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Smart Touch ControlApp#Technex 1.1
Mango Developers
This is the official app to control yourbotfor the event SmartTouch at Technex'14 the annualtechno-managementfestival of Indian Institute ofTechnology(BHU)-Varanasi.Link to the event's page: the event is now concluded here is the arduino sample code tousethe app and have fun: can follow the link bellow to understand how to use theappand how its sends the data: app allows you to connect to your bluetooth module, testitsstable connection with module and send X and Y co-ordinates ofpointof touch on screen when your are connected to yourbluetoothmodule.What’s in the app:The app would mainly be having two functions provided to youbytwo separate windows (i.e. activities).The app has these menu items in the menu list. Which areasfollows:1. “Connect”This would give you a pop-up window with the list ofpairedBluetooth devices. And once you touch any one paired deviceitwould try to establish connection with that device.2. “Disconnect”This would disconnection your smartphone from the alreadyconnectedBluetooth device.3. “Control Bot”When you are connected to a device it would give full screenTouchInterface for sending the coordinates where your fingertouches thescreen. Using the app:*First of all you need to make sure you have paired theBluetoothdevice you wish to get connected to, as the app canconnect only tothe list of paired devices.• As the app is started it looks if you have or haven’tenabledBluetooth on your smartphone. If it’s found disabled youarepresented with a request dialogue to enable it, if you rejectthatrequest the app automatically exits itself out.• When the Bluetooth is enabled the first window will show youyourconnection status and “Test Connection” button on screen.• For making connection to your Bluetooth device (i.e.Bluetoothmodule) you need to open the menu list of app and selectthe optionconnect. Once you choose that option you will be givenpop-outdialog view of the list of paired devices. Select the nameof yourBluetooth device to establish connection.• Once you have established a connection successfully betweenyoursmartphone and the module. The mac address and the name ofthedevice you are connected would be displayed on screen.• Now you could press the “Test Connection” button to see ifyourmodule is receiving the data correctly.• If your connection is working completely fine. Then you canopenthe touch interface by selecting the “Control Bot” option fromthelist of menu items.• Once the touch interface appears on your screen you cancalibrateyour bot with the corresponding data received through yourtouchevents.Understanding how the app sends data:The app send data in form array of byte (i.e. for thegeeksbyte[] )Once you have established a successful connection.The test button would send the data “#XY”. (Actual data sendwouldbe the byte type cast of each character i.e. the ASCII code oftheeach character)While you are on the Full screen Touch Interface your screenissupposed to be a 2-D plane divided in 100 units in boththex-direction and y-direction. And the app sends datatocorresponding x and y corresponding in the followingformat.“101-x-coordinate-y-coordinate”For example:If the X and Y coordinates of your finger on the screenarerespectively 20 and 40.The data send would be three bytesasfollows:1. First byte would be byte having value 101.2. Second byte would be of value 20 representing the x-coord.3. Third byte would be of value 40 representing the y-coord.And you will receive the byte variables101 (indicating the start),20 (X-coordinate value) and40 (Y-coordinate value)one by one.You will find this app useful if u seek:ArduinoRoboticsAndroid controlled robotBluetooth Serial Port ProfileFor any further query and suggestion regarding the app
Arduino Bluetooth Control 1.10
Mango Developers
This app allows you to control any RobotorEmbedded Sys. interfaced bluetooth using Serial PortProfile(SPP).Full source code now availableat is a simple app for beginners learning to useArduino/AnyDevelopment using Serial communication and control theirprojectfrom their Android Smartphone/Tablet.Understanding how the app sends data:The app uses separate Thread with a loop to senddatacontinuously after every 100ms (this would be user configurableinfurther versions of the app) in form of a byte*.*(Which could be type-casted to int as well char asperconvenience)Which key/button would send will send which byte can be seeninthe table:Key 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Data(char) “1” “2” “3” “4” “5” “6” “7”Data(int ) 48 49 50 51 52 53 54Data(byte) 48 49 50 51 52 53 54The key/button no. can be seen in image shown on top i.e.thepromo image.For example:If the key 1 is pressed on the screen. The data send would besinglechar i.e.“1” which could be type casted and used toestablishcontrol over Arduino as follows:Int read;read=Serial.Read();if(read==48){//Write your Code for what to do}About the App Documentation can be found at this link: Arduino Source Code can be downloaded fromthislink: will be adding adding further functionality based onuserreviews like accelerometer,GPS , PWM ,Serial terminal etc so ifyouhave any specific need please do write an review.Please rate the app 5 stars if you find my work helpful.In case you have any issues with app please write a review ormailme regarding it before giving low rating.