. Semoga program LKS Android ini bisamembantuguru dalam pembelajaran matematika menyenangkan.Student Worksheet(BLM)Material Comparison is one of the Android-based learning mediatoenhance students' understanding of material worth ratiocomparisonwith the topic. Hopefully this Android program LKS canhelpteachers in learning math fun.
Ayo Belajar Segitiga 1.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
Mari belajar luas segitiga agarlebihpintarLet's learn to bemoreclever triangular area
MIPA Mobile Learning
LKS Transformasi ini merupakanmediapembelajaran berbasis android yang berupa lembar kerjayangdigunakan untuk mengetahui pengetahuan anak tentangmateritransformasi. LKS ini berisi soal-soal translasi,rotasi,refleksidan dilatasi. Anak harus memilih salah satu jawabanyang tepat padasetiap soal. Setelah anak menjawab semua soal, anakakan mengetahuiskornya.Terima kasih kepada Google atas gambar-gambar yang menarik,mohonmaaf atas kesalahan jika melanggar hak cipta. Semoga denganniatpembelajaran pendidikan, hal ini tidak menjadi masalah.Selamat mengerjakan.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This Transformation student worksheet is a media learningbasedandroid form of worksheets used to knowing knowledge aboutmatterson transformation .It contains questions have beentranslation,rotation, reflection and dilatation .A child mustchoose the onethe correct answer on each about .After the childanswer allquestions , children will know his score.Thanks to google over the figures which interesting , apologizeforerror if breaking copyright .Hopefully with the intentionoflearning education , it is not a problem .Good luck.LKS This transformationisan android-based learning media in the form of worksheets thatareused to determine the child's knowledge about thematerialtransformation. This LKS contains questions translation,rotation,reflection, and dilation. The child must choose the onerightanswer to each question. After answering all the questions achild,the child will know the score.Thanks to Google for pictures of attractive, apologize for theerrorif it violates copyright. Hopefully, with the intention oflearningeducation, this is not an issue.Have a great time doing it.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This Transformation student worksheet is a media-basedlearningandroid form of worksheets used to knowing knowledge aboutmatterson transformation .It contains questions have beentranslation,rotation, reflection and dilatation .A child mustchoose the onethe correct answer on each .After about the childanswer allquestions, children will know his score.Thanks to google over the figures roomates interesting,apologizefor breaking copyright if .Hopefully error with theintention oflearning education, it is not a problem.Good luck.
MIPA Mobile Learning
Lembar Kerja Siswa pola bilangan iniditujukanuntuk siswa SMP kelas 7.Lembar kerja ini berisi tentangevaluasidan contoh soal yang bertujuan untuk membantu siswa dalammemahamimateri pola bilangan.Terima kasih kepada Google atas gambar-gambar yang menarik,mohonmaaf atas kesalahan jika melanggar hak cipta. Semoga denganniatpembelajaran pendidikan, hal ini tidak menjadi masalah.Selamat mencoba.--------------------------------------------------Student worksheet on the pattern of numbers is intended forthestudents of junior high school seventh grade. Worksheetsitcontains about evaluation and examples about which aims tohelpstudents understand the matter in a pattern of numbers .Thanks to google over the figures which interesting , apologizeforerror if breaking copyright .Hopefully with the intentionoflearning education , it is not a problem .Let's try.Student Worksheetnumberspattern is intended for junior high school students7.Lembarworking class is about evaluation and sample questions areintendedto assist students in understanding the materialnumberpattern.Thanks to Google for pictures of attractive, apologize for theerrorif it violates copyright. Hopefully, with the intention oflearningeducation, this is not an issue.Good luck.--------------------------------------------------Student worksheet on the pattern of numbers is intended forthestudents of junior high school seventh grade. Worksheetsitcontains about evaluation and examples about the which aims tohelpstudents understand the matter in a pattern of numbers.Thanks to google over the figures roomates interesting,apologizefor breaking copyright if .Hopefully error with theintention oflearning education, it is not a problem.Let's try.
