MMI Приложения

Nutrition 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested on issues ofnutrition around the world,we feel in the obligation of providinginformation about the latest scientific developments,investigationsand articles that can help them. Keeping you up-to-date aboutnutrition This app feeds from Medical News Today
Allergy 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people afected by allergyaround the world,we feel in the obligation of providing informationto those who suffer it on the latest scientificdevelopments,investigations and articles that can help them.Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from Medical News Today
Alternative Medicine 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested onalternative medicine,we feel in the obligation of providinginformation about the latest scientific developments,investigationsand articles that can help them. Keeping you up-to-date This appfeeds from Medical News Today
Depression 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people afected by depressionaround the world,we feel in the obligation of providing informationto those who suffer it on the latest scientificdevelopments,investigations and articles that can help them.Keeping you up-to-date about depression This app feeds from MedicalNews Today
Cardiology 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested oncardiology,we feel in the obligation of providing information aboutthe latest scientific developments,investigations and articles thatcan help them. Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from MedicalNews Today
Hypertension 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people afected by hypertensionaround the world,we feel in the obligation of providing informationto those who suffer it on the latest scientificdevelopments,investigations and articles that can help them.Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from Medical News Today
Carreras de Caballos Sanlúcar 1.2
Las carreras de caballos que se celebran enlas playas de Sanlúcar es un espectáculo único en elmundo.Declarado de interés turístico internacional, acapara laatención de miles de personas que cada tarde de carreras se acercana las playas sanluqueñas, para disfrutar con los caballos y susjinetes compitiendo por el hipódromo natural, que en las tardes delmes de agosto nos deja la bajamar.Con motivo de la celebración de la 170ª edición creamos esta appcon el objetivo de proporcionar información de todo lo queacontezca en la temporada 2015.El sistema de notificaciones que incorpora permite informar entiempo real del ganador de la carrera, posibles retiradas yreclamaciones y en definitiva sobre cualquier acontecimiento que seproduzca durante su desarrollo.¡Disfrute del espectáculo!Horse races are held onthe beaches of Sanlucar is a unique spectacle in themundo.Declarado of international tourist interest, captures theattention of thousands of people every afternoon racing Sanlúcarcome to the beaches to enjoy the horses and riders competing forthe natural race track, that in the afternoon of August leaves uslow tide.On the occasion of the celebration of the 170th edition wecreated this app in order to provide information on everything thathappens in the 2015 season.The notification system to inform incorporating real-time racewinner, potential recalls and complaints and ultimately about anyevent occurring during its development.Enjoy the show!
Obesity 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested on issues ofobesity, weight loss and fitness around the world,we feel in theobligation of providing information about the latest scientificdevelopments,investigations and articles that can help them.Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from Medical News Today
Breast Cancer 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested on breastcancer,we feel in the obligation of providing information about thelatest scientific developments,investigations and articles that canhelp them. Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from Medical NewsToday
Ear-Nose-Throat 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested on ear,noseand throat,we feel in the obligation of providing information aboutthe latest scientific developments,investigations and articles thatcan help them. Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from MedicalNews Today
Bones Disorders 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested on bonesdisorders, we feel in the obligation of providing information aboutthe latest scientific developments,investigations and articles thatcan help them. Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from MedicalNews Today
Eye Health 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested on eyehealth, we feel in the obligation of providing information aboutthe latest scientific developments,investigations and articles thatcan help them. Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from MedicalNews Today
Men´s Health 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested on men´shealth,we feel in the obligation of providing information about thelatest scientific developments,investigations and articles that canhelp them. Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from Medical NewsToday
Santiago de Compostela City 1.0
Get real time data for hotels,restaurants andbars.This app ensures every user to be provided with the latestinformation,including reviews for the diferent places in Santiagode Compostela.*Features*:- Three main types of places.Hotels,Restaurants and Bars.Findwhere to sleep,eat and enjoy.- Map with filter, search directly the place or on the map.- Save your own favorite places.- Weather forecast- Around me.Discover what there is near of you- Reviews and rating.Feed information from the community
Acid Reflux 1.0
Due to the increasing number of thepeopleafected by acid reflux around the world,we feel in theobligationof providing information to those who suffer it on thelatestscientific developments,investigations and articles that canhelpthem.Keeping you up-to-date about acid refluxThis app feeds from Medical News Today