MIPA Mobile Learning
Lembar Kegiatan Siswa dengan materi Pecahaninimerupakan Lembar Kerja Siswa berbasis android yang bisadigunakanoleh guru untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa dan sebagaisaranalatihan bagi siswa SMP Kelas VII semester 1. LKS Pecahan iniberisiapersepsi, Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar,petunjukpengerjaan, dan soal-soal yang harus dikerjakan oleh siswa.Appersibertujuan untuk menghubungkan pelajaran yang telah lalu(materiprasyarat) yang akan memudahkan siswa untuk memahamimateriselanjutnya yang masih berkaitan.Student Activity Sheet about fraction is android-basedStudentWorksheet that can be used by teachers to improveunderstanding andas a means of training for junior high schoolstudents of ClassVII's semester 1. LKS Fractions containingIntroduction, CompetenceStandard and Basic Competence,instructions, and exercise to bedone by the students. Introductionaims to connect the previouslesson (required material) that willallow students to furtherunderstand the material that is stillassociated.Image provided by freepikStudent ActivitySheetwith material Smithers is android-based Student Worksheet thatcanbe used by teachers to enhance students' understanding and asameans of training for junior high school students of ClassVII'shalf 1. LKS Fractions containing apersepsi, CompetenceStandard andBasic Competence, processing instructions, andquestions thatshould be done by the students. Appersi aims toconnect theprevious lesson (material requirements) that will allowstudents tofurther understand the material that is stillassociated.Student Activity Sheet about a fraction is android-basedStudentWorksheet that can be used by teachers to improveunderstanding andas a means of training for junior high schoolstudents of ClassVII's half Fractions containing worksheets 1.Introduction,Competence Standard and Basic Competence,instructions, andexercise to be done by the students. Introductionaims to connectthe previous lesson (required materials) that willallow studentsto further understand the material that is stillassociated.Image provided by freepik
LKS Perbandingan dan Skala 1.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
LKS Perbandingan dan Skala is studentworksheetof Game Endhoq & Eggah. The content of LKS isproporsition andscale. You must find scale, distance on map, orright distance inthis LKS. Let’s start to solve it!!Comparison LKS andScaleis student worksheet of Game Endhoq & Eggah. The contentof LKSis proporsition and scale. You must find the scale, thedistance onthe folder, or right distance in this LKS. Let's startto solve it!!
MIPA Mobile Learning
This app is created by mathematicseducationstudents of semarang state university 2015. the aim toinvitestudents to learning mathematics. this app will guide you tomoreunderstand about social aritmatics especially discount terminmathematics subject for first grade at junior hight school. thisiseducation app so appologize if there are similaritiescontents.thankyou for google as the providers for pictures that weused inthis app. hopefully with the intention of developingeducation canbe used as advised. let's study.This app is createdbymathematics education students of semarang state universityin2015. The aim to invite students to learning mathematics. thisappwill guide you to understand more about the discount termsocialaritmatics especially in mathematics subjects for first gradeat ajunior hight school. this is education app so appologize ifthereare similarities contents. thankyou for google as theproviders forpictures that we used in this app. hopefully with theintention ofdeveloping education can be used as advised. let'sstudy.
KaBe LK 1.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
This application is designed to helplearningabout the concept of the Least Common Multiple (LCM) andtheGreatest Common Divisor (GCD).In this application, provided the questions that help studentstodiscover the concept of the the concept of the LCM and the GCDalsoword problems that will train students to solve theproblemsassociated with the LCM and the GCD.If there are suggestions for improvements for this applicationcanbe sent via email: fpbkpk@gmail.comHopefully this application is useful for the developmentofeducation.THANKS :)
Profil Jurusan Matematika 1.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
Profil Jurusan MatematikaVersi 1.0Dibuat dengan MIT AppInventor----------Disusun untuk membantu calon mahasiswa dan parapenggunamengetahui lebih lanjut tentang Jurusan Matematika FMIPAUNNES
Similarity Game 1.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
This game is created by MathematicsEducationstudentof Semarang State University. The aim to invitestudents tolearning by playing. this game will guide you tounderstand aboutsimilarity in Mathematics subject for 9 yearsstudent by doing theclue.Thank you for Google as the providers for pictures that we usedinthis game. We are apologize for violating copyright of theauthor.Hopefully with the intention of developing education,can beused asadvised.Let's enjoy the Game!This game is createdbyMathematics Education studentof Semarang State University. Theaimto invite students to learning by playing. this game will guideyouto understand about the similarity in Mathematics subject for9years student by doing the clue.Thank you for Google as the providers for pictures that we usedinthis game. We are apologize for violating the copyright oftheauthor. Hopefully with the intention of developing education,canbe used as advised.Let's enjoy the game!
Similarity Learning 1.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
This application is created byMathematicsEducation student of Semarang State University. The aimto invitestudents to learning by playing.This application will guide you to understand about similarityinMathematics subject for 9 years student by doingtheactivities.Thank you for Google as the providers for pictures that we usedinthis application. We are apologize for violating copyright oftheauthor. Hopefully with the intention of developing education,canbe used as advised.Let’s enjoy the learning.
Belajar Trigonometri 1.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
Mohon dapat bersabar untuk aplikasi inidalambentuk Full.We can be patient forthisapplication in full form.
Jual Beli 1.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
Budi is a seller of milk. Help Budi tosellmilk every day. How many days you can survive bankruptcy?