Liver Disease 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested on liverdisease,we feel in the obligation of providing information aboutthe latest scientific developments,investigations and articles thatcan help them. Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from MedicalNews Today
Gastrointestinal Disorder 1.0
Due to the increasing number of thepeopleinterested on gastrointestinal disorder,we feel in theobligationof providing information about the latestscientificdevelopments,investigations and articles that can helpthem.Keeping you up-to-dateThis app feeds from Medical News Today
Body Aches 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested on bodyaches,we feel in the obligation of providing information about thelatest scientific developments,investigations and articles that canhelp them. Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from Medical NewsToday
Eczema 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested about eczema,we feel in the obligation of providing information on the latestscientific developments,investigations and articles that can helpthem. Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from Medical News Today
Food Intolerance-Latest News 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested on foodintolerance,we feel in the obligation of providing informationabout the latest scientific developments,investigations andarticles that can help them. Keeping you up-to-date This app feedsfrom Medical News Today
Cervical Cancer 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested on cervicalcancer,we feel in the obligation of providing information about thelatest scientific developments,investigations and articles that canhelp them. Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from Medical NewsToday
Ebola-Latest News 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested on ebola,wefeel in the obligation of providing information about the latestscientific developments,investigations and articles that can helpthem. Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from Medical News Today
Quit Smoking 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested on quitsmoking,we feel in the obligation of providing information aboutthe latest scientific developments,investigations and articles thatcan help them. Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from MedicalNews Today
Bangkok City Easy 1.0
Get real time data for hotels,restaurants and bars.This app ensuresevery user to be provided with the latest information,includingreviews for the diferent places in Bangkok. *Features*: - Threemain types of places.Hotels,Restaurants and Bars.Find where tosleep,eat and enjoy. - Map with filter, search directly the placeor on the map. - Save your own favorite places. - Weather forecast- Around me.Discover what there is near of you - Reviews andrating.Feed information from the community
London City Easy 1.0
Get real time data for hotels,restaurants and bars.This app ensuresevery user to be provided with the latest information,includingreviews for the diferent places in London. *Features*: - Three maintypes of places.Hotels,Restaurants and Bars.Find where to sleep,eatand enjoy. - Map with filter, search directly the place or on themap. - Save your own favorite places. - Weather forecast - Aroundme.Discover what there is near of you - Reviews and rating.Feedinformation from the community
Singapore City Easy 1.0
Get real time data for hotels,restaurants and bars.This app ensuresevery user to be provided with the latest information,includingreviews for the diferent places in Singapore. *Features*: - Threemain types of places.Hotels,Restaurants and Bars.Find where tosleep,eat and enjoy. - Map with filter, search directly the placeor on the map. - Save your own favorite places. - Weather forecast- Around me.Discover what there is near of you - Reviews andrating.Feed information from the community
Emergency Medicine 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested on emergencymedicine,we feel in the obligation of providing information aboutthe latest scientific developments,investigations and articles thatcan help them. Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from MedicalNews Today
Cholesterol 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested on issues ofcholesterol around the world,we feel in the obligation of providinginformation about the latest scientific developments,investigationsand articles that can help them. Keeping you up-to-date This appfeeds from Medical News Today
Autism 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people afected by autism aroundthe world,we feel in the obligation of providing information tothose who suffer it on the latest scientificdevelopments,investigations and articles that can help them.Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from Medical News Today
Parkinson´s Disease 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people afected by theParkinson´s disease around the world,we feel in the obligation ofproviding information to those who suffer it on the latestscientific developments,investigations and articles that can helpthem. Keeping you up-to-date about the disease instantly via ournotifications system which you will receive on your smartphoneimmediately after each new publication. This app feeds from MedicalNews Today
Attention Deficit Disorder 1.0
Due to the increasing number of thepeopleinterested on attention déficit disorder,we feel in theobligationof providing information about the latestscientificdevelopments,investigations and articles that can helpthem.Keeping you up-to-dateThis app feeds from Medical News Today
COPD-Latest News 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested on COPD ,wefeel in the obligation of providing information about the latestscientific developments,investigations and articles that can helpthem. Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from Medical News Today
Crohn´s Disease 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested on Crohn´sdisease ,we feel in the obligation of providing information aboutthe latest scientific developments,investigations and articles thatcan help them. Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from MedicalNews Today
Genetics 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested ongenetics,we feel in the obligation of providing information aboutthe latest scientific developments,investigations and articles thatcan help them. Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from MedicalNews Today
Bipolar Disorder 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested on bipolardisorder,we feel in the obligation of providing information aboutthe latest scientific developments,investigations and articles thatcan help them. Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from MedicalNews Today
Hematology 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested onhematology,we feel in the obligation of providing information aboutthe latest scientific developments,investigations and articles thatcan help them. Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from MedicalNews Today
Skin Cancer 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested on skincancer,we feel in the obligation of providing information about thelatest scientific developments,investigations and articles that canhelp them. Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from Medical NewsToday
Colorectal Cancer 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested on colorectalcancer,we feel in the obligation of providing information about thelatest scientific developments,investigations and articles that canhelp them. Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from Medical NewsToday
Dermatology-Latest News 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested ondermatology,we feel in the obligation of providing informationabout the latest scientific developments,investigations andarticles that can help them. Keeping you up-to-date This app feedsfrom Medical News Today
Dentistry- Latest News 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested ondentistry,we feel in the obligation of providing information aboutthe latest scientific developments,investigations and articles thatcan help them. Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from MedicalNews Today
Fibromyalgia 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested onfibromyalgia,we feel in the obligation of providing informationabout the latest scientific developments,investigations andarticles that can help them. Keeping you up-to-date This app feedsfrom Medical News Today
Oncology 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested aboutoncology,we feel in the obligation of providing information aboutthe latest scientific developments,investigations and articles thatcan help them. Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from MedicalNews Today
Toledo City 1.0
Get real time data for hotels,restaurantsandbars.This app ensures every user to be provided with thelatestinformation,including reviews for the diferent places inToledo.*Features*:- Three main types of places.Hotels,Restaurants andBars.Findwhere to sleep,eat and enjoy.- Map with filter, search directly the place or on the map.- Save your own favorite places.- Weather forecast- Around me.Discover what there is near of you- Reviews and rating.Feed information from the community
Epilepsy-Latest News 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested on epilepsydisease,we feel in the obligation of providing information aboutthe latest scientific developments,investigations and articles thatcan help them. Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from MedicalNews Today
Hearing 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested on hearing,we feel in the obligation of providing information about thelatest scientific developments,investigations and articles that canhelp them. Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from Medical NewsToday
Flu 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested on flu,wefeel in the obligation of providing information about thelatestscientific developments,investigations and articles that canhelpthem. Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from Medical NewsToday
Alzheimer´s Disease 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people afected bytheAlzheimer´s disease around the world,we feel in the obligationofproviding information to those who suffer it on thelatestscientific developments,investigations and articles that canhelpthem. Keeping you up-to-date about the disease instantly viaournotifications system which you will receive on yoursmartphoneimmediately after each new publication. This app feedsfrom MedicalNews Today
ALS Disease 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people afected by the ALS(Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) around the world,we feel intheobligation of providing information to those who suffer it onthelatest scientific developments,investigations and articles thatcanhelp them. Keeping you up-to-date about the disease instantlyviaour notifications system which you will receive on yoursmartphoneimmediately after each new publication. This app feedsfrom MedicalNews Today
Back Pain 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people afected by backpainaround the world,we feel in the obligation of providinginformationto those who suffer it on the latestscientificdevelopments,investigations and articles that can helpthem.Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from Medical News Today
Cosmetic Medicine 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested on issuesofcosmetic medicine around the world,we feel in the obligationofproviding information about the latestscientificdevelopments,investigations and articles that can helpthem.Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds from Medical News Today