Learn Numbers 2.2
MIPA Mobile Learning
version 2.2- Fullscreen modeversion 2.1- Additional levels: Easy, Medium, Hard   Level "Easy" gives 16 seconds of time allocationforeach question   Level "Medium" gives the allocation of time of8seconds for each question   Level "Hard" gives the allocation of time of 4secondsfor each questionversion 2.0- There Comparing Numbers game- Changes in the mechanism of each question time- Instructions Game presented by Cerinversion 1.0First released. Application Numbers Learning invites you toplayaround numbers. Include: 1) a random sequence of four numbersrangefrom 10 to 99 in 20 seconds and 2) determine the results oftheoperations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, anddivisionof two random numbers within 20 seconds as well. This gamewillmeasure your ability based on scores that can be obtainedwithinthe 20 seconds. There is also a best score to determine howbestscore ever achieved.====================Created by: Ervan Nur AdhitiyaVoiced by: Aini Zulaikah
Belajar Segiempat 1.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
Aplikasi ini berisi materimengenai“SIFAT-SIFAT SEGIEMPAT” dengan SK (Memahami konsepsegiempat dansegitiga serta menentukan ukurannya) dan KD(Mengidentifikasisifat-sifat persegi panjang, persegi, trapesium,jajargenjang,belah ketupat, dan layang-layang). Material Content “SIFAT-SIFATSEGIEMPAT” yang dikemas melalui sebuah aplikasi dengandesaincerita yang mengantarkan anak untuk mudah memahamibagaimanasifat-sifat Segiempat. Aplikasi ini dibuat dengan alurcerita dariPak Pos yang membutuhkan bantuan untuk mengetahui bentuksurat yangakan dikirim sesuai permintaan pelanggan hingga semuasurat telahdiantarkan.It contains material about " quadrilateral properties "withCompetention Standard (Understanding the concept of rectanglesandtriangles also determine its size) and KD (identify thepropertiesof a rectangle, square , trapezoid , parallelogram ,rhombus , andkite). Material Content " PROPERTIES quadrilateral "through anapplication that is packaged with a story design thatdrove thechild to easily understand how the properties ofquadrilateral .This application is made to the storyline of themailman who neededhelp to determine the form of a letter to be sentper customer'srequest until all the letters have been sent by themailman.quadrilateral icon:Icon ini berupa gambar segiempat yang didesain sesuaidenganimajnasi anak. Hampir setiap gambar segiempat ini, merupakangambaryang telah popular diketahui oleh anak sehingga mampumemberikandaya tarik tersendiri untuk belajar sambil bermainmaupunberimajinasi.This icon is an quadrilateral picture that is designedinaccordance with children imagination. Almost every picture ofthisquadrilateral, is a picture that has been popular known bychildrenso capable to give a special attraction to learn whileplaying andimagination.quadrilateral-description slide:Slide ini berisi deskripsi mengenai salah satu segiempat yangtelahbenar dijawab dari sebuah pertanyaan pada slide sebelumnya.Tujuanslide ini, dapat memberikan penjelasan kepada penggunaaplikasitentang bangun tersebut, sehingga dapat mempermmudahpengguna dalammemahami materi sifat-sifat segiempat.This slide contains a description of one of thequadrilateralthat has the correct answer from question on theprevious slide .The purpose of this slide is give an explanation toapplicationuser about that object, so it can mempermmudah users tounderstandthe material properties of the quadrilateral.This applicationcontainsmaterial on "PROPERTIES quadrilateral" with SK(Understanding theconcept of rectangles and triangles and determineits size) and KD(identify the properties of a rectangle, square,trapezoid,parallelogram, rhombus, and kite). Material Content"PROPERTIESquadrilateral" through an application that is packagedwith adesign story that drove the child to easily understand howtheproperties of rectangles. This application is made to thestorylineof the mailman who need help to determine the form of aletter tobe sent per customer's request until all the letters havebeendelivered.It contains material about "quadrilateral properties"withCompetention Standard (Understanding the concept of rectanglesandtriangles Also Determine its size) and KD (identify thepropertiesof a rectangle, square, trapezoid, parallelogram,Rhombus, andkite). Material Content "PROPERTIES quadrilateral"through anapplication that is packaged with a design story thatdrove thechild to Easily understand how the properties ofquadrilateral.This application is made to the storyline of themailman who neededhelp to Determine the form of a letter to be sentper customer'srequest until all the letters have been sent by themailman.quadrilateral icon:This icon is an image rectangle that is designed in accordancewithimajnasi children. Almost every picture of this rectangle, animagethat has been popular known by children so as to give aspecialattraction to learn while playing and imagination.This icon is an quadrilateral picture that is designedinaccordance with children imagination. Almost every picture ofthisquadrilateral, is a picture that has been popular known bychildrenso capable to give a special attraction to learn whileplaying andimagination.quadrilateral slide-description:This slide contains a description of one of the quadrilateralthathas the correct answer of a question on the previous slide.Thepurpose of this slide, the user can give an explanation totheapplication of waking up, so it can mempermmudah userstounderstand the material properties of the quadrilateral.This slide contains a description of one of thequadrilateralthat has the correct answer from question on theprevious slide.The purpose of this slide is give an explanation tothe userapplication about that object, so it can mempermmudah userstounderstand the material properties of the quadrilateral.
Belajar Statistika Matematika 0.1.2110
MIPA Mobile Learning
Aplikasi media pembelajaran statistika interaktif
Belajar Sistem Pencernaan Biol 1.0
MIPA Mobile Learning
Application of learning Biology digestive system material SMA / MA
Belajar IPAS SD MI Asik 0.1.20230106
MIPA Mobile Learning
learn and understand more about Natural Sciences materialforElementary